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    15 March 2021, Volume 38 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Weather and Climate
    Spatio-temporal characteristics of climate change in the Yellow River source area from 1960 to 2019
    LIU Caihong,WANG Pengling,WEN Tingting,YU Di,BAI Wenrong
    2021, 38 (2):  293-302.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.01
    Abstract ( 1074 )   HTML ( 53 )   PDF (4971KB) ( 616 )  

    As a fragile ecological environment, the source region of the Yellow River (SRYR) is sensitive to climate change. It is also the primary region generating runoff in the Yellow River Basin. The issue of climate change in the SRYR has attracted substantial attention. This study systematically re-examined changes in the average climate and extreme climate events in the SRYR over the past 60 years using homogenized temperature and precipitation data. From 1960 to 2019, the annual average temperature and average maximum and minimum temperatures of the SRYR increased consistently, with the most substantial warming in the eastern part of the source area. After the turning point in 2000, the warming rate reached 0.61 ℃·(10a)-1, which was significantly higher than that for the period of 1960-2019 [0.37 ℃·(10a)-1]. From 1960 to 2019, the annual precipitation in the SRYR generally showed a slight increase, at a rate of 7.6 mm·(10a)-1. After 2003, it entered a stage of more precipitation, with the regional average annual rainfall reaching 610 mm during 2010-2019. Spring, summer, and winter precipitation increased over the past 60 years, while autumn precipitation decreased. Meanwhile, summer and autumn precipitation in the eastern part of the source area decreased substantially, leading to an increased risk of staged drought. Of the last 60 years, the average temperature and precipitation in the source area were highest in the past 10 years, and the research region was generally at its warmest and wettest stage simultaneously. Affected by the background of warming and wetting, from 1960 to 2019, the average extreme temperature threshold of the SRYR increased significantly, while the number of days with frost decreased, the annual maximum three days of precipitation and the number of heavy precipitation days increased, and precipitation intensity strengthened, most notably in summer. Thus, all of these changes possibly bring series of risks and challenges to ecological protection and utilization of water resources in the SRYR and to the development of the entire Yellow River Basin.

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    Prediction of vapor pressure deficit in Northwest China based on exponential and ARIMA models
    HAN Yonggui,HAN Lei,HUANG Xiaoyu,GAO Yang
    2021, 38 (2):  303-313.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.02
    Abstract ( 637 )   HTML ( 15 )   PDF (5393KB) ( 644 )  

    Vapor pressure deficit (VPD) is a key factor affecting water transport in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum; in the context of global climate change, predicting VPD has practical significance for vegetation management and risk assessment of meteorological disasters affecting agriculture and forestry in Northwest China. Using VPD data from five provinces (regions) in Northwest China from 1990 to 2019, we analyzed the characteristics of VPD interannual variation and periodic variation using trend and wavelet analyses. The optimal sample step and prediction step were selected; exponential models and autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models were used to simulate and predict VPD in Northwest China. Among the five provinces, Ningxia had the highest trend slope of VPD [0.036 kPa·(10a)-1], followed by Xinjiang [0.033 kPa·(10a)-1]. The annual average VPD in Xinjiang was the highsest at 0.61 kPa, followed by Ningxia, Shaanxi, Gansu, and Qinghai (0.54 kPa, 0.48 kPa, 0.46 kPa, and 0.36 kPa, respectively). Over the past 30 years, the VPD in Northwest China followed an upward trend; Ningxia and Xinjiang had the largest increases in VPD at 0.036 and 0.033 kPa·(10a)-1, respectively, followed by Gansu [0.026 kPa·(10a)-1], Qinghai [0.021 kPa·(10a)-1], and Shaanxi [0.012 kPa·(10a)-1]. Compared with the exponential model, the root mean square error (RMSE) of the ARIMA model was reduced by 42.3%, the R2 was increased by 11.1%, and the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient increased by 17.7%. Thus, the VPD prediction accuracy was effectively improved. The VPD in Northwest China is expected to increase by varying degrees; Ningxia and Xinjiang showed the highest VPD growth rates of 9.5% and 8.9%, respectively.

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    Spatio-temporal variation characteristics of surface albedo and analysis of influential factors in the Junggar Basin
    DENG Xiaojin,JING Changqing,GUO Wenzhang,CHEN Chen,FU Haoyu
    2021, 38 (2):  314-326.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.03
    Abstract ( 1009 )   HTML ( 33 )   PDF (4248KB) ( 418 )  

    Surface albedo influences the balance between surface radiation and energy, affecting regional and global climates. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer remote sensing data product MOD09A1 was used to retrieve surface short-wave albedo for the Junggar Basin. This was used to analyze the spatio-temporal variation and factors influencing the surface albedo of the desert grassland in the Junggar Basin during the period 2001-2018, based on meteorological data and the vegetation index. The results revealed evident differences in the spatial distribution of surface albedo across the study region, with an annual mean value of 0.303, high values in the northeast region and low values in the southwest region. The interannual variation of surface albedo showed a decreasing trend, with an average value of 1.4 × 10-4. The decreased area accounted for approximately 52.8% of the total area, and its spatial distribution significantly varied across the four seasons. The spatial distributions in spring, summer, and autumn were similar, with the highest (0.551) and lowest (0.203) values observed in winter and summer, respectively. The surface albedo of the Altai Mountains in the northeast margin of the Junggar Basin drastically varied during the year: The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) value in the growing season was high in spring, significantly higher in autumn, and highest in summer. The surface albedo was negatively correlated with the NDVI and average temperature and positively correlated with precipitation in the majority of the study region. The correlation was as follows: Temperature > NDVI > precipitation. Further, there was a significant correlation between the retrieved results and measured values (R2 = 0.8908, P<0.01), and the root mean square error was 0.014. This study provides a theoretical basis for understanding the land-surface characteristics of the Junggar Basin in Northern Xinjiang, and it objectively evaluated the surface changes in arid regions and determined the positive and negative feedback response mechanisms under global climate change.

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    Picea schrenkiana response to climate change at different altitudes in Tianshan Mountains
    Shirenna Jiahan,ZHANG Tongwen,YU Shulong,JIANG Shengxia,XU Zhonglin
    2021, 38 (2):  327-338.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.04
    Abstract ( 1070 )   HTML ( 20 )   PDF (3250KB) ( 767 )  

    In order to study the difference in the response of radial growth of Picea schrenkiana to climate factors at different altitudes, the core samples of schrenk spruce were collected from the low, middle and high altitudes forest areas in the Nilka Kashi river basin of the Western Tianshan Mountains, the tree ring-width standard dendrochronology at different altitude was established. The result of correlation analysis between tree ring chronology and meteorological data showed that, The chronology of the three sampling points mainly responded to temperature and relative humidity, but responded weakly to precipitation. The radial growth of tree ring at high and low altitudes had the same response to temperature and relative humidity, both of which have positive response to temperature, and negative response to relative humidity, while the radial growth at middle altitude was opposite to high and low altitudes. Since the study area occured abrupt climate change in 1991, the width of schrenk spruce appeared the “growth differentiation”, the tree-ring width index of low-high altitudes showed a downward trend, while the middle altitude showed an upward trend. Before and after the abrupt transition point, the radial growth of trees had an unstable response to temperature and relative humidity. The positive correlation of the mid-altitude chronology to the temperature from May to September and the negative correlation to the relative humidity were significantly enhanced, The low and high altitude chronology had a significant negative correlation with the temperature from July to August, and a significant positive correlation with the relative humidity from June to August. According to the response model of schrenk spruce to climate factors, the rapid warming will lead to intensified evaporation, and the relative humidity decrease, which may cause negative effects on the growth of schrenk spruce in the low and high altitude forest, and the appropriate temperature increase may promote the growth of schrenk spruce in the middle forest.

