›› 2013, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (1): 1-4.

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Countermeasures and Suggestions for Wasteland Reclamation Prohibition in the Arid Land in Northwest China

Zhang  Bai-Ping, ZHANG  Xue-Qin, ZHENG  Du   

  1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
  • Received:2012-10-23 Revised:2012-11-20 Online:2013-01-15 Published:2013-01-16

Abstract: Arid land in northwest China is characterized by three basic elements (mountain, oasis and desert) and their complex combination-many similar integral inland mountain-basin systems. There is little rainfall in the arid basins and almost no ground runoff, so the fragile desert ecological balance and socio-economic sustainable development in the basins depend completely on runoff from the surrounding mountains. In human history, especially in recent 60 years, large-scale reclamation and irrigation development have occurred in the upper and middle reaches of inland rivers, leading to intensive water resources consumption in the oases and more serious water shortage and desertification in the lower reaches. These completely changed the original spatial pattern of water resources and ecological evolution in the arid land. With the solid data and analysis, in this paper the suitable scale of cultivated land and actual area of cultivated land were compared, the problem of excessive wasteland reclamation was highlighted, and it was considered that these were the main causes of ecological problems in arid land in northwest China. On which some suggestions were put forward: (1) The State Council issued a ban on wasteland reclamation in arid land in China, and in the regulations it was requested to reverse the over-reclaimed land to wasteland; (2) Strict and scientific water resources redistribution schemes should be formed and carried out so as to effectively and rationally utilize water resources in upper, middle and lower reaches of inland rivers; (3) It is suggested to regulate the intra-oasis agricultural structure so as to develop the efficient and distinctive industries; (4) Ecological water demand should be gradually satisfied; (5) Legislation needs to be strengthened so as to ensure the ecological construction and sustainable development in arid land in northwest China.      

Key words: wasteland, reclamation, water resources, desertification prevention and control, countermeasure, Northwest arid China