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    15 January 2022, Volume 39 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Spatio temporal patterns of pan evaporation from 1960 to 2018 over the Loess Plateau: Changing properties and possible causess
    ZHANG Yaozong,ZHANG Bo,ZHANG Duoyong,LIU Yanyan
    2022, 39 (1):  1-9.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.01
    Abstract ( 633 )   HTML ( 35 )   PDF (3307KB) ( 302 )  

    The Loess Plateau is an important ecological conservation area, which is sensitive to climate change, located in China. It is also an important ecological governance area. Ecological restoration projects in the Loess Plateau are related to the sustainable development of the Yellow River Basin and national ecological security. Moisture is the main factor that restricts vegetation restoration in the Loess Plateau. Therefore, the variation of water resources has a direct impact on agricultural production, ecological construction, and sustainable development of the social economy in this region. In the study area water resources are relatively scarce, and evaporation is an important hydrological factor. It is necessary to study pan evaporation variations and their influence factors to provide information for ecological construction, agricultural production, and water management in the Loess Plateau. In this study, pan evaporation, temperature, wind speed, precipitation, relative humidity, and water pressure data collected from 61 weather stations were used to analyze the characteristics of pan evaporation variation and its influence factors in the Loess Plateau from 1960 to 2018, through the Mann-Kendall test, cumulative anomaly, and linear trend methods. At the same time, the related driving factors were evaluated with multiple regression analysis. The results indicate that annual evaporation in the Loess Plateau showed an obvious decreasing trend at a rate of -6 mm·(10a)-1 in the last 59 years, but it increased after the year 2000. In the study area, two turning points and three stage changes were identified: Pan evaporation decreased between 1960 and 1974, and from 1975 to 1996, while it increased from 1997 to 2018. In addition, pan evaporation showed a decreasing trend in spring, summer, and autumn, and an increasing trend in winter. Spatially, the overall and local changes in pan evaporation were not synchronized: regions I, II, V, and VI showed an increasing trend, while the Guanzhong Plain and Shanxi Loess Plateau showed a decreasing trend. The decrease in average wind speed, sunshine hours, and the increase in water vapor pressure were important factors for the decrease in pan evaporation. The main factors responsible for this reduction were the decrease of wind speed and sunshine hours, and the increase of water vapor. In spring and autumn, the wind speed played a major role in the variation of pan evaporation, and the main influence factors in summer were precipitation, water vapor pressure, and in winter was temperature. In light of the future global warming scenarios, the variation of evaporation has become a common concern for global climate change, particularly as the decline in pan evaporation has now been reported in many regions of the world. Evaporation is an important component of the thermal balance and water budget on the Earth surface, and it is directly affected by both land use and climate change. The research on evaporation variation will help us understand the dynamics of climate change and clarify the characteristics of the water cycle in the Loess Plateau.

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    MIS3 climate change assessed according to loess deposition in the Linfen Basin, China
    TIAN Qingchun,YIN Jianan,HAO Xiaolong
    2022, 39 (1):  10-20.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.02
    Abstract ( 605 )   HTML ( 19 )   PDF (5039KB) ( 423 )  

    The Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS3) climate problem has yet to be resolved; thus, further analysis of regional sedimentary records is needed. Loess is recognized as an excellent carrier of quaternary climate research. This study investigated the climate characteristics and changes in the Linfen Basin during MIS3 based on optically stimulated luminescence dating and measurements of magnetic susceptibility, total iron, total organic carbon, and particle size in a profile near the 54:100 site of the Dingcun palaeoanthropological site. Results suggested that climate change in the Linfen Basin during MIS3 can be divided into three stages: 56-45 ka BP, a weak-humid climate interval corresponding to the early stage of MIS3 (MIS3c); 45-41 ka BP, a short dry-cold interval corresponding to MIS3b; and 41-25 ka BP, a strong warm-humid interval corresponding to MIS3a. Comparative analysis of contemporaneous heterogeneous climate records from different regions throughout the world suggest that the climate of the Linfen Basin over MIS3 was generally warm and humid, although not as warm and humid as in the last interglacial period, which is consistent with other geological records. The significant regional variation in climate characteristics throughout the Linfen Basin over this time may be explained by the interaction between changes in the Northern Hemisphere ice sheet and solar radiation levels, respectively, rather than by regionally varying local drivers. These two mechanisms would have resulted in uneven distributions of heat and humidity throughout the region; thus, they can partly explain the regional differences observed in the data. However, the specific coupling mechanisms for these driving forces require further research.

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    Simulation of stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in atmospheric water vapor based on an evaporation pan experiment
    LEI Shijun,WANG Shengjie,ZHU Xiaofan,ZHANG Mingjun
    2022, 39 (1):  21-29.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.03
    Abstract ( 405 )   HTML ( 6 )   PDF (4035KB) ( 386 )  

    The stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in atmospheric water vapor reflect the key processes of water transport, mixing, and phase change in the atmosphere. The stable isotopic compositions of hydrogen and oxygen in atmospheric water vapor can be simulated using an evaporation pan experiment, but a measurement-based assessment of model reliability is necessary. In this study, an evaporation pan experiment was conducted in Lanzhou, Gansu, from September to November 2019. The daily atmospheric water vapor isotopes were simulated using the Craig-Gordon linear resistance model and the water isotopic mass balance method in a natural evaporative state. Online observations of atmospheric water vapor isotopes were performed using a water vapor isotope analyzer and then the pan-based simulations were verified. The simulated δ 18O in atmospheric water vapor and the directly measured δ 18O were in good agreement with a root mean square error of 4.5‰, a mean absolute error of 3.2‰, and a mean bias error of 0.03‰.The residual of simulated δ18O values were correlated with relative humidity (R2=0.43), remaining ratio (R2=0.39), and the isotopic values of the remaining water bodies (R2=0.39). The model was highly sensitive to relative humidity: lower relative humidity conditionstypically corresponded to a higher error. Under the conditions of low remaining ratio and isotopically enriched remaining water at the end of the evaporation experiment, the simulation residual was much larger than that at the beginning of the experiment.

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    Paleoenvironmental implications of α-cellulose carbon and oxygen isotopes from Heiyangpo peatland in the Altai Mountains
    LIU Qi,XU Zhonglin,ZHANG Dongliang
    2022, 39 (1):  30-40.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.04
    Abstract ( 477 )   HTML ( 12 )   PDF (7690KB) ( 98 )  

    The Altai Mountains are affected by westerlies all year round and are therefore the focus of paleoclimate research. To explore the rationnality of using the modern process of carbon and oxygen isotopes from peat plants in centennial-or millennial-scale paleoclimate reconstruction in the Altai Mountains, we analyzed the relationship between the α-cellulose carbon and oxygen isotopes (δ 13Ccell and δ18Ocell) of Heiyangpo peatland and the meteorological parameters (temperature, precipitation, and relative humidity) measured in the cold season (October-April), warm season (May-September), and annually from Habahe station from 1962 to 2017. Significant relationships were found between δ13Ccell and relative humidity in May-August(r=-0.52, P<0.05), and between δ18Ocell and precipitation in November-January(r=0.49, P<0.05). Thus, δ13Ccell and δ18Ocell values are reliable proxies of May-August relative humidity and November-January precipitation, respectively. Our work provides multi-year scale data support for the interpretation of paleoclimate information recorded by peat cellulose isotopes in the Altai Mountains. The research not only informs the modern process study of peat isotopes in China, but also has great significance for quantitative paleoclimate reconstruction in areas using peat cellulose isotopes over long periods.

