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    15 January 2020, Volume 37 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    2020, 37 (1):  0-0. 
    Abstract ( 404 )   PDF (1951KB) ( 218 )  
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    2020, 37 (1):  0-0. 
    Abstract ( 128 )   PDF (310KB) ( 118 )  
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    Spatiotemporal Variation of Near Surface Wind Speed over China Based on ITPCAS Reanalyzed Dataset
    ZHANG Xiao-long, SHEN Bing, HUANG Ling-mei
    2020, 37 (1):  1-9. 
    Abstract ( 584 )   PDF (1951KB) ( 386 )  
    Accurate analysis of spatiotemporal variation of near surface wind speed is critical for climate change, evaporation estimation and fog forecast, etc. Using the data of daily near surface wind speed (10 m in height) products provided by ITPCAS reanalyzed dataset from 1979 to 2015 and the daily wind speed data from 110 meteorological stations over China, the applicability of this dataset was analyzed. The wind speed data during the period of 2011-2012 were modified. The spatiotemporal variation of modified wind speed data was analyzed. The results showed that:    The ITPCAS reanalyzed dataset could basically meet the application requirements, but partial data needed to be modified. The accuracy of the modified wind speed data was greatly improved, which performed satisfactorily, particularly in cold and arid regions of northwest China. There was a good application prospect of the modified wind speed data;   Wind speed decreased visibly in 62.12% regions of China during 1979-2015, and the decrease rate of the annual mean wind speed was -0.073 m·s-1 every 10 years over China, in which the highest decrease rate (-0.202 m·s-1) occurred in the drainage basins in the southeastern;    Wind speed in other drainage basins was in a decrease trend except that in the Zhujiang River Basin. The curve of monthly average wind speed over China was unimodal, and the maximum and minimum values appeared in April and December respectively;    Decrease of wind speed over China was the most significant from March to June. The change trend of monthly wind speed in the future would maintain in the drainage basins.
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    Effect of Meridional Position of East Asian Subtropical Jet on Midsummer Precipitation in Eastern Part of Northwest China
    JI Kai, WANG Shi-xin, ZUO Hong-chao, WANG Yi-pu, DING Rui-qiang
    2020, 37 (1):  10-17. 
    Abstract ( 500 )   PDF (2419KB) ( 416 )  

    Many studies have shown that the East Asian subtropical westerly jet is closely related to the summer precipitation in most parts of China, but there are relatively few related studies in Northwest China. In this papers, the daily precipitation data from 179 meteorological stations in China, compiled by the National Meteorological Information Center, and the monthly analysis of NCEP/NCAR data were used to analyze the change of precipitation in midsummer (from July to August) in the eastern part of Northwest China from 1979 to 2017. On the basis of the East Asian subtropical westerly jet meridional position index, the relationship between the change of eastward subtropical westerly jet meridional position and the midsummer precipitation in the eastern part of Northwest China was discussed. The purpose of the study was to further improve the level of predicting drought and flood disasters in Northwest China. The results showed that the midsummer precipitation in the northeastern part of Northwest China was higher in the abnormal years when the center of East Asian subtropical westerly jet was northward, and vice versa. These showed that the change of subtropical westerly jet meridional position affected the change of midsummer precipitation in the eastern part of Northwest China.

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    Effects of Desert Soil Composition on Land Surface Processes
    LI Huo-qing, JIN Li-li, ALI Mamtimin, ZHAO Jia-wei
    2020, 37 (1):  18-25. 
    Abstract ( 584 )   PDF (1678KB) ( 238 )  

    In this study, the values of soil composition at Xiaotang Observation Station in the northern margin of the Taklimakan Desert were measured by Mastersizer-2000 Laser Particle Sizer and analyzed. Soil composition was classified according to the Wooden-Wendward Particle Size Standard. It was found that the soil was not the homogeneous sandy soil, and there was 10%-24% clay in the shallow soil layer at 0-30-cm depth. The soil parameters in the Noah Land Surface Model were recalculated according to the proportions of soil compositions. The data observed at Xiaotang Station from March 22 to July 25, 2011 were used to drive the Noah model, and the simulated results before and after amending the soil parameters were compared. The results showed that, after updating the soil parameters, the simulation effect of soil temperature was improved, the deviations of soil temperature, soil heat flux, sensible heat flux and surface net radiation were reduced by 0.62 ℃, 10.47 W·m-2, 7.02 W·m-2 and 5.48 W·m-2 respectively, and the efficiency coefficient was more acceptable. The overall effect of soil parameter modification for the Noah simulation was analyzed by Taylor diagram. The results showed that the heat transfer and diffusion in the modified soil parameter model could be improved to a certain extent, and the simulation effect of soil temperature could be improved obviously.

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    Progress on Evapotranspiration Estimation Methods and Driving Forces in Arid and Semiarid Regions
    LI Xiao-yuan, YU De-yong
    2020, 37 (1):  26-36. 
    Abstract ( 912 )   PDF (1511KB) ( 1311 )  

    Evapotranspiration (ET), a fraction of the hydrological cycle, is a key indicator used to measure the transport of water and energy in the soil-vegetation-atmosphere coupling system. Thus, it is important for the efficient utilization of water resources in arid and semiarid regions to accurately estimate the evapotranspiration and understand its driving forces. In this paper, the estimation methods of regional evapotranspiration were summarized, and the driving forces of evapotranspiration change were discussed from the perspectives of climate change and human activities. Finally, the existing issues that should be further studied were discussed. In the future research, we should strengthen the improvement of the evapotranspiration estimation model and promote the land system optimization so as to improve the water resources utilization and promote the regional sustainable development.

