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    15 May 2021, Volume 38 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Water Resources and Ulilization
    Dynamic assessment of Tarim River carbon storage under enhanced water resources management
    GUO Jing,WANG Guangyan,XU Shengwu,ZHANG Guangpeng,YUAN Kaiye,LING Hongbo,Xiayidan Wumaierjiang
    2021, 38 (3):  589-599.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.01
    Abstract ( 533 )   HTML ( 26 )   PDF (7175KB) ( 122 )  

    Since the implementation of comprehensive governance in 2001 and unified management in 2011, the water resources management capacity of the Tarim River Basin has been continuously enhanced. However, the effectiveness of water resources management at improving the carbon storage capacity of watershed ecosystems has not been evaluated. Therefore, based on land use/cover change data from 2000, 2010, and 2018, this paper used the InVEST model to analyze the change characteristics of the carbon storage of watershed ecosystems under enhanced water resources management in the upper and middle reaches of the Tarim River where Populus euphratica forest is concentrated. In 2000, 2010, and 2018, the total carbon storage in the upper and middle reaches of the Tarim River was 93.70, 93.92, and 93.01 Tg, respectively, and the average carbon density was 67.63, 67.78, and 67.12 t·hm-2, respectively. Woodland was the primary carbon pool in the upper and middle reaches of the Tarim River Basin, followed by grassland. From 2000 to 2010, the carbon storage in the study area increased by 0.22 Tg, primarily due to the conversion of a large number of grassland types (69.35 t·hm-2) into arable land types (73 t·hm-2). After the implementation of comprehensive management of the Tarim River in 2001, vegetation restoration led to an increase in the surface biomass, carbon density, and carbon storage of woodland and grassland. From 2010 to 2018, carbon storage decreased by 0.91 Tg, and the carbon loss pathways primarily originated from the conversion of a large number of woodland types (73.77 t·hm-2) to arable land types (73 t·hm-2). Simultaneously, the total carbon storage of grassland decreased. The spatial distribution of carbon storage in the study area had a strong spatial heterogeneity, and its characteristics gradually decreased around the upper and middle reaches of the Tarim River. The areas with significant changes in carbon storage were consistent with the spatial distribution of land use changes. This research provides a scientific basis for an in-depth understanding of the carbon cycle and climate change in the study area, informing the improvement of the carbon storage capacity of the watershed ecosystem, optimizing the allocation of water resources, and promoting the sustainable development of river basins.

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    Hydrochemical characteristics and their influence on rivers in the Western part of the Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang, China
    Maerhubai Yasheng,MA Long,Jilili Abuduwaili,ZHANG Weiyan
    2021, 38 (3):  600-609.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.02
    Abstract ( 472 )   HTML ( 13 )   PDF (6158KB) ( 396 )  

    We analyzed the composition of constant ions in two primary rivers in the western section of the Tianshan Mountains: Ili River and Bortala River. Statistics and graphical illustration of water chemistry were used to examine the characteristics of water chemistry and their influence on these rivers. The water environment in the western section of the Tianshan Mountains was assessed to evaluate the irrigation suitability of the two rivers. Research results: The water bodies of the Ili River and Bortala River are weakly alkaline, with pH values of 8.01 and 8.55, respectively, and their primary ion concentrations were in the same order. Among them, cation Ca2+>Na+>Mg2+>K+ and anion HCO3->SO42->Cl-. A Piper classification diagram shows that the water chemistry type is HCO3—Ca·Mg. The macro ions in the water bodies of the Ili River and Bortala River are primarily affected by the weathering of rocks. Ninety-three percent of the water samples had excellent water quality, indicating that the irrigation adaptability of the Bortala and Ili Rivers is suitable for irrigation. The research results are of substantial significance to the assessment of the water environment in the western section of the Tianshan Mountains and the sustainable use of water resources.

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    Variation and dynamic drivers of drought in Kaidu River Basin based on the SWAT model
    SONG Yuxin,ZUO Qiting,MA Junxia
    2021, 38 (3):  610-617.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.03
    Abstract ( 541 )   HTML ( 24 )   PDF (8216KB) ( 145 )  

    This study used Kaidu River Basin as an example to construct a soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) distributed hydrological model and standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) as the basis to identify variation in drought. Subsequently, the Bayesian Dynamic Linear Equation (BDL) model was used to determine the impact of climate driving factors, such as the Southern Oscillation (SOI), on regional seasonal drought. The results showed that the drought in the Kaidu River Basin from 1965 to 2016 was primarily concentrated in winter and spring. In different seasons, variation in the Kaidu basin was different, but most trends were not significant, and significant decreasing trends were only detected in autumn and winter. Changes in the SPEI index in different seasons were affected by climate factors, such as precipitation and potential evapotranspiration, and most of them fluctuated around 0, resulting in a short change cycle, mostly concentrated in 2-4 years. The impact of the climate index on drought variability changed over time, and the impact on different seasons was also different.

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    Spatial changes of the glacial lakes in the western Nyainqentanglha Range
    TAO Jing,ZHAO Wenji,WANG Xu,XUE Jin
    2021, 38 (3):  618-628.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.04
    Abstract ( 523 )   HTML ( 17 )   PDF (3639KB) ( 419 )  

    Based on the multi-source remote sensing image and DEM data, we analyzed the distribution and analysis of different dimensions of glacial lakes in western Nyainqentanglha from 1991 to 2017. Then we analyzed the relationship between changes in ice lakes and temperature and precipitation. The research results showed that the number and area of ice lakes in the study area had increased recently. They increased steadily from 1991 to 2006 and expanded from 2006 to 2107. The number of ice lakes increased by 161, and the area by 1.185 km2 in 26 years. The area and number of ice lakes are increasing in the middle-and high-altitude range. The newly-added ice lakes are mainly 5400-5700 m above sea level, and the number of ice lakes accounts for 72.41% of the total number. The distribution and growth rates of glacial lakes with different aspects are different. The glacial lake on the southwest slope grew rapidly, while the north slope’s glacial lake grew slowly. Glacier melting caused by rising temperatures is an indirect factor for ice lake growth, and precipitation is an essential factor for ice lake growth. Ice lakes with smaller area grades have a more sensitive response to climate and more significant changes. Ice lakes with larger area grades have stronger stability and smaller changes. The dynamic change of ice lakes is closely related to climate change, and it is instructive for predicting glaciers change and ice lake collapse disasters in western Nyainqentanglha.

