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    15 November 2019, Volume 36 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    2019, 36 (6):  0-0. 
    Abstract ( 310 )   PDF (163KB) ( 82 )  
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    2019, 36 (6):  0-0. 
    Abstract ( 107 )   PDF (313KB) ( 98 )  
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    Spatial Variability and Simulation of Soil Hydraulic Parameters in Arid Northwest China
    LI Xiang-dong, SHAO Ming-an, ZHAO Chun-lei
    2019, 36 (6):  1325-1332. 
    Abstract ( 714 )   PDF (1134KB) ( 401 )  
    Soil saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks), field capacity (FC) and permanent witling percentage (PWP) are the important soil hydraulic parameters. These parameters are also the critical factors in bio-hydrologic models. In order to understand the regional-scale spatial variability of these hydraulic parameters, the Ks, FC and PWP data (0-5-cm soil layer in depth) were obtained from 107 sampling sites in Xinjiang. Both traditional statistics and geostatistics were used to explore the spatial variations of Ks, FC and PWP. Estimations of these parameters were further conducted by multiple stepwise regression (MSR) and pedotransfer functions (PTFs). The results indicated that the mean values of Ks, FC and PWP were 10.999 mm·h-1, 0.162 g·g-1 and 0.077 g·g-1 respectively. These three hydraulic parameters varied moderately with Cvs of 39.88%-96.07%, and had strong spatial correlations in a range of 97-291 km in Xinjiang. MSR performed better than PTFs in estimating soil hydraulic parameters. Based on the land use, bulk density, soil texture, soil organic carbon content and slope aspect, the determination coefficients of the MSR models for Ks, FC and PWP were 0.290, 0.494 and 0.491, and the root mean square errors were 2.540 mm·h-1,0.039 g·g-1 and 0.023 g·g-1, respectively. The development of these equations is beneficial to the rapid estimation of soil hydraulic parameters and can thus provide the key parameters for the agricultural irrigation and eco-hydrological models in arid northwest China.
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    Coupling and Coordinated Development of Urbanization and Intensive Utilization of Cultivated Land: A Case Study in Aksu City, Xinjiang
    Jueraiti Wubuli, Anwaer Mainmaitiming, XUE Dong-qian
    2019, 36 (6):  1333-1343. 
    Abstract ( 367 )   PDF (1366KB) ( 151 )  

    In this paper, the coupling and coordination relationship between urbanization and intensive utilization of cultivated land in Aksu City, Xinjiang was studied using the entropy method, multi-objective linear weighted function method and coordination degree model based on the statistical data from 1990 to 2015. The results are as follows: ①The urbanization level in Aksu was significantly improved in the research period, and the score of urbanization level was increased from 0.046 in 1990 to 0.330 in 2015, but the overall level was not high. The development speed of urbanization level was different in different periods. It was developed slowly from 1990 to 2004 and stepped into the rapid development stage in 2005. The economic urbanization level and social urbanization level were higher, the population urbanization level was lower than other urbanization levels, and the economic urbanization dominated the total urbanization in Aksu; ② The overall intensive utilization level of cultivated land was low. In the study period, it was in a slow growth at first and then in a slow downward trend. From 1990 to 2009, the intensive utilization level of cultivated land was unchanged at first and then increased slowly with score of 0.129-0.193. From 2010 to 2015, the score was decreased slowly in a range from 0.191 to 0.167. The level of social input and the utilization efficiency and sustainability of cultivated land was fluctuated significantly. After 2008, the cultivated land area was enlarged substantially, resulting in a downward trend of intensive utilization of cultivated land in the later study period; ③The coordination degree between urbanization level and intensive utilization level of cultivated land was increased at first and then decreased, the coordination degree was developed from a mild maladjustment in 1990 to a high-quality coordination in 2011, and it was dropped to a serious maladjustment during 2012-2015. The coordinated development degree was increased from 0.42 in 1990 to 0.78 in 2012, but decreased to 0.75 during 2013-2015. The coordination development level was changed from a serious maladjustment in 1990 to a moderate one in 2015, a retarded type of urbanization occurred during1990-2010, and a retarded type of intensive utilization of cultivated land appeared during 2011-2015.

