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    15 January 2013, Volume 30 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Countermeasures and Suggestions for Wasteland Reclamation Prohibition in the Arid Land in Northwest China
    Zhang Bai-Ping, ZHANG Xue-Qin, ZHENG Du
    2013, 30 (1):  1-4. 
    Abstract ( 1795 )   PDF (791KB) ( 1035 )  
    Arid land in northwest China is characterized by three basic elements (mountain, oasis and desert) and their complex combination-many similar integral inland mountain-basin systems. There is little rainfall in the arid basins and almost no ground runoff, so the fragile desert ecological balance and socio-economic sustainable development in the basins depend completely on runoff from the surrounding mountains. In human history, especially in recent 60 years, large-scale reclamation and irrigation development have occurred in the upper and middle reaches of inland rivers, leading to intensive water resources consumption in the oases and more serious water shortage and desertification in the lower reaches. These completely changed the original spatial pattern of water resources and ecological evolution in the arid land. With the solid data and analysis, in this paper the suitable scale of cultivated land and actual area of cultivated land were compared, the problem of excessive wasteland reclamation was highlighted, and it was considered that these were the main causes of ecological problems in arid land in northwest China. On which some suggestions were put forward: (1) The State Council issued a ban on wasteland reclamation in arid land in China, and in the regulations it was requested to reverse the over-reclaimed land to wasteland; (2) Strict and scientific water resources redistribution schemes should be formed and carried out so as to effectively and rationally utilize water resources in upper, middle and lower reaches of inland rivers; (3) It is suggested to regulate the intra-oasis agricultural structure so as to develop the efficient and distinctive industries; (4) Ecological water demand should be gradually satisfied; (5) Legislation needs to be strengthened so as to ensure the ecological construction and sustainable development in arid land in northwest China.      
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    Analysis on Water Quality and Volume of the Baihu Lake in the Altay Mountains, Xinjiang
    WU Jing-Lu, ZENG Hai-Ao, MA Long, KANG Jian
    2013, 30 (1):  5-9. 
    Abstract ( 1606 )   PDF (1150KB) ( 1037 )  
    The Baihu Lake is located in the core area of the Kanas National Nature Reserve, where it is an untraversed region, so the natural ecological environment in its watershed is remained. Because the lake is recharged directly by glacier melt water, the environment there can sensitively reflect the actuality of regional climate change. A survey on the basic hydrologic features, water quality and biology in the core area of the nature reserve was carried out in August 2010. The results could help us to know the characteristics of natural ecological evolution under different climate background, and provide a scientific basis for conserving and managing the ecological environment and adapting climate change in the future. The surveyed results revealed that the maximum water depth of the lake was 137 m, the water area was 9 km2, and the storage volume of the lake was 4.1×108 m3. The water salinity, hardness and alkalinity were 32.9 mg•L-1, 17.1 mg•L-1 and 18.2 mg•L-1 respectively. Lake water was slightly alkaline with a pH value of 8.3. The water chemistry of the Baihu Lake was similar to that of the Kanas Lake, but the water color of these two lakes was considerably different. The LEO1530VP scanning electron microscopy and INA C300 Xray spectrometer analysis were used in the study, and the results showed that the white suspended particles in water were mainly composed of quartz minerals. In conclusion, the formation of white water color of the Baihu Lake was from three aspects: the materials from the headstream, river hydrodynamic power and lake water media.
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    Study on Hydrochemical Components of River Water in the Tarim River Basin, Xinjiang, China
    WANG Jian, HAN Hai-Dong, ZHAO Qiu-Dong, XU Jun-Li
    2013, 30 (1):  10-15. 
    Abstract ( 1668 )   PDF (1281KB) ( 1231 )  
    In this study,some surface water samples were collected from the mainstream and main distributaries of the Tarim River Basin in June 2010 to analyzed the hydrochemical components.The ionic concentrations of Koxkar glacier meltwater collected from the headwaters of the Tarim River were compared with those of the Heihe River,the second longest continental river in China.The results revealed that the main basic ionic concentrations in the Tarim River Basin were higher than those in the Heihe River.The concentrations of cations of mainstream of the Tarim River were in an order of Na++K+>Ca2+>Mg2+,which were significantly different from those of its main distributaries,i.e.Na++K+>Mg2+>Ca2+,and the main basic cations were Na+ and K+ but not Ca2+.The Na++K+ concentrations of the mainstream and the south and north distributaries accounted for 68.6%,62.6% and 62.5% of the total basic cationic concentrations respectively.The mean ionic concentrations (except NO3-) of the north distributary were lower than those of the south one.Compared with the values in 1965,the ionic concentrations in the Tarim River Basin were significantly increased by 8 times in average,and especially,the Cl- concentration was as high as 21.7 times of that in 1965,which were possibly related to the increase of both air temperature and precipitation in the Tarim River Basin in recent years.Moreover,river water in the Tarim River Basin was polluted due to the rapid industrial development and sewage discharge.
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    Analysis on Land Use Change in the Mainstream Area of the Tarim River in Recent 20 Years
    SUN Mei-Qin, ZHAO Cheng-Yi, SHI Feng-Zhi, PENG Dong-Mei, WU Shi-Xin
    2013, 30 (1):  16-21. 