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    Change law of water temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration of Wuliangsu Sea in icebound period
    ZHAI Jialun,SHI Xiaohong,LIU Yu,ZHAO Shengnan,BAO Wenzhi,LI Guohua
    2021, 38 (3):  629-639.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.05
    Abstract ( 456 )   HTML ( 15 )   PDF (4531KB) ( 371 )  

    The wavelet analysis method was used to analyze the trend of temperature and oxygen concentration of a water body under ice in Ulansuhai in 2019, and the time series was one month: from January 24 to February 24, 2019. The results showed that the water temperature and oxygen concentration of the lake were stratified. The oxygen concentration in the surface layer did not change. However, the oxygen concentration decreased in the middle (0.32 mg·L-1∙d-1) and bottom (0.05 mg·L-1∙d-1) layer. The main period of static water temperature in the surface layer was 25 d and 16 d. Under the first principal period, the period was about 15 d. The main period of static oxygen concentration was 23 d, and the average period was 15 d. The main period of static water temperature in middle layer was 14 d, and the main period of static oxygen concentration was 19 d and 7.5 d. Under the first principal period, the average period of static water temperature was about 9 d, and the average period of static oxygen concentration was 5 d. The main period of water temperature in the bottom layer was 14 d and 2.5 d, and the oxygen concentration was 24 d and 10 d. The period of change in water temperature was about 8.5 d, and the average period of oxygen concentration was about 7 d. The wavelet coherence spectrum results showed that there is a complex relationship between lake water temperature and the oxygen concentration, suggesting the water temperature shows an inverse phase relationship with the oxygen concentration in the surface and bottom layer of the lake. Additionally, on the 2-4 d cycle scale, the change of water temperature in the middle layer was about 2-4 h ahead of the change in dissolved oxygen concentration.

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    Water quality evaluation and spatial difference of Yuehai wetland in Ningxia
    YANG Lei,QU Xiangning,MA Zhenghu,ZHNAG Yuxun,TIAN Yuan,HE Zhirun
    2021, 38 (3):  640-649.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.06
    Abstract ( 390 )   HTML ( 10 )   PDF (3473KB) ( 430 )  

    This study aimed to determine the influence of water depth, reed distribution, water intake, and drainage outlet distribution on the water quality of Yuehai wetland in Ningxia. Data from 14 water points were collected and analyzed in the spring (may), summer (August) and autumn (November) of 2019 following the environmental quality standard for surface water (GB3838-2002), and the water quality of Yuehai wetland was evaluated using the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. Additionally, differences in the spatial distribution of the samples were evaluated. Most of the seasonal water quality indices of Yuehai Lake were between class III and class IV. Among them, the water quality was worst in May, relatively good in November, and moderate in August. Additionally, the spatial distribution of the water quality indices of Yuehai lake changed in different seasons. In May, the Yuehai water body exhibited class II water quality in shallow areas, class IV water quality in the reed area, water inlet, and deep water area. In August, there was class IV water quality in the deep water area and reed area, class I water quality in the water inlet, and class III water quality in other areas, and in November, there was class IV water quality in the water inlet and class III water quality in other areas. Lastly, the temporal and spatial variation of water quality indices in Yuehai lake were related to the external input of artificial water supplement, tourism activities, bird habitat and breeding, and the disturbance of natural and human factors on the lake sediment. These results can be used as a reference for the management of water resources and the ecological environment in arid areas, such as Yuehai wetland.

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    Soil Resources
    Evaluation of Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS(AMSR-E) soil moisture products over China and its application in drought monitoring
    WANG Jing,FANG Feng,HUANG Pengcheng,YUE Ping,LI Jiangping,WANG Dawei
    2021, 38 (3):  650-664.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.07
    Abstract ( 646 )   HTML ( 15 )   PDF (4084KB) ( 268 )  

    Soil moisture plays an important role in surface energy exchange and climate change. Drought is a common natural disaster and soil moisture is the most intuitive index to reflect drought, therefore the use of microwave remote sensing to monitor surface soil moisture has obvious advantages. Microwave soil moisture products also play an important role in drought monitoring, but because of the difference of underlying surface and the accuracy of inversion algorithm, the application of soil moisture products is limited. Thus this study evaluated the accuracy of widely used AMSR-E (Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS) soil moisture products in china and their role in drought monitoring. The results showed that AMSR-E can better reflect the soil moisture at different depths, most of the sites have a very significant correlation, but the correlation of 20 cm is lower than 10 cm, and the high correlation coefficient area is significantly reduced; The correlation at bare soil between AMSR-E and agricultural meteorological station is significantly higher than that of farmland. For most crop regions, there are obvious relationships of soil moisture between agricultural meteorological station and AMSR-E. For 10 cm depth, the best correlation was observed under the planting sorghum with a coefficient of 0.579, while for 20 cm depth, the best correlation was under cotton with a coefficient of 0.528. The correlation of spring, summer and autumn was higher, but the correlation in winter was slightly lower. In the case of planting crops, the correlations of soil moisture between station and AMSR-E are better in Northeast, South and Northwest China, while in the case of white land those in Northwest, Southwest and Central China are higher; AMSR-E has a wider range of soil moisture values than the agricultural test station, but the peak values of AMSR-E are different in different regions, and the distribution and fluctuation of the two kinds of soil moisture in North China are relatively consistent; AMSR-E can basically reflect the trend of soil moisture difference caused by drought in the north and rainy in the south; For most stations and most crop types, if the correlation of 10 cm between agricultural meteorological station and AMSR-E is good, that of 20 cm soil moisture will also have this performance. Secondly, there is a good correlation between AMSR-E soil moisture anomaly percentage extracted by AMSR-E and precipitation anomaly percentage, especially in the northwest and most areas of northern China. AMSR-E soil moisture products can better reflect the fluctuation of precipitation and the occurrence of drought.

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    Effects of liquid film mulching on the soil structure and infiltration characteristics of drylands
    BAI Xiumei,ZHANG Yao,ZHANG Yong,DU Yi
    2021, 38 (3):  665-671.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.08
    Abstract ( 322 )   HTML ( 6 )   PDF (792KB) ( 256 )  

    The experiment was conducted using a randomized block design in the forestry test station of Shanxi Agricultural University from 2015 to 2018 to study the effects of long-term liquid film mulching on the soil structure and infiltration characteristics of drylands. The experimental design included the liquid or plastic film mulching in ridge and furrow planting or conventional tillage conditions. Liquid film mulching improved the soil physical and chemical properties. Compared with the other treatments, the content of organic matter and the soil capillary porosity were increased significantly in the liquid film mulching treatment. Compared with the control, the soil bulk density of the other treatments was remarkably reduced. Liquid film mulching improved the soil structure characteristics. Compared with the other treatments, the soil aggregate compositions and the water stability soil aggregate compositions of >0.25 mm particle size were markedly increased in the liquid film mulching and ridge and furrow planting conditions. The soil aggregate breakage rate was reduced and the soil aggregate water stability index was improved remarkably by liquid film mulching. Liquid film mulching improved the stable soil infiltration performance. Compared with the other treatments, the stable infiltration rates and the accumulative infiltration rates in 120 min were increased markedly in liquid film mulching. In the same kind of coverage condition, compared with the conventional tillage method, the ridge and furrow planting method was beneficial to improve the soil structure characteristics. There was no significant difference between the two planting methods in the steady infiltration rates. Correlations showed that there was no significant correlation between the initial infiltration rate and the soil physical and chemical index. The soil aggregate compositions of >0.25 mm particle size, MWD, the soil aggregate breakage rate, and soil aggregate water stability index significantly affected the stable and accumulative infiltration rates in 120 min.