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    Seasonal Variation of Single-layer Low Cloud Physical Properties and Radiative Forcing in East Asia
    SI Yu-wen, ZHENG Ning, YANG Hong-hai, CHEN Yong-hang, LIU Qiong, XIA Jun-rong, ZHANG Hua
    2020, 37 (1):  37-45. 
    Abstract ( 451 )   PDF (2534KB) ( 294 )  
    The data from Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System were used to study the distribution of low-cloud physical properties and downward shortwave radiative forcing in different regions of East Asia from 2003 to 2016. The results are as follows:    The variation of single-layer low cloud radiation forcing was similar with the single-layer low cloud fraction in spring and autumn, and there was a good consistency with the ice/liquid water path in spring, summer and autumn;   Temporally, the weakening effect of single-layer low cloud on shortwave radiation was the strongest in the north and west in summer. The strongest weakening effect in the south and northwest occurred in spring; that in the eastern ocean occurred in winter. In terms of spatial distribution, except for summer, the strongest single-layer low cloud weakening effect in other seasons occurred in the south. In summer, the single-layer low cloud in the East Asia had a weaker effects on shortwave radiation, and the absolute value of the radiation forcing was less than 200 W·m-2
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    Relationship between Air Quality and Meteorological Conditions in the Hotan Oasis, Xinjiang
    Maimaitiabuttula Yimier, Bupatiman Aibaidoula, CHEN Tian-yu, Mayila Maimaiti, ZHAO Yu-qian
    2020, 37 (1):  46-57. 
    Abstract ( 738 )   PDF (1580KB) ( 297 )  
     In this study, the daily data of air quality and the conventional meteorological data from the Hotan Oasis were used to analyze the air quality over the study area from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2017. The relationships among the air quality and the meteorological factors were discussed. The results showed that the three-year average AQI in the Hotan Oasis was 199, the air pollution was moderate, and the days with air pollution accounted for 78.1% of the total. Seasonally, the air quality in spring was the worst, then that in summer, and the air pollution was the slightest in autumn and winter. The annual average concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 were 333 μg·m-3 and 100 μg·m-3, and the days when the values of PM10 and PM2.5 exceeded the standards accounted for 75.7% and 49.5% of the total, respectively. The days when the values of other pollutants exceeded the standards were lower than 3%. The concentration of PM10 was the highest in spring, then in summer and autumn, and it was the lowest in winter. The concentration of PM2.5 was the highest in spring, then in summer and winter, and it was the lowest in autumn. The concentrations of SO2, NO2 and CO were the highest in winter, then in spring and autumn, and it was the lowest in summer. O3 concentration was the highest in summer, then in spring and autumn, and it was the lowest in winter. Except precipitation, AQI was significantly correlated with other meteorological factors. Except the absence of correlations between the average temperature and PM2.5, relative humidity and CO, and precipitation and SO2, PM10, O3 and PM2.5, other meteorological factors affected significantly the IAQI. Visibility was significantly correlated with AQI and IAQI. AQI decreased with the increase of visibility. Under the similar visibility, the pollutant concentration was higher in summer half year when the occurring frequency of dust weather was high than that in winter half year when the occurring frequency of dust weather was low. With the improvement of visibility, the concentrations of SO2, PM10, CO and PM2.5 tended to a decrease, the concentration of O3 increased, and the concentration of NO2 changed irregularly. Moreover, the concentrations of PM10, O3 and PM2.5 were higher in summer half year than in winter half year, and the concentrations of SO2, CO and NO2 were higher in winter half year than in summer half year. When the visibility was lower than 1 km, the pollutant concentration under dense floating dust weather was similar to that in sandstorm; when the visibility varied in a range of 1-3.5 km, the pollutant concentration under floating dust weather was similar to that under blowing sand weather; when the visibility was higher than 3.5 km, the pollutant concentration under floating dust weather was higher than that under blowing sand weather. The concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 decreased with the increase of the lowest visibility, and the change of concentrations of other pollutants with the change of the lowest visibility was different.
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    Variation of Summer High Temperature Days and Its Affecting Factors in Xinjiang
    CHEN Ying, SHAO Wei-ling, CAO Meng, LYU Xin-sheng
    2020, 37 (1):  58-66. 
    Abstract ( 606 )   PDF (2914KB) ( 479 )  
     According to the characteristics of summer high temperature in Xinjiang during 1961-2018, its spatial distribution could be divided into the whole-Xinjiang distribution pattern, north-south distribution pattern and west-east distribution pattern. For the whole-Xinjiang distribution pattern, the summer high temperature days increased sharply in the mid- and late-1990’s. For the north-south distribution pattern, the interconversion of more summer high temperature days and less ones was frequent in the 21st century. For the west-east distribution pattern, the summer high temperature days were more in the east but less in the west since the 21st century. The key zones of the circulation field, significantly correlated with the spatial distribution patterns, were all located in middle and low latitudes. According to the circulation analysis of Xinjiang summer high temperature days, when the South Asian high was strong and its central area was located northwards, the potential height at the middle and low latitudes in summer increased significantly, especially over the 30°-50°N zones, leading to an increase of summer high temperature days in Xinjiang. Strong South Asia high made the height of the middle latitude increase. In summer, the potential height over the 30°-50°N zones increased significantly, which was conducive to the increase of summer high temperature days in Xinjiang. The El Nino event is actually not conducive to the increase of summer high temperature days in Xinjiang.
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    Relationship between Water & Air Pollutant Emission and FDI in Arid Cities in Northwest China
    ZHAO Ling-di, FENG Jian, SUN Ling-xiao, YU Xiang, ZHAO Peng
    2020, 37 (1):  67-73. 
    Abstract ( 671 )   PDF (857KB) ( 379 )  
    It has gained the widespread concerns from experts and scholars whether the implementation of the “Belt and Road” policy will bring pollution transfer, and the fragile ecological environment determines that pollution-intensive foreign direct investment (FDI) should be rejected in arid and semiarid areas in northwest China. Different from the previous studies which paid attention to the pollution transfer effect caused by FDI from the national and provincial level or the eastern, central and western regions of China, in this study, the gray correlation and different-in-different (DID) method were innovatively used to study whether there is a pollution transfer effect of FDI in cities in arid and semiarid areas in northwest China under implementing the “Belt and Road” policy. Moreover, the gray correlation analysis was used to compare the correlation between FDI and pollution in arid and semiarid areas before and after implementing the “Belt and Road” policy. The results revealed that the coefficient of association decreased after implementing the “Belt and Road” policy, so the FDI did not bring the pollution transfer effect on cities in arid and semiarid regions in northwest China. After implementing the policy, the FDI in the semiarid areas increased by 107.41% in average, but only by 3.41% in the arid areas. Moreover, the DID method was used to further explore whether there was a significant difference of pollutant emission between these two kinds of regions. It was found that there was no significant difference in pollutant emission between the arid and semiarid urban areas before and after implementing the policy. Therefore, we further verified that FDI did not bring about pollutant transfer effect under implementing the “Belt and Road” policy. In addition to the effect of the policy, pollutant emission from the arid and semiarid regions is also related to many other socio-economic factors. The population growth and the development of economy and transportation aggravate the urban pollutant emission; the development of tertiary industry reduces the pollutant emission; education can reduce the urban pollutant emission by improving people's awareness of green environmental protection and promoting the development of green technology. Therefore, in implementing the policy in the arid and semiarid regions in northwest China, more attention should be paid to the harmonious development of economy, society and environment in the regions where the ecologic environment is relatively fragile. For these regions, the government should promote the development of tertiary industry, increase the investment in education and promote the scientific and technological innovation so as to achieve a human-nature harmonious development. The “Belt and Road” policy has provided a good opportunity for the development in the arid and semiarid regions in northwest China. The increase of FDI has not resulted in pollution there but achieved a harmonious development of economy and environment.
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    Spatiotemporal Variation and Effect of Extreme Precipitation in Inner Mongolia in Recent 60 Years
    MA Ai-hua, YUE Da-peng, ZHAO Jing-bo, HU Qian
    2020, 37 (1):  74-85. 
    Abstract ( 596 )   PDF (3617KB) ( 361 )  
    This study was based on the daily precipitation data from 41 meteorological stations in Inner Mongolia from 1958 to 2017. The 9 extreme precipitation indices suggested by WMO, liner trend method, Kriging interpolation, Mann-Kendall test, Morlet wavelet analysis and principle component analysis were used to study the spatiotemporal and periodic changes of extreme precipitation and its disasters in Inner Mongolia. The results showed that a drying trend occurred in Inner Mongolia in recent 60 years, especially in the 1960s and the beginning of this century. Spatially, the extreme precipitation indices were holistically in a decrease trend from the eastern and western parts to the central area, and their low values occurred in Jining, Huhhot, Tongliao and Xin Barag Right Banner. A mutation of the extreme precipitation indices occurred in 1995, and after that these indices were in a slight reduction. There were the 3-5 a, 14-17 a and about 20 a periodic changes of extreme precipitation indices. There were the high correlations between the extreme precipitation indices and the annual precipitation except CDD. The change of extreme precipitation in Inner Mongolia resulted in the drought and wind disasters, grassland desertification and reduction of flood and low temperature disasters in the study area. Suitable measures should be taken to prevent and control drought and wind disasters.
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    Remote Sensing Monitoring of Drought Level in North Tibet Based on MODIS TVDI and Fuzzy Mathematics
    LIU Yi-zhe, FENG Wen-lan, Zhaxi Yangzong, LIANG Li, LI Tong
    2020, 37 (1):  86-96. 
    Abstract ( 468 )   PDF (3644KB) ( 276 )  
     A dynamic and continuous monitoring of spring and summer drought in north Tibet during the period of 1980-2017 was carried out. The temperature vegetation drought index (TVDI), fuzzy mathematics and monitored results of meteorological drought level were used to develop the classification standard of remote sensing drought, and the accuracy of monitored results was verified. The spatiotemporal variation of drought in north Tibet in recent years was analyzed. The main conclusions are as follows:    TVDIN and TVDIE calculated based on the normalized vegetation index (NDVI) and enhanced vegetation index (EVI) were significantly correlated with the soil moisture content at 20 cm in depth at 0.05 significance level. The determination coefficient of TVDIE was higher;    Based on TVDIE, drought could be divided into four levels including without drought, slight drought, moderate drought, heavy drought and severe drought. On which it was obtained that the drought level in north Tibet was consistent with the monitored results of meteorological drought level;    Drought in the study area was not very serious in recent years, and the holistical drought situation was somewhat alleviative. The drought was the most serious in 2009, and the area proportion of moderate and above drought was as high as 24%. Monthly, the drought was the most serious in June. In terms of the spatial distribution, the drought in the southwest and the central part of the study area was relatively serious, and it was relatively slight in the north and southeast. The research results could be referred in monitoring drought in north Tibet.
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    Soil Moisture Content and Soil Water Infiltration in Seasonal Watercourse in Arid Area
    CHEN Xin-jun, WANG Xue-quan, LU Qi, YANG Wen-bin, ZHANG Li-heng, LI Yong-hua
    2020, 37 (1):  97-104. 
    Abstract ( 480 )   PDF (1522KB) ( 263 )  
    In this study, the flood infiltration process and the variation of soil moisture content at different depths in seasonal watercourse in the southeast Kumtag Desert, an arid region, were monitored and analyzed by using the deep soil infiltration water recorder and the water automatic monitoring system, and the soil physical properties at the monitoring sites were determined. The results showed that:    Sand was dominant in soil, and the maximum water-holding capacity of the soil varied from 26.08% to 31.75%;   During the monitoring period, water could infiltrate into the 200-cm-deep soil layer during flood process, but the water infiltration in the 50-cm-deep soil layer was basically unsaturated. There was a good linear correlation between the depth of wetting front in soil layer and the infiltration time, but the seasonal difference of this correlation was obvious, especially the water infiltration was slower in spring;    There were 4 obviously continuous infiltration processes in the 160-cm-deep soil layer during the monitoring period. The total infiltration volume was 2 165.8 mm, and the maximum infiltration rate was 21.4 mm·(2h)-1. The soil moisture infiltration rate in 160-cm-deep soil layer was in an exponential increase trend with the increase of soil moisture content, but the initial soil moisture content of each successive infiltration was different.
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    Hydrogeochemical Evolution Process of Groundwater in the Eastern Plains in Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture,Xinjiang
    LEI Mi, ZHOU Jin-long, WU Bin, FAN Wei, ZHANG Jie
    2020, 37 (1):  105-115. 
    Abstract ( 429 )   PDF (2082KB) ( 312 )  