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    Combined analysis of the spatiotemporal variations in snowmelt (ice) flood frequency in Xinjiang over 20 years and atmospheric circulation patterns
    ZHANG Junlan,LUO Ji,WANG Rongmei
    2021, 38 (2):  339-350.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.05
    Abstract ( 668 )   HTML ( 19 )   PDF (7256KB) ( 176 )  

    Using 20 years of data (2000-2019) on snowmelt (ice) flood disasters in Xinjiang, the temporal and spatial distribution and difference characteristics of snowmelt (ice) flood frequency were analyzed over various time scales in northern and southern Xinjiang. Clear temporal and spatial distributions as well as regional differences in snowmelt (ice) flood frequency were observed in northern and southern Xinjiang, with the snowmelt flood frequency in northern Xinjiang (163 times) accounting for >75% of the total frequency. The main snowmelt flood season in northern Xinjiang was in spring (March), whereas that in southern Xinjiang was in summer (July); in Yili Prefecture, the main snowmelt flood season was in winter. In the past 20 years, the frequency of snowmelt flooding in spring has increased in northern and southern Xinjiang, with the frequency of snowmelt flooding in the last 10 years increasing by 30% compared with that in the first 10 years. The synoptic types of snowmelt (ice)-type floods in Xinjiang were revealed from the perspective of synoptic science. the eastward expansion of the Iran subtropical high, the westward extension of the West Pacific subtropical high, and the development of the Xinjiang ridge, are provided here. We conclude that the 100-700 hPa Xinjiang high ridge is a deep synoptic system, whereas the 100 hPa South Asia high is a haplotype. Before the occurrence of snowmelt flooding, the height of the 0 °C layer is obviously higher and the precipitation in mountainous areas is obviously increased. Northern Xinjiang should focus on the prevention of seasonal snowmelt floods in the middle and low mountain regions, such as in Ili Prefecture, in spring, whereas southern Xinjiang should closely monitor two types of snowmelt (ice) floods in summer, i.e., high mountain ice lake break types and snow and glacier melt types.

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    Study of the variation trend of evapotranspiration in the Yanqi Basin based on MOD16 data
    LI Qing,YANG Pengnian,PENG Liang,ZHOU Long,Yusufujiang Rusuli,WANG Huanbo,ZHANG Wenting
    2021, 38 (2):  351-358.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.06
    Abstract ( 448 )   HTML ( 10 )   PDF (5899KB) ( 549 )  

    Evapotranspiration is a key variable in water resource transformation, and it plays an important role in spatiotemporal variation and prediction of crop water consumption in arid regions under the current environmental changes. Based on MOD16 data products from 2001 to 2019, this paper analyzes the spatial and temporal changes of actual evapotranspiration (AET) and potential evapotranspiration (PET) in the Yanqi Basin in Xinjian Province, China, through remote sensing inversion of evapotranspiration data. The findings reveal that: (1) The measured data of MOD16 evapotranspiration products and small evaporating dishes were relatively consistent (R2=0.94), and their accuracy can be used to study and analyze the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of evapotranspiration in Yanqi Basin. (2) The annual mean AET and PET were 128.7 mm and 1381.5 mm, respectively. On the scale of interannual change, AET exhibited an upward trend, whereas PET exhibited a downward trend. (3) The spatial distribution of the perennial averages of AET and PET exhibited obvious differences and opposite trends, and the linear inclination rate of annual AET and PET was basically unchanged. (4) The trend of variation of AET and PET is intrinsically related to the popularization of drip irrigation technology under plastic film in Yanqi Basin and the change of meteorological factors (evaporation, relative humidity, average temperature).

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    Snowstorm characteristics and its relationship with atmospheric circulation and sea surface temperature in Tacheng Region, Xinjiang
    GAO Jing,JING Lihong,QIN Rong,MAO Rong,JING Lijun
    2021, 38 (2):  359-368.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.07
    Abstract ( 537 )   HTML ( 10 )   PDF (5599KB) ( 230 )  

    Based on the daily observation data of seven national meteorological stations in the Tacheng Region, sea surface temperature (SST) and atmospheric circulation indices during 1961-2018, and using some mathematical statistical methods, such as the least-squares method, wavelet and correlation analyses, the temporal and spatial distribution of snowstorm and its relationship with atmospheric circulation and SST were analyzed. The results showed obvious dispersive and local characteristics on spatial distribution of snowstorm events. There was high frequency area in the Tacheng-Emin Basin, and the least area was in northern mountain area. The mean snowstorm was frequency 1.44 times per year, the annual average snowfall of snowstorm was 17.9 mm, and the processes snowfall was 12.5 mm per time. The snowstorm frequency was insignificantly increasing at the rate of 0.16 times per ten years and snowfall wasinsignificantly increasing at the rate of 2.35 mm per 10 years, and 42.9% of the stations were significantly increasing. Snowstorms mainly occurred in November, December and March, accounting for 65.2%. The snowstorm’s annual frequency negatively correlated with North Atlantic Oscillation or Arctic Oscillation index, their correlation coefficient was -0.35 or -0.46. The snowstorm events responded to SST indices, such as Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, North Tropical Atlantic SST index, Tropical Southern Atlantic index, Tropical Northern Atlantic index, East Central Tropical Pacific SST, and Central Tropical Pacific SST, their correlation coefficients were from 0.27 to 0.45. But it was obviously different that monthly SST from different regions affected on monthly frequency of snowstorm. The abnormal signal of SST in the early stage can predict the change monthly snowstorm’s frequency. For the past 58 years, SST of the Atlantic Ocean were a significant warming, the Northern hemisphere and Asia Polar vortex area (intensity) indices were decreasing (weakening) significantly, the North Atlantic-European circulation W pattern index was increasing insignificantly. Owing to the Atlantic SST significant increasing, moisture content was increasing in the upper ocean, which traveled into the westerlies. Simultaneously, the atmospheric circulation was changed in the middle and high latitudes, and the abnormal SST might cause the abnormal change of the atmospheric circulation, which might influence to the snowstorm events in Teacheng Region.