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    Soil organic carbon spatial distribution and reserve estimation of different soil types in Yanqi Basin oasis area
    SHI Changming,LIU Yang,ZHANG Furong,ZHAO Yunfei,XIAO Jinjin,WANG Xia
    2021, 38 (3):  672-681.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.09
    Abstract ( 509 )   HTML ( 9 )   PDF (3673KB) ( 166 )  

    We investigated the density and spatial distribution of Yanqi basin oasis farmland soil organic carbon (SOC) among different soil types. Using long-term monitoring data from the Yanqi basin of the Xinjiang oasis area, we applied the DeNitrification-DeComposition (DNDC) model to conduct a simulated experiment. The results of the experiment showed that the DNDC model accurately simulated the SOC and its dynamic changes in this region, producing a correlation coefficient (r) higher than 92.75%. The relative error (E) was between 2.98% and 4.12%, indicating that the model has high reliability. In 2018, the SOC density in the 0-20 cm layer in the oasis area of Yanqi Basin was 12000-28000 kg·hm-2, and the total soil organic carbon reserves were 2414 Mg, with obvious differences among regions. Additionally, significant differences in SOC density and reserves were detected among soil types. The SOC density was highest in marsh soil at 25136 kg·hm-2 and lowest in stony soil at 13335 kg·hm-2. The implementation of specific field management measures for different regions and soil types is essential to restore the SOC cycle balance and facilitate the sustainable development of farmland in China.

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    Effect of planting tomato in sand cave on water, heat and salt transport in different saline soil in Hanggin Rear Banner
    HE Jing,QU Zhongyi,LIU Xia,LIU Zuting,SUN Yule
    2021, 38 (3):  682-694.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.10
    Abstract ( 606 )   HTML ( 9 )   PDF (5883KB) ( 261 )  

    There are many differences in the water infiltration, temperature, and salt content of the saline alkali soil in the Hetao irrigation district of Hanggin Rear Banner, which leads to different effects on soil improvement. This study aimed to examine the transport of soil moisture, temperature, and salt in different soil by “sand cave” planting tomatoes in saline soil by setting sand caves on three typical soils (sandy loam, silty loam, and clay loam) in the soil column. The results showed that sand cave planting has different effects on the distribution of water, heat, and salt in different soils. Sand cave planting significantly improves the water infiltration performance of silty clay loam soil, it increases the area and moisture content of root layer soil, and it can be increased by 24.15% at a depth of 20-40 cm. However, it reduced the water holding capacity of sandy loam and silty loam soil, and the water content of the soil profile was dry in the upper part and wet in the lower part. The temperature of undisturbed clay loam increased by 3.64 °C at the early stage of crop growth (P<0.05). These results show that there was no significant change in the temperature of sandy loam soil and silty loam soil, and the soil temperature showed a downward trend with the change in air temperature in the later growth stage. Additionally, the sand cave structure had a leaching effect on soil salt, the salt leaching effect of silt loam and clay loam was significant (P<0.05) at a depth of >20 cm, and the average relative desalination rate was 23.28% and 56.29%, respectively. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the law of water, heat, and salt transport of saline alkali soil in different soils by sand cave planting, it is concluded that among the three typical saline alkali soil in Hanggin Rear Banner, clay loam is the most suitable soil for sand cave planting. The research results inform the use of water-saving irrigation and the improvement of clay, saline soil to enable sustainable development of agricultural saline soil planting in arid areas.

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    Weather and Climate
    Spatio-temporal characteristics of climate change in China-Pakistan Economic Corridor from 1980 to 2019
    YU Zhixiang,YU Xiaojing,YANG Fan
    2021, 38 (3):  695-703.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.11
    Abstract ( 580 )   HTML ( 13 )   PDF (3699KB) ( 363 )  

    The China-Pakistan economic Corridor (CPEC) runs through Kashi, Xinjiang, China, and Pakistan; it is the flagship project of one belt and one road. This region has varied topography, complex and changeable climate, and frequent extreme events. Especially regarding global warming, climate change research has been closely linked to environmental and development issues. It is important for project implementation and security to better understand the spatio-temporal characteristics of climate change in this region. Using the monthly Climatic Research Unit Time Series v. 4.04 (TS v. 4.04), the detailed climatology and change in temperature, precipitation, and dry-wet condition over CPEC during 1980-2019 were analyzed. The results showed that temperature has a significant increasing tendency with the highest rate in the central CPEC than the two ends. The rate of minimum temperature [0.37 °C·(10a) -1] is higher than the mean temperature [0.32 °C·(10a) -1] and maximum temperature [0.29 °C·(10a) -1]. There were larger regional differences in precipitation change, wet days, and dry-wet situations. Precipitation is considerably decreasing in the southwestern CPEC with a maximum rate of -20 mm·(10a)-1. It is getting dry, while the wet days significantly increase in the central CPEC with a maximum rate of 4 d·(10a)-1.

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    Research on effects of different precipitation magnitudes on runoff changes in the headwater region of the upper Yellow River
    BAO Guangyu,NIE Hong,DAI Sheng,YAN Zhengning,YANG Chunhua,DAI Qingcuo
    2021, 38 (3):  704-713.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.12
    Abstract ( 571 )   HTML ( 22 )   PDF (4799KB) ( 240 )  

    Daily surface precipitation data from 13 meteorological observation stations in the headwater region of the Yellow River upper reaches from 1961 to 2019 and runoff data from Tangnaihai hydrological station were used to study the influence of different precipitation magnitudes on runoff changes in the upper reaches of the Yellow River. This research showed that: (1) the precipitation change rate in the headwater region of the Yellow River upper reaches from 1961 to 2019 was 7.57 mm·(10a)-1. Especially in the 21st century, climate warming and humidification in the headwater region of the Yellow River upper reaches have accelerated, and precipitation has shown a significant increase. (2) The annual total precipitation, precipitation more than 5.0 mm, more than 10.0 mm and more than 25.0 mm in the upper reaches of the Yellow River showed a slight increasing trend from 1961 to 2000, while the annual precipitation increased by 5.1%, 6.9%, 7.4% and 15.0% from 2001 to 2019, respectively. (3) From 1961 to 2019, the contribution rates of more than 5.0 mm, more than 10.0 mm and more than 25.0 mm in the upper reaches of the Yellow River were 71%, 43% and 7%, respectively, showing an increasing trend. Compared with 1961-2000, the contribution rates of precipitation from 2001 to 2019 increased by 1.5%, 1.2% and 0.8%, respectively. (4) Annual precipitation is significantly positively correlated with annual runoff, annual total precipitation, annual precipitation more than 5 mm, annual precipitation more than 10 mm and annual precipitation more than 25 mm are also significantly positively correlated with annual runoff, which are the main climatic factors for the increase (decrease) of annual runoff.