     In this paper, the test data of 63 groundwater samples in 2016 and 54 water quality monitoring data from 2012 to 2015 in the eastern plains in Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang were analyzed by the mathematical statistics, Piper diagrams, Gibbs figures, ion ratios, etc. The purposes of this study was to explore the evolution process of groundwater in the study area. The results showed that the average cationic concentrations of groundwater in the study area in 2012 were in an order of Ca2+ > K++Na+ > Mg2+, and the average anionic concentrations were in an order of HCO3- > SO42- > Cl-. After 2013, the concentration of SO42- was gradually increased but that of Ca2+ was gradually decreased. By 2016, the average cationic concentrations of groundwater were in an order of Ca2+ > K++Na+ > Mg2+, and the average anionic concentrations were in an order of HCO3- > SO42- > Cl-. The hydrochemical type evolved from HCO3—Ca·Mg (Ca·Na, Ca·Na·Mg) in 2012 to HCO3·SO4—Ca·Na·Mg (Ca·Mg, Ca·Na) in 2016, which was mainly related to the evaporation and rock weathering of aquifer medium, and the evaporation was reflected more in unconfined groundwater. Na+, K+ and Cl- in groundwater came mainly from the dissolution of rock salt; SO42- came mainly from the dissolution of gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O) and mirabilite (Na2SO4·10H2O). In addition to the dissolution of rock salt, Cl- and SO42- are also affected by human activities.