    Abstract ( 1625 )   PDF (1313KB) ( 1276 )  
    This paper analyzed the land use change under natural and artificial flooding before and after implementing the water redistribution project in the mainstream area of the Tarim River based on four sets of land use data in 1990,2000,2005 and 2008.The results showed that the land use change was obvious after implementing the project.The area of farmland was enlarged by 1.03×105 hm2 in recent 20 years,and the dynamic degree of land use was highly increased after implementing the project,the area of alkaline land was enlarged by 7.13×104 hm2,area of steppe was reduced by about 4.91×105 hm2,the areas of forests and waters were enlarged at first and then reduced in recent 20 years,but the dynamic degree of land use was decreased,these indicated that the land use types were changed frequently from 1990 to 2008.Enlargement tread of alkaline land and sand land was restricted to some extent after implementing the water redistribution project.The mutual transition of land use types occurred mainly in steppe,woodland,farmland and sand land.At landscape level,the Contagion Index (CONTAG),Landscape Division Index (DIVISION),Shanno[JP8]n’[JP]s Diversity Index (SHDI) and Simpso[JP8]n’[JP]s Diversity Index (SIDI) were calculated.The results showed that the landscape fragmentation and connectivity were decreased,but the diversity index and evenness index were increased,which revealed that the heterogeneity and stability of landscapes were increased.These changes may result in a salt accumulation in topsoil and the reduction of wetland.The study results could be applicable in assessing the effect of implementing the water redistribution project.
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    Glomalin-related Soil Protein Distribution and Its Environmental Affecting Factors in the Northeast Inner Mongolia
    WANG Cheng-Yu, FENG Hai-Yan, YANG Zhong-Fang, XIA Xue-Qi, YU Tao, LI Miao, JIANG Li-Zhen
    2013, 30 (1):  22-28. 
    Abstract ( 1995 )   PDF (1125KB) ( 1041 )  
    The distribution of glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP) and the relationship between GRSP and environmental factors in a semiarid area in northeast Inner Mongolia were investigated in this study.The averages of EE-GRSP and T-GRSP contents were 0.79 mg•g-1 and 1.44 mg•g-1,accounting for 6.83% and 12.86% of average organic carbon contents,respectively,and their percentages were decreased with the increase of organic carbon content.The content of GRSP was different from different areas,for example,the GRSP of soil in Hailar area was significantly higher than that in Xilinhot area.The correlation analysis of GRSP indicates that there were the significant positive correlations between GRSP and carbon and nitrogen contents and C/N ratio,but the significant negative ones between unit weight,pH value and annual mean temperature.In addition,the GRSP accumulation could be increased by properly increasing soil clay content in semiarid area.It is suggested to increase the soil GRSP content by inoculating AM fungi so as to improve soil and increase soil organic carbon pool,which is of important theoretical and practical significance to regenerate the ecology and environment in fragile area.  
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    Analysis on the Effects of Different Fertilization Ways on Mellowness of Newly Reclaimed Light Sierozem in Ili, Xinjiang
    YAN Jun-Jie, QIAO Mu, TIAN Chang-Yan, ZHOU Sheng-Bin, LU Lei
    2013, 30 (1):  29-34. 
    Abstract ( 1522 )   PDF (1088KB) ( 934 )  
    n order to improve soil fertility of the newly reclaimed light sierozem in Ili,Xinjiang,five different fertilizing measures were taken and compared during a 3-year period.The fuzzy method was used as an integrated evaluation to calculate the values of integrated fertility index [WTBX](IFI).[WTBZ] The values of fertility index,IFI and crop yield under different fertilizing measures were compared.The results showed that soil fertility could be improved by applying organic fertilizer,especially by applying furfural residue,and soil pH value and soil volume weight could be reduced.The assessed results revealed that the value of IFI was the highest (0.826) when nitrogenous fertilizer,phosphatic fertilizer and potash fertilizer were applied with furfural residue,which revealed that this fertilizing measure was optimal to improve soil fertility.Application of organic material is an effective way of improving soil fertility,but the release of nutritive substance from organic material is relative slow.   
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    Change of Soil Temperature and Soil Moisture Content in Typical Degenerated Steppe in Maduo County in the Headstream Region of the Yellow River
    CHEN Hai-Cun, LI Xiao-Dong, LI Feng-Xia, ZHOU Bing-Rong, LI Chang-Yu
    2013, 30 (1):  35-40. 
    Abstract ( 1715 )   PDF (1729KB) ( 1095 )  
    Soil moisture and heat conditions are the main factors affecting steppe degeneration and steppe ecosystem. The seasonal dynamic changes of soil temperature and soil moisture content in a degenerated steppe in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau can be predicted, which is of the guiding significance for regenerating and improving the degenerated ecology and environment. In this study, the 1-year data observed in a typical degenerated steppe in Maduo County in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau were used to analyze the relationships between soil temperature, moisture content and heat flux and their seasonal and annual variation. The results show that the values of soil temperature and moisture content were the highest in summer, there was a consistent trend in seasonal change of soil temperature, the change range of soil heat flux was higher than that of soil temperature and moisture content, and its daily fluctuation was 102 W•m-2. The maximum and minimum values of soil moisture content occurred in June and December separately, and the annual range of the extreme value was 12.6%. Soil heat flux was higher than 0 W•m-2 in spring and summer but lower than this value in winter. There were the significant seasonal and annual changes of soil temperature, moisture content and heat flux, and the soil moisture content was high in summer but low in sparing and autumn. Soil in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau froze in November and thawed in April. The value of soil heat flux in spring and summer was positive, which reveals that heat transferred from air to soil in these two seasons, and contrarily, heat transferred from soil to air in winter. Holistically, there were the significant positive correlations between soil temperature, moisture content and heat flux.