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    Spatio-temporal characteristics of precipitation days and intensity with different grades in the Loess Plateau during 1961-2017
    AN Bin,XIAO Weiwei,ZHANG Shulan,ZHANG Jiandong
    2021, 38 (3):  714-723.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.13
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    The study on the variation characteristics of precipitation days and intensity is significant for the Loess Plateau to cope with climate change and water resource exploitation. Based on the daily precipitation data of 55 surface meteorological stations in the Loess Plateau from 1960 to 2017, the temporal and spatial variability of rainfall, precipitation days, and intensity of the total precipitation and precipitation of different grades (light rain, moderate rain, heavy rain, and rainstorm) were analyzed. The contribution of precipitation days and intensity at each grade to precipitation increment was quantified. Results showed that the total precipitation, light rain, moderate rain, heavy rain, rainstorm days and rainfall, and the intensity of heavy rain and rainstorm all had a decreasing trend in the past 58 years. In contrast, the intensity of total precipitation, light rain, and moderate rain increased. Light rain day is the primary precipitation form in the Loess Plateau. The precipitation days of total precipitation, light rain, and moderate rain in the Loess Plateau were consistent with their respective spatial patterns; that is, the levels of total precipitation and light rain were higher in the southwest and lower in the northwest. The decreasing amplitude was more significant in the south than in the north; also, the moderate rain grades decreased from southeast to northwest, and trend showed the law of descending from south to increasing from north. The heavy rain and above grades decreased from southeast to northwest, and the trend also decreased in the middle and north and south. The precipitation intensity of each grade was consistent with the corresponding precipitation distribution characteristics. However, the spatial distribution of intensity trend was more complex. The decreasing trend of precipitation in most areas was due to the reduction in precipitation days. The primary contribution of precipitation days trend change to precipitation increment included total precipitation, light rain, and moderate rain. The spatial pattern of their contribution rate was high in the south and low in the north. While the primary contribution of precipitation intensity trend change to precipitation increment was for heavy rain and above, which was spatially characterized by high in the northeast-southwest and low in the east and west.

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    Temporal and spatial pattern characteristics of potential evapotranspiration in Tibet and its influencing factors
    SHI Jiqing,DOU Yongli,YANG Feiyun,DAI Rui,HU Jun
    2021, 38 (3):  724-732.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.14
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    This study estimated potential evapotranspiration (ET0) from 38 meteorological stations in Tibet. We collected the data from daily observations from 1981 to 2018 and analyzed it using the FAO’s Penman-Monteith formula. The temporal and spatial patterns of ET0 and its influencing factors were analyzed separately from trend, sudden change, and periodicity. This study showed that within the time frame, ET0 in Tibet decreased and then increased, and there was a significant decrease (except winter) and increase (except spring and summer). Spatially, there was a significant decrease during spring and summer, while in autumn, winter, and interannual, there was a significant increase. The mutation sites were mainly in the South-Central and North Eastern regions, and the time concentration was in the 1980s. The first major cycle of annual average ET0 change may be 33 a(2013 year). Also, average wind speed and relative humidity were the dominant ET0 factors in the years and seasons. Simultaneously, the influence trend of average wind speed, relative humidity, and maximum temperature on ET0 was consistent.

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    Evolution characteristics of precipitation resources pattern in Ningxia
    WANG Suyan,LI Xin,WANG Fan,MA Yang,ZHANG Wen,HUANG Ying,GAO Ruina
    2021, 38 (3):  733-746.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.15
    Abstract ( 761 )   HTML ( 15 )   PDF (3837KB) ( 695 )  

    Ningxia is in the east of Northwest China,and although it is only more than 400 kilometers from north to south,its climate is quite different. In this paper,the characteristics of the precipitation resources pattern evolution in Ningxia under the background of warm-humid in northwest are analyzed,including the precipitation, the difference between potential evapotranspiration and precipitation,the length of continuous “wet” and “dry” processes,the key isohyets of 200 mm and 400 mm,and precipitation intensity and days of different grades and their contribution to precipitation,the relationship between precipitation and water consumption. The results show that: (1) The annual precipitation decreased on the whole,but the stages characteristics and the regional and seasonal difference were higher. Only the precipitation in spring increased around the year of warm-humid in northwest (1983), but which in all regions and seasons increased since 2011 and was more than that of 1961-1982 and 1983-2010. (2) The higher regional difference of precipitation increasing-range and the regional annual unsynchronism,especially the variation difference between medium and large rainfall made the difference of precipitation between regions more and more big and the probability of “warm-wet” and “warm-dry” phenomenon occur at the same time between the north and the South increases. (3) The potential evapotranspiration increasing and the precipitation decreasing made the difference between evapotranspiration and precipitation increase,which in spring and in autumn separately in the Middle North region and in southern mountains was the most. (4) In the Yellow River Diversion Irrigation Area,the continuous drought process increased,but there was no increase trend of the continuous rainy month,and drought in spring,summer or even in spring and summer was still frequent,so the proportion of agricultural water consumption was still large. While the continuous drought process was shortened and the continuous rainy months increased in the south central part. (5) The 200 mm isoline had a southward trend,and the west side of the 400 mm isoline had a southward trend, and which moved northward with the increase of precipitation. (6) The total days of precipitation decreased and the intensity of precipitation increased. The number of light rainy days in all regions and seasons decreased,and most of the precipitation intensity increased. The contribution rate changed remarkably of moderate and heavy rainfall in spring,all of the four magnitudes rainfall in summer and light and heavy rainfall in autumn. Then the changes of moderate and heavy rainfall in spring, heavy and rainstorm rainfall in summer, light and moderate rainfall in autumn played an important role in the change of total rainfall. The precipitation resources pattern evolution in Ningxia had both advantages and disadvantages,and on the whole, the precipitation increase since 2011 was conducive to the restoration of ecological environment,but it would also increase the extreme precipitation and rainless days also,and the risk of urban waterlogging, mountain flood and debris flow. At the same time,the precipitation difference increasing between the north and the South made the difficulty of disaster prevention and mitigation increase.