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    Groundwater Evapotranspiration in Desert Riparian Forest in the Lower Reaches of the Tarim River
    SUN Hai-tao, CHEN Ya-peng, CHEN Ya-ning, ZHANG Ying, HE Zhen-lei
    2020, 37 (1):  116-125. 
    Abstract ( 594 )   PDF (1903KB) ( 260 )  
     In this study, the groundwater level at four observation sites in the lower reaches of the Tarim River was monitored, and the values of groundwater evapotranspiration were estimated. The purposes of the study were to analyze the fluctuations of groundwater level and the groundwater evapotranspiration (ETg) as well as their main affecting factors. The results showed that:    A drawdown of groundwater level occurred holistically at the four observation sites before implementing the project of ecologic water conveyance; after implementing the project from July 21 to August 12, however, the groundwater level was in a steady rising trend. There was a diurnal-nocturnal fluctuation of groundwater level during the study period;    The curve of ETg was unimodal, ETg began to rapidly increase from 08:00, maintained at a high level from 12:00 to 16:00, and rapidly decreased after 18:00. The highest value appeared at 14:00 local time;   ETg varied significantly with different vegetation types and coverage, and was also affected by groundwater depth;    Solar radiation, temperature and vapor pressure deficiency were the main factors affecting the daily variation of groundwater evapotranspiration in the lower reaches of the Tarim River, and the effect of wind speed on it was not significant.
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    Effect of Irrigation Water Optimization on Greenhouse Grape Yield and Soil Biological Properties
    LIN Bao-jun, ZHANG Rui, DONG Bo, WANG Yin-di, ZHANG Xiao-yan
    2020, 37 (1):  126-133. 
    Abstract ( 487 )   PDF (1376KB) ( 204 )  
    In order to reveal the response relationship between grape production and soil properties under drip irrigation with different irrigation water control levels, a field experiment on irrigation water regulation at different growth stages of grape was carried out at the grape experimental base in Yongdeng County, Gansu Province. The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of irrigation water regulation on soil properties and grape yield. The parameters including the soil accumulation temperature, invertase and amylase activity, organic carbon content (TOC), microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and microbial entropy (qMB) were used in the study. The results showed that the soil accumulated temperature, soil enzymes, TOC, MBC and qMB under drought stress in the new shoot period were significantly higher than those under irrigation water control (P<0.05). The drought stress in the new shoot period was increased by 44.6% compared with that under irrigation water control. The fruit expansion period was the key stage of grape growth, so during this period, the effect of drought stress on soil amylase was not significant, but there was a certain inhibition on other soil indicators, and the grape yield could be reduced by 9.7%. The comprehensive analysis on the membership function showed that the soil biological index and the comprehensive subordinates of grape yield were ranked as PS > FS > CS > CK > ES.
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    Response of Soil Physiochemical Properties under Sand-Fixation Forest of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica to Stand Density
    YU Dong-wei, LEI Ze-yong, ZHAO Guo-jun, ZHANG Yan-song, YU De-liang, BAI Jin-ning, LI Yao
    2020, 37 (1):  134-141. 
    Abstract ( 329 )   PDF (1887KB) ( 200 )  

    In this study, the 23-27-year aged forests with stand densities of 625 (P1), 775 (P2), 1 025 (P3), 1 175 (P4) and 1 250 (P5) plants/ha in the Zhanggutai region were selected. The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of stand density on soil physiochemical properties at 0-100 cm depth. The results showed that the total nitrogen content in 0-10-cm soil layer and the bulk density in 20-40-cm soil layer increased with the increase of stand density, and the total nitrogen content and bulk density in plot P5 were significantly higher than those in plot P1 (P<0.05). The total potassium content in 0-80-cm soil layer and the pH value in 0-60-cm soil layer increased at first and then decreased with the increase of stand density, and they were the highest in plot P3. The total potassium content in 10-60-cm soil layer in plot P3 was significantly higher than that in plot P1 (P<0.05), and the pH value in 0-40-cm soil layer was significantly higher than that in other plots (P<0.05). The total phosphorus content in 0-10-cm soil layer decreased with the increase of stand density, and it in plot P1 was significantly higher than that in plots P3-P5 (P<0.05). The available potassium content in 0-40-cm soil layer in plot P4 or P5 was significantly higher than that in plots P1 and P2 (P<0.05), and also significantly higher than that in 40-100-cm soil layer in plot P3 (P<0.05). The porosity in 40-100-cm soil layer in plots P2-P4 was lower than that in plots P1 and P5. Considering the influence of stand density on soil physiochemical properties of middle-aged P. sylvestris var. mongolica plantation, the rational stand density of P. sylvestris var. mongolica plantation in the study area should be 1 025-1 175 plants·hm-2. Intermediate cuttings and other forest management measures could be taken to regulate the stand density so as to ensure the good soil conditions for the growth of sand-fixing forests of P. sylvestris var. mongolica.