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    Study on Climate Change in Alpine Tundra of the Changbai Mountain in Growing Season in Recent 52 Years
    ZONG Sheng-Wei, WU Zheng-Fang, DU Hai-Bo
    2013, 30 (1):  41-49. 
    Abstract ( 2549 )  
    Research on climate change in alpine region can provide a valid reference for studying the dynamic change of vegetation in alpine zone. In this paper, climate change in the alpine tundra of the Changbai Mountain was analyzed using the meteorological data observed by Tianchi Meteorological Station in growing season during the period of 1959-2010. Wavelet analysis and MannKendall test were used to reveal the periodic variations and anomalies of temperature and precipitation. Trend of climate change was analyzed using the linear methods. Six indices were selected to characterize climate change. Results showed that 7 main stages of climate change occurred in the alpine tundra in growing season, including the warmrainy, coldarid, warmrainy, coldarid, coldrainy, coldarid and warmarid periods in recent 52 years. There were the 5-10year periodicities of temperature change, but the 5year and 20year ones of precipitation change. An abrupt temperature change occurred in 1998, and many abrupt precipitation changes occurred as well in a complex pattern. Temperature was in a significant increase trend, which suggested that it would be warmer and rainier in alpine tundra of the Changbai Mountain in the future. Numbers of FD (frost day) and ID (icing day) were decreased in recent 52 years. Extreme temperatures, such as Tmax and Tmin, occurred usually in the 21st century. The days of precipitation >0.1 mm were significant decreased, and SDII (Simple precipitation intensity index) was in an increased trend. Accumulated temperatures ≥0 ℃, ≥3 ℃ and ≥5 ℃ were significant increased in growing season, which played an important role in the growing season extension and tundra plant growth.
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    Analysis on Hail and Weather Characteristics in the East Hexi Corridor, Gansu Province
    QIAN Li, FANG Feng, YANG Yong-Long, WANG Rong-Zhe, YANG Mei
    2013, 30 (1):  50-55. 
    Abstract ( 1933 )   PDF (1773KB) ( 1084 )  
    In this paper, the linear regression analysis, Mann-Kendall test and wavelet analysis were used to analyze the variation of annual hail days in the east Hexi Corridor in China in recent 50 years based on the data of annual hail days from 1961 to 2010. Results show that there was an obvious difference in spatiotemporal distribution of annual hail days in the corridor. Spatially, the annual hail days decreased apparently from the Qilian Mountains to the corridor plain, and temporally, there was a decrease trend in overall change of annual hail days with a linear decrease rate of -0.164 3 times•a-1. Hail occurred generally at 12:00-18:00 o’clock during the period from June to September, and its duration varied in a range of 1-20 minutes. The Mann-Kendall test was used to test the change of annual hail days in the east Hexi Corridor, the results revealed that the annual hail days started to decrease from 1985, an abrupt change occurred in 2006, and after that a significant reduction occurred. Under global climate warming, the annual hail days in the east Hexi Corridor were in a decrease trend, but such trend was delayed than the time when temperature was increased. Wavelet analysis showed that there was a 9-year quasiperiodic change in annual hail days in the east Hexi Corridor. According to the physical mechanism of occurring hail and upper and low air circulation, the largescale upper air circulation when hail weather occurred could be divided into the northwest airflow type, westerly airflow type and lowpressure through type. On which the mesoscale air circulation at 700 hPa could be further divided, and each hail type of vertical circulation and its affecting extent were analyzed.
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    Analysis on Characteristics of a Rainstorm Occurred in Dunhuang on June 16, 2011
    WANG Fu-Cun, WU Xiao-Jing, FU Shuang-Xi, Zhang-De-Yu- , TIAN Yu
    2013, 30 (1):  56-66. 
    Abstract ( 1489 )   PDF (3555KB) ( 942 )  
    In this paper, the synoptic situation, dry intrusion, vorticity budget, apparent heat source and apparent moisture sink of a rainstorm occurred in Dunhuang during June 15-16, 2011 were analyzed using the sounding and surface meteorological data, satellite cloud images and reanalyzed data of NCEP 1°×1°. The results show that the rainstorm was caused by an interaction of the mid-high-latitude weather system and a low-latitude weather system. During the genesis of vortex, dry intrusion occurred in upper troposphere on the south side of the vortex. During the rapid development of the vortex, the dry intrusion was the strongest. During the maturity of the vortex, dry intrusion began to wane. During the rapid development of the vortex, the contribution of horizontal divergence term was the highest for the vertical vorticity in low troposphere, however, horizontal advection term and vertical transmission term played a main role in middle troposphere. During the maturity of the vortex, effect of horizontal divergence term in low troposphere and vertical transmission term in middle troposphere were enhanced, however, the effect of horizontal advection term in middle troposphere was weakened. The negative center of vertical velocity corresponded to the heating center of apparent heat source and apparent moisture sink. These indicated that atmospheric heating and ascending motion were closely coupled, and the condensed latent heat release was the main heat source.
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    Analysis on Daily Variation of Water Vapor and Its Relationship with Rainfall in Urumqi in Summer
    YAO Jun-Qiang, YANG Qing, HAN Xue-Yun, ZHAO Ling, ZHAO Li
    2013, 30 (1):  67-73. 