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    Applied Climate
    Comparative analysis of the fine characteristics of different rainstorms in southern Xinjiang during summer
    YANG Xia,ZHOU Hongkui,XU Tingting,HUA Ye
    2021, 38 (3):  747-756.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.16
    Abstract ( 426 )   HTML ( 11 )   PDF (6635KB) ( 1614 )  

    The probability of a rainstorm in southern Xinjiang is small, and it is challenging to forecast and give an early warning of such events. Rainstorms in southern Xinjiang have a short duration and heavy intensity, accompanied by short-term heavy rainfall events. Other heavy rainfall events are relatively long, without short-term heavy rainfall events. To explore the differences between the two rainstorm types in southern Xinjiang, hourly precipitation data from 2013 to 2019 of 426 automatic weather stations were used to compare and analyze the fine observation differences in short-term heavy rainstorms and those without short-term heavy rainfall events. Results showed that heavy short-term rainfall occurred majorly during summer in southern Xinjiang, and more than 70% of the stations experienced heavy short-term rainfall during rainstorms. Heavy short-term rainfall occurred majorly in July, which accounted for approximately 95% of heavy rain days. Rainstorms with heavy short-term rainfall in southern Xinjiang are mainly distributed in areas with an altitude lower than 2000 m. Those without heavy short-term rainfall events are mainly distributed in areas with an altitude higher than 2000 m. The rainfall characteristics at night of the two types of rainstorms are evident in southern Xinjiang. The diurnal variation characteristics of cumulative precipitation, precipitation frequency, and average precipitation intensity are similar between the entire rainstorm days and the rainstorm days with heavy short-term rainfall events in southern Xinjiang. However, they are different from the rainstorm days without heavy short-term rainfall events. The peak periods of accumulated precipitation, precipitation frequency, and average precipitation intensity for rainstorm days without heavy short-term rainfall events appear in the morning. The peak periods of accumulated precipitation and average precipitation intensity for rainstorm days with heavy short-term rainfall events appear in the evening and the first half of the night. Also, the peak periods of accumulated precipitation frequency mainly appear from the second half of the night to the morning. The relationship between precipitation intensity and accumulated precipitation during rainstorm days with heavy short-term rainfall events is closer than precipitation frequency. The highest proportion of rainstorms occurred at stations with an altitude of 2000-2500 m in southern Xinjiang, and the lowest occurred at stations with an altitude of less than 1000 m. There were significant differences in the observable characteristics of rainstorms with heavy short-term rainfall events and those without heavy short-term rainfall events in southern Xinjiang. The precipitation formation mechanism of the two is not the same and requires further research.

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    Risk zoning of summer rainstorm disaster and its influence in Qaidam Basin
    LIU Yihua,LI Hongmei,WEN Tingting,SHEN Hongyan,HANG Zhongquan,ZHU Baowen
    2021, 38 (3):  757-763.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.17
    Abstract ( 510 )   HTML ( 11 )   PDF (6342KB) ( 414 )  

    Recently, global climate change has led to significant changes in the Qaidam Basin. Temperature and precipitation are two important indicators of climate change. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the times of heavy rain and rainstorm disaster in summer have drastically changed in the Qaidam Basin due to the driving factors of climate change and human activities. To further understand the summer rainstorm disaster and its influence on the Basin, linear regression, correlation, and smooth average analysis were performed based on ten meteorological stations from 1961 to 2018 to analyze the spatial and temporal characteristics of heavy rainfall. This paper analyzed heavy rainfall variation and its days from 1961 to 2018 in the Qaidam Basin, the risk zoning of rainstorm disaster, and its influence on industries. The results indicated: (1) a recent increasing trend of precipitation and heavy rainfall periods in summer (for the past 58 years) in the Qaidam Basin (7.5 mm and 2 times higher every decade, respectively), and a recent increasing trend of heavy rainfall periods (for the past decade) averaging 17 times, which was 6 times higher than the period from 1981 to 2010. Also, in the mid-eastern Qaidam Basin, there was a significant increase in heavy rainfall. (2) an increasing trend of rainstorm disasters from 1990 to 2018; the rate was 2.5 times higher every decade, especially in Dulan, Ulan, Tianjun, and Delingha since the 21st century, which also increased the risk of disaster. (3) the hazard factor and hazard-bearing body in Tianjun county, which belonged to the highest risk region, and Dulan, Ulan, and Delingha county, which belonged to the higher risk regions. Assessments of industries were accordingly conducted. The regionalization results agreed with the flood history records in the Qaidam Basin. Following the results, this study provided some references for the relevant government departments and insurance and agricultural production industries to help reduce rainstorm disaster losses.

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    Spatial-temporal variations of extreme precipitation indices and their response to atmospheric circulation factors in the Weihe River Basin
    ZOU Lei,YU Jiangyou,WANG Feiyu,ZHANG Yan
    2021, 38 (3):  764-774.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.18
    Abstract ( 575 )   HTML ( 15 )   PDF (5810KB) ( 459 )  

    Six extreme precipitation indices, including PRCPTOT, SDII, Rx1day, Rx5day, R95P, and R99P, were calculated using the daily precipitation data of 28 meteorological stations in the Weihe River Basin, from 1961 to 2017, to represent extreme precipitation characteristics. The Mann-Kendall trend and continuous wavelet tests were used to analyze the spatiotemporal variation characteristics of extreme precipitation. The potential influences of anomalous atmospheric circulation factors on extreme precipitation were explored using the cross-wavelet analysis technique. From 1961 to 2017, the extreme precipitation indices showed a decreasing trend in the Weihe River Basin. The extreme precipitation indices increased from northwest to southeast, and the southeastern area of the basin was wetter than the northwest. After 1990, the inter-annual fluctuation of the extreme precipitation index increased significantly and the degree and probability of extreme flood events in the basin had an upward trend. Among the selected anomalous atmospheric circulation factors, the Southern Oscillation Index had the most significant effect on extreme precipitation. The higher the SOI value, the higher the probability of occurrence of less rain, while the smaller the SOI value, the higher the probability of more rain and flood events occurring. This study improves our understanding of the influence of climate change on extreme precipitation, and it improves our capacity to prevent climate disasters.

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    Analysis of extreme summer precipitation characteristics and typical years’circulation characteristics in Longdong Region
    LIU Mengyang,WANG Xiaojun,KE Hang,LUO Zhiwen,YIN Yixing
    2021, 38 (3):  775-784.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.19
    Abstract ( 565 )   HTML ( 10 )   PDF (6121KB) ( 217 )  

    Global climate change accelerates the global and regional hydrological cycle processes, which alter the spatio-temporal distribution of precipitation. Consequently, extreme precipitation events are becoming ever more frequent, which greatly impacts people’s lives. Longdong Region is a semi-arid area with a fragile ecological environment. Therefore, the extreme summer precipitation in this region has a more direct and significant impact on agricultural production, the ecological environment, and people’s lives. We used the daily precipitation data from 13 meteorological stations and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data in the Longdong Region as the basis for exploring five extreme precipitation indices to explore spatio-temporal characteristics of extreme summer precipitation from 1967 to 2015 and the circulation characteristics of typical years with the help of the empirical orthogonal function (EOF) and composite analysis. The preliminary results showed that the extreme summer precipitation indices are smaller in the Northwest of the Longdong Region than in the south and Northeast, showing an overall upward trend. The EOF eigenvectors of the first mode are “+” in the whole area, “+” for the second mode in the south, and “-” in the north. The “strong in the south (north) and weak in the north (south)” distribution features of extreme summer precipitation are the most obvious in the year, with the maximum (minimum) time coefficient in the second mode. In the typical strong (weak) extreme summer precipitation year, there are (not) cold and warm air convergence in Longdong Region. The ascending (descending) motion in the study area was enhanced, and the outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) anomaly is negative (positive), indicating the convective activity is strong (weak), corresponding to more (less) precipitation. Meanwhile, the convergence (divergence) of water vapor flux is favorable (unfavorable) to the generation of extreme summer precipitation. In conclusion, the atmospheric circulation, dynamic conditions, and water vapor conditions all affect the anomalous changes of extreme summer precipitation in the study area. This paper’s results contribute to a deeper understanding of the characteristics and influencing factors of extreme summer precipitation in the Longdong Region, which provides meaningful references for regional disaster prevention and mitigation.