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    Content and Distribution of Trace Elements in Farmland Soil in Minfeng County, Xinjiang
    GU Si-bo, ZHOU Jin-long, ZENG Yan-yan, CHEN Yun-fei, WANG Song-tao, DU Jiang-yan
    2020, 37 (1):  142-149. 
    Abstract ( 546 )   PDF (1722KB) ( 255 )  
    In this study, the geostatistics method was used to analyze the content level of the essential micronutrient elements in farmland soil in Minfeng County, Xinjiang based on the test data of six micronutrients (Fe, B, Mn, Cu, Zn and Mo) in 85 farmland topsoil samples in the study area. The results showed that the nugget coefficients of Cu, Fe and Mn ranged from 25% to 75% with a spatial autocorrelation at moderate level, and the spatial variation was affected by both natural and artificial factors. The nugget coefficients of B, Zn and Mo in soil were lower than 25% with a high spatial autocorrelation, and the spatial variation was mainly affected by the natural conditions, such as the parent material and climate. The average contents of Fe, B and Zn were low, those of Mn and Cu were moderate, and the average content of Mo was high. There was a certain correlation among the six micronutrients in soil in the study area. The contents of soil micronutrients were affected by soil organic matter content and pH value to varying degrees.
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    Current Situation and Function of Soil Conservation in National Nature Reserves in the Qilian Mountains Based on InVEST Model
    CHEN Tong-yao, JIA Yan-feng, WANG Jia-nan, ZHANG Yu, LI Ping, LIU Chu-ying
    2020, 37 (1):  150-159. 
    Abstract ( 624 )   PDF (1630KB) ( 435 )  

     In this paper, the InVEST model was used to quantitatively evaluate the soil conservation function in the Qilian Mountain Nature Reserve in Gansu Province. Moreover, the current situation of soil conservation under different land use modes, altitudes, slopes and soil types was analyzed. The results showed that the soil erosion in the nature reserve in 2015 was significant. The soil erosion and soil conservation were 1.67×108 t and 4.21×108 t respectively. The area of slight soil erosion was dominant and accounted for 63.95% of the total area. Soil conservation capacity of grassland was lower than that of other natural vegetation types, but grassland was the land use type with the highest total soil conservation capacity. The total soil conservation capacity under different elevation gradients increased at first and then decreased with the increase of elevation. Soil conservation function was the best in an elevation range of 2 500-3 500 m a. s. l. in the nature reserve. The soil conservation capacity of chestnut soil was the highest, but that of black felty soil was the lowest among the grassland soil types. The soil conservation capacity in the areas with slope of 15°~25° was the highest and accounted for 31.93% of the total. The values of reducing sediment deposition and discarded cultivated land in ecosystem in the Qilian Mountain Nature Reserve were 5.76×108 yuan and 1.44×108 yuan respectively, and the value of fertilizer conservation in forest and grassland in the nature reserve was 9.03×1010 yuan.

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    Spatial Variation of Soil Chemical Properties of Longitudinal Dunes with Different Vegetation Coverage Levels
    LI Zhe-hua, , LI Sheng-yu, LI Bing-wen, FAN Jing-long, JIANG Jin, LI Ya-ping , , SONG Chun-wu
    2020, 37 (1):  160-167. 
    Abstract ( 451 )   PDF (1282KB) ( 308 )  
    The fixed dunes with 30% vegetation coverage and the semi-fixed dunes with 10% and 15% vegetation coverage were selected as the typical plots in the Mosuowan oasis-desert ecotone in the southwestern marginal zone of the Gurbantunggut Desert. The purpose of the study was to reveal the relationship between soil chemical properties and vegetation in the temperate fixed and semi-fixed desert. Soil samples were collected from different parts of dunes to test soil pH value, electrical conductivity, organic matter content, total nitrogen content and total phosphorus content in laboratory. The results showed that: ① With the decrease of vegetation coverage, the soil pH value, electrical conductivity, organic matter content, total nitrogen content and total phosphorus content were decreased gradually on the western and eastern slopes as well as the top of the longitudinal dune; ② Distribution patterns at different parts of different longitudinal dunes were different. The maximum pH value, electrical conductivity, organic matter content, total nitrogen content and total phosphorus content of both the longitudinal dune A and B occurred in the inter-dune land, but there was no obvious regularity in other parts. The maximum pH value and electrical conductivity of the longitudinal dune C occurred in the inter-dune land, while the maximum soil nutrient content occurred on the dune top; ③ The distribution trend of soil properties in different layers of dune was relatively consistent. The soil pH value and electrical conductivity were increased with the increase of soil depth, while the soil nutrient content was decreased with that; ④ The spatial distribution heterogeneity of soil chemical properties was closely related to the distribution pattern of vegetation, and they interacted each other. When the vegetation coverage was high, the biological effect played a dominant role; when the vegetation coverage was low, the abiotic factors, such as wind erosion and topography, played an important role in enhancing the biological effects, and vegetation intercepted and enriched the soil particles and nutrients.
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    Response of relationship between community species diversity and aboveground biomass to grazing intensity in the Urat desert steppe in north China
    ZHAO Sheng-long, ZUO Xiao-an, ZHANG Tong-hui, LYU Peng, YUE Ping, ZHANG Jing
    2020, 37 (1):  168-177. 
    Abstract ( 411 )   PDF (1474KB) ( 322 )  

    In this paper, the shrub and herb plant communities in the Urat desert steppe in Inner Mongolia were researched. The responses of different grazing treatments (control, moderate grazing and heavy grazing) to the composition of community species, species diversity and relationship between species diversity and aboveground biomass of two plant communities in the desert steppe were studied. The results were as follows:    With the increase of grazing intensity, the dominant degree of Reaumuria songarica and Allium polyrhizum in shrub grassland community was increased, but that of Stipa glareosa was decreased. Moreover, heavy grazing reduced the dominant degree of S. glareosa and increased that of A. mongolicum and A. polyrhizum in the herb grassland community;    Different grazing treatments reduced significantly the coverage and height of both two grassland communities and the density of shrub grassland community (P<0.05), and removed the difference of coverage between the shrubs and herbs in the grassland community (P>0.05). Moderate grazing reduced the Pielou evenness index in shrub grassland community, and heavy grazing reduced the species richness in shrub grassland community. There were no significant differences in other diversity indices in both shrub and herb grassland communities under the grazing treatments (P>0.05). Except for species richness, the difference of other diversity indices between shrub and herb grassland communities were significant (P<0.05);    Different grazing treatments reduced significantly the aboveground biomass and litter biomass in shrub and herb grassland communities, and resulted in the significant difference of aboveground biomass between shrub and herb grassland communities (P<0.05);   There was a negative correlation between aboveground biomass and Simpson dominance index, and also a positive correlation between aboveground biomass and Shannon-Wienner diversity index and also between aboveground biomass and Pielou evenness index. Furthermore, aboveground biomass was positively correlated with density and species richness under grazing treatments. Additionally, grazing treatments changed the composition, structure and function of plant community in desert steppe, and then changed the important relationship between community structure and function.