    Abstract ( 1460 )   PDF (3446KB) ( 1137 )  
    In this paper, the comparative analyses were carried out to research the profiles of temperature and relative humidity using the retrieval data with the microwave radiometer (MWR) and sounding in Urumqi in summer 2008. The results show that the correlation coefficients of temperature and relative humidity were 0.99 and 0.85 respectively, which revealed that the holistic trend of temperature and relative humidity was significantly similar. The [WTBX]PWV[WTBZ] revealed that there was a diurnal cycle with an amplitude of 1.55 mm and fluctuation of 7.1%, it was decreased gradually from 04:00 to 15:00 [JP8]o’[JP]clock but increased gradually from 15:00 to 23:00, and its average, maximum and minimum values were 21.66 mm, 22.44 mm and 20.89 mm respectively. The highest and lowest [WTBX]PWV[WTBZ] values, 23.43 mm and 19.78 mm, occurred in July and August, respectively. The increased [WTBX]PWV[WTBZ] rate was symmetrical with the decreased one. The precondition of rainfall was that the [WTBX]PWV[WTBZ] should exceed a threshold value, which was 27 mm in Urumqi in summer, and the distribution of rainfall intensity and [WTBX]PWV[WTBZ] should be synchronous in terms of time in Urumqi.
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    Research on Multi-scale Superposed Drought Index and Its Classification Based on Standardized Precipitation Index
    HOU Wei, ZHANG Cun-Jie, GAO Ge
    2013, 30 (1):  74-88. 
    Abstract ( 2052 )   PDF (4497KB) ( 1258 )  
    By taking account of the climatic characteristics in different regions, in this study the comentropy method was used to obtain the zonal precipitation at two intrinsic scales, i.e. the homogeneous state intrinsic scale and variational state intrinsic scale, and a new meteorological drought index named MSPI was developed. The mutual information method was used to divide the drought ranks based on set of critical points for MSPI series at all 2 211 stations in China and get the standards of different drought and flood ranks, because this set of critical points was optimal when the mutual information between the MSPI series and the rank order reached their maximum. The MSPI series was divided into 9 ranks, i. e. the “extremely severe drought, severe drought, moderate drought, slight drought, normal situation, slight rainy, moderate rainy, severe rainy and extremely severe rainy”. On which the percentages of monthly days and stations at different drought ranks were calculated, the spatial distribution of the ratio of days at moderate, severe and extremely severe drought ranks at all the stations in different seasons during the period from 1981 to 2010 was analyzed, and the anomaly percentages of precipitation for  alleviating drought were estimated. The occurrence, development, duration and alleviation of severe meteorological drought in the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River in 2011 were discussed, and a case study on moderate or more severe drought events in Shanxi Province during the period from 1981 to 2010 was carried out based on MSPI so as to examine the capability of MSPI in monitoring meteorological drought. The result shows that MSPI can be used to monitor meteorological drought at different ranks, and it can also be used to perfectly develop the meteorological drought process.  
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    Attitudes of Herders and Farmers for Adapting Climate Change and Their Affecting Factors —A Case Study in Uxin Banner, Inner Mongolia
    LIU Hua-Min, WANG Li-Xin, YANG Jie, LIANG Cun-Zhu, WANG Wei
    2013, 30 (1):  89-95. 
    Abstract ( 1460 )   PDF (1620KB) ( 927 )  
    Based on the methods of questionnaire survey, semi-structured interview and mathematical statistics, in this study some farming and grazing households in Uxin Banner, situated in Ordos City, Inner-Mongolia, were interviewed in 2009 to identify the main measures of the farmers and herders to adapt climate change, restricting factors to the adaptation, and factors affecting their adaptation attitudes. The results are as follows: (1) The main measures used by the farmers and herders for adapting climate change were to dig wells, loan and seek other work instead of farming and pasturing work; (2) The main restricting factors for the farmers and herders to take adaptation measures were the shortage of money, lacking and backward technology and shortage of water resources; (3) Results from Binary Logistic model indicated that the income from livestock breeding, grassland areas and gender were the main factors affecting the adaptation attitudes of herders in the banner, while the income from crop farming, family net income, age and gender were those affecting the adaptation attitudes of farmers. The low-income communities should be paid more attention to in working out and implementing the policy for adapting climate change in Uxin Banner in the future.
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    Morphological Structure and Ecological Adaptability of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in the Rhizosphere of Hippophae rhamnoides
    HE Xue-Li, YANG Huan, YANG Ying-Ying, GUO Hui-Juan, WEI Yue
    2013, 30 (1):  96-100. 
    Abstract ( 1592 )   PDF (1966KB) ( 1205 )  
    In order to elucidate the morphological structure and ecological adaptability of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in arid environment, some soil samples were collected from the rhizosphere of Hippophae rhamnoides L. at four sapling sites in a farmingpastoral ecotone in a region between Inner Mongolia and Hebei Province in July 2009. Seventeen AM fungal species in three genera were isolated and identified with optical microscope and scan electricity microscope. In which 11 species were in Glomus, 5 in Acaulospora and 1 was in ]Scutellospora. The results indicated that AM fungal spore had the obvious ecological adaptability, and the spore was characterized by its small shape, deep color, thick wall and un-full overall shape. SEM showed that fungal spore morphology was different among the 17 species, especially in surface veins, which can be used as a reference index for AM fungal identification.
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    Response of Annual Growing Season of Populus euphratica] to Climate Change in the Jiuquan Oasis during the Period from 1955 to 2010
    LIU Pu-Xing, ZHU Xiao-Juan, ZHAO Min-Li, YAO Yu-Long, CHEN Li-Li
    2013, 30 (1):  101-108. 