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    Analysis of drought-driving climatic factors of Xilin Gol grassland in the past 59 years
    ZHAO Shuixia,WANG Wenjun,WU Yingjie,QUAN Qiang,WANG Sinan,CHEN Xiaojun,LIU Tiejun
    2021, 38 (3):  785-793.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.20
    Abstract ( 384 )   HTML ( 6 )   PDF (8713KB) ( 190 )  

    The Xilin Gol grassland is a typical arid and semi-arid pastoral area in northern China. The measured daily temperature and precipitation data of nine meteorological stations in Xilin Gol Leagues from 1959 to 2017 were used in this study. By calculating the potential evapotranspiration and water deficit and using trend analysis and the R/S range analysis method, the spatiotemporal variation and its impact on climatic factors in the arid and semi-arid areas were studied. This study provides scientific support for drought monitoring and prediction in northern pastoral areas. Results showed that in the past 59 years, air temperature in Xilin Gol Leagues has increased significantly [0.39 °C·(10a)-1], while precipitation decreased [-5.4 mm·(10a)-1], and the climate gradually became warm and dry. The precipitation in the southeast of Xilin Gol Leagues is significantly higher than in the northwest. The water deficiency decreased gradually from west to east, and temperature and evapotranspiration in the southwest were higher than in the northeast. The inter-annual variation of key climatic factors (rainfall, temperature, ET0, and water surplus and deficit) in different geographical locations is significantly different. The variation within a year showed a single peak periodic change. This indicated that the best water and heat conditions are in July. The warm and dry tendency will continue positively in the future, and the risk of desertification in the western Erenhot will be more serious. The precipitation and water deficiency in eastern West Ujimqin Banner and Naren Baolige region, Abaga Banner in the middle and north region will decrease significantly in the future, having adverse effects on vegetation growth and the ecological environment.

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    Plant and Plant Physiology
    Characteristics of Salix psammophila sap flow and its response to environmental factors in Mu Us Sandy Land
    HONG Guangyu,WANG Xiaojiang,LIU Guohou,ZHANG Lei,GAO Xiaowei,LI Zhuofan,LIU Tieshan,LIU Chenming,LI Zihao
    2021, 38 (3):  794-801.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.21
    Abstract ( 432 )   HTML ( 6 )   PDF (1332KB) ( 399 )  

    The sap flow pattern of Salix psammophila branches with different diameters was monitored long-term in the Mu Us Sand using a Flow32-1K wrapped heat balance sap flow meter. Additionally, the relationship between the sap flow of S. psammophila branches and the meteorological changes of the experimental plots was explored. With the increase in the diameter grade of branches, the diurnal variation of sap flow changed from a broad peak curve to an apparent single peak curve, and the sap flow rate showed an increasing trend. Weather conditions substantially influence sap flow, and the fluctuation of the sap flow rate on rainy days was severe, showing an obvious multi-peak curve. Otherwise, the change in the liquid flow rate on sunny days showed an evident bimodal curve. The mean sap flow rate on rainy days was lower than that on sunny days. With the increase in the diameter grade of branches, the difference of the cumulative sap flow rate between sunny days and rainy days gradually increased. Additionally, the sap flow rate showed a significant positive correlation with surface temperature, atmospheric temperature, saturated water vapor pressure, solar radiation, and wind speed, and it was negatively correlated with air relative humidity. On rainy days, saturated water vapor pressure and relative air humidity had a substantial influence on the sap flow rate. However, on sunny days, solar radiation was an important influence factor on sap flow rate. Based on the monitoring of the sap flow rate of branches and the transpiration consumption characteristics of the S. psammophila community, our study informs the rational utilization of water resources and the optimal control of community structure of S. psammophila.

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    Effects of climate and human activities on vegetation cover changes in Xilingol steppe
    QU Yingbo,ZHAO Yuanyuan,DING Guodong,GAO Guanglei
    2021, 38 (3):  802-811.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.22
    Abstract ( 641 )   HTML ( 29 )   PDF (4540KB) ( 485 )  

    This study used linear and residual analysis of remote sensing and meteorological data to monitor changes in fractional vegetation cover (FVC) in different banners from 1982 to 2018. Additionally, the relationship between climate change, human activities, and FVC change was determined, and then, the temporal and spatial pattern of the contribution rate of the two factors was quantified. The change in FVC in Xilingol steppe had evident spatial heterogeneity. In terms of grassland type, the FVC of meadow steppe increased significantly, while that of desert steppe decreased significantly. The FVC in the west and north areas showed a decreasing trend, while that in the east and south showed an increasing trend, with the year 2000 being the significant change node. FVC was positively correlated with precipitation (P<0.01). The spatial pattern of the impact of human activities on the FVC was different before and after 2000, and human activities from 1982 to 2018 were the dominant explanatory factors.

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    Plant community allocation modes of protection greenbelt in an arid gravel desert region
    ZHOU Jing,YAN Cheng,GUO Ruizeng,YAN Ziyan
    2021, 38 (3):  812-820.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.23
    Abstract ( 368 )   HTML ( 7 )   PDF (556KB) ( 318 )  

    We investigated 27 different plant community allocation modes for a protection greenbelt in the alluvial fan gravel desert area in southern Urumqi. The ecological effects of different plant community allocation modes were evaluated and ranked using the analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model. We found that the allocation of several species was beneficial: Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica-Atriplex cana-Chondrilla piptocoma+Seriphidium transiliense, Ulmus pumila-Hippophae rhamnoides-Chondrilla piptocoma+Clematis songorica, Ulmus laciniata-Hippophae rhamnoides-Chondrilla piptocoma+Acroptilon repens, and Elaeagnus angustifolia-Atriplex cana-Chondrilla piptocoma. The expansion of these optimal allocation modes was analyzed based on the similarity of ecological effects of plant communities and landscapes. The allocation modes composed of high tridimensional green biomass, high coverage, and strong adaptability are proposed as being optimal. This study provides a theoretical basis and technical support for the construction of a protection greenbelt in an arid gravel desert region.

