荒漠草原,放牧强度,群落结构,物种多样性,地上生物量,内蒙古 ," /> 荒漠草原,放牧强度,群落结构,物种多样性,地上生物量,内蒙古 ,"/>
Arid Zone Research ›› 2020, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 168-177.
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ZHAO Sheng-long1,
2, ZUO Xiao-an1, ZHANG Tong-hui1, LYU Peng1, 2,
YUE Ping1, ZHANG Jing1, 2
ZHAO Sheng-long, ZUO Xiao-an, ZHANG Tong-hui, LYU Peng, YUE Ping, ZHANG Jing. Response of relationship between community species diversity and aboveground biomass to grazing intensity in the Urat desert steppe in north China[J].Arid Zone Research, 2020, 37(1): 168-177.
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