    Abstract ( 1401 )   PDF (3922KB) ( 1018 )  
    In the past few years, many reports showed that the plant phonology trended towards earlier in spring but later in autumn in Europe, America and Asia. So the research on the response of vegetation to climate change would be of great theoretical and practical significances for scientifically understanding climate change and adaptability of vegetation and also for working out the measures to adapt climate change. The Jiuquan Oasis is situated in an arid and semiarid region of northwest China. It is one of the main distribution regions of Populus euphratica, and also a sensitive region to climate change as well as an ideal place to study climate change in arid and semiarid regions. Based on the daily temperature data from the meteorological stations in the Jiuquan Oasis during the period from 1955 to 2010, this paper analyzed the beginning and ending dates of growth season and the beginning date of yellow leaves of P. euphratica, and the response of P. euphratica to global climate change with the methods of climate trending rate, inverse distance weighted interpolation, and Mann-Kendall abrupt change test. The results are as follows: (1) In recent 56 years, the beginning date of growing season of P. euphratica became earlier, but the ending date became later, and the beginning date of yellow leaves was in a clear delaying trend; (2) The results of inverse distance weighted interpolation analysis show that the beginning date of growth season of P. euphratica became earlier in recent 56 years, it, however, was not significantly, and the movingup amplitude was in an order of Dinxing>Yumen>Guazhou>Dunhuang. The ending date of growth season and the beginning date of yellow leaves of P. euphratica were delayed obviously, and they were in orders of Dinxing>Yumen>Dunhuang>Guazhou and Dinxing>Dunhuang>Yumen>Guazhou; (3) The results of abrupt change analysis show that the abrupt changes of beginning and ending dates of growing season and beginning date of yellow leaves of P. euphratica occurred in 1961, 1997 and 2006. Thus it can be seen that the response of P. euphratica to climate change was sensitive in the study area.
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    Study on Seasonal Variation of Aboveground and Underground Biomasses of Vegetation in the Stipa klemenziiSteppe and Their Ratio
    YANG Ting-Ting, GAO Yong, WU Xin-Hong, LI Peng, SHI Hong-Xiao
    2013, 30 (1):  109-114. 
    Abstract ( 1660 )   PDF (1558KB) ( 1163 )  
    In this paper, the aboveground and belowground biomasses and rootshoot ratio of vegetation in the Stipa klemenzii steppe in Sonid Right Banner, Inner Mongolia were analyzed based on the data of aboveground and underground biomasses of vegetation in the steppe in growing season, and seasonal dynamic variation models of rootshoot ratio of vegetation were developed. The results are as follows: (1) The curve of aboveground biomass of vegetation in the S. klemenzii steppe in 2011 was remarkably unimodal, the peak value was 46.14 g•m-2 and occurred in late June. The curve of seasonal dynamic change of underground biomass was N-shaped, the peak and lowest values occurred in late July and late August, and their values were 1 275.46 g•m-2 and 365.1 g•m-2, respectively. The peak value of underground biomass occurred one month later than that of aboveground biomass; (2) The rootshoot ratio of vegetation in the S. klemenzii steppe in 2011 was fluctuated seasonally, the lowest value (16.8) and the highest value (51.05) occurred in late August and late July respectively; (3) There was a significant correlation between the aboveground biomass and the rootshoot ratio in 2011, in which the correlation in August was the highest, and the correlation coefficient was as high as 0.626, so the aboveground biomass in August could be used to simulate the variation of root-shoot ratio of vegetation in the S. klemenzii steppe.
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    Sap Flow Characteristics of Three Plant Species and Their Responses to Environmental Factors in an Extremely Arid Region
    ZHANG Li-Gang, ZENG Fan-Jiang, LIU Zhen, LIU Bo, AN Gui-Xiang, YUAN Na
    2013, 30 (1):  115-121. 
    Abstract ( 1269 )   PDF (1100KB) ( 1033 )  
    Haloxylon ammodendron, Calligonum caput-medusae and Alhagi sparsifolia Shap. are all the dominant species in extremely arid region in the south marginal zone of the Taklimakan Desert in northwest China. These species can be planted in wind break and sand-fixation forest at the desert-oasis ecotone. In this extremely arid region, the mean annual precipitation is 35.1 mm only, the mean annual evaporation is as high as 2 595.3 mm, and average wind speed is 1.9 m•s-1. Growth of H. ammodendron, C. caput-medusae and A. sparsifolia depends highly on snowmelt from the Kunlun Mountains or/and groundwater. In order to explore the water consumption of these three plant species, the values of their sap flow were measured every 10 minutes during the period from June to November with a heat balance Dynamax packaged sap flow measuring system. Moreover, some meteorological factors including solar radiation (Rs), air temperature (Ta), air relative humidity (RH) and wind speed were synchronously measured by an automatic weather station. The correlations between sap flow rate and meteorological factors were analyzed. The result are as follows: (1) The data of sap flow under sunny weather were calculated every 30 minutes during July 13-18, the daily curve of sap flow of H. ammodendron was bimodal or multi-peaked, and there was a significant noon depression of sap flow; that of C. caput-medusae was unimodal or multi-peaked, that of A. sparsifolia Shap was unimodal, and there was no obvious noon depression of sap flow neither for C. caput-medusae nor for A. sparsifolia Shap. The starting time and peak value occurrence of sap flow of C. caput-medusae and A. sparsifolia Shap were delayed about 1 hour than that of H. ammodendron, and the time of sap flow rate reduction of the three plant species was similar; (2) In whole growing season, the average monthly values of sap flow flux during the period from June to November were calculated. The result are that the value of H. ammodendron was high all along, and it reached its peak in July, the values of C. caput-medusae and A. sparsifolia Shap reached their peak in August, and then the values of all the species began to decrease until to their minimums in November; (3) In order to research the response of sap flow of the three plant species under different weather conditions, the values of sap flow flux of different plant species were selected and compared, and the sap flow flux under different weather was in an order of sunshine>sandstorm>cloudy weather>rainfall; (4) There was a significant positive correlation between the sap flow rate of the three plant species and the Rs, Ta and VPD (P<0.01),but a significant negative one between it and RH(P<0.01).