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    Variations of CO2 exchange in the Kuye River basin and its influencing factors
    SHI Hongyan,RAN Lishan,YUE Rong,YU Ruihong,ZHAO Yanxia,LYU Xixi
    2021, 38 (2):  369-379.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.08
    Abstract ( 423 )   HTML ( 10 )   PDF (3523KB) ( 301 )  

    This study aimed to examine the riverine CO2 emissions on the Loess Plateau. The river water CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) and CO2 outgassing across the water-air interface (FCO2) in the Kuye River basin, situated in the northern Loess Plateau, was holistically investigated in July and October 2018 and March and June 2019 using a LI-7000 CO2 analyzer. Both pCO2 and FCO2 were higher in rivers (996 μatm and 94.5 mmol·m-2·d-1, respectively) than in reservoirs (752 μatm and 10.3 mmol·m-2·d-1, respectively). Meanwhile, the FCO2 exhibited pronounced seasonal variations. For the river waters, the highest FCO2 of 165.7 mmol·m-2·d-1 occurred in autumn, and the lowest FCO2 of 42.9 mmol·m-2·d-1 occurred in spring. For the reservoir waters, the opposite was observed with the highest FCO2 of 16.6 mmol·m-2·d-1 occurring in spring and the lowest FCO2 of -5.4 mmol·m-2·d-1 occurring in autumn. Spatially, the FCO2 in the tributary rivers (107.4 mmol·m-2·d-1) with a stronger biogeochemical activity was significantly higher than that in the Kuye mainstream (66.5 mmol·m-2·d-1) by 50%. While for reservoirs, the FCO2 of the reservoir waters (1.2 mmol·m-2·d-1) in the upper sandy hilly area was lower than that in the middle and lower loess hilly area (16.4 mmol·m-2·d-1). In summary, the pCO2 was mostly affected by the carbonate system, followed by dissolved organic carbon. Additionally, flow velocity had a substantial impact on the gas transfer velocity (k), whereas there was no significant correlation between k and wind speed. On an annual scale, both rivers and reservoirs were strong carbon sources for the atmosphere, and their average effluxes were close to that of the Yangtze River while substantially lower than that of the other tributaries in the middle Yellow River Basin.

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    Soil Resources
    Study on the ecological benefits of a plantation mixed forest model in the Loess Plateau
    LIU Xiao’e,SU Shiping,LI Yi,WANG Wei
    2021, 38 (2):  380-391.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.09
    Abstract ( 583 )   HTML ( 12 )   PDF (2972KB) ( 583 )  

    To study the ability of different plantation types to enhance the physical and chemical properties of soil, soil physical and chemical properties at layer depths of 0-80 cm under five typical plantations-Platycladus orientalis plantation, Robinia pseudoacacia plantation, Populus alba var pyramidalis plantation, P. orientalis-R. pseudoacacia mixed plantation, and P. alba var pyramidalis-R. pseudoacacia mixed plantation-were analyzed based on the results of field sampling and laboratory testing. The study revealed that (1) In mixed plantations, the bulk density and the physical properties of the soil, including soil maximum water holding capacity, capillary water holding capacity, field water holding capacity, soil total porosity, capillary porosity, noncapillary porosity, soil water content, and soil penetrability, were clearly better than those in the pure plantations. The pH values in mixed plantations and the P. orientalis plantation were lower than those in the R. pseudoacacia plantation and the P. alba var pyramidalis plantation. In mixed plantations, the soil organic matter, total nitrogen, mineral nitrogen, and total phosphorus contents were significantly greater than those in the pure plantations, whereas there was no significant difference in total potassium and available potassium among the various plantations. (2) The bulk density increased as soil depth increased in the 0-80 cm soil layers, whereas the other soil physical properties soil maximum water holding capacity, capillary water holding capacity, field water holding capacity, soil total porosity, capillary porosity, and noncapillary porosity decreased as the soil depth increased: however, there were no obvious differences in soil water content related to soil depth. The soil chemical properties including soil organic matter, total nitrogen, mineral nitrogen, available phosphorus, and available potassium, all decreased as the soil depth increased, though there were no significant differences in the pH values and soil total phosphorus and total potassium contents with soil depth. (3) Correlation analysis of the physical and chemical properties of the soil revealed significant correlations between soil organic matter and soil nitrogen, mineral nitrogen, total phosphorus, soil maximum water holding capacity, capillary water holding capacity, field water holding capacity, soil total porosity, capillary porosity, and noncapillary porosity, whereas there was significant negative correlation with soil bulk density; There was significant correlation between total nitrogen and soil mineral nitrogen, soil maximum water holding capacity, capillary water holding capacity, field water holding capacity, soil total porosity, capillary porosity, noncapillary porosity, but had significant negative correlation with soil bulk density. There was significant negative correlation between soil bulk density and soil maximum water holding capacity, capillary water holding capacity, field water holding capacity, soil total porosity, capillary porosity, and noncapillary porosity. The findings revealed that mixed plantation improved soil physical and chemical properties to a greater extent than did pure plantation. Therefore, this study implies that mixed plantation should be the main part of plantation management in this area in the future and that managers of pure plantations should considered transforming them into mixed plantations.

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    Relationships between the physical and chemical properties of soil and the shear strength of root-soil composite systems at different soil depths in alpine grassland in the source region of the Yellow River
    SHEN Ziyan,LIU Changyi,HU Xiasong,ZHOU Linhu,XU Tong,LI Xilai,LI Guorong
    2021, 38 (2):  392-401.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.10
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    The relationships between the physical and chemical properties of soil, the shear strength of the root-soil composite system, and the soil depth were investigated in the alpine grassland in Henan Country, Qinghai Province, in the source region of the Yellow River. Direct shear tests of root-soil composite systems and soil physical and chemical content tests were conducted. Five different soil depths (0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm, 30-40 cm, and 40-50 cm) were selected for sampling. The results showed that the soil moisture content decreased gradually with increasing soil depth. The soil was weakly alkaline, and the soil pH increased. The content of organic matter and nutrient elements in the soil decreased with increasing soil depth. Additionally, the cohesion c value of the soil in the non-degraded grassland gradually decreased with increasing soil depth. For the degraded bare land, the cohesion c value of the soil gradually increased with increasing soil depth. According to the analysis of the gray relational method, the shear strength of the root-soil composite systems was closely related to available P (0.82), root content (0.82), and organic matter (0.76). Additionally, the shear strength was correlated with density of bare soil (0.76) and soil particle size d60 (0.74). The results of this study can be used to inform the effective prevention and control of soil erosion, shallow landslide, and other disasters caused by grassland degradation in extremely cold areas.