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    Variation characteristics of solar radiation and the interaction with meteorological elements in the Hetao Plain
    WU Xia,JIANG Zhiwei,MENG Rong,LI Yunfei,SUN Xiaohan
    2022, 39 (1):  41-53.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.05
    Abstract ( 1522 )   HTML ( 27 )   PDF (7515KB) ( 238 )  

    Based on climatic element data from the Hetao Plain collected between 1961 and 2017, a hybrid model was used to estimate the daily solar radiation in the Hetao Plain. Using a trend method, cumulative anomalies, an M-K test, wavelet analysis, cross wavelets, and other methods, the characteristics of solar radiation changes in the Hetao Plain were analyzed. Concurrently, the relationship with meteorological elements was also assessed. In the past 57 years, the annual average solar radiation received at the ground level in the Hetao Plain was 6030.83 MJ·m-2, which represents slow decrease at a rate of 0.3 MJ·(10a)-1. Seasonal characteristics were significant; the annual solar radiation was mainly concentrated in the summer (2138 MJ·m-2) and was at its lowest levels in winter (793 MJ·m-2). Furthermore, spring radiation showed a significant upward trend at a rate of 8.59 MJ·(10a)-1, whereas summer and autumn radiation showed a slight downward trend, and winter radiation showed a significant downward trend at a rate of 7.06 MJ·(10a)-1. The annual solar radiation mutation point in the Hetao Plain were in 1993; 1972 and 1993 were the spring mutation points; 1967 and 1997 were the summer mutation points; 2014 was the autumn mutation point; and 1984 was the winter mutation point. Wavelet analysis results show that 24 years was the main cycle of annual solar radiation in the Hetao Plain; the main periods of radiation were 27 years for spring and summer, 30 years for autumn, and 21 years for winter. Both the solar radiation and meteorological elements in the Hetao Plain had a 32-year resonance period. The number of hours of sunshine had the highest correlation with radiation followed by temperature and air pressure, whereas the correlation between relative humidity and radiation was relatively low. Temperature and solar radiation were mainly positively correlated on multiple time scales, e.g., 1986-1991 and 2001-2006. There was a positive correlation between air pressure and solar radiation from 1976 to 1981. Relative humidity and solar radiation were negatively correlated with two resonant periods of 8-16 and 16-32 years. There is a significant positive correlation between sunshine hours and solar radiation, and there were resonance high-value energy regions in the following periods: 1973-1981, 1986-1995, and 1997-2005.

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    Comparative analysis of parallel observations of precipitation phenomena in China
    MA Ning,REN Zhihua,WANG Yan,LIU Na,CAO Ning
    2022, 39 (1):  54-63.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.06
    Abstract ( 522 )   HTML ( 8 )   PDF (3729KB) ( 281 )  

    Manual and automatic precipitation data (i.e., parallel observation data) collected at 2363 meteorological stations in China between August 2017 and August 2018 were used to analyze the integrity and accuracy of automatic observed data (singular value removed). Firstly, the comparison of the capture rate indices of rain, snow, sleet, hail, and drizzle obtained from parallel observations shows that, during the entire precipitation process, rain, snow, and drizzle had a higher capture rate than sleet and hail had, with values of 66.9%, 69.2%, and 50.1%, respectively; and the hourly capture rate of hail (51.8%) was the highest. Secondly, as for miss rate of phenomenon automatic observed, the highest value was recorded for drizzle (65.9%), the second-highest for snow (35.6%), and the lowest for hail (16.2%). Thirdly, the misreported rates of drizzle, rain, and snow were lower than those of sleet and hail: Analogous percentages of rain were misreported as drizzle, higher percentages of drizzle or snow were misreported as rain, and also higher percentages of snow were misreported as drizzle or rain. The last statistical result is that the index of empty report rate shows that drizzle and hail were not captured at a substantial number of meteorological stations through automatic observations. Compared with manual observations, a portion of precipitation phenomena was missed, misreported, or even not captured by automatic observations using disdrometers, although these instruments have a minute level temporal resolution. Brook no delay, quality control procedures should be carried out once the data are collected by disdrometers, the algorithm for phenomenon identification should be continuously optimized, and the comprehensive identification of precipitation phenomena should be carried out by combining other weather elements.

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    Spatial error characteristics of rainstorm forecasts of large-scale numerical model over the northeastern side of Tibetan Plateau
    ZHANG Junxia,KONG Xiangwei,LIU Xinwei,WANG Yong
    2022, 39 (1):  64-74.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.07
    Abstract ( 437 )   HTML ( 6 )   PDF (3896KB) ( 175 )  

    Rainstorm targets were identified from May to September in 2019-2020 over the northeastern side of Tibetan Plateau by using the Contiguous Rain Area technique. There were 18 rainstorm targets in European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) and 11 in Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediction System-Global Forecast System (GRAPES-GFS) mode. The spatial error characteristics—including displacement, intensity, and pattern error—of the two models for rainstorm forecasts were analyzed quantitatively, and the applicability of the two models in rainstorm forecasts over the northeastern side of Tibetan Plateau is here summarized. The results of the study showed that: (1) The pattern errors of rainstorm forecasts in ECMWF and GRAPES-GFS accounted for the largest proportion of the total errors. ECMWF had the smallest intensity error ratio for rainstorm forecast, followed by displacement errors, while the GRAPES-GFS model had the smallest displacement errors, followed by intensity errors. (2) The rainstorm areas in the two models shifted more northwestward compared with observations. The forecast of ECMWF for the rainstorm center was southwestward, while that of GRAPES-GFS was only westward. (3) The forecast of rainstorm area produced by the two models was obviously too limited, meaning that it could easily fail to predict rainstorm events. The GRAPE-GFS model underestimated both maximum precipitation and rainfall intensity by more than 40%, while ECMWF under-forecasted about 11.49% for the average rainfall intensity and overestimated about 1.47% for maximum precipitation. (4) The two models showed a better forecasting ability for rainstorm in the southeastern Gansu and southwestern Shaanxi areas, and a poorer one in the northern Shaanxi, Ningxia, and other northern areas.