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    Spatial Point Pattern and Response of Clonal Plant Communities to High Drought and Salt Stress in the Ebinur Lake Wetland Nature Reserve, Xinjiang, China
    LI Chang-Jun, 吕Guang-Hui , GONG Lu, ZHANG Hai-Feng, LIU Xiao-Xing
    2013, 30 (1):  122-128. 
    Abstract ( 1730 )   PDF (1440KB) ( 1153 )  
    Clonal plants have some responses to high drought and salt stress not only at the plant individual level, but also at the level of population distribution pattern and population relationship. In this study, the Ripley’s K(r) and L(r) functions and the spatial point pattern analysis were used to research the plant communities consisted of four typical clonal plant species in the Ebinur Lake Wetland Nature Reserve. The results show that the phalanx clonal plant species, such as Karelinia caspia and Phragmites australis, clustered mainly at a scale of 1-5 m, while the guerrilla ones, such as Apocynum venetum and Poacynum pictum, scattered randomly at a scale of 0-1 m, clustered at a scale of 1-4.5 m, and equidistributed at a scale of 4.5-5 m. There was a positive correlation between K. caspia and P. australis with A. venetum and P. pictum, but a negative one between them at a scale of 0-5 m. Under a risk of high drought and salt stress, the clonal plants were more like to cluster together, relating to the physiological integration and positive correlation between these plants.
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    Distribution and Community Characteristics of Invasive Solanum rostratum Dunal. in Xinjiang
    SONG Zhen-Zhen, TAN Dun-Yan, ZHOU Gui-Ling
    2013, 30 (1):  129-134. 
    Abstract ( 2138 )   PDF (1395KB) ( 971 )  
    Solanum rostratum is a native species in North America. However, it was firstly found in Saldaban Township of Urumqi County and Sangong Town of Changji City, Xinjiang, China in 2005. In this paper, about 40 cities and counties in both north Xinjiang and south Xinjiang, where S. rostratum grows probably, were investigated. Some sample plots were delimited to observe and analyze the abundance, frequentness and important values of S. rostratum in the 14 wellconcentrated sample plots in different habitats. Thus, the distribution areas and community characteristics of S. rostratum in Xinjiang were identified, and the optimum habitats of this species were determined. The results indicated that S. rostratum distributed in Urumqi City (County), Changji City, Shihezi City, Turpan City and Toksun County of Xinjiang. The altitude of its distribution areas ranged from -12 to 132 5 m a. s. l. The types of its habitats included the desert steppe, desert and oasis. In the three habitats, the relative abundance of S. rostratum was the highest among all the plant species, and its maximum value occurred in an oasis. Thus it was considered that S. rostratum was the most important species in the invaded areas. Moreover, the relative coverage of S. rostratum was the highest in all the plant species, and it was in an order of oasis (54.27%)>desert steppe (35.07%)>desert (26.40%). The analyzed results of important values of S. rostratum indicated that the comprehensive adaptability of this species was the highest in the three habitats, particularly in the oasis. In conclusion, S. rostratum was still in partial endangerment in desert steppe and desert in Xinjiang, but it spread almost in the whole oasis.
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    Survey and Analysis of the Awareness of Nomads in the Peripheral Communities in Protecting the Wild-back ]Equus przewalski
    LIU Shu, CHU Hong-Jun, WANG Yuan, TAO Yong-Shan, SHAO Chang-Liang, LIU Dong-Zhi
    2013, 30 (1):  135-143. 
    Abstract ( 1993 )   PDF (1228KB) ( 1128 )  
    A survey on the awareness of nomads in the peripheral communities about protecting the wild-back Equus przewalskii in the Kalamaili Mountain Ungulate Nature Reserve in winter 2011 was carried out using the face-to-face interview investigation method. The investigation included mainly the basic knowledge, and consciousness and initiative of local residents in the peripheral communities around the nature reserve about participating in the protection of the wild-back E. przewalskii. The results are as follows: (1) There was a significant difference of the knowledge of local residents in the communities in 4 townships about E. przewalskii,but their initiative of protecting E. przewalskii were positive and active; (2) There was a confliction of occupying pastures between the wild-backing E. przewalskii and the livestock, which was related to the distance from the townships to the core area of the nature reserve; (3) The consciousness of local nomads about protecting the wild-back E. przewalskii decreased with the increase of distance from the townships to the core area of the nature reserve; (4) The legal awareness of nomads about protecting wild animals including the wild-back E. przewalskii was universally low. According to the investigation and the particular features of the Kalamaili Mountain Ungulate Nature Reserve, the scientific and reasonable measures should be taken, and the relationship between the community development and the protection of the wild-back E. przewalskii should be gradually balanced. 