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    Conversion Relationship between Lake and Groundwater in Yinchuan City: A case Study for the Yuehai Lake
    HUANG Xiao-qin, ZHANG Yi-bing, LI Ying, ZHANG Bo, MENG Xu-chen, XU Lei
    2019, 36 (6):  1344-1350. 
    Abstract ( 782 )   PDF (1904KB) ( 329 )  
    An in-situ monitoring profile was built on the west bank of the Yuehai Lake. The conversion between lake water of the Yuehai Lake and groundwater and its driving conditions were explored by analyzing the dynamics and the dynamic correlation between lake water and groundwater as well as the distribution of deuterium and oxygen isotopes. The results indicated that: ①There was the close dynamic responses between the Yuehai Lake and the shallow groundwater only in the near-shore area; ② In the near-shore area, lake water recharged groundwater obviously within 5-m depth, but its recharge to groundwater deeper than 5 m decreased; ③ High water head resulted from artificial water compensation was the direct driving factor of the conversion from lake water to shallow groundwater in the near-shore area.
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    Correlation between Fluoride in Shallow Groundwater and Water-Soluble Fluoride in Soil in Togtoh County, Inner Mongolia
    LI Zheng-kui, DONG Shao-gang, ZHANG Tao, WANG Chao, LIU Xiao-bo
    2019, 36 (6):  1351-1358. 
    Abstract ( 456 )   PDF (1632KB) ( 195 )  

    The shallow groundwater and soil samples were collected from Togtoh County of Inner Mongolia to analyze the distribution and correlation of fluoride in shallow groundwater and soil there. The results showed that the minimum and maximum values of fluoride concentration in shallow groundwater in the study area were 0.15 mg·L-1 and 7.00 mg·L-1 respectively, and the average value was 2.10 mg·L-1. Most values of the fluorine concentration in shallow groundwater were higher than 1.00 mg·L-1, and the shallow groundwater in most regions in the county was not suitable as the source of drinking water. Holistically, the concentration of fluoride in shallow groundwater in the lacustrine platform in the southeast was higher than that in the alluvial plain in the northwest. The activity of Ca2+ in the shallow groundwater environment with low TH(total hardness) value and alkalescence could decrease and be conducive to the enrichment of F- in shallow groundwater. The spatial distribution of fluoride in shallow groundwater was quite similar to that of water-soluble fluorine in soil. A large amount of fluorine-rich minerals deposited in the lacustrine platform and the piedmont of the Manhan Mountain were the important sources of fluoride in soil and shallow groundwater in this area.