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    Analysis of the temporal-spatial variation characteristics of drought in the Xinjiang based on the meteorological drought comprehensive index
    WU Xiulan,DUAN Chunfeng,Mayila Maimaitiaili,ZHANG Jingli,ZHANG Taixi
    2022, 39 (1):  75-83.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.08
    Abstract ( 703 )   HTML ( 23 )   PDF (6434KB) ( 349 )  

    According to the national standard of meteorological drought grade revised in 2017, the daily meteorological drought comprehensive index (MCI) of meteorological stations was calculated based on the daily meteorological data of 99 stations in Xinjiang from 1961 to 2020. The temporal and spatial characteristics of drought intensity in Xinjiang over the last 60 years were analyzed using correlation analysis, linear trend analysis, mutation tests, and empirical orthogonal function (EOF). The MCI monitoring results were in good agreement with precipitation anomaly percentages and drought disaster records in Xinjiang. The degree of drought changed abruptly around 1987. From 1988, the degree of drought was generally lower. Furthermore, the degree of drought in spring, summer, and autumn showed a significant weakening trend. Taking Tianshan Mountain as the boundary, northern Xinjiang was drier than southern Xinjiang and the pastoral area was drier than the agricultural area. The drought was severe in spring, it was severe in the west of North and South Xinjiang in summer, but it was generally lighter in autumn. The first mock exam of EOF expansion reflected the average state of drought change in the whole region. The second mode reflected the opposite trend of drought in North and South Xinjiang. In the last 60 years, the spatial and temporal variation of drought intensity in Xinjiang was generally consistent but differed among local areas.

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    Detailed analysis of the characteristics of dry-hot wind in southern Xinjiang in 2020
    ZHANG Zulian,MAO Weiyi,YAO Yanli,ZHANG Shanqing,GU Yawen
    2022, 39 (1):  84-93.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.09
    Abstract ( 564 )   HTML ( 13 )   PDF (4114KB) ( 289 )  

    The paper using 5 km of CLDAS from May to July 2020 grid hour data and wheat growth data in 2020, the definition of dry-hot wind based on hourly meteorological elements was refined, sort out the hourly dry-hot wind data of each grid, detailed analysis of the characteristics of high temperature and low humidity (light, medium and heavy) and dry wind types dry-hot wind in southern Xinjiang. The results show that: (1) The average cumulative days of four degrees dry-hot wind were 31.0,13.8,10.7, and 3.6 days, and the average cumulative hours were 151.2, 54.6, 41.2, and 11.3 h, the high value areas of dry-hot wind days, hours and comprehensive strength index were located in Ruoqiang, Hami and Turpan regions. (2) The days with average hours of high temperature and low humidity dry-hot wind≥6.5 h were concentrated in late June, early and mid-July, the days with dry wind type dry-hot wind average hours≥4 h were concentrated in May, mid-June and early July, the largest areas of high temperature and low humidity type at 18:00 and dry wind type at 19:00 every day. (3) Analysis of dry-hot wind process distribution, the average cumulative times of four degrees dry-hot wind were 12.7, 7.9, 5.7, and 2.5 times, the average longest duration days were 8.4, 3.5, 2.7, and 1.2 days. The dry-hot wind have large areas, many times, long duration days and strong process. Therefore, enough attention should be paid to the defense of dry-hot wind.

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    Applicability assessment of two meteorological datasets in areas lacking data with the Hutubi River Basin as an example
    SUN Mingyue,LYU Haishen,ZHU Yonghua,LIN Yu,ZHANG Meijie
    2022, 39 (1):  94-103.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.10
    Abstract ( 413 )   HTML ( 8 )   PDF (5114KB) ( 292 )  

    In ungauged areas, a lack of observational data (e.g., precipitation and temperature data) can affect the accuracy of flood forecasting, which in turn affects the implementation of flood control, drought relief, and water resources planning. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct applicability analysis of existing precipitation and temperature data in ungauged areas. By applying the HBV (Hydrologiska Byråns Vattenbalansavdelning) model, including a snowmelt runoff simulation, to the area upstream of the Shimen hydrological station in the Hutubi River Basin, and based on a comparison of simulated snowmelt flood runoff and measured runoff, a dataset including gridded daily precipitation and temperature in China and observational data from meteorological stations were analyzed and compared. The applicability of the snowmelt runoff simulation was also analyzed. Results showed that the snowmelt runoff simulation was more effective when used with the hydrological model driven by grid data than with the hydrological model driven by station observation data. The Nash coefficients of the snowmelt runoff from the hydrological model driven by grid data and the hydrological model driven by station observation data were 0.792 and 0.433, respectively, within the verification period. In addition, some characteristics of the snowmelt floods in the Hutubi River Basin were analyzed and the possible causes of errors in the simulated snowmelt runoff were also assessed based on differences in driving data. These results can help improve the accuracy of snowmelt flood forecasts in areas that lack data on snowmelt characteristics.

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    Spatial-temporal variations in extreme precipitation and their relationship with atmospheric circulation in the Guanzhong Plain
    DING Yingying,QIU Dexun,WU Changxue,MU Xingmin,GAO Peng
    2022, 39 (1):  104-112.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.11
    Abstract ( 590 )   HTML ( 12 )   PDF (3754KB) ( 474 )  

    Based on daily precipitation data collected from 13 meteorological stations in the Guanzhong Plain in 1957-2019, the extreme precipitation indices were calculated and their spatial-temporal variation characteristics were analyzed. Specifically, the correlation between extreme precipitation and atmospheric general circulation was explored using a unitary linear regression method, Pearson correlation analysis, and wavelet coherence analysis. The results showed the following. (1) Extreme precipitation intensity showed an increasing trend at a rate of 0.007 mm·d-1·(10a)-1, whereas other extreme precipitation indices showed a decreasing trend in which the annual total extreme precipitation showed the most pronounced decreased with a rate of -5.528 mm·(10a)-1. Additionally, none of the extreme precipitation indices had a significant mutation point. (2) The extreme precipitation indices were higher in the south and lower in the north, with a significant spatial difference detected. (3) Only the southern oscillation index (SOI) had a significant effect on extreme precipitation. The larger the SOI value, the more likely it was to rain less on the Guanzhong Plain. These results provide a theoretical basis for flood disaster prevention and control on the Guanzhong Plain.

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    Stream component characteristics of the inland river basin of the Tarim Basin under regional climate change
    SUN Congjian,CHEN Wei,WANG Shiyu
    2022, 39 (1):  113-122.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022. 01.12
    Abstract ( 624 )   HTML ( 24 )   PDF (3052KB) ( 604 )  

    Climate change has a significant impact on the water cycle in the alpine region of Central Asia, which intensifies the disparity between the supply and demand of regional water resources. Understanding the characteristics of runoff components in regional inland rivers is of great importance for water resource management. Based on meteorological data and runoff data from the Tiznafu River Basin in the southwest of the Tarim Basin from the past 60 years (1957-2016), regional climate change and runoff responses were evaluated in this study. Results showed that the temperature of the whole basin and the precipitation in mountainous areas had an obvious upward trend; moreover, the regional warming and humidification trends had become more pronounced since 2010. Given these changes, the runoff of the Tiznafu River had increased significantly in summer and autumn, although there was no significant change in spring. Using isotope samples, we investigated variation in isotopes in different water sources and analyzed the contribution of different water sources based on isotope hydrograph separation. Melt water, groundwater, and rainfall contributed 17%, 40%, and 43% of the annual stream flow, respectively. There were obvious differences in runoff components in different seasons and the contribution of precipitation to runoff was more substantial in summer. As a typical alpine inland river in the southwest of the Tarim River Basin, regional climate change, especially changes in precipitation, will greatly affect the utilization of the Tizinafu River and its resources in the future.