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    Study on Micro-environment at the Spawning Fields of Gymnodiptychus dybowskii and Diptychus maculates  in the Kunes River
    CAI Lin-Gang, NIU Jian-Gong, LI Hong, LIU Jian
    2013, 30 (1):  144-148. 
    Abstract ( 2054 )   PDF (1587KB) ( 1270 )  
    During the period from 2006 to 2009, the spawning fields of Diptychus maculates and Gymnodiptychus dybowskii in the Kunes River were investigated, their ecological and environmental factors including the geographical location, flow velocity, water depth, bottom material and water temperature were studied in detail, and the suitability curves of the two fish species were proposed. The results showed that there were the distinct differences in the ecological and environmental factors between the spawning fields of these two fish species. The spawning fields of D. maculatus were located at the upper reaches of the river, where the breeding temperature was 2-7 ℃, bottom material was cobble stone with a diameter of 15-80 cm, water depth for breeding was 20-60 cm, and water velocity was 0.3-1.0 m•s-1; while the spawning fields of G. dybowskii were located at the middle reaches, where the breeding temperature was 8-14 ℃, bottom material was gravel with a diameter of 5-30 cm, water depth for breeding was 10-80 cm, and water velocity was 0.2-0.6 m•s-1.
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    Human Migration and Diffusion in Northeastern Margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau since the Late Glacial Period
    HOU Guang-Liang, ZHANG Xue-Lian, XIAO Jing-Yi, E Chong-Yi
    2013, 30 (1):  149-155. 
    Abstract ( 1680 )   PDF (1713KB) ( 1107 )  
    In this paper, the data of archaeological sites, age and regional DEM were used to comprehensively analyze the human migration and diffusion in northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau since the Late Glacial Period based on GIS. The results showed that the remains of human activities spread all over the northeastern margin of the plateau in the late Paleolithic period of 16-6 kaBP, when there were no the fixed human settlements, and human activities were highly migratory with long distance. In the late deglaciation, human who lived in the west Loess Plateau with low elevation migrated to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau along the Yellow River valley, arrived in the Gonghe Basin with an elevation of 2 600 m a. s. l., came into the Qinghai Lake basin with an elevation over 3 000 m a. s. l. northward at 14 kaBP, then migrated to the main part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with an elevation about 4 000 m a. s. l. at 11 kaBP southward, came into the Qaidam Basin westward in the early Holocene, crossed the Golmud River, climbed over the Kunlun Mountains, and came into the Hoh Xil and Chang Tang Plateau finally. At 6-2 kaBP, the northeastern margin was stepped into the Neolithic Age-Bronze Age, where the settlements were fixed, and 2 significant cultural diffusions occurred; at 5-4 kaBP, Majiayao culture was spread in the Yellow River-Huang River valleys; at 3 kaBP, animal husbandry was developed, human spread again to the hinterland of the plateau and occupied the plateau over 4 000 m a. s. l.
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    Geochemistry Characteristics of Elements in Loess in the Huining Profile in MIS3 and Climate Change
    DI Xin-Wei, WU Song, LI Fu-Qiang
    2013, 30 (1):  156-161. 
    Abstract ( 1530 )   PDF (1240KB) ( 1096 )  
    Based on the geochemical data of elements and the paleoclimate proxies, the paleoclimate change in the Huining region during 20-70 kaBP was reconstructed. The geochemical results of elements showed that the contents of Ba, Rb, Sr, Ti, Fe2O3, SiO2, Al2O3, MgO and K2O were increased but those of CaO and Na2O were decreased with the decrease of loess depth along the profile. The proxies revealed that it was cold and dry during 69.9-55.5 ka (MIS4), and the quick loess accumulation was revealed by the low contents of Rb, Ti and Rb/Sr and the high contents of Na2O/Al2O3 and CaO/MgO. Compared with the data during the MIS4 period, the contents of Sr, Na2O and Na2O/Al2O3 were low during 55.5-23.8 ka (MIS3), those of Rb, Fe2O3, K2O and Rb/Sr were high, and they could be divided into three subparts (L1S1S2, L1S1L1 and L1S1S1). At the early stage (L1S1S2), 56.5-47.0 ka, it was slightly warm and rainy. During the mediumterm (L1S1L1), 47.0-28.6 ka, it was dry and cold. The Huining profile revealed that it was the driest and coldest period. The late stage (L1S1S1), 28.6-25.2 ka, was characterized by warm and rainy. It was cold and dry again at 25.2-23.2 ka (MIS2); Based on the geochemical data and proxies, five Heinrich events may be recorded in the Huining loess profile, i.e. the H2(22.36-23.32 ka), H3(30.5-31.5 ka), H4(38.2-39.2 ka), H5(43.0-44.0 ka) and H6(61.24-62.20 ka).  
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    Study on Phytoremediation of Petroleum-polluted Soil in Xinjiang
    DONG Ya-Ming, ZHAO Chao-Cheng, CAI Yun, ZHAO Dong-Feng, CUI Chao-Yue
    2013, 30 (1):  162-165. 