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    Study on gas exchange parameters and water use efficiency of spring wheat leaves under different levels of water stress
    CHEN Fei,YAN Shuang,WANG Heling,ZHANG Kai,ZHAO Funian,HUANG Xiaoyan
    2021, 38 (3):  821-832.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.24
    Abstract ( 511 )   HTML ( 9 )   PDF (3435KB) ( 165 )  

    Leaf gas exchange parameters are the physiological basis of crop yield. Among these parameters, the photosynthetic and transpiration rates play a decisive role in leaf water use efficiency. Therefore, they are essential to research on crop drought resistance and water conservation. Potted water simulation experiments were conducted in spring wheat at Dingxi and Wuwei stations. Four group of treatments, including the control (CK), continuous drought stress (WS), moderate drought stress (40%FC), and severe drought stress (30%FC) treatments, were established to analyze the response characteristics and related characteristics of the gas exchange parameters and water use efficiency (WUEinst) of spring wheat leaves under different levels of water stress. Under continuous drought stress, the daily soil water consumption, photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, and stomatal conductance of spring wheat all showed an initially rapid and then slow downward trend. When the stress reached moderate and severe drought, these parameters were decreased by 71% and 76%, 39% and 60%, 57% and 66%, and 60% and 77%, respectively. The extent of reduction was stomatal conductance>transpiration rate>photosynthetic rate. The intercellular CO2 concentration decreased during mild to moderate drought, and it was decreased by 33% under late moderate drought stress. Subsequently, an increasing trend was observed. WUEinst showed an upward trend during the stage from mild to moderate drought. It was increased by 41% at the late moderate drought stage, and then it decreased rapidly. Compared with CK, WUEinst increased during mild to severe drought, and it reduced after extreme drought. However, when water stress was maintained at the level of moderate or severe drought, the above indicators were similar at the same drought level under continuous drought. Additionally, the values of moderate drought were all higher than those of severe drought (P<0.05). The photosynthesis and transpiration rates were the dominant factors for each other under the mild to moderate stage of continuous drought stress, and stomatal conductance was their common dominant factor under this stress after the late moderate drought and when water stress was maintained at moderate or severe drought. WUEinst was dominantly influenced by the transpiration rate under well-watered and continuous drought stress, and it was not significantly regulated by leaf gas exchange parameters when water stress was maintained at moderate or severe drought. The research results provide a reference for informing the use of appropriate measures in different drought stages and situations.

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    Net carbon exchange and its influencing factors of the oasis vineyard in China’s northwest arid region
    ZHANG Yang,ZHU Gaofeng,QIN Wenhua,ZHAO Nan,CHEN Huiling
    2021, 38 (3):  833-842.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.25
    Abstract ( 390 )   HTML ( 11 )   PDF (6458KB) ( 415 )  

    Studying carbon budget dynamics and the formation mechanism of carbon sources and sinks in the oasis’s agricultural ecosystem in China’s northwest arid region are crucial. Carbon oxide (CO2) fluxes were measured from May to October during the growing season of the arid oasis vineyard in Dunhuang using the eddy covariance system. Based on the CO2 fluxes and data of relevant environmental factors, carbon exchange cumulative values, the net ecosystem exchange (NEE) dynamics, response to leaf area index (LAI), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), water vapor deficiency (VPD), and air temperature (Ta) in the vineyard were estimated. Results obtained showed that during the growing season, the total cumulative amount of net ecosystem exchange (NEE), ecosystem respiration (Re), and gross primary productivity (GPP) were -647.3, 883.2, and 1530.5 g C·m-2, respectively. Re/GPP value was 57.7%, indicating a slightly lower carbon consumption intensity and an intense carbon sink process. During the growing season, NEE showed a single peak change and peaked in July; this is similar to the seasonal variation in air temperature. This indicated that air temperature significantly affected NEE under the primary conditions of sufficient water supply. During the growing season, NEE was affected by biophysical factors such as LAI, PAR, VPD, and Ta. PAR was the most relevant environmental factor, increasing carbon sequestration by driving the photosynthesis of vines. LAI increased initially and then decreased during the growing season, causing the photosynthetic carbon sequestration to be affected accordingly; NEE also decreased initially and then increased. Keeping VPD in a suitable range (20-35 hPa) could effectively improve the carbon sequestration capacity of vines.

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    Ecology and Environment
    Analysis of land vegetation cover evolution and driving forces in the western part of the Ili River Valley
    WEN Guangchao,ZHAO Meijuan,XIE Hongbo,ZHANG Yi,ZHANG Juan
    2021, 38 (3):  843-854.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.26
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    Sixteen satellite-image data of the study area were selected from 2001 to 2016 as the data source to reveal the driving factors of land vegetation cover evolution in the western part of the Ili River Valley. Based on “3S” technology, image classification, superposition analysis, statistical analysis, and other methods were used to analyze the spatiotemporal evolution of land vegetation cover in the study area. A geographical detector model was also used to explore the main driving force of land use and vegetation cover evolution quantitatively. The results showed that in the past 16 years, the total area of bare land, grassland, woodland, and cultivated land accounts for 87% of the total area, which constituted the basic regional land-use pattern. Construction land continued to increase, and the area of glacier, sandy land, and water continued to decrease. In the past 16 years, the vegetation in the study area steadily evolved. The area of low vegetation coverage decreased by approximately 1333 km2, and the area of high vegetation coverage increased by 1020 km2. Overall, the vegetation cover changed from low and medium level to high and high level. The evolution of land vegetation cover in the study area was affected by both natural and human factors. Rainfall, temperature, population, GDP, and elevation were the main factors of evolution. Besides, some factors had significant differences in land cover, and there is a two-factor synergistic enhancement phenomenon. Meteorological factors were the primary driving force of regional land vegetation cover evolution, and human activities were the secondary driving force.

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    Wetland landscape evolution and its driving factors in Yinchuan
    WANG Xiaofeng,YAN Yu,LI Yuehao,ZHANG Xing,FU Xinxin
    2021, 38 (3):  855-866.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.27
    Abstract ( 423 )   HTML ( 8 )   PDF (3541KB) ( 238 )  

    Wetland is the transitional zone of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, and it is an ecosystem with the highest biodiversity and productivity on Earth. Recently, under the influence of climate change and human activities, the wetland ecosystem has rapidly degraded. Spatio-temporal dynamic monitoring of wetland plays a vital role in the sustainable development of wetland landscape. The object-oriented classification method was used to extract the wetland landscape information in Yinchuan based on the Landsat TM/OLI remote sensing images from 1990 to 2019. The landscape index and redundancy analysis methods were used to analyze the dynamic changes and their driving factors in wetlands. The results showed that Yinchuan’s wetland area decreased from 264.86 km2 in 1990 to 241.32 km2in 2019, a decrease of 23.54 km2. The area of natural wetlands in 2019 decreased by 33.57 km2, while artificial wetlands increased by 10.03 km2. In the past 30 years, PD and AI of the landscape patterns have decreased, while the LSI and SHDI increased. This indicated that the wetland landscape patterns has undergone significant changes, fragmentation and aggregation degree gradually decreased, patch shape tended to be more complicated, and landscape diversity and heterogeneity increased. Twelve driving factors were selected for redundancy analysis, and socio-economic factors played a dominant role in the wetland landscape change, including nonagricultural population and aquatic products yield, the output value of various industries, and developed areas of cities. Altogether, natural factors such as precipitation, temperature, and hours of sunshine change could also impact the wetland landscape change, which is relatively weak. The research results provide important references to protect and rationally use wetlands resources in Yinchuan.