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    A comparative study of ponded infiltration in a desert sandy soil based on multi-hydrological models
    ZHOU Hong
    2022, 39 (1):  123-134.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.13
    Abstract ( 505 )   HTML ( 3 )   PDF (4313KB) ( 184 )  

    Water infiltration of the vadose zone plays a key role in the water cycle. A better understanding of the relationships among rainfall, ponded water, and soil infiltration processes is critical to estimate groundwater replenishment and redistribution in desert environments. However, research on the moisture distribution in the vadose zone of sandy soil is still limited. In particular, few studies have examined the water transport processes in the desert vadose zone. Therefore, we aimed to determine the soil moisture distribution and variation in homogenous sandy soil under ponded infiltration and to validate models using data from these observations. This study was conducted in a nature dune slack through dynamic in situ observations using profile infiltration experiment and continuous soil moisture measurements at 1 min intervals. A single-ring infiltrometer (diameter, 20 cm; insertion depth, 5 cm) was used to keep a constant water head. Kostiakov-Lewis, Green-Ampt, Philip, Hydrus-1D/2D/3D numerical software based on Richard’s equation were used to describe the vertical infiltration and soil water movement processes and to identify suitable models for ponded infiltration processes in sandy soil. The validation indices included the sum of squared error and root mean squ are error. A comparison between the simulated and measured results indicated that the Philip model could predict the infiltration rate, cumulative infiltration, and wetting front advancement correctly, with an RMSE value of 0.0003, 0.04, and 0.24 cm·min-1 and R 2 of 0.95, 0.99, and 0.94, respectively. These values were clearly less than those of the Kostiakov-Lewis, Green-Ampt, and Hydrus-1D models, although the other models also showed good overall agreement with the field measured cumulative infiltration. The Hydrus-3D model yielded a better fit to the simulated soil moisture than the Hydrus-2D in the wetted zone based on the coefficient of determination, average RMSE (0.018 cm3·cm-3) and R 2 (0.93). Altogether, it appears that the combination of the Philip and Hydrus-3D models is a highly effective approach to estimate ponded infiltration parameters and simulate the water transport process in variably saturated sandy soil. The three-dimensional soil water diffusivity must be considered to predict water infiltration in sandy soils. Our results also demonstrate that the integration of numerical simulation and field measurements can improve the research efficiency of soil water infiltration in dry environments. In practice, the accurate prediction of soil water infiltration can be done by the selection of the proper models based on the soil properties of the particular sites.

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    Variation of water film thickness in soil and prediction method of unfrozen water content
    WAN Xusheng,YAN Mengyu,LU Jianguo,YAN Zhongrui
    2022, 39 (1):  135-143.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.14
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    The variation of unfrozen water content directly influences the thermodynamics and deformation properties of frozen soils, and it is also the key condition for water-heat coupled simulations. In order to study this variation, the distribution of soil particle size was used to an equivalent particle size, and soil was simplified to the equivalent particle size spherical packing system. Based on the premelting theory in porous medium, the calculation method of unfrozen water content in soil was put forward with the considered average packing system of simple cubic packing and cubic close packing, and the accuracy was verified by the experimental data. Moreover, the effect of impurity density and the equivalent particle size on water film thickness and unfrozen water content was analyzed. The results show that the thickness of water film calculated using the surface charge density of soil particles was easily affected by impurity concentration, and the effect of surface charge density on water film was progressively reduced as the impurity concentration increased. The liquid water fraction was mainly determined by the variation of water film thickness on the surface of soil particles, and the contribution of interstitial water to the total liquid fraction increased as the equivalent particle size decreased, especially at low impurity concentrations. Moreover, the model of unfrozen water content produced better predictions in larger particle soils. The calculated values of volumetric unfrozen water were close to the experimental values when the equivalent particle sizes of silty clay, loess, and sand were reduced by 0.28, 0.3, and 0.36, respectively.

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    Characteristics of water consumption and the evolution of water delivery methods in the lower reach of the Tarim River
    ZHOU Long,YANG Pengnian,WANG Yongpeng,Alishir Kurban,WANG Guangyan
    2022, 39 (1):  144-154.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.15
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    The water consumption rate of the lower reaches of the Tarim River and the water permeability of the riverbed after water transfer were analyzed in this study, and the Modified Normalized Difference Moisture Index (MNDWI) change characteristics under the near-natural overflow behind the ecological gate were revealed. The results were as follows. (1) Continuous water delivery reduced the water consumption rate per unit river length and reduced the replenishment of soil water and groundwater. (2) Randomized water delivery behind the ecological gate represented by Kumtuge lacked orderly regulation and formed a constant river flow section; this led to excessively high groundwater levels in some areas and increased the ineffectiveness of evaporation. (3) Ditch overflow under near-natural conditions represented by Bozkule played an important role in the groundwater level and vegetation restoration in the area, but the solidification of ditches and formation of low-lying water areas tended to facilitate evolution of vegetation in dry areas into a single type of water-loving vegetation; this increased ineffective evaporation and luxury transpiration. (4) The ecological gate lacking regulation as well as the control and near-natural water delivery produced excessive surface water and wetland vegetation, which is in conflict with river ethics for the arid Tarim River Basin. Adjusting and regulating water delivery with manual intervention, i.e., using a combination of infiltration and flooding via a river wheel, should be considered the main method of water delivery in the future. This will not only improve the utilization efficiency of the discharged water and further expand the ecological restoration area but also facilitate the regulation and control of water dissipation in different restoration target areas, which would maximize the vegetation in these restoration areas.

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    Distribution characteristics and formation of fluorinein groundwater in Hotan Prefecture
    SHI Wenwen,ZHOU Jinlong,ZENG Yanyan,SUN Ying
    2022, 39 (1):  155-164.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.16
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    Hotan Prefecture is located in southwestern Xinjiang, and is characterized by a dry climate and sparse rainfall. Groundwater is an important source of drinking water in this area, therefore, determining the distribution of fluorine and the causes of the presence of this element in groundwater in the area is of great significance for human health. Based on the results of a group of 217 shallow groundwater quality tests conducted in Hotan Prefecture, Xinjiang, from 2002 to 2018, the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics and formation of fluoride in shallow groundwater were here studied using GIS software, mathematical statistics, Gibbs diagrams, hydrogeochemical simulations, and other methods. The results show that the variation range of fluorine in groundwater was 0.05-16.95 mg·L-1, with an average value of 1.38 mg·L-1, and the over-standard rate was as high as 36.1%. In terms of its spatial distribution, the high-fluorine groundwater was distributed sporadically within a small range, while vertically, the fluorine content decreased with the increase of well depth. With time, the groundwater fluorine content also showed an increasing trend, suggesting a specific relationship with the hydrochemical environment. High alkalinity and HCO-3 concentrations will increase the solubility of fluoride in groundwater. In addition to the primary hydrogeological conditions and hydrochemical environment, strong evaporation concentration, water-rock interactions, and cation exchange adsorption have some effects on the migration and enrichment of fluorine.