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    Distribution Patterns of Lycium ruthenicum Population in Different Site Types in Lower Reaches of the Shiyang River
    GUO Chun-xiu, LIU Kai-lin, MA Jun-mei, WANG Li-de, HE Fang-lan, ZHAO Peng, FU Gui-quan, ZHAO Yan-li
    2020, 37 (1):  178-184. 
    Abstract ( 407 )   PDF (935KB) ( 170 )  

    Based on the methods of surveyed sample plots and adjacent lattice sampling, 8 indexes were adopted as the diffusion coefficient (C), cluster index (I), negative binomial parameter (K), agglomeration coefficient (Ca), average crowding index (m*), aggregation index (G), Moristia index (Iδ) and Green index (IG). These indexes were used to study the distribution patterns and aggregation intensity of Lycium ruthenicum population in different site types in the lower reaches of the Shiyang River. The results showed that there were many L.ruthenicum individuals in the saline-alkaline land and sandy land, and the aggregation level was relatively high. However, the plants of L.ruthenicum in gravel land and fixed and semi-fixed sandy land were relatively less, and the aggregation level was relatively low. The L.ruthenicum population was distributed in an aggregation way in saline-alkaline land and sandy land, and the plants in the fixed and semi-fixed sandy land and gravel land were relatively less and their aggregation level was low; The L. ruthenicum population at different development stages was holistically distributed in an aggregation way, and with the increase of tree-age, the L.ruthenicum population changed from aggregation distribution to a uniform distribution.

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    Biodiversity and Geographical Distribution of the Genus Salsola L. in Xinjiang
    WEN Zhi-bin, FENG Ying
    2020, 37 (1):  185-192. 
    Abstract ( 493 )   PDF (1477KB) ( 449 )  

    Salsola (L.) is one of the biggest genera in the family Chenopodiaceae and plays an important role in the flora and plant resources utilization in Xinjiang. In this study, the biodiversity (including fruiting perianths and leaf anatomical structures) and geographical distribution of 32 Salsola species distributed in Xinjiang were observed. The results were as follows:  = 1 \* GB3 According to the fruiting perianths with or without the winglike appendages, they were divided into two kinds, and the kind with winglike appendages had more abundant forms; = 2 \* GB3 There were four leaf anatomical structures including C3-SYMP, C3-C4, C4-SALS+H, and C4-SALS-H. Based on these structures, the most Salsola species in Xinjiang were C4 plants; = 3 \* GB3 The Salsola species in Xinjiang were mostly herbaceous, and their habitats were mainly in dry and salty environments; = 4 \* GB3 They were distributed in six geographical areas in Xinjiang, and the most ones were distributed in the Juggar subregion, and then in the Tacheng-Yili subregion; = 5 \* GB3 The common Salsola species in Xinjiang and the neighboring countries were significantly more than those in the neighboring regions of China.

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    Expressions of Morphological and Physiological Features of 4 Forage Species under Water Stress and Re-watering Process
    ZHANG Jing-ge, TIAN Fu-ping, MIAO Hai-tao, HUANG Ze, WU Gao-lin
    2020, 37 (1):  193-201. 
    Abstract ( 629 )   PDF (1649KB) ( 173 )  
    Grassland is one of the main vegetation types in semiarid area. Research on the response and mechanism of forage to soil moisture content is of great significance for the sustainable utilization of water resources and the construction of ecological environment in this area. In this study, four grass species, response of forage morphology, water physiology, photosynthetic and physiological characteristics to water stress and water recovery process in the Loess Plateau were analyzed. The results showed that:   Under water stress, the aboveground morphological indexes (i.e., the single leaf area and shoot dry weight) of the grass species were in a decrease trend, but the underground ones (i.e., the root dry weight and root-shoot ratio) were in an increase trend. After re-watering, the forage morphological characteristics were obviously recovered, and an over compensation of Elymus nutans Griseb. and Lolium multiflorum Lam. occurred;   Under water stress, the water physiological characteristics of forage were significantly decreased, but they were gradually recovered after re-watering and resumed to the level of the control group after 2~3 weeks. These 2 species of leguminous forage could maintain a high water potential and had a strong water conservation capability, which belonged to a delayed dehydration by increasing water potential, and these 2 species of forages belonged to an enduring dehydration by developing low water potential under water stress; Under water stress, the photosynthetic physiological characteristics of forage were also in a significant decrease trend, and the short-term water stress could temporarily improve the photosynthetic capacity of forage; the photosynthetic characteristics of legumes and grasses were different in sensitivity and adaptation mechanism to drought. Leguminous forage closed the stomata in time to avoid drought so as to reduce water loss, while grasses sacrificed leaf water to keep stomata open to maintain normal plant growth.
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    Functional Traits of Phragmites australis Leaves and Response to Soil Environmental Factors in Inland River Wetland
    JIAO Liang, GUAN Xue, LIU Xue-rui, DONG Xiao-gang, LI Fang
    2020, 37 (1):  202-211. 
    Abstract ( 569 )   PDF (1727KB) ( 382 )  

    Phragmites australis in Dunhuang West Lake National Nature Reserve was taken as the research object. The undegraded, mild degraded, moderately degraded and severely degraded plots were delimited so as to analyze the functional traits of P. australis leaves and the response to soil environmental factors under the heterogenetic environment conditions. The results showed that:   The change of functional traits of P. australis leaves was significant under the environmental gradients (P<0.05), the leaf length, width, area and dry weight were decreased with the environmental degradation, and the specific leaf area was increased with the gradient degradation;   The coevolution of functional traits of P. australis leaves was observed, there were the extremely significant positive correlations among the leaf functional traits including the leaf length, width, area and dry weight (P<0.01), but the significant negative ones among the specific leaf area and the leaf length and dry weight (P<0.05);    Leaf length, width, area and dry weight were significantly positively correlated with the moisture content in topsoil (0-30 cm in depth) and middle soil layer (30-60 cm) (P<0.05), and negatively correlated with salt content in these two soil layers (P<0.05).  These revealed that the soil moisture content and salt content in topsoil and middle soil layer were the most important driving forces for the functional traits of P. australis leaves. The results of this study are of the important guiding significance for the ecological conservation and restoration in the inland river wetland in arid area.

