›› 2013, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (1): 173-181.

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Study on Response of Evapotranspiration to Scorching Weather in a Desert-Oasis Region in the Hexi Corridor

 WANG  Guo-Hua, ZHAO  Wen-Zhi, LIU  Bing, CHANG  Xue-Xiang, ZHANG  Zhi-Hui   

  1. Linze Inland River Basin Research Station, Key Laboratory of Inland River Basin Science, Cold and Arid Regions 
    Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China
  • Received:2012-02-06 Revised:2012-05-11 Online:2013-01-15 Published:2013-01-16

Abstract: In this paper, a high-temperature event occurred in Linze County, Gansu Province in 2010 was regarded as a case to estimate the response of evapotranspiration to scorching weather. The water-surface evaporation, transpiration rate of Calligonum mongolicunl and referred crop evapotranspiration during the period with extremely high temperature in 2010 were compared with the average values during the same period of 2005-2009. The results showed that, compared with the longterm values, the watersurface evaporation and the referred crop evapotranspiration under the scorching weather in 2010 were increased by 42% and 19% respectively, and the increases of both average and maximum air temperatures were the main causes resulting in such changes. Regression analysis results showed that, during the study period, the water-surface evaporation was increased by 0.58 mm whenever the average air temperature anomaly was increased by 1 ℃; the watersurface evaporation was increased by 0.39 mm whenever the average maximum air temperature anomaly was increased by 1 ℃. The referred crop evapotranspiration was increased by 0.11 mm whenever the average air temperature was increased by 1 ℃; the referred crop evapotranspiration anomaly was increased by 0.06 mm whenever the maximum air temperature anomaly was increased by 1 ℃. The transpiration rate of C. mongolicunl under high temperature in 2010 was increased by 373% compared with the average during 2008-2009, and the transpiration rate of C. mongolicunl was decreased by 0.39 g•cm-2•d-1 whenever the relative humidity was increased by 1%.

Key words: desert-oasis, high-temperature, weather event, water-surface evaporation, plant evapotranspiration, referred crop evapotranspiration, Hexi Corridor