›› 2013, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (1): 41-49.

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Study on Climate Change in Alpine Tundra of the Changbai Mountain in Growing Season in Recent 52 Years

 ZONG  Sheng-Wei, WU  Zheng-Fang, DU  Hai-Bo   

  1. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, China
  • Received:2012-03-06 Revised:2012-05-02 Online:2013-01-15 Published:2013-01-16

Abstract: Research on climate change in alpine region can provide a valid reference for studying the dynamic change of vegetation in alpine zone. In this paper, climate change in the alpine tundra of the Changbai Mountain was analyzed using the meteorological data observed by Tianchi Meteorological Station in growing season during the period of 1959-2010. Wavelet analysis and MannKendall test were used to reveal the periodic variations and anomalies of temperature and precipitation. Trend of climate change was analyzed using the linear methods. Six indices were selected to characterize climate change. Results showed that 7 main stages of climate change occurred in the alpine tundra in growing season, including the warmrainy, coldarid, warmrainy, coldarid, coldrainy, coldarid and warmarid periods in recent 52 years. There were the 5-10year periodicities of temperature change, but the 5year and 20year ones of precipitation change. An abrupt temperature change occurred in 1998, and many abrupt precipitation changes occurred as well in a complex pattern. Temperature was in a significant increase trend, which suggested that it would be warmer and rainier in alpine tundra of the Changbai Mountain in the future. Numbers of FD (frost day) and ID (icing day) were decreased in recent 52 years. Extreme temperatures, such as Tmax and Tmin, occurred usually in the 21st century. The days of precipitation >0.1 mm were significant decreased, and SDII (Simple precipitation intensity index) was in an increased trend. Accumulated temperatures ≥0 ℃, ≥3 ℃ and ≥5 ℃ were significant increased in growing season, which played an important role in the growing season extension and tundra plant growth.

Key words: tundra zone, plant, growing season, climate change, temperature, precipitation, abrupt change test, Changbai Mountain