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    Response of Soil Moisture Content to Rainfall Patterns in Typical Steppe under Grazing Prohibition
    XU Ran, ZHANG Sheng-wei, ZHU Zhong-yuan, ZHANG Peng, GAO Lu
    2019, 36 (6):  1359-1367. 
    Abstract ( 312 )   PDF (3456KB) ( 385 )  
    The meteorological, vegetation and soil factors as well as the soil moisture content in depths of 5-, 10-, 15- and 30-cm layers were monitored and analyzed. The purposes were to analyze and reveal the change of rainfall patterns and soil moisture content under grazing prohibition in the Xilin Gol typical steppe in Inner Mongolia. The results showed that the vertical heterogeneity of soil moisture content was increased after implementing the grazing prohibition for 3 years, the difference of soil moisture content in each soil layer was significant during rainfall process in the grazing prohibition sites, while the situation was opposite in the grazing areas. The lag time of soil moisture response to rainfall increased with the increase of soil depth. Compared with the grazing prohibition sites, the water holding capacity of shallow soil (5 cm and 10 cm in depth) in the grazing areas was weaker, and the infiltration time was shorter. There was no obvious replenishment effect of rainfall on soil moisture when the rainfall was less than 5 mm in both the grazing areas and grazing prohibition sites, and it was the most advantageous for the rainwater infiltration when rained continuously and uniformly and the rainfall intensity did not exceed 5 mm·h-1. Rainwater could infiltrate into 15- and 30-cm soil layers when rainfall was 7.9 mm and more than 25 mm respectively in the grazing areas, but it could infiltrate into 30-cm soil layer when rainfall was more than 5 mm in the grazing prohibition sites. Rainwater could infiltrate into topsoil (5 cm) only when the intensity of an independent rainfall was 5-6 mm·h-1, and it could infiltrate rapidly into 30-cm soil layer or deeper through the macropores when the rainfall intensity was higher than 15 mm·h-1 in the grazing prohibition sites. In the grazing areas, rainwater could infiltrate rapidly into topsoil (0-5 cm) but slowly into deep soil to form surface runoff and even flood disasters. The study results could be referred in researching the grassland ecohydrological process and formulating a rational grazing policy.
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    Change Characteristics of Extreme Temperature-rising Process in the East Pamirs during 1961—2017
    MAO Wei-yi, YAO Jun-qiang, CHEN Jing, LI Shu-juan, LI Hong-jun, SHEN Yong-ping
    2019, 36 (6):  1368-1378. 
    Abstract ( 438 )   PDF (2516KB) ( 422 )  
    The single-station databases of temperature-rising process at 3 meteorological stations including Tashkurgan, Turgart and Wuqia in the east Pamirs were established using the data of daily maximum temperature from January 1, 1961 to December 31, 2017. The three databases of extreme temperature-rising process were selected using the percentile method of comprehensive intensity. The change characteristics of frequency and intensity of extreme temperature-rising process at the three stations were compared and analyzed. The results showed that: ① There were totally 489 extreme temperature-rising processes, and the annual average was 8.6 times at Taxkorgan Meteorological Station in the east Pamirs from 1961 to 2017. At Taxkorgan, the average duration of extreme temperature-rising process was 3.6 days, the occurring frequency of 3-day duration was the highest and accounted for 24.7% of the total. The 2-3-day duration was dominant at Turgart and Wuqia. The extreme temperature-rising process occurred most frequently in July at Taxkorgan, in May at Turgart and in January at Wuqia; ②The extreme temperature-rising process with the strongest comprehensive intensity at Taxkorgan occurred during February 20-21, 2008. The comprehensive intensity of extreme temperature-rising processes was the strongest in winter at the 3 stations in the east Pamirs; ③ In recent 57 years, the annual frequency of extreme temperature-rising process was in a significant linear increasing trend, and the decadal increase rate was 0.57 times at Taxkorgan. The extreme temperature-rising process was relatively frequent from the beginning of the 21st century, and the interannual variability was intensified. The linear trend of the annual frequency of extreme temperature-rising processes was not significant at Turgart and Wuqia;④In recent 57 years, the intensity of the extreme temperature-rising process was in a significant linear increasing trend, and the interannual variation was intensified in recent years. The intensity of extreme temperature-rising process was slightly decreased, and the range of interannual change was decreased in recent years at Wuqia. In a word, at Taxkorgan, the extreme temperature-rising process occurred most frequently in July. The frequency and intensity of extreme temperature-rising process increased significantly at Taxkorgan in past 57 years, and the interannual variation intensified in recent years. Ice-snow melting floods and their derivative geological hazards occurred frequently along the northern section of the “China-Pakistan Economic Corridor” in the east Pamirs.
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    Relationship between the Summer Extreme Precipitation in the South and North of the Qinling Mountains and the Western Pacific Subtropical High
    YIN Tian-yuan, YIN Shu-yan, LI Fu-min
    2019, 36 (6):  1379-1390. 
    Abstract ( 398 )   PDF (3565KB) ( 245 )  

    The relationship between the summer extreme precipitation in the north and south of the Qinling Mountains and the western pacific subtropical high was analyzed based on the daily precipitation data from 47 stations in the north and south of the Qinling Mountains and the data of area, intensity, west ridge point and ridge line index of western pacific subtropical high from 1960 to 2016. The results showed that: ①On the whole, the extreme precipitation indices were positively correlated with the area and intensity of western pacific subtropical high; they were negatively correlated with the west ridge point, but some abnormal years and negatively-correlated years appeared. The positive and negative correlations between the extreme precipitation indices and the ridge line occurred alternatively. Decadal analysis and M-K test revealed that a mutation increase of the western subtropical high indices and the extreme precipitation indices occurred in the 1980s; ②After the north and south of the Qinling Mountains were divided into four regions, no matter temporally or spatially, drought occurred in the regions to the north and to the south of the Qinling Mountains and the central Hanshui River Basin, but the frequency of extreme precipitation increased in the east and west parts of the Hanshui River Basin and the Bawu Valley when the area and intensity indices were larger, the ridge line index was more southward, and the west ridge point index was more westward. On the contrary, it was opposite. Such extreme precipitation patterns should be the result of response of the Qinling Mountains to the subtropical high; ③The increase of summer extreme precipitation in the north and south of the Qinling Mountains in some years was related to the higher area index, intensity index, southward ridge line and westward ridge point. On the contrary, it was opposite. The westward pacific subtropical high may be one of the important reasons for the increase of extreme precipitation in the north and south of the Qinling Mountains.