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    Soil aggregates stability and fractal features on dump slopes of opencast coal mine in Funxin, China
    WANG Kai,NA Enhang,ZHANG Liang,LIU Feng
    2021, 38 (2):  402-410.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.11
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    There are serious soil and water loses on dump slopes of opencast coal mines. To provide a theoretical basis for ecological restoration on dump slope, the effects of slope aspect, slope position, and recovery time on soil aggregate stability and fractal features of opencast coal mine dumps in Funxin were explored. In this study, the differences of the mean mass diameter (MMD), geometric mean diameter (GMD), fractal dimension (D) and percentage of aggregate destruction (PAD) among the upper, middle, and lower parts, and between the sunny and shady slopes and their influence factors were analyzed on a five year and ten year recovery slope. Results showed that the MMD and GMD of soil aggregates gradually increased. In contrast, the D and PAD of soil aggregates gradually declined from the upper to the lower parts on a five year recovery shady slope and a five year and ten year recovery sunny slope. The MMD and GMD of soil aggregates on the shady slope were greater than on the sunny slope, and the D and PAD were lower on the shady slope than on the sunny slope. However, no significant differences were found in MMD, GMD, D, and PAD of soil aggregates between the five year and ten year recovery slope. Compared to the bare land, the soil aggregate stability decreased in the upper part but increased in the middle and lower parts. The D of soil aggregates was significantly negatively correlated with >0.25 mm soil aggregates, MMD and GMD were significantly positively correlated with D and PAD of soil aggregates. Moreover, there were significant negative correlations between the D of mechanically stable aggregates and the soil water content, and between the D of water-stable aggregates and organic matter content. These results demonstrated that the soil structure and stability were better on shady than sunny slopes and on lower than upper parts. Therefore, different artificial restoration measures should be conducted based on different slope aspects and positions.

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    Enrichment content and ecological risk assessment of heavy metal in surface soil around Qinghai Lake
    WANG Ruojin,SHAO Tianjie,WEI Peiru
    2021, 38 (2):  411-420.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.12
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    To study the heavy metal enrichment content and ecological risk in the surface soil around Qinghai Lake, 87 groups of soil samples were collected by grid method, and the concentrations of the heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Pb, As, Cu, Zn, and Ni) were determined by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). The Nemero pollution index, pollution load index, correlation analysis, and factor analyses were used to determine the content of heavy metals, pollution degree, ecological risk, and pollution sources. The results showed that: Cd and Pb pollution in the surface soil around Qinghai Lake was the most serious, followed by Cr, As, Cu, Zn, and Ni. Compared with farmland and sandy land, heavy metal pollution in grassland surface soil was more serious. According to the pollution load index, the total amount of heavy metals in the soils of the study area did not reach the pollution level, but some sampling points were seriously polluted. The Nemero pollution index analysis implied that the whole study area was at the level of heavy pollution. The single pollution index exceeded the standard in different degrees. The pollution degree was Cd > Pb > As > Cu > Zn > Ni > Cr in turn. The potential ecological risk index analysis implied that the comprehensive potential ecological risk of the whole study area was medium, whereby the contribution rate of Cd and As was close to 80%, and some areas had high potential ecological risks. The correlation and factor analyses indicated that the correlation among Cr, Pb, As, Cu, Zn, and Ni were significant, and the pollution degree was the same, which was likely to be from the same source. In conclusion, heavy metal pollution of soil had occurred in the area around Qinghai Lake and elicited some potential ecological risks. Therefore, it is necessary to take appropriate monitoring and control measures.

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    The positive effect of Caragana breviflora shrubs on plant communities and soil microbial communities in the Inner Mongolia desert region
    ZHANG Peng,LI Ying,WANG Yelin,SONG Chengcheng,GAO Fanglei,XIE Lina,MA Chengcang
    2021, 38 (2):  421-428.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.13
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    In this study, we used Caragana breviflora in the Inner Mongolia desert area as target shrubs and field investigation methods to evaluate the effect of shrubs on plant communities, while also using a combination of traditional cultivation methods and molecular biology technology to evaluate the effects of shrubs on soil microbial communities. The findings revealed that: (1) Both the abundance and biomass of herbaceous plants were significantly greater under C. breviflora shrub canopies than in open areas, whereas there was no significant difference in the richness and Shannon-Wiener diversity index between shrub canopies and open areas; (2) The richness, abundance, and Shannon-Wiener index of soil culturable bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes tended to be highest at either the top or subsurface soil layers; (3) C. breviflora shrubs had positive effects on soil microbial communities, and these positive effects were the highest at the top soil layer; (4) C. breviflora shrubs had more positive effects on plant communities than on soil microbial communities.

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    Plant and Plant Physiology
    Studies of correlation between the transpiration rate and leaf traits of Populus euphratica in the middle reaches of the Heihe River wetland
    WEN Jun,ZHAO Chengzhang,LI Qun,ZHAO Lianchun
    2021, 38 (2):  429-437.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.14
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    Study of the correlation between transpiration and vein characters in wetland plants in arid regions is of great importance in understanding the internal relationship between vein network characters, leaf morphology, and water balance in plants. Our aim was to examine the correlation between the transpiration rate and the leaf traits of Populus euphratica at different levels of soil moisture content (SMC). Our study area was in the middle reaches of the Heihe River wetland, Gansu Province, China (98°25′56.98″E, 39°54′10.55″). We divided the sample area into three levels based on the distance from water: Plot I (30-110 m from water, SMC 58.23%), plot II (160-240 m away from water, SMC 40.53%), and plot III (290-370 m from water, SMC 28.36%). The findings revealed that as the SMC decreased, the crown density, diameter at breast height, plant height, vein diameter, leaf area, and specific leaf area of P. euphratica decreased gradually, whereas the opposite was the case for leaf thickness, vein density, PAR, Pn, Tr, Gs, and Ci. There was a highly significant positive correlation between Tr and vein density at three plots (P<0.01), and the opposite correlation was seen between leaf area and specific leaf area. There was a highly significant negative correlation between Tr and vein diameter in plots I and III (P<0.01), whereas there was a significantly negative correlation between Tr and vein diameter in plot II (P<0.05). To adapt to the gradient change of soil water, P. euphratica populations regulated the water consumption due to leaf transpiration by optimizing the resource input of leaf vein characters to realize effective utilization of soil water and reasonable distribution of photosynthetic carbon assimilation products; this reflected the ecological adaptation mechanism of inland river wetland plants in arid areas to special habitats.

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    Effects of biological soil crust type on herbaceous diversity in the Gurbantunggut Desert
    LI Bin,WU Zhifang,TAO Ye,ZHOU Xiaobing,ZHANG Bingchang
    2021, 38 (2):  438-449.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.15
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    As pioneer community and ecosystem engineers in desert ecosystems, biological soil crusts (BSCs) play critical roles in maintaining soil surface stability and improving ecosystem function in arid regions. BSCs affect the seed dispersal, germination, and survival of vascular plants. However, the effect of BSCs on herbaceous plant diversity in the Gurbantunggut Desert is still unknown. In this study, we investigated the factors influencing herbaceous plant diversity in bare sand and three BSC types (algae, lichen, and moss crusts) in northern, central, and southern regions of the Gurbantunggut Desert. We detected significant differences in soil physicochemical properties among BSC types. For example, soil organic matter, total N, total P, total K, clay, silt, and fine sand contents significantly increased with BSC development; however, sand and coarse sand contents declined significantly. Moreover, spatial heterogeneity was obvious among desert regions. The nutrient content and pH in bare sand and algal crusts at Site 2 were lower than those at Site 1 and Site 3. Herbaceous plant richness and Shannon-Wiener diversity increased with BSC succession. The species composition and community structure also varied significantly among BSC types and desert areas. Soil physicochemical properties, soil organic matter, available P, total K, pH, and silt were identified as key factors shaping the herbaceous plant community structure. The changes in microtopography and species composition in different BSC types, biological properties of seeds and soil, and environmental heterogeneity may all contribute to herbaceous plant species composition and abundance in BSCs, leading to herbaceous plant community succession.