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    Effect of water on nitrogen mineralization in degraded succession of Gahai Wetland
    SONG Liangcui,MA Weiwei,LI Guang,LONG Yongchun,CHANG Wenhua
    2022, 39 (1):  165-175.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.17
    Abstract ( 364 )   HTML ( 11 )   PDF (6325KB) ( 285 )  

    Moisture is the main regulatory factor of nitrogen mineralization processes in wetland soils, where it also plays an important role in nitrogen circulation. Using Gannan Gahai wetland as study area, four degradation gradients (nondegraded, UD; slightly degraded, LD; moderately degraded, MD; and severely degraded, HD), and four field water holding capacity(20% FC, 40% FC, 60% FC and 80% FC)—were established, and the nitrogen mineralization characteristics of the wetland soil in the 0-10 cm soil layer were measured by aerobic incubation for 49 days. The results showed that (1) under various water conditions, the ammoniation, nitrification, and net nitrogen mineralization rates increased at first, and then decreased with the increase of incubation time. (2) With the increase in water content, the average value of soil net nitrogen mineralization initially increased and then it decreased; at 60% FC, the value in degraded soil was 34.91-44.94 mg·kg-1, compared with 20% FC, 40% FC, and 80% FC, it was 22.31-30.29 mg·kg-1、10.91-19.84 mg·kg-1、8.57-19.50 mg·kg-1, respectively. (3) The mean value of net nitrogen mineralization and its corresponding rate decreased with the increasing level of wetland degradation. An adequate amount of moisture favors soil nitrogen mineralization, while excessive moisture is unfavorable to this process and, at the same time, wetland degradation reduces it.

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    Effects of soil mulching on the greenhouse gas emissions of crops farmland in an arid area of Xinjiang
    WANG Xuyang,LI Dianpeng,SUN Tao,SUN Xia,JIA Hongtao,LI Jun,LI Xinhu
    2022, 39 (1):  176-184.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.18
    Abstract ( 425 )   HTML ( 9 )   PDF (5086KB) ( 224 )  

    Film mulching is an effective means of improving crop yield on farmland in arid areas; thus, it is widely used in agriculture. Therefore, it is important to explore the effects of film mulching under different crop systems on soil greenhouse gas emissions with the aim of reducing such emissions on farmland. The present study included a plot experiment and in situ observations of greenhouse gas emissions from film mulch-maize soils (MM), film mulch-cotton soils (CM), nonfilm mulch-maize soils (MN) and nonfilm mulch-cotton soils (CN) treated plots. Film mulching significantly increased the soil temperature and water content (P<0.05). The frequency of CH4 emissions from film mulch-treated (MM and CM) soil was greater than that from nonfilm mulch-treated (MN and CN) soil. The highest emission fluxes of CH4 in each system appeared with the MM and CM treatments at 63.47 μg·m-2·h-1 and 16.67 μg·m -2·h-1, respectively. The highest emission fluxes of N2O occurred under the MM (616.70 μg·m-2·h-1) and CN (244.92 μg·m -2·h-1) treatments. The maximum CO2 emission flux in the soil of maize and cotton plots appeared in July (505.93 g·m-2·h-1) and June (848.32 g·m-2·h-1), respectively. Subsequently, all treatments showed a downward trend. The soil water content had significant effects on CH4, N2O, and CO2 emissions under both MM and CM treatments (P<0.05). Soil temperature had a significant effect on the CH4 emissions of MM-treated soil. N2O emissions following treatment with MM and CM were significantly positively correlated with soil temperature. CO2 emissions under each treatment were significantly correlated with soil temperature (P<0.05). Crop species and plastic mulching work together on CO2 emissions. The global warming potential of MM-and MN-treated soils was significantly higher, by around 61.83%-74.63%, than that of CM-and CN-treated soils. Thus, soil greenhouse gas emissions in farmland are affected by the combination of film mulching and crop type. Furthermore, soil greenhouse gas emissions beneath film mulch treatments respond more strongly to hydrothermic factors than the emissions from nonfilm mulch-treated soils.

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    Floristic composition, distribution, and resource types of desert annual plants in Xinjiang
    DU Jiaqian,LIU Tong,WANG Hanyue,ZHAO Wenxuan,WANG Jie,XU Wenbin
    2022, 39 (1):  185-209.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.19
    Abstract ( 976 )   HTML ( 31 )   PDF (825KB) ( 646 )  

    Desert annual plants grow rapidly and have a large seed output that has important feeding, medicinal, and ecological value. By checking documentaries, the information from herbarium collections, and field investigation results, this study aimed to define the number of species, distribution characteristics, and resource types of desert annual plants in Xinjiang. Results showed that Xinjiang has 236 species of desert annuals belonging to 109 genera in 20 families, among which Chenopodiaceae is the dominant family and Salsola is the dominant genera. Families could be divided into four areal types, with the cosmopolitan type comprising 65% of all families and occupying the dominant status in the flora. The genera could be divided into nine areal types and eight subtypes, with dominant temperate genera comprising 77.98% of all genera. Among the main desert types, 126, 96, and 51 species of desert annual plants grow in sandy, gravel, and saline conditions, representing 53.38%, 40.67%, and 21.61% of all species, respectively. Among these species, 51 and 55 species of desert annual plants can be used as forage and medicine, respectively, among which species in Chenopodiaceae and Asteraceae were dominant. There were 64 winter annual plants with important ecological value, mainly in Brassicaceae, Poaceae, Asteraceae, and Boraginaceae.