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    Biomass Dynamics and Turnover of Fine Roots of Caragana intermedia Plantations in Alpine Sandy Land
    ZHANG Li-heng, LI Qing-xue, WANG Xue-quan, JIA Zhi-qing, LI Shao-hua
    2020, 37 (1):  212-219. 
    Abstract ( 355 )   PDF (1313KB) ( 496 )  
    The determination and analysis of the biomass of fine roots of Caragana intermedia plantations with 3, 5, 10, 16 and 30 tree-ages at the Qinghai Province Sand Control Experimental Station were carried out. The purposes of the study were to accurately understand the vertical distribution, dynamic variation and turnover rate of the biomass of fine roots of C. intermedia plantations. The results showed that about 41% living fine roots and 39% dead fine roots of C. intermedia plantations were distributed in soil layer 0-20 cm in depth, 38% living fine roots and dead fine roots were distributed in soil layer 20-40 cm in depth, and 21% living fine roots and 23% dead fine roots were distributed in soil layer 40-60 cm in depth. There was an obvious seasonal dynamic change of the biomass of fine roots, and the peak biomass of living fine roots appeared in June and August or June and September, and its maximum occurred in August or September; the peak biomass of dead fine roots appeared in August and September, and its maximum also occurred in August or September. The turnover rates of C. intermedia plantations with different tree-ages were 0.53, 0.66, 0.56, 0.73 and 0.78 times·a-1. The biomass and turnover rate of fine roots of C. intermedia plantations increased with the increase of tree-age, but decreased with the increase of soil depth. 
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    Interspecific Association and Stability of Vegetation in the Lower Reaches of the Tarim River
    SHI Hao-bo, CHEN Ya-ning, LI Wei-hong, SUN Gui-li
    2020, 37 (1):  220-226. 
    Abstract ( 382 )   PDF (1114KB) ( 253 )  

    On the basis of plot survey, the vegetation status along the four monitoring sections including Yengisu, Karday, Aragan and Yiganbjima in the lower reaches of the Tarim River was investigated. Based on the 2×2 contingency tables, the variance ratio method (VR), correlation coefficient (AC), c2 test and M. Godron stability measurement were used to research the interspecific association and stability of the plant communities in the lower reaches of the Tarim River. The test results of the overall correlation revealed that there were no the plant communities with significantly positive associations along the four sections. The vegetation succession in the study area did not reach a stable level yet, and the plant communities along the Aragan and Yiganbjima sections were still at the early developing stage. The interspecific association of the vegetation communities was not significant, the distribution was loose and even independent. Structure of the communities was unstable, and the dependence among the species in the same plot was not strong. There was a certain competition and exclusive effect between the plant species in some plant communities. According to the interspecific association, the plant communities in the lower reaches of the Tarim River could be divided into three ecological species groups.

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    Response of Osmotic Regulation Substances and Antioxidant Enzyme Activity in Leaves of Gymnocarpos przewalskii to Drought
    HUANG Hai-xia, LIAN Zhuan-hong, WANG Liang, YANG Qi-qi, WEI Zhen-yan, MA Yan-jun, ZHANG Jin-xia
    2020, 37 (1):  227-235. 
    Abstract ( 399 )   PDF (1253KB) ( 320 )  
    As a relict species of tertiary in desert area, Gymnocarpos przewalskii originates from the Tethys. In this study, the leaves of G. przewalskii were collected from the medium- and old-aged individuals in the Anxi Nature Reserve in Gansu Province in June, July and August 2017. The samples were used to analyze the change of osmotic regulation substances and antioxidant enzyme activity under natural drought. The results showed that the soluble protein (SP) accumulated significantly with the increase of drought level and played the main osmotic regulation, the soluble sugar (SS) content in leaves of the medium-aged individuals and the proline (Pro) content in those of the old-aged ones increased at first and then decreased obviously, and the osmotic regulation was limited. As for the medium-aged individuals, when the drought level was increased, the superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity significantly increased at first and then decreased, and the peroxidase (POD) activity and catalase (CAT) activity were increased significantly under severe drought, which indicated that the four enzymes scavenged the active oxygen by synergistic effect. For the old-aged ones, the CAT activity was continuously increased, the APX activity was obviously increased at first and then decreased, and the POD activity was significantly increased under severe drought, which showed that the damage to membrane system was mainly relieved by the three enzymes. The malondialdehyde (MDA) content in leaves was significantly increased with the increase of drought level and membrane lipid peroxidation. Under the situation with similar rainfall, there were the significant differences between the medium- and the old-aged individuals in the response of Pro, SS and SP content, POD and CAT activity and MDA content in leaves to drought. The result of subordinate function method showed that the drought resistance of the old-aged individuals was higher than that of the medium-aged ones, indicating the drought resistance of G.przewalskii would enhance with the age increase.
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    Ecological Function Regionalization in the Weihe River Basin
    WANG Li-xia, ZHANG Ming-shuang, SUI Li-chun, ZHANG Shuang-cheng, YANG Yun
    2020, 37 (1):  236-243. 
    Abstract ( 660 )   PDF (2018KB) ( 439 )  
     Ecological function regionalization is the basis for scientific management and sustainable exploitation of natural resources. In this study, the Weihe River Basin was taken as the research object to develop a reasonable index system according to the current ecological environment in the drainage basin, and the GIS and RS means were used to regionalize the study area. Moreover, the emphases of conservation and construction of the ecological environment were worked out based on considering the dominant ecological functions or the main ecological problems in each functional area. The results showed that the Weihe River Basin could be divided into seven ecological functional zones, and the corresponding construction priorities were formulated:    Drought prevention and control zone: It should be strictly forbidden to cut down vegetation, and the drought-tolerant vegetation should be advisably cultivated for preventing soil drought;   Farming zone: The agricultural structure should be rationally adjusted;  Animal husbandry development zone: The advantages of agro-pastoral ecotone should be paid great attention to;    Water conservation zone: It was suggested to establish the vegetation protection areas and national forest parks and vigorously develop the water conservation projects;    Wind prevention and sand fixation zone: It was suggested to plant sand-fixing plants and prevent land desertification;   Vegetation protection zone: It was suggested to protect the existing vegetation, continuously strengthen greening, and reasonably maintain the vegetation resources;   Soil erosion control zone: It was suggested to protect and rationally exploit the water and soil resources. The study results could provide a scientific basis for effectively exploiting and utilizing the natural resources and rationally taking some measures to protect the ecological environment in the study area.
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    Spatiotemporal Change of NDVI and Its Response to Extreme Temperature Indices in North China from 1982 to 2015
    HE Hang, ZHANG Bo, HOU Qi, LI Shuai, MA Bin, MA Shang-qian
    2020, 37 (1):  244-253. 
    Abstract ( 658 )   PDF (2374KB) ( 386 )  