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    Variation in one-year-old branch stoichiometry of Malus sieversii at different altitudes and the influencing factors in Tianshan Mountains, China
    YAN Jingming,ZHOU Xiaobing,ZHANG Jing,TAO Ye
    2021, 38 (2):  450-459.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.16
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    The variability of nutrient stoichiometric characteristics of wild apple trees (Malus sieversii) at different altitudes was investigated. Investigation and sampling were conducted at four altitude gradients of 1300 m, 1400 m, 1500 m, and 1600 m in a valley study area over three consecutive years (2016-2018) to analyze the comparative spatio-temporal variation characteristics of N, P, and K stoichiometry in one-year-old branches of M. sieversii and their relationship with environmental variables. The findings revealed that the branch stoichiometric indexes of wild apple trees tended to exhibit moderate and weak variations at different altitudes and in different years; P exhibited the weakest variability and N:K exhibited the strongest variability. The year significantly impacted the five stoichiometric indexes, with the exception of P:K, whereas altitude had a significant impact only on N:P. The twig N, N:P, and N:K was also affected by the interaction of year and altitude. There were no significant differences between branch P (except for in 2017), K, and P:K at different altitudes, although they all displayed significant interannual changes. The branch N, N:P, and N:K all represented significant temporal and spatial variability; however, the changing trends differed. Both correlation analysis and NMDS analysis demonstrated that they own growth status of wild apple trees (dead branch rate, projective coverage, degree of disease and insect pests, and fruit amount), annual precipitation, and soil factors all affected branch stoichiometric characteristics to a certain extent; however, different stoichiometric indices exhibited different responses. In general, the better the plant growth status of wild apple trees, the lower the nutrient contents in one-year-old branches. Consequently, the branch stoichiometric characteristics of wild apple trees exhibit obvious variability at different altitude gradients and temporal scales, and the influencing factors are quite complex.

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    Effects of nitrogen addition and precipitation on Reaumuria soongorica physiological indices
    YANG Jie,SHAN Lishan,BAI Yamei,ZHANG Wanting,ZHANG Zhengzhong,XIE Tingting,LI Yi
    2021, 38 (2):  460-468.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.17
    Abstract ( 370 )   HTML ( 8 )   PDF (4543KB) ( 282 )  

    Water and nitrogen are the key factors limiting the growth and development of desert plants. To predict the impact of climate change on desert vegetation growth in the future, understanding the effects of nitrogen and water on plant physiology is essential. We investigated the effects of nitrogen application and precipitation on Reaumuria soongorica seedlings. Proline (Pro), chlorophyll (Chl), superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), and soluble protein (SP) contents in R. soongorica leaves were measured under different precipitation treatments [precipitation decreases 30% (W-), natural precipitation (W), and precipitation increases 30% (W+)] and nitrogen applications [N0(0 g·m -2·a-1), N1 (4.6 g·m-2·a-1), N2 (9.2 g·m-2·a-1), N3 (13.8 g·m-2·a-1)]. Under natural precipitation (W) and precipitation increases 30% (W+), proline and chlorophyll contents increased with increased nitrogen application. The coupling effect of water and nitrogen promoted the accumulation of proline and chlorophyll when the water condition was suitable. In the no nitrogen (N0) and low nitrogen (N1) treatments, POD activity under natural precipitation (W) was significantly lower than that under precipitation decreases 30% (W-), while the opposite trend was observed in the medium nitrogen (N2) and high nitrogen (N3) treatments. The results showed that at low nitrogen levels, increased precipitation inhibited POD activity, while the addition of nitrogen mitigated the inhibition and promoted POD activity, demonstrating the compensation effects of nitrogen and water. Under natural precipitation (W) conditions, the soluble protein content first increased and then decreased as the nitrogen concentration increased, while the effect of nitrogen addition on soluble protein content was not significant under precipitation decreases 30% (W-). These findings demonstrate that under normal water conditions, appropriate nitrogen addition could promote the transformation of plant protein up to a certain concentration threshold, then continuous nitrogen increases inhibit soluble protein production. Conversely, nitrogen application had no significant effect on soluble protein transformation under water deficits.

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    Response of growth and root morphological characteristics of Reaumuria soongorica seedlings to drought-rehydration
    YANG Biaosheng,SHAN Lishan,MA Jing,XIE Tingting,YANG Jie,WEI Changlin
    2021, 38 (2):  469-478.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.18
    Abstract ( 603 )   HTML ( 12 )   PDF (3470KB) ( 461 )  

    Plant adaptation to drought includes drought resistance during drought stress and recovery after rehydration following drought stress. Therefore, it is essential to understand the physiological mechanism of plant drought resistance by studying changes in seedling growth and root morphological characteristics under drought and rehydration conditions. In this experiment, drought stress and rehydration were emulated by controlling the soil moisture of potted plants. The basal diameter, plant height, biomass, and root morphological indices of Reaumuria soongorica seedlings under drought-rehydration conditions were determined, and the responses of their growth, biomass distribution, and root morphological characteristics to drought-rehydration were analyzed. Compared with the appropriate water content, the relative increment of basal diameter and plant height, the aboveground, underground, and total biomass of R. soongorica seedlings were significantly reduced under drought stress (P<0.01). The relative increment of the basal diameter of R. soongorica seedlings under drought stress showed a decreasing trend with time. The relative increments of the basal diameter and plant height of R. soongorica seedlings were larger under moderate and severe stress after rehydration, which indicated that the aboveground part of R. soongorica seedlings grew faster after rehydration under severe drought stress. Additionally, compared with the suitable water, the specific root length of R. soongorica seedlings increased significantly under drought stress (P<0.01), indicating that R. soongorica seedlings could adapt to drought stress by elongating their roots. After rehydration, the total root length, root surface area, and total root volume of R. soongorica seedlings decreased, while the root diameter of R. soongorica seedlings increased (P<0.01), indicating that the root resilience of R. soongorica seedlings was weakened under severe stress. In summary, during drought stress, R. soongorica seedlings responded to the stress environment by accelerating the growth of their basal diameter and roots and storing more substances, showing stronger resistance. After rehydration, R. soongorica seedlings were restored by accelerating the growth of their overground parts and increasing root diameter and specific root length, which was helpful to improve their strong recovery ability.