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    Effects of different levels of nitrogen addition on leaf-stem sizes of Malus sieversii seedlings
    HUA Zhaohui,TAO Ye,YAN Jingming,ZHOU Xiaobing,ZHANG Jing,ZHANG Yuanming
    2022, 39 (1):  210-219.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.20
    Abstract ( 401 )   HTML ( 9 )   PDF (2833KB) ( 221 )  

    Malus sieversii is one of the ancestors of all cultivated apple trees in the world; therefore, it is regarded as a strategic genetic resource in China. However, its population has become seriously degraded. To conserve M. sieversii, it is necessary to understand the response of the plant to nitrogen addition. To determine the response of M. sieversii to nitrogen addition and provide a theoretical basis for population recovery, the twig traits of M. sieversii seedlings treated with different levels of nitrogen were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and allometric analysis. The N20 treatment promoted significant stem growth and significantly reduced the LAR and LAMR of M. sieversii; in contrast, the N40 treatment significantly reduced the LI of M. sieversii. The variation of branches and leaves of M. sieversii under nitrogen addition was not reflected in the biomass, but it was reflected in the morphological index. The low-and medium-nitrogen treatment groups tended to grow smaller and lighter leaves. The variation according to high-nitrogen treatment differed from that of the low-and medium-nitrogen groups. Appropriate addition of nitrogen fertilizer can improve the relationship between leaves and stem growth. In the process of planting seedlings, excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer should be avoided and fertilizer should be added appropriately. In the process of original habitat transplantation, the soil difference between habitats should be considered and fertilizer should be used in a targeted manner.

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    Population ecological features of Phragmites australis in sandy habitats on the southern edge of Badain Jaran Desert
    LIU Xin,JIAO Jian,WANG Ting,ZHANG Lingyu,LI Chaozhou
    2022, 39 (1):  220-229.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.21
    Abstract ( 668 )   HTML ( 5 )   PDF (5425KB) ( 232 )  

    The structural characteristics, age structure, dynamic characteristics, and spatial distribution pattern of Phragmites australis in two types of sandy habitat in the southern margin of Badain Jaran Desert were investigated. Results showed that the following. (1) The plant height, total biomass, and biomass of each component of Phragmites australis in common sandy land were higher than those in saline sandy land. Soil water content and salt content were the important driving factors for the differences in Phragmites australis morphological characteristics in this area. (2) Due to the different soil conditions and the different degrees of interspecies competition, different age structures and dynamic change trends were shown in different sample plots; in common sandy soil, the Phragmites australis population tended to decline, whereas the population of Phragmites australis in saline sand soil tended to increase. (3) The spatial pattern of the Phragmites australis population in the common sandy habitat had an aggregated distribution on a scale of 0-4 m and a random distribution on a scale >4 m. However, the function values of the saline sandy habitat were generally between two enveloped trace lines and distributed randomly on a scale from 0 to 10 m.

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    Effects of root cutting and IBA treatment on the root quality and growth of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus seedlings
    WANG Jingjing,YAN Haibing,WANG Zixuan,XIE Tiantian,YANG Xiuqing
    2022, 39 (1):  230-239.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.22
    Abstract ( 599 )   HTML ( 3 )   PDF (3630KB) ( 460 )  

    To solve the technical problems associated with forestry of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus, i.e., the long main root, few capillaries, difficult rooting, and low transplantation survival rate, we conducted root cuttings at different intensities and added different concentrations of IBA to A. mongolicus seedlings with different degrees of growth development. The effects of different treatment combinations on root morphology, root quality, and seedling growth were then measured and analyzed after root culture. This investigation was aimed at identifying the key measures for promoting the root survival of A. mongolicus seedlings and thereby providing a knowledge base for cultivating A. mongolicus seedlings and developing afforestation techniques. The results were as follows. (1) Root cutting promoted the occurrence of multimain roots in A. mongolicus, as well as an increase in the lateral roots, total roots, aboveground and underground biomass, root-shoot ratio, root activity, and root cation exchange capacity (CEC). Among the treatments, the 0.5-cm root tip treatment (F2) significantly promoted an increase in lateral root number, root tip number, branch number, seedling quality index, and root activity when the root length reached 1.5-2.0 cm. Root activity reached a peak value with the root cutting treatment (137.70% higher than the value in the control). Root CEC was maximal when root length reached 4.5-6.0 cm. (2) The effect of hormones on promoting root and seedling growth was further improved after root cutting. The root morphological index (except the average root length) and root CEC were significantly increased after 1.5-2.0 cm long roots were treated with 0.5 cm cutting + 0.075 mg·L -1 IBA/0.125 mg·L-1 IBA (P3 and P4 treatments, respectively). Seedling fresh weight, root dry-weight, root-shoot ratio, seedling quality index, and root activity were highest under the P4 treatment. Compared with the control, the content of soluble sugar and NSC in roots under P3 treatment was significantly increased by 26.04% and 29.07%, respectively. Additionally, the content of soluble protein in roots reached its peak under the P4 treatment (13.27 mg·g-1). Proper root cutting and the addition of IBA can promote root absorption and nutrient storage of A. mongolicus by altering root morphology and improving root activity, which in turn improves root quality and the growth potential of seedlings.

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    Response of Rumex hanus by. roots to drought after rehydration
    ZHENG Xu,YANG Zhixin,HAO Dongmei,WANG Runrun,Li Luhua,ZHANG Fenghua,WANG Jiaping
    2022, 39 (1):  240-249.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.23
    Abstract ( 529 )   HTML ( 6 )   PDF (4606KB) ( 245 )  

    The rational formulation of irrigation cycle of halophytes is the key factor to improve the utilization efficiency of water resources in arid areas. Taking the fine root (d≤1 mm) of leafy grass (Rumex hanus by.) as the research object, the total root length, root tip number and average root diameter at different times after re-watering were measured by drought and re-watering method, and the changing characteristics of root growth rate, mortality, root life span and turnover rate were studied, so as to provide reference basis for the establishment of the best irrigation cycle. The results showed that the root length and the number of root tips increased the most at 7 days after re-watering, and decreased at 10 to 15 days after re-watering. The fine root growth rate (RER) reached the maximum on the 4th day after re-watering, and decreased significantly on the 10th day (P<0.001). There were significant differences among different soil layers (0-20 cm and 20-40 cm) and root diameter (0-0.5 mm and 0.5-1.0 mm) (P<0.001). Both fine root net production (NRP) and RER increased at first and then decreased. 15 days after re-watering, the fine root survival rate of fine root in the 20 cm soil layer and 20-40 cm soil layer was 3.6% and 16.9% respectively. The fine root survival rate of 0.5-1.0 mm diameter fine root was higher than that of 0-0.5 mm fine root. The results showed that after re-watering, the life span of fine roots in the soil layer of 20 cm was significantly higher than that in the 0-20 cm soil layer at 8.09~13.83 days (P<0.05). The fine root of leafy grass can achieve the purpose of survival by increasing the fine root of 0.5-1.0 mm in 20-40 cm soil layer to cope with and adapt to drought and re-watering. Considering the growth of leaf-eating grass and the supply of agricultural water resources, the best irrigation period of leaf-eating grass in saline-alkali land in summer is 10 days.