    Abstract ( 1433 )   PDF (776KB) ( 1384 )  
    In this study, the phytoremediation of petroleum-contaminated soil was researched for the first time by planting Phragmites australis, Tamarix chinensis and Elaeagnus angustifolia, and the phytoremediation effects of these plant species were compared. The result indicated that petroleum hydrocarbon of 26.50%-31.27% in petroleum-contaminated soil could be removed after the bioremediation was taken for 80 days, which was 15.57%-20.34% higher than that without taking the bioremediation. Saturated hydrocarbon removal was the best, and it could be up to 39.34%-46.18%. The analyzed results of microorganism in plant rhizosphere showed that the plant planting could significantly improve the amount of microorganism, and the rootsoil ratio of these three plant species was up to 23-169. The enzyme activity in soil was significantly improved in the plant planting experiment, and it was in an order of P. australis>E. angustifolia>T. chinensis. The activities of catalase, polyphenol oxidase and dehydrogenase were 1.12-1.34, 1.63-1.91 and 1.56-1.73 times of those without taking the bioremediation respectively. The results of this study will provide the theoretical and technical supports for developing the petroleumcontaminated soil in Xinjiang.
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    Factor-based Analysis on Forestry Development Potentiality in China
    LI Xiang-Ling, LU Yi, ZHU Yong-Jie
    2013, 30 (1):  166-172. 
    Abstract ( 1316 )   PDF (1271KB) ( 992 )  
    Based on sustainable development of forest resources, it is very essential to evaluate regional forestry development potentiality, carry out the rational strategy of promoting the development of forest resources, and increase the forestry development potentiality. In this study, 27 provinces in China were selected to research the change of national forest resources based on the effects of forest resources data from local governments. The data of “China Forestry Statistical Yearbook in 2008” and the factor analysis were used to transform the 10 main indices of reflecting the forestry development potentiality into 5 main analysis factors, and the 27 provinces in 2008 were ranked. The results revealed that the forestry development was quite different from different regions at the aspects of occupancy, management, quality, natural regeneration, cultivation and human transformation of forest resources. The potentiality of forestry development in the provinces in south China was much higher than that in north China. Some suitable measures were put forward so as to increase the stumpage volume of collective forests in south China, continue and deepen the reform and innovation of management of the stateowned forest resources, and develop vigorously the forest tourism in China.
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    Study on Response of Evapotranspiration to Scorching Weather in a Desert-Oasis Region in the Hexi Corridor
    WANG Guo-Hua, ZHAO Wen-Zhi, LIU Bing, CHANG Xue-Xiang, ZHANG Zhi-Hui
    2013, 30 (1):  173-181. 
    Abstract ( 1553 )   PDF (2080KB) ( 904 )  
    In this paper, a high-temperature event occurred in Linze County, Gansu Province in 2010 was regarded as a case to estimate the response of evapotranspiration to scorching weather. The water-surface evaporation, transpiration rate of Calligonum mongolicunl and referred crop evapotranspiration during the period with extremely high temperature in 2010 were compared with the average values during the same period of 2005-2009. The results showed that, compared with the longterm values, the watersurface evaporation and the referred crop evapotranspiration under the scorching weather in 2010 were increased by 42% and 19% respectively, and the increases of both average and maximum air temperatures were the main causes resulting in such changes. Regression analysis results showed that, during the study period, the water-surface evaporation was increased by 0.58 mm whenever the average air temperature anomaly was increased by 1 ℃; the watersurface evaporation was increased by 0.39 mm whenever the average maximum air temperature anomaly was increased by 1 ℃. The referred crop evapotranspiration was increased by 0.11 mm whenever the average air temperature was increased by 1 ℃; the referred crop evapotranspiration anomaly was increased by 0.06 mm whenever the maximum air temperature anomaly was increased by 1 ℃. The transpiration rate of C. mongolicunl under high temperature in 2010 was increased by 373% compared with the average during 2008-2009, and the transpiration rate of C. mongolicunl was decreased by 0.39 g•cm-2•d-1 whenever the relative humidity was increased by 1%.
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    Comparison Oasis Agriculture in Central Asia and Xinjiang
    WANG Jiang-Li, LAI Xian-Qi, PA Ni-Gu-Li-?A-Han-Bie-Ke- , LI Lu-Hua
    2013, 30 (1):  182-187. 
    Abstract ( 1891 )   PDF (1511KB) ( 1544 )  
    Based on the field investigation and research, a comparative study on oasis forming conditions, coordination of water and heat, distribution patterns and affecting factors of oasis agriculture in Central Asia and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region was carried using the comprehensive research system of graphic analysis related to precipitation, temperature and unscrambled dryness (K and K′value). The results showed that the study area could be divided into four types. The first type was the oasis agricultural area in alluvialproluvial fan and alluvial plain in piedmont in Central Asia; the second one was the oasis agricultural area in alluvialproluvial fan and alluvial plain in piedmont in Xinjiang; the third one was the oasis agricultural area along the banks of rivers and lakes in deserts in Central Asia; and the last one was the oasis agricultural area along the banks of rivers and lakes in deserts in Xinjiang. It was found that the different types of oasis agricultural area affected the oasis agriculture mainly in two aspects. One was irrigation mode. Based on strengthening the water conservancy construction and implementing the rational irrigation in alluvialproluvial fan in piedmont, rainfall in rainy season should be fully used, and watersaving irrigation should be carried out in the oasis agricultural area in alluvialproluvial fan and alluvial plain in piedmont. Moreover, watersaving irrigation was more important in the oasis agricultural area along the banks of rivers and lakes in deserts of Central Asia and Xinjiang. The other aspect was cotton planting. The oasis agricultural area along the banks of rivers and lakes in desert was very suitable to plant cotton, the oasis agricultural areas in alluvialproluvial fan and alluvial plain in piedmont were also suitable to grow cotton because of high temperature, and the rational cultivation techniques were needed. It, however, was not suitable to grow cotton in the regions with high altitude and high latitude.
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