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    Decomposition and nutrient release characteristics of Karelinia caspia and Populus euphratica leaf litters in extreme arid regions
    FAN Linjie,LI Xiangyi,LI Chengdao,LIN Lisha,XUE Wei
    2021, 38 (2):  479-486.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.19
    Abstract ( 583 )   HTML ( 4 )   PDF (2322KB) ( 436 )  

    In arid regions, strong solar radiation and photodegradation or physical degradation accelerate the rate of litter decomposition. However, research on the decomposition of litter in extreme arid regions remains limited. In this study, we investigated the litter decomposition rate of plant species in extreme arid regions using the litter bag method. Karelinia caspia and Populus euphratica are two dominant species in Cele Oasis located at the southern margin of the Taklimakan Desert. Litter decomposition tests of K. caspia and P. euphratica were carried out in three habitats (aboveground, 2 cm belowground and hanging 1 m) to explore the mass decomposition of litters and the release of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) from the litters in each habitat. The mass decomposition rates of K. caspia and P. euphratica showed significant differences at different depths; the mass loss of aboveground (0 cm) litter was significantly higher than that of 1 m hanging and 2 cm belowground litters. At the end of the litter decomposition test, the mass loss of K. caspia and P. euphratica wood was in the order: aboveground (19.91%) > 1 m hanging (15.99%) > 2 cm belowground (12.35%) and aboveground (24.15%) > 1 m hanging (13.44%) > 2 cm belowground (8.72%), respectively. During the entire decomposition process, the N content of litters of both plant species increased, whereas the C content decreased. At different decomposition positions, the enrichment of N and the loss of C varied significantly. The enrichment of N in aboveground and belowground litters was lower than that of hanging litters, whereas the loss of C from above-and belowground litters was greater than that from hanging litters. Olson’s exponential attenuation model was used to fit the mass residual rate of litters. The order of the decomposition constant (k) of the two plant species was in the order: aboveground > hanging > belowground. Additionally, multivariate analysis of the variance of mass residual rate of litters showed that both decomposition time and decomposition position had significant effects on the mass residual rate of litters (P<0.01). Overall, this study shows that in extreme arid regions, litter decomposition is mainly driven by photodegradation, not by the location of litter burial.

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    Effects of water and nutrient addition on the growth and physiology of Stipa glareosa in a desert steppe in Inner Mongolia
    HU Ya,GUO Xinxin,YUE Ping,LI Xiangyun,ZHAO Shenglong,GUO Aixia,ZUO Xiao’an
    2021, 38 (2):  487-493.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.20
    Abstract ( 410 )   HTML ( 6 )   PDF (2511KB) ( 459 )  

    To explore the adaptive responses of dominant species in a desert steppe to environmental changes,we tested the effects of six treatments with two water levels (natural precipitation andartificial irrigation) and three nutrient levels (no nutrient addition, N addition and NPK addition) on the growth and physiology of Stipa glareosain Inner Mongolia. The results of two-wayANOVAshowed that the main factors(water andnutrients) and water × nutrientinteraction had significant effects on some of the growth and physiological parametersof S. glareosa (P<0.05). Water supplementation significantly increased the leaf fresh weight, leaf dry weight, plant height and relative electrical conductivity but decreased superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. Both N and NPK addition increased leaf area. N addition increased malondialdehyde content, whereasNPK addition decreased chlorophyll a/b and SOD activity. The water × nutrient interaction factor had significant effects on leaf area, leaf thickness, chlorophyll a, proline and protein contents and SOD activity. Moreover, the leaf area and chlorophyll a content of S. glareosawere more sensitive to water and NPK addition, whereas thechlorophyll a/bwas more sensitive to water addition treatments. In conclusion, our results suggest that S. glareosacould adapt to fluctuations in water and nutrient availability by changing specific growth and physiological characteristics, which is important for revealingthe response mechanism of plantsin a desert steppe to climate changes.

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    Water Resources and Utilization
    Evolution characteristics of the headstream of the Hotan River headstream from 1957 to 2018
    YU Qiying,ZHANG Jianghui,BAI Yungang,WANG Shuo,JIANG Zhu,CAO Biao,LU Zhenlin
    2021, 38 (2):  494-503.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.21
    Abstract ( 504 )   HTML ( 17 )   PDF (7590KB) ( 366 )  

    The evolution characteristics of river runoff are of great importance to the management and efficient use of water resources in a river basin. Based on 62 years (1957-2018) of runoff measurement data from Wuluwati station and Tongguziluoke station in the headstream area of the Hotan River, the evolution characteristics of its runoff were assessed using linear trend tests, Mann-Kendall trend tests, and rescaled range analysis. These evolution characteristics were analyzed on four time scales including seasons and months. Results showed that the interdecadal variation characteristics of runoff at Wuluwati station and Tongguziluoke station were the same: Both had experienced a “normal water year-preferential wet year” and the annual runoffs at both stations were equal (they showed a nonsignificant increasing trend). The mutation points of the runoff sequence were all in 2009 and the future annual runoff is predicted to continue to increase for a certain period. The summer and autumn runoff changes at Wuluwati station had the greatest impact on annual runoff, whereas the summer runoff at Tongguziluoke station had the greatest impact on annual runoff. Finally, the distribution of runoff during the year was uneven; it was mainly concentrated in May-September, which accounted for 86.11%-90.86% of runoff, indicating a trend for “dry winters and flooding in summer”.

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    Chemical characteristics and genesis analysis of groundwater in northwest Yili River Valley
    Ailihamu Aikelamu,ZHOU Jinlong,ZHANG Jie,WEI Xing,YU Dong,CHEN Jinsong
    2021, 38 (2):  504-512.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.22
    Abstract ( 904 )   HTML ( 8 )   PDF (5092KB) ( 419 )  

    :To analyze groundwater genesis and chemical characteristics in Yili River Valley, Xinjiang China, we used descriptive statistical analysis, trilinear chart by Piper, Gibbs diagrams, ion ratio diagrams, and saturation index methods to systematically analyze 35 groundwater samples collected from June to October 2018. Groundwater in the study area is weakly alkaline, with a high total hardness level. The chemical components in groundwater showed little variation throughout the study area; Ca2+ was the main cation, and HCO3- the main anion. The hydrochemical characteristics in the study area can be divided into five groundwater types, HCO3-Ca, HCO3·SO4-Ca, HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg, HCO3·SO4-Ca·Na, and HCO3-Ca·Mg. Although rock lixiviation is the main contributor to groundwater chemical composition, evaporation-concentration and cation exchange also contribute to the chemical composition of groundwater in the study area. Moreover, some groundwater samples might be affected by human activities. Na+, Cl-, and SO42- in groundwater are present due to the dissolution of rock salt, gypsum, and other evaporates; the dissolution of minerals such as calcite, dolomite, and gypsum contributes to Ca2+ and Mg2+ in groundwater.

