Arid Zone Research ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (6): 1976-1985.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.06.27
• Agricultural Ecology • Previous Articles Next Articles
ZHANG Hui1,2(),ZHANG Kai1,2(
),CHEN Bing1,2,YANG Chuan1,2,LIU Ping1,2
ZHANG Hui,ZHANG Kai,CHEN Bing,YANG Chuan,LIU Ping. Effects of different irrigation rates on cotton growth and yield formation in Xinjiang[J].Arid Zone Research, 2022, 39(6): 1976-1985.
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Tab. 1
Drip irrigation time and amount of drip irrigation in different treatments"
处理 | 滴灌时间 | 全生育期灌溉总量 /(m3·hm-2) | ||||||
出苗水 | 苗期 | 蕾期 | 花期 | 花铃期 | 盛铃期 | |||
5月10日 | 6月13日 | 6月26日 | 7月13日 | 7月22日 | 7月30日 | 8月10日 | ||
I100 | 650 | 807 | 323 | 344 | 286 | 229 | 432 | 3071 |
I85 | 650 | 682 | 271 | 292 | 245 | 193 | 354 | 2686 |
I75 | 650 | 641 | 250 | 219 | 193 | 177 | 292 | 2421 |
I60 | 650 | 490 | 167 | 151 | 139 | 125 | 234 | 1955 |
Tab. 4
Effects of different irrigation rates on biomass of cotton organs"
处理 | 根 /(g·株-1) | 茎 /(g·株-1) | 叶 /(g·株-1) | 壳 /(g·株-1) | 絮+籽 /(g·株-1) | 营养器官 /(g·株-1) | 生殖器官 /(g·株-1) | 总生物量 /(g·株-1) |
I100 | 4.98±0.10a | 20.05±0.65a | 2.34±0.21 | 19.43±0.94a | 49.3±1.21a | 27.37±0.68a | 68.73±1.12a | 96.1±1.73a |
I85 | 4.71±0.15a | 15.17±0.18b | 3.52±0.83 | 13.03±0.23b | 33.85±0.41b | 23.40±0.82b | 46.88±0.62b | 70.28±1.27b |
I75 | 3.91±0.14b | 14.12±0.53b | 2.58±0.72 | 12.52±0.53b | 34.32±0.60b | 20.61±0.97c | 46.84±1.1b | 67.45±1.65b |
I60 | 4.69±0.23a | 14.85±0.42b | 2.65±0.28 | 11.89±0.43b | 33.03±1.24b | 22.19±0.81bc | 44.92±1.67b | 67.11±1.58b |
Tab. 5
Effects of different irrigation rates on cotton yield and yield components"
处理 | 密度/(104株·hm-2) | 单株铃数/(个·株-1) | 单铃重/(g·株-1) | 籽棉产量/(kg·hm-2) |
I100 | 12.25±0.25 | 8.92±0.37a | 5.59±0.12 | 6090.00±218.69a |
I85 | 12.50±0.65 | 8.61±0.60a | 5.29±0.08 | 5642.12±262.84b |
I75 | 12.25±1.03 | 8.67±0.54a | 5.22±0.06 | 5476.07±239.28b |
I60 | 12.75±0.63 | 6.70±0.53b | 5.26±0.21 | 4429.92±91.95b |
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