Arid Zone Research ›› 2021, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (2): 570-579.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.29
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ZHU Jinru1,2(),LI Wenhao1,2(
),WANG Zhenhua1,2,ZONG Rui1,2,WANG Tianyu1,2
Wenhao LI;
ZHU Jinru,LI Wenhao,WANG Zhenhua,ZONG Rui,WANG Tianyu. Effect of film mulching residue on cotton growth in drip irrigation cotton field[J].Arid Zone Research, 2021, 38(2): 570-579.
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Tab. 4
Effect of different residual film treatment on cotton dry matter accumulation and yield"
处理 | 残膜量 /(kg·hm-2) | 棉花地上部干物质量 /(g·株-1) | 根部干物质量 /(g·株-1) | 产量 /(kg·hm-2) |
CK | 0 | 52.38±2.52a | 15.71±2.12a | 2368.93a |
T1 | 146.18 | 51.43±2.20a | 14.73±1.28 a | 2325.41ab |
T2 | 228.03 | 48.65±1.92ab | 14.19±1.45a | 2388.07a |
T3 | 309.88 | 45.87±1.58bc | 13.08±0.86ab | 2153.58b |
T4 | 391.73 | 44.30±1.80cd | 11.35±0.92bc | 1783.27c |
T5 | 473.58 | 43.14±1.52cd | 10.74±0.73bc | 1593.05d |
T6 | 555.43 | 40.17±1.83d | 9.60±0.80c | 1510.50d |
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