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    Remote sensing monitoring of soil drought in Shenmu City, Shaanxi Province integrating GPM precipitation data
    TAN Huizhi,YIN Qian,JI Liwen,LU Qian,LU Xiaoning,CUI Linlin,XIA Zhiye,XU Weixin,CHEN Jun
    2021, 38 (2):  513-525.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.23
    Abstract ( 627 )   HTML ( 14 )   PDF (8434KB) ( 126 )  

    Global warming has aggravated the drought trend, producing a severe threat to agriculture and animal husbandry in the arid and semi-arid regions of northwest China. The existing remote sensing methods for monitoring drought mostly only consider vegetation and temperature, ignoring the role of precipitation. Additionally, most research is limited to the classification of relative drought levels. Our research starts from the typical landform features of the Loess Plateau in Shenmu City, Shaanxi Province, and the severity of drought stress in the Hongjiannao wetland. Considering the decisive role of precipitation on drought, especially in complex geomorphic background areas, we apply higher-precision GPM precipitation data to conduct a comprehensive drought model, which can truly reveal the relative humidity of the soil. The results show that the soil drought remote sensing monitoring model (SMMI=0.384VCI+0.769TCI+0.640PCI-0.022), which comprehensively considers vegetation, temperature, and precipitation, can accurately predict the relative humidity within 10 cm of the soil surface in Shenmu. The equal weights of temperature and precipitation in the model indicate that drought in this area is primarily determined by temperature-led evapotranspiration and the water supply of precipitation. The overall crop growth season in Shenmu is in a state of light drought, and the average frequency of drought occurrence is 64.44% (moderate drought > mild drought > severe drought > extraordinary drought). The intensity and frequency of drought present a spatial differentiation characteristic of being higher in northwest and lower in the southeast. Although the frequency of extreme drought is low, the geographical difference is significant. The frequency of mild drought is high, but with a less evident geographical difference. The weakening of the winter monsoon caused a decrease in precipitation. Therefore, the drought intensity of Shenmu gradually developed from a light drought in April to a severe drought between late May and early June. Affected by the southeast monsoon in July, the rainfall increases, and the severity of drought decreases. After mid-August, Shenmu enters into a state dominated by the absence of drought, and into the end of October, there is no drought at all. In terms of seasons, the spring drought is severe, and is characterized by the highest frequency of moderate drought. Although the frequency of summer drought is quite low, the frequency of extreme drought is higher than that of spring. The autumn drought was of the lowest frequency and a light drought dominated. Over 19 years, the drought trend in Shenmu showed a slight reduction, but that of Hongjiannao wetland showed an increase due to the significant increase in annual evaporation.

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    Ecology and Environment
    Land use and land cover classifications of Horqin Sandy Land dune-meadow areas
    CAO Wenmei,LIU Tingxi,WANG Xixi,WANG Guanli,LI Dongfang,TONG Xing
    2021, 38 (2):  526-535.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.24
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    In this study, we determine land use/land cover (LULC) types using only optical remote sensing data in a dune-meadow area of Horqin Sandy Land in northeast China. We used 64 Sentinel-2 remote sensing images from 2018. An LULC decision tree recognition rule was established by combining image segmentation technology, vegetation phenology information, and habitat characteristics. The overall classification accuracy was 0.91, and the Kappa coefficient was 0.89. The classification results show that most of the study region was dryland area, accounting for 33.79%, followed by shrub communities at 25.03%. High-diversity semi-shrub communities and arbor forests accounted for 14.54% and 10%, respectively, while low-diversity semi-shrub communities, meadowlands, and mobile sand lands account for about 5% each. The total proportion of other LULC types was less than 5%. The results show that this interpretation method better reflects the spatial distribution of the LULC while also providing growth and development data for different cover types. These data can be used to study material cycles and provide threshold references for historical LULC identification of Horqin Sandy Land.

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    Spatiotemporal variation of vegetation in the Horqin Sandy Land and its response to climate change from 1982-2015
    CUI Zhenzhen,MA Chao,CHEN Dengkui
    2021, 38 (2):  536-544.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.25
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    Based on the latest GIMMS NDVI3g.v1 data, temperature and precipitation data from 1982 to 2015, combined with trend analysis, variation coefficient, Hurst index and partial correlation analysis, this paper analyzes the spatiotemporal variation characteristics, trend characteristics, sustainability and future change trend of vegetation coverage in Horqin Sandy Land. The results show that: (1) the vegetation coverage of Horqin Sandy Land revealed a slow increasing trend during 1982-2015 (linear tendency 0.23% per 10 year). The change of vegetation coverage can be divided into “three ascendings” (1982-1999, 2000-2004, 2008-2012) and “three descendings” (1999-2000, 2004-2007, 2012-2015) on the whole, of which the maximum occurs in 1999 and the minimum in 2009. (2) In terms of spatial distribution characteristic, the vegetation coverage of Horqin Sandy Land showed a “high in the north and south and low in the middle” pattern. The low value areas accounted for 6.91%, which were concentrated in the east of Ongniud Banner and the Northwest of Naiman Banner, and these areas were mainly desert grassland and bare land. (3) Taking the “Xar Moron River-Xinkai River” as the boundary, the vegetation in the northern area is continuously degraded, while the southern area is continuously improved. The areas of significant improvement accounted for 33.05%, which were mainly distributed in the south of “Xar Moron River-Xinkai River”. (4) Hurst index analysis showed that the same characteristics of vegetation coverage change were stronger than the reverse characteristics in the Horqin Sandy Land. The areas of continuous degradation and continuous improvement accounted for 61.48% and 37.03%, respectively. (5) The average partial correlation coefficients between NDVImax and precipitation and temperature were 0.23 and 0.03, respectively, indicating that the influence of precipitation on vegetation coverage was stronger than temperature. NDVI was positively correlated with precipitation, which accounted for 91.85% of the total area.

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    Effects of stand density on the biomass allocation and tree height-diameter allometric growth of Picea schrenkiana forest on the northern slope of the western Tianshan Mountains
    LI Zongying,LUO Qinghui,XU Zhonglin
    2021, 38 (2):  545-552.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.26
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    Picea schrenkiana is the dominant species widely distributed in the mountain forests on the northern slopes of the Tianshan Mountains. Determining the effects of individual density on the biomass allocation and height-diameter allometric relationship of P. schrenkiana forest is important to clarify the adaptation strategy of P. schrenkiana in different environments. In this paper, the effects of individual density on biomass allocation and the height-diameter allometric relationship of P. schrenkiana forest were studied based on fields investigations of P. schrenkiana forest with different stand densities (<300, 300-450, 450-600, >600 plants·hm-2). The results showed that the average biomass of all biomass components and branches alone decreased in P. schrenkiana forest when stand density increased. However, the biomass proportions of stems and roots increased, whereas the proportions of leaves and bark were stable. Both the height and the diameter at breast height (DBH) of the P. schrenkiana individuals decreased with increased stand density. Additionally, this study found that the relationship y=2.312 × x0.900 can be used to reliably delineate the allometric growth relationship between the height (H) and the DBH (D) of P. schrenkiana individuals (R2=0.761, P<0.01). With the increase in individual density, the relationship between lgH and lgD of P. schrenkiana individuals showed a complex nonlinear allometric growth relationship, and the significance of the relationship gradually reduced with density. This indicates that density had an impact on the resource competition of individuals and affected the growth of organs. The results can be used to inform the sustainable management of P. schrenkiana forest.