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    Effects of climatic factors on litter decomposition and soil fauna in arid regions
    ZHANG Anning,LIU Rentao,CHEN Wei,CHANG Haitao,JI Xueru
    2021, 38 (3):  867-874.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.28
    Abstract ( 361 )   HTML ( 18 )   PDF (496KB) ( 506 )  

    Detritus food webs dominated by soil fauna were the main method of litter decomposition and nutrient release, which plays a crucial role in maintaining the biogeochemical cycle and stability of fragile ecosystems. It was an interesting topic regarding the research on the effect of climate change on litter decomposition in arid and semi-arid regions. Climate change may have an important impact on litter decomposition, soil fauna, and related factors. However, there is no systematic summary of the underling mechanism. This review based on relevant literature at home and abroad, summarizes the impact of climate change (temperature, precipitation, and solar radiation) on litter decomposition, the impact of climate change (temperature and precipitation) on soil fauna, and impact of climate change on the relationship between litter decomposition and soil fauna. It was suggested that climate change affects the correlation between litter decomposition and soil fauna regarding changes in environmental factors and litter quality. We proposed that the following prospects should be paid more attention in the future: (1) large-scale and long-term research, as well as strict control experimental setup; (2) functional traits of soil fauna; (3) ecological functioning of soil fauna on litter decomposition. It is suggested that the litter and soil fauna ecological research should give more attention to the interaction of environmental factors under climate change, the variations of litter decomposition at different spatial scales, and model establishment.

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    Grain size characteristics of surface sediments in three low vertical sand barriers
    QI Shuai,WANG Ji,DANG Xiaohong,WEI Yajuan,DING Fenqian
    2021, 38 (3):  875-881.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.29
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    This research examines the inner surface (0-2 cm) of three types of sand barriers (PLA, Salix, HDPE) of the same specifications that have been laid for three years in the south of Xingba Expressway in the Kubuqi Desert. The mechanical composition of the samples was measured using a laser particle size analyzer, and parameters, such as average particle size, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, and fractal dimension, were analyzed. The study area was dominated by medium and fine sand (77.83%-98.00%), and the content of clay and powder particles did not exceed 5%. The PLA and HDPE sand barriers at the bottom of the windward slope of the dunes were manifested by mild wind erosion, and the particle size was relatively coarse. However, from the bottom to the top of the slope, the size of the sand willow sand barrier gradually increased, and there was a change from sedimentation to wind erosion at the top of the slope. Overall, the sediments in the sand barrier were poorly sorted, the skewness developed toward positive or negative deviation, kurtosis developed toward sharpness, the fractal dimension was 1.94-2.20, and the dominant grain size changed to fine sand. The impact of different types of sand barriers on sediments was different. The distribution of sediment particles in the HDPE and PLA sand barriers was more extensive, while the sand willow sand barrier was relatively concentrated and refined. The optimization of particle composition was HDPE> Salix> PLA sand barrier.

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    Wind-proof and sand-blocking characteristics of high vertical nylon mesh sand barrier and its rational allocation
    XI Cheng,ZUO Hejun,WANG Haibing,YAN Min,JIA Guangpu
    2021, 38 (3):  882-891.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.30
    Abstract ( 1319 )   HTML ( 8 )   PDF (7546KB) ( 183 )  

    High vertical sand barriers are widely used to protect against wind and sand disasters in linear engineering. The layout mode directly affects the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of wind and sand prevention in engineering. On the windward side of Ulan Buh Desert Sand Crossing Highway from Dengkou to Ustai, Inner Mongolia, we have designed two types of sand barriers, namely, single sand barrier with four heights and double sand barrier with four heights and three intervals, which are used to simulate the observation field of wind-sand disaster prevention and control. The ladder sand and HOBO wind speed collectors were used to observe the wind-proof and sand-blocking efficiency parameters under dust storms with different wind speeds. Results showed that under the background of low wind speed (<12 m·s-1), the effective protection distance behind the high vertical nylon sand barrier net is within 3H for single behavior and 12H for double behavior (Where “H” represents the distance of the same height of sand barrier). The average interception rate of single-row high vertical nylon sand barrier is 85.14% at 3H after barrier and 91.23% at 5H after barrier. The average sand barrier rejection rate of the double-row high vertical nylon sand barrier net is 93.53% at 3H after the barrier. It is not recommended to use sand barriers with a height of 0.6 m or less when nylon sand barriers are deployed in linear engineering protection in the medium and low wind energy areas. A Single-row nylon sand barrier with a height of 1 m can be configured at a wind speed of 8 m·s -1 and below. A wind speed of 8-12 m·s-1 can be configured with double-row nylon sand screens with an interval of 8H and a height of 0.8-1.0 m. In the high wind speed area (>12 m·s-1), the multi-strip compound configuration of nylon mesh sand barrier with widening distance to 10 H and a height of 1.2 m was selected. This model can optimize the design of sand control projects and improve the sand disaster prevention system of line engineering.

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    Grain size characteristics of earth forest sediments in the Datong Basin
    CAI Yingying,LI Jiyan,QU Xin,WANG Meng,WANG Yingying
    2021, 38 (3):  892-900.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.03.31
    Abstract ( 937 )   HTML ( 9 )   PDF (2998KB) ( 543 )  

    Earth forests are typical fluvial erosion landforms, which refer to a series of positive and negative relieves, such as column-shaped and wall-shaped forests, as well as gullies. The materials that composed the earth forests are previously deposited semi-loose to semi-consolidated fluvial and lacustrine strata. Therefore, the earth forests’ strata bear abundant information on regional environmental change. By applying grain size analysis to the sediments of earth forests’ strata, this study tentatively demonstrates the material composition and the regional sedimentary environment’s variation processes. A study on grain size characteristics of earth forest landform sediments in the Datong Basin can make clear its material composition and sedimentary environment and provide a scientific basis for the development and evolutionary history of earth forest landforms. Here, 23 sediment samples were collected from a stratum profile of earth forest, and their grain size grading, frequency distribution curves, and grain size parameters were analyzed. The results indicated that the earth forest in the Datong Basin was mainly composed of silt, with an average content of 50.6%, followed by clay, with an average content of 36.01%, and the contents of coarser grain size fractions were scarce. The frequency distribution curve showed uni-and bi-modal distribution patterns. The cumulative grain size frequency curves showed one-and two-segment distribution patterns, which indicated suspension and saltation loads, and each component’s content varied. With the increase in soil depth, the average particle size tends to fluctuate and become coarser. The sorting characteristics fluctuate from moderately poor to poor. The skewness changed from nearly symmetrical to negative and eventually positive. The kurtosis was mostly wide and medium. Sediments of the Datong earth forest were mainly formed in the aeolian, fluvial, and lacustrine sedimentary environments, and these strata were vertically interbedded. The formation of the earth forest is affected by internal and external forces, and its developmental and evolutionary process is closely related to the local climate change. The earth forests’ strata are usually deposited in the fluvial and lacustrine environments during relatively warmer conditions, while they are deposited by aeolian deposition during the arid climate.

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