    Climate warming is conducive to enhancing vegetation activities. Here, the interannual and spatial variations of vegetation cover in north China in growing season were analyzed based on the satellite-derived normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and its responses to the change of extreme temperature indices were studied by using GIMMS NDVI 3g V1.0 datasets, daily temperature and precipitation data. Across the whole study area, the trends calculated by linear regression showed that the NDVI value in growing season increased at a rate of 0.002·(10a)-1 from 1982 to 2015. The results of extreme-point symmetric mode decomposition showed that the NDVI increased gradually until 1992, decreased slightly until 2005, and then increased gradually. The NDVI values of coniferous forest, shrubbery, desert vegetation, grassland and cultivated vegetation were all in an increase trend, and those of mixed forest, broadleaved deciduous forest and alpine vegetation were in a decrease trend. Spatially, the NDVI was in a decrease trend from the southeast to the northwest, and the area of the regions where the vegetation was significantly improved accounted for 33% of north China. The regions where the NDVI increased significantly were mainly distributed in the Tianshan Mountains and north Tarim Basin in north Xinjiang, Qilian Mountains, mountainous area in south Gansu Province, Loess Plateau, Hetao Plain, Lvliang Mountain, Taihang Mountain, and hilly region in west Liaoning Province. The area of the regions where the NDVI decreased significantly were mainly distributed in the Great Khingan Range, Lesser Khingan Mountains and Changbai Mountain. Among the 18 extreme temperature indices, except the mean daily minimum air temperature and the lowest minimum air temperature were in an increase trend, all others of cold extreme temperature indices were in a decreased trend; the warm extreme temperature indices were all in an increase trend. The NDVI was negatively correlated with FD0, TN10p and TX10p (P0.05), but positively correlated with TNmean (P<0.01). The NDVI was positively correlated with all warm extreme temperature indices, and was significantly correlated with TR20, TXmean, TX90p and TN90p (P<0.05). There was also a significant positive correlation between NDVI and GSL (P<0.05).

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    Evaluation on Carrying Capacity of Agricultural Water and Land Resources and Identification of Affecting Factors in Kazakhstan
    ZHU Wei, ZHOU Hong-fei, LI Lan-hai, YAN Ying-jie
    2020, 37 (1):  254-263. 
    Abstract ( 798 )   PDF (1835KB) ( 227 )  
     The quantity and quality of water and land resources are of great significance to the sustainable development of agriculture. The 22 indicators were used to establish the evaluation system of the carrying capacity of agricultural water and land resources in Kazakhstan. The analytic hierarchy process, entropy weight method and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model were combined to analyze the dynamic change and regional difference of the carrying capacity of agricultural water and land resources in Kazakhstan from 2001 to 2017. The obstacle method was used to quantitatively identify the influencing factors. The results showed that:  = 1 \* GB3 From 2001 to 2017, the overall carrying capacity of agricultural water and land resources in Kazakhstan showed a slow upward trend, and the evaluation indexes of the water and land resources subsystem and the economic subsystem were all increased slowly, but those of the ecology subsystem and social subsystem were significantly decreased;  = 2 \* GB3 The carrying capacity of agricultural water and land resources was significantly different from different regions. The areas with high carrying capacity were mainly distributed in the northern, central and eastern regions, and those with low one were in the southern and western regions. The carrying capacity in North Kazakhstan, Costanay and Akmola was increased year by year, but that in Atyrau and Baplodar was low and decreased; = 3 \* GB3 The carrying capacity was mainly affected by the reclamation rate (C2), agricultural output value per unit area of cultivated land (C16) and agricultural irrigation rate (C4) during 2001-2009, but it was mainly affected by the agricultural water and land resources matching coefficient (C1), population density (C10) and land sewage load per unit area (C20) during 2010-2017. The factors related to the eco-environment have gradually became as the barriers to the carrying capacity.
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    Variation of Degree-day Factors and Its Affecting Factors in the Upper Indus Basin
    WU Jian-feng, , ZHANG Yin-sheng, , GAO Hai-feng, , ZOU Xiao-juan, , Muhammad Atif Wazir, ,
    2020, 37 (1):  264-274. 
    Abstract ( 639 )   PDF (1893KB) ( 370 )  
     Currently, the degree-day model based on the sum of daily mean temperature is widely used in glacier ablation research. The degree-day factors for ice ablation of the selected Sachen, Gharko and Barpu glaciers were calculated based on the data of mass balance and meteorology from 2014 to 2016, and their characteristics including the spatiotemporal variation and affecting factors were analyzed. The results showed that the average degree-day factors of the Sachen, Gharko and Barpu glaciers were 2.83, 3.74 and 3.91 mm?d-1?℃-1 respectively. The degree-day factors of the glaciers increased with the increase of elevation, and the increase rates of degree-day factors of the Sachen, Gharko and Barpu glaciers were 0.003 7, 0.007 4 and 0.004 1 mm?d-1?℃-1 respectively. The degree-day factor was not a constant, it changed with the time and was affected significantly by surface moraine, and it was holistically decreased with the increase of surface moraine thickness. The coverage of surface moraine thinner than 2 cm could promote the glacier ablation, and the degree-day factor in the glacier area covered by surface moraine was higher than that without surface moraine. Glacier aspect affected the degree-day factor to a certain extent, and the degree-day factor on the sunny slope was higher than that on the shady slope.
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