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    Crataegus songarica recognition using Gaofen-6 wide-field-view data assisted by multiple features
    CHEN Chunxiu,CHEN Shujiang,XU Shiwei,CHEN Mengyu,JIA Xiang,HUANG Tiecheng,LI Chunlei
    2021, 38 (2):  553-561.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.27
    Abstract ( 335 )   HTML ( 5 )   PDF (3716KB) ( 431 )  

    Our ability to extract spatial distribution information for Crataegus songarica by remote sensing is relatively weak, and the performance of a single algorithm in information extraction is different. To address this problem, we explored the application potential of domestic Gaofen-6 (GF-6) wide-field-view (WFV) data in tree species recognition in arid and semi-arid areas. Using GF-6 WFV and Ziyuan-3 (ZY-3) data, we constructed a combined classifier recognition algorithm with multi-feature assistance. First, we combined a linear spectral clustering algorithm for ZY-3 data super-pixel segmentation with the sample set to determine the optimal scale, avoid the salt-and-pepper phenomenon and improve the recognition accuracy. Second, we extracted spectral features, texture features, and vegetation index features based on multi-source data, using the recursive feature elimination method to select classification features. Feature importance was evaluated based on the mean decrease impurity to construct the optimal classification feature set, improve the separability between feature classes, and reduce the redundancy between features. Finally, we constructed a weight-adaptive voting combination classifier based on the support vector machine algorithm and random forest algorithm. Combined with a variety of classification schemes, the spatial distribution of Crataegus songarica was extracted and verified to evaluate the influence of object-oriented algorithm, multi-classifier combination algorithm, and feature selection on the classification accuracy. The results showed that GF-6 WFV data can be used to identify Crataegus songarica and have great application potential in forestry production. Compared with GF-1 WFV, two new red-edge bands of GF-6 WFV play an important role in the identification of Crataegus songarica. Compared with traditional pixel-based methods, the object-based recognition of Crataegus songarica effectively mitigated the pepper salt phenomenon and significantly improved the recognition accuracy, algorithm efficiency, and robustness. Moreover, the feature selection effectively reduced the redundancy between classification features and improved the computational efficiency and algorithm stability; the selected features significantly improved the accuracy. Using a weight-adaptive multi-classifier voting combination algorithm can integrate the advantages of different algorithms, effectively avoid the partial ‘confusion’ caused by the representation force difference of the single classifier, and improve the recognition accuracy.

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    Concentration characteristics and potential source of atmospheric pollutants: A case study in Urumqi
    LIU Zilong,DAI Bin,CUI Zhuoyan,LIU Yonggao,XU Zhu,ZHENG Xinjun
    2021, 38 (2):  562-569.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.28
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    Meteorological parameters and pollutant concentrations in Urumqi, China, in 2017 were used to study the concentration characteristics of atmospheric pollutants and the influence of meteorological factors on pollutants. Trajectory cluster analysis, potential source contribution function analysis, and the concentration weighted trajectory method were used to assess the transport pathways and potential sources of PM2.5. The findings revealed that the most serious pollution was from PM10 and PM2.5. During periods of heating, the concentrations of atmospheric pollutants, apart from O3, were higher than those during periods where there was no heating. The heavy pollution of atmospheric particles (PM2.5 and PM10) during heating periods was ascribed primarily to low temperature, low wind speed, high relative humidity, special topographies, and temperature inversion. PM2.5 in Urumqi was transported mostly from the northwest, the short distance pathways of Nileke Town, Shawan Town, Hutubi Town, and Fukang City had greater influence on Urumqi during heating period. The main potential sources of PM2.5 were determined as being Fukang City, Hejing Town, Shawan Town, Changji City, Shawan Town, Jimusaer Town, and Manasi Town. External transport and native sources of pollution also had a great impact on the level of PM2.5 in Urumqi.

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    Effect of film mulching residue on cotton growth in drip irrigation cotton field
    ZHU Jinru,LI Wenhao,WANG Zhenhua,ZONG Rui,WANG Tianyu
    2021, 38 (2):  570-579.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.29
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    To clarify the influence of film residue on cotton growth in a field with film mulching under drip irrigation, we assessed the characteristics of residual film accumulation in an oasis drip irrigation cotton field. The design corresponds to 5 a, 10 a, 15 a, 20 a, 25 a, 30 a; a gradient of six residual film accumulations using a barrel-planting experiment. We analyzed the influence of residual film accumulation in cotton fields with different mulching years on cotton growth and yield. The residual film significantly affected cotton plant height and leaf area, which gradually decreased as the residual film amount increased. The plant height and leaf area were significantly reduced at each stage when the film was covered with drip irrigation for 20 years. Additionally, increases in the amount of residual film in drip irrigation for 20 years significantly reduced the cotton root index. Compared with the control treatment without residual film, the root length density in drip irrigation 20 a was reduced by 8.2%, the root surface area density was reduced by 10%, the root volume was reduced by 7.2%, and the root diameter decreased by 19.4%. The amount of residual film was significantly negatively correlated with cotton dry matter accumulation and yield. After 15 years of drip irrigation with film mulching, the cotton yield was lower than the average yield per unit area in Xinjiang in the past five years. After 20 years of drip irrigation with film mulching, the above-ground dry matter quality decreased by 20.3%, the root dry matter quality was reduced by 38.4%, and the output was 10.96% lower than the average output per unit area in Xinjiang in the past five years. In summary, increased amounts of residual film significantly impact the normal growth of cotton. When drip irrigation with film mulching continues for 15-20 years, yield, growth, and root indices of cotton are significantly reduced. The research results can provide a theoretical basis for the sustainable development of drip irrigation cotton fields in Xinjiang.

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    Analysis on risk assessment of Bt cotton planting in Xinjiang
    WANG Zhenlin,LYU Zhaozhi,ZHANG Xin,LIU Yongjian
    2021, 38 (2):  580-588.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.02.30
    Abstract ( 457 )   HTML ( 6 )   PDF (4134KB) ( 423 )  

    The potential economic losses caused by cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa amigera) in different scenarios in the cotton area of the autonomous region of Xinjiang, China, were evaluated. Data were obtained based on the biology and population dynamics of the cotton bollworm in Xinjiang over many years, in addition to cotton planting area, yield, cotton market price and costs of management of cotton bollworm and were analyzed using a population simulation method (CLIMEX model) and a random simulation method (@RISK). The simulation of the population dynamics of the cotton bollworm suggests that the weekly growth index (GIw) of this pest in Xinjiang will increase, and that the dates of emergence of overwintering pupa are clearly advanced. Global warming may exacerbate the damage and economic loss. The @RISK model simulation shows that Bt cotton can effectively suppress the cotton bollworm in this area and reduce the prevention and management costs for this pest per unit area. Our findings indicate that planting of Bt cotton combined with integrated pest management in Xinjiang can reduce the possible economical loss caused by cotton bollworm and secondary pests in the future.

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