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    The relationship of climate change and landscape pattern with ecosystem carbon storage: A case study from the Qilian Mountains
    WANG Ranghui,ZHAO Wenfei,PENG Qing,LIU Chunwei,ZHOU Limin,TIAN Chang
    2022, 39 (1):  250-257.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.24
    Abstract ( 695 )   HTML ( 13 )   PDF (3539KB) ( 242 )  

    Climate change and landscape pattern are closely related to the structure, function, and dynamic changes of an ecosystem. The Qilian Mountain Ecosystem (QLME) is an important ecological area in China. Based on multivariate data and using remote sensing and GIS technology combined with InVEST and GeoSOS-FLUS models, the technology and method of estimating carbon storage in the QLME was explored. Consequently, an estimation of carbon storage in the QLME was achieved. According to quantitative estimation and analysis, carbon storage in the QLME showed obvious spatial and temporal differences due to different landscape types. The highest QLME carbon storage was in grassland and woodland followed by in bare land. The carbon storage of cultivated land, wetland, construction land, and rural residential sites was low. From 1985 to 2018, QLME carbon storage increased overall by 4805.95 million tons with an annual growth rate of 38.43%. Grassland carbon storage accounted for more than half of the study area and its carbon storage increased at first before decreasing. Forest landscape carbon storage accounted for 11.31%-36.16% of total carbon storage had a wide range of variation. Based on the future RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 climate change scenarios, the carbon storage of the QLME tended to increase; average carbon storage was estimated at 3813.38 tons for 2050, which would represent a growth rate of 8.69% from the rate in 2018. This study is important for improving understanding of the carbon cycle and ecosystem stability.

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    Spatio-temporal variation of ecological vulnerability in Xinjiang and driving force analysis
    SUN Guili,LU Haiyan,ZHENG Jiaxiang,LIU Yanyan,RAN Yajun
    2022, 39 (1):  258-269.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.25
    Abstract ( 801 )   HTML ( 25 )   PDF (7918KB) ( 175 )  

    Ecological vulnerability assessment is an important way to understand regional ecological conditions. There are great significance for regional ecological protection and construction. This study establishes ecological vulnerability evaluation index system based on the SRP model, analyze the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics and driving forces of ecological vulnerability in Xinjiang from 2000 to 2018. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) From 2000 to 2018, the ecological sensitivity index was generally at moderate sensitivity, showing high in the southeast and low in the northwest, and it was greatly affected by landscape fragmentation and soil erosion. The ecological resilience index was mainly affected by vegetation coverage, high in northwest and low in southeast, and it was relatively stable, mainly low-recovery states. The ecological stress index was mainly influenced by per capita GDP, agricultural dependence, and population density. It was high in the northern, southern mountainous areas and central Oasis and mountainous, and low in the southeast. (2) Ecological vulnerability was overall moderate to severely fragile level from 2000 to 2018 in Xinjiang. In north and south of Xinjiang, there are low vegetation coverage, low rainfall, and high aridity, so higher ecological fragility was observed. In contrast, the high-altitude areas dominated by woodlands and grasslands in central area are rich in biodiversity, and so ecological vulnerability was relatively low. Overall, the comprehensive index of ecological vulnerability showed an initial increasing trend, followed by a decrease. (3) Drivers of ecological vulnerability in Xinjiang, agricultural dependence, population density, and land reclamation rate of anthropogenic factors and habitat quality index, landscape fragmentation, landscape resilience index, and annual average precipitation of natural environmental factors are mainly single factors. The interaction of these factors, including habitat quality index, landscape resilience index, landscape fragmentation index, vegetation coverage, and regional human activities are the main driving forces.

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    Evaluating ecosystem health in the grasslands of Xinjiang
    CHEN Chunbo,PENG Jian,LI Gangyong
    2022, 39 (1):  270-281.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.26
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    The evaluation of the health of grasslands (an important terrestrial ecosystem) is a crucial part of grassland health research, especially in arid regions. The grasslands of Xinjiang, an arid region in Central Asia, show a distinct variation in vertical zonality because of its special geographical environment. Particularly, the differences in hydrothermal combination at each geographical location (latitude, longitude, and altitude) have resulted in a rich variety of grasslands. Therefore, assessing the health of Xinjiang grasslands is a systematic and complex task. In this study, we constructed an overall framework, including data sources and evaluation methods, for evaluating the ecosystem health of Xinjiang grasslands. An ecological geographic database of these grassland ecosystems was designed based on grassland quadrats, biometeorology, and multi-source remote sensing data that together form the data basis for grassland health evaluation. The steps in the grassland health evaluation method are as follows: Defining the evaluation objective, determining the evaluation area and reference system, filtering evaluation indicators, and finally selecting the specific method for performing grassland health evaluation. The objective of evaluation contains biological and non-biological components, as well as ecosystem services of grassland ecosystem. The evaluation area is often based on administrative divisions, grassland types, and grassland divisions. The reference system is a stable state achieved by maintaining balance with the local climate. The recommended evaluation methods include the analytic hierarchy process, vigor-organization-resilience, condition-organization-vigor-resilience, and pressure-state-response. The evaluation results were divided into health, sub-health, vigilance, and collapse based on the quarter method. This grassland health evaluation was validated in Minfeng County, Hotan Prefecture, Xinjiang. The research area, Minfeng County, is located at the northern foot of the Kunlun Mountains and the southern edge of the Taklimakan Desert. The temperate desert grassland of Minfeng County primarily contains Seriphidium rhodanthum, Ceratoides latens, Reaumuria soongarica, and Ephedra intermedia. The objective of evaluation was based on the biological components of grassland ecosystems. Our results showed that the temperate desert grasslands within the fenced area were in a healthy state, but those outside the exclosure were in sub-healthy state. Thus, we gave a further explanation for healthy and sub-healthy state in the verification area. By constructing this grassland ecosystem health evaluation system for Xinjiang, we hope to provide a reference for the local management of grasslands, with the goal of fostering ecological health of these systems and promoting the sustainable development of grassland areas in Xinjiang.

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    Spatial-temporal evolution of wetland landscape patterns and its influencing factors in the middle reaches of the Shule River
    WANG Yufang,ZHAO Chengzhang,ZENG Hongxia,KANG Manping,ZHAO Tingting,TANG Yurui
    2022, 39 (1):  282-291.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.27
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    Wetland landscape patterns can reflect the area variations and the spatial distribution characteristics of wetland types; and their spatio-temporal evolution assists in understanding the relationship between disturbance factors and wetland ecological processes. In this paper, five wetland types—including reservoir wetland, permanent river wetland, and inland salt marsh—were selected for analysis in the middle reaches of the Shule River in China. Landscape pattern, correlation, and principal component analysis were used to study the area of these wetland types, the spatio-temporal evolution of the landscape index and its influencing factors. The results show that: (1) In the past 30 years, the total area of wetlands in the middle reaches of the Shule River decreased by 477.24 km2. Among the wetland types, reservoir wetlands, permanent river wetlands, and inland salt marshes decreased by 50.99%, 53.28%, and 35.78%, respectively, whereas the herb marsh and swamp meadow areas increased by 175.26% and 21.89%, respectively. (2) At the landscape and class levels, the patch density and landscape shape index of each wetland type showed a trend of fluctuation and increase, and the patch density of the wetland landscape tended to be fragmented and scattered. (3) In 2017, the population and cultivated land experienced a 1.2-fold and 1.5-fold increase, respectively, compared with 1987. The interpretation degree of the main indicators of social and economic development on wetland area change was 68.69%, and that of climatic factors was 22.09%. Population growth, farmland expansion, and water conservancy projects over the past 30 years led to the reduction of wetland areas and landscape fragmentation in the middle reaches of the Shule River.

