Arid Zone Research ›› 2024, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (5): 730-741.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.05.02
• Weather and Climate • Previous Articles Next Articles
YE Hu1,2(), PEI Hao2,3(
), JIANG Yanfeng2,4, NA Qing2,5, ZHANG Liwei2,6
YE Hu, PEI Hao, JIANG Yanfeng, NA Qing, ZHANG Liwei. Properties of aerosol scattering and its influencing factors in semiarid areas of Inner Mongolia[J].Arid Zone Research, 2024, 41(5): 730-741.
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Tab. 6
The fitting relationship between scattering coefficients and aerosols in different seasons"
季节 | 拟合关系 | 相关系数 |
春季 | Y=-0.303XPM10+3.333XPM2.5+0.519XBC-13.755 | 0.931 |
夏季 | Y=-1.172XPM10+5.741XPM2.5+0.178XBC+1.556XSO2-8.227 | 0.803 |
秋季 | Y=0.173XPM10+2.763XPM2.5+0.334XBC+0.973XSO2+1.379XNO2-30.410 | 0.821 |
冬季 | Y=0.386XPM10+0.525XPM2.5+0.344XBC-0.968XSO2+4.267XNO2-13.997 | 0.848 |
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