干旱区研究 ›› 2018, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (4): 984-991.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2018.04.29 cstr: 32277.14.AZR.20180429

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李典鹏,孙 涛,姚美思,刘隋赟昊,王丽萍,王辉,贾宏涛   

  1. (新疆农业大学草业与环境科学学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052)
  • 收稿日期:2017-12-21 修回日期:2018-05-07 出版日期:2018-07-15 发布日期:2018-07-19
  • 作者简介:贾宏涛. E-mail: hongtaojia@126.com
  • 基金资助:

Ecosystem Carbon Density and Its Distribution Pattern in Saline Region

LI Dian-peng,SUN Tao,YAO Mei-si,LIUSUI Yun-hao,WANG Li-ping,WANG Hui,JIA Hongt-ao   

  1. (College of grassland and environment sciences, Xinjiang agricultural university, Urumqi 830052,Xinjiang,China)
  • Received:2017-12-21 Revised:2018-05-07 Published:2018-07-15 Online:2018-07-19

摘要: 由于对陆地生态系统土壤、植被碳蓄积量了解的缺乏,故在预测气候变化中存在较大分歧,因此很有必要对不同生态系统碳分布情况进行研究。本文以干旱盐湖为研究对象,探究盐湖生态系统碳分布特征。结果表明:土壤有机碳密度分布随土层深度的增加而降低,土壤无机碳呈无规律分布;100 cm土层内有机碳密度介于7.55~15.75 kg·m-2之间,平均为12.54 kg·m-2,占植物群落和土壤总有机碳密度的97.84%。黑果枸杞和铃铛刺为盐生群落的优势种,地上平均生物量为261.38 g·m-2,占总生物量的70.49%,草本植物群落平均生物量仅为109.45 g·m-2;灌木和草本层地上生物量显著高于凋落物层(84.81±9.22)g·m-2和(79.76±8.61)g·m-2。盐生植物地下生物量随土层的增加而降低,0~100 cm土层总地下生物量为77.74 g·m-2。盐生植物总生物量碳密度为276.48 g·m-2,其中地上、凋落物和地下生物量分别占62.09%、25.75%和12.16%;地上植被和凋落物碳密度显著高于草本植物,根系生物量碳密度在剖面上分布不均,96.55%集中在0~50 cm土层。盐生植物地上地下以及凋落物平均碳含量43.09%,与经验系数(50%)换算得到碳密度相比实际碳密度高出13.80%,这将对植被碳储量的估算产生较大的偏差。

关键词: 土壤有机碳, 土壤碳密度, 生物碳密度, 生态系统, 分配格局, 盐湖, 干旱区

Abstract: Saline vegetation in arid areas are widely distributed and the species is numerous, which plays an important role in the ecosystem carbon balance and regional climate regulation. This paper uses the method of combining the field investigation and indoor analysis, Dabancheng saline lake in Xinjiang as the research object, to study the characteristics of carbon density distribution of saline vegetation and soil in arid areas. The results showed that, soil organic carbon density distribution decreased with increasing soil depth, which is between 7.55~15.75 kg·m-2 within 0~100 cm, average value is 12.54 kg·m-2, that accounts for 97.84% total organic carbon density of plant community and soil. Black fruit wolfberry and bell thorn are dominant species for saline communities, their ground biomass is 261.38g·m-2, which accounts for 70.49% of the total biomass. Herbaceous plant community biomass is 109.45g·m-2 that is significantly higher than aboveground biomass of shrub (84.81±9.22) g·m-2 and herb layer (79.76±8.61) g·m-2. Halophytes underground biomass decreased with increasing of soil layer, underground total biomass is 77.74 g·m-2 within 0~100 cm soil layer. Halophytes total biomass carbon density is 276.48 g·m-2, ground, litter and underground biomass accounts for 62.09%, 25.75% and 25.75% respectively. The ground vegetation and litter carbon density is significantly higher than that herb, root biomass carbon density distribution in the section, 96.55% concentrated in 0 ~ 50 cm soil layer. The average (it contains underground, ground, and litter) carbon content of halophytes is 43.09%; carbon density by experience conversion coefficient (50%) is higher 13.80% than the actual, which will produce larger deviation in estimating vegetation carbon. Arid saline vegetation, soil carbon density of exploration for plant protection and enhance the carbon sequestration potential in arid areas to provide data support.

Key words: soil organic carbon, soil carbon density, biomass carbon density, saline ecosystem, distribution pattern, Saline lake, Arid area