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    Spatio-temporal evolution and prediction of land use in semi-arid mining areas
    LIU Chang,ZHANG Hong,ZHANG Xiaoyu,YANG Guoting,LIU Yong
    2022, 39 (1):  292-300.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.28
    Abstract ( 537 )   HTML ( 14 )   PDF (2977KB) ( 232 )  

    Land use and land cover change (LUCC) is a critical factor contributing to regional land planning and ecological environmental protection. LUCCs associated with human activities, such as coal mining, have increased the tension in human-environment interactions. This study explored the spatio-temporal LUCC and its driving factors from 1985 to 2015 in the Datong mining area, which is one of the eight major coal production bases in China. Furthermore, the random forests (RF)-future land use simulation (FLUS) model was proposed to explicitly simulate the spatial trajectories of LUCCs for the year 2025. The results showed that (1) forestland, cropland, and watershed areas kept decreasing, while grasslands and construction lands kept increasing from 1985 to 2015. (2) Climate, elevation, and distance were the most influential factors for the distribution of croplands, forestlands, and grasslands, while precipitation was the most important factor for the distribution of watersheds. Coal production capacity and distance from facilities were the most influential factors for the distribution of construction lands. (3) Both the FLUS and RF-FLUS models had a good fitting accuracy, whereas the RF-FLUS models had a satisfactory kappa index and OA index. (4) Land use simulations for the year 2025 based on the RF-FLUS model indicated that croplands, forestlands, and grasslands will decrease, while construction lands will increase. This study provides a scientific reference for understanding the complex and dynamic evolution of LUCC, exploring the possibilities for the way of land resources, and promoting the sustainable development of coal mining areas.

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    Evaluation of the operation and management of rural drinking water safety projects in Gansu Province
    JIANG Wei,XI Haiyang,CHENG Wenju,LIU Qin
    2022, 39 (1):  301-311.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.29
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    Rural drinking water safety projects are major livelihood initiatives for achieving a well-off society in an all-round way. Based on statistical data, field visits and questionnaires, this study used entropy methods and fuzzy mathematics to evaluate the current status of operation and management of rural drinking water safety projects in Gansu Province. The aim was to establish a more comprehensive, systematic, and long-term evaluation system and, at the same time, analyze the existing problems in the operation and management of the currently active drinking water safety projects. The results show that (1) the overall operation and management of rural drinking water safety projects in Gansu Province is good, but there are large differences among provinces. The evaluation results for five cities in Hexi are better than those for the southern counties, which are generally poor. (2) For areas with a “general” evaluation grade, it is necessary to increase capital investment and management, especially for policy implementation, update and implementation of management regulations, raise public awareness, establishment of plumber teams, intelligent construction of water supply pipelines, and further deployment optimization. After years of practical exploration, Gansu Province has formed a special drinking water safety project construction model that simultaneously develops centralized water supply projects and decentralized water supply projects. This study aims to provide practical countermeasures and suggestions for the development of rural drinking water safety projects, and also provide technical support and a scientific basis for the establishment of rural drinking water safety practices in Gansu Province and other parts of the country in the future.

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    Effects of conservation tillage on the water storage, moisture conservation, and yield of dry-land wheat fields of central Gansu Province
    QI Xiaoping,LI Guang,YUAN Jianyu,CHANG Haigang
    2022, 39 (1):  312-321.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.30
    Abstract ( 409 )   HTML ( 7 )   PDF (6283KB) ( 83 )  

    The aim of this study was to explore the effects of conservation tillage on water storage, moisture conservation, and yield in dry-land wheat fields in the Loess Plateau of central Gansu province. Based on field experiments for five consecutive years, the effects of different tillage measures [traditional tillage (T), straw mulching (TS), no tillage (NT), and no tillage with straw mulching (NTS)] on the moisture-storage rate in the leisure period, water-use efficiency, dry matter accumulation and transport, yield, and agronomic characteristics of spring wheat in a farming cycle from August 2019 to August 2020 were analyzed. The results were as follows. (1) Compared with treatment T, the NTS treatment increased the soil bulk-density and water content in the plow layer, increased the soil water storage during the sowing and harvest periods in a dry-land wheat field, increased the water-use efficiency by 48.18%, and increased the moisture-storage rate in the leisure period by 5.70%. (2) The NTS treatment significantly increased the leaf area index and delayed the leaf senescence of spring wheat. Compared with the TS and NT treatments, the dry matter accumulation after anthesis under the NTS treatment increased by 67.38% and 32.14%, respectively, whereas the contribution rate of the dry matter after anthesis increased by 12.47% and 6.61%, respectively. (3) The NTS treatment optimized the yield components and significantly increased the yield of spring wheat to 3243.30 kg∙hm-2, which was 49.32% higher than the yield of traditional tillage (T). In addition, the NTS treatment improved the population structure of spring wheat, as well as significantly increasing its root dry-weight, plant height, and biomass, while reducing its root-shoot ratio. Correlation analysis showed that the increased water-use efficiency, leaf area index, and root dry-weight were important factors in the increase of wheat yield. In conclusion, under the conditions of this experiment, NTS mulching was the optimal tillage treatment in terms of saving water and increasing the yield of dry-land wheat fields in the Loess Plateau of central Gansu province. Thus, it may be worthwhile popularizing and applying the treatment in this area.

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    Comparative agricultural drought monitoring based on three machine learning methods
    WANG Xiaoyan,LI Jing,XING Liting
    2022, 39 (1):  322-332.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.01.31
    Abstract ( 688 )   HTML ( 16 )   PDF (5795KB) ( 400 )  

    Frequent droughts have caused serious harm to the economy and agricultural production of Gansu Province. Therefore, it is very important for the province to use advanced methods to establish accurate and reliable agricultural drought monitoring models. Three machine learning methods (random forest, BP neural network, support vector machine) are used to construct an agricultural drought monitoring model using remote sensing factors and meteorological factors. Analysis of the best model for agricultural drought monitoring in Gansu Province. At the same time, the applicability of the model constructed by machine learning in different environments was further explored. The results show that among the models constructed by the three machine learning methods, the RF model has a high coefficient of determination (0.86) and small errors (RMSE 0.40, MAE 0.31). The monitoring effect of agricultural drought is better than the model constructed by BP and SVM; The three machine learning method models constructed in the two environments, respectively, performed better in the wet environment, while the model constructed by the random forest method performed better than the other two models in monitoring drought in the two environments. The research results provide a new scientific method for agricultural drought monitoring and evaluation in Gansu Province, and are of great significance to agricultural drought research.

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