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    Surface Humid Situation and Its Affecting Factors in the Qaidam Basin from 1961 to 2017
    ZHANG Wang-xiong, LIU Pu-xing
    2019, 36 (6):  1391-1400. 
    Abstract ( 458 )   PDF (2682KB) ( 345 )  

    The Penman-Monteith model was applied to estimate the values of evapotranspiration (ET0) in the Qaidam Basin during the period of 1961-2017 based on the meteorological data from 8 meteorological stations. Then the values of surface humid index were derived, and the climate tendency rate, IDW interpolation, M-K test, Morlet wavelet and principal component analysis were used to analyze the spatiotemporal variation of humid index and its affecting factors in the study area. The results showed that the humid index in recent 57 years was in an increase trend 0.007·(10a) -1, which revealed that the regional climate became wetter in the Qaidam Basin, the interannual variation of the humid index was significant, and the variable coefficient was 30.73%. Seasonally, the humid indexes in spring, summer, autumn and winter were all in an increase trend, and the tendency rates were 0.003·(10a)-1, 0.009·(10a)-1, 0.004·(10a)-1 and 0.003·(10a)-1 respectively. Spatially, difference of the variation was very significant, and the increase of humid index in the eastern part of the basin was more significant than that in the western part. Mutation of humid index occurred in 1981 and 1986, and there were 2.8-and 3.6-year periods of humid index variation (α≥0.05), which was relatively identical with the 2-4-year periodicity of general atmospheric circulation. Principal component analysis showed that precipitation and average temperature were the main factors affecting the variation of humid index in the Qaidam Basin. In addition, the correlation coefficients between the humid index and the PVA, PVI, APVI and APVII were -0.46, -0.36, -0.49 and -0.47 (α≥0.01) respectively.

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    Surface Solar Radiation in Xinjiang and the Applicability of CERES/SSF Satellite Data
    YANG Feng-juan, KANG Yan-ming, LIU Qiong, HU Jun, QIN Rong, CHEN Yong-hang, SHI Wen-hao, LI Jin-ze, ZHAN Qiu-yi
    2019, 36 (6):  1401-1410. 
    Abstract ( 754 )   PDF (2476KB) ( 416 )  

    The spatiotemporal distribution of total solar radiation at 11 meteorological stations in Xinjiang was studies based on analyzing the data of solar radiation recorded in 2017 at minute scale. The results showed that the curve of daily variation of total solar radiation was unimodal, and the daily sunshine duration was the highest (about 17 hours) in summer, then that in spring and autumn (about 14 and 15 hours respectively), and it was the lowest (about 12 hours only) in winter. Regionally and seasonally, the maximum value (589.61 W?m-2) occurred in Hotan in spring, and the minimum one (102.29 W?m-2 only) in Urumqi in winter. The spatial distribution of satellite retrieval radiation showed that the irradiation in south Xinjiang was obviously higher than that in north Xinjiang, the average irradiation in summer was the most similar to the annual average irradiance, then in winter, the difference between north Xinjiang and south Xinjiang was not significant, and the seasonal difference was the lowest in Aksu. The fitting analysis of satellite and surface radiation data revealed that the F value in south Xinjiang was as high as 6 215.53, that is, under the condition of clear sky, the retrieval of CERES/SSF satellite data in south Xinjiang was better than that in north Xinjiang and the Turpan-Hami Basin.

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    TS Score of WRF Cloud Microphysical Parameterization Scheme to the Simulation Capability of Precipitation in Xinjiang
    DING Ming-yue, WANG Li-li, XIN Yu, CHEN Yong-hang, YANG Lian-mei, LIANG Qian, LIU Qiong, LIU Tong-qiang
    2019, 36 (6):  1411-1418. 
    Abstract ( 693 )   PDF (2052KB) ( 378 )  
    In the weather research and forecasting model, different parameterization schemes affect significantly the precipitation prediction. It can improve the prediction accuracy to choose the appropriate parameterization schemes. In this paper, the 3.8 version of WRF (weather research and forecasting model) was used to simulate four precipitation cases in Xinjiang using 3-km and 9-km two-layer nested grids and ECMWF (European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts) reanalysis data as the initial fields and boundary conditions. The applicability of Lin scheme, WSM6 scheme, Thompson scheme and WDM6 scheme to precipitation simulation in Xinjiang is evaluated by TS (threat score) score. The results showed that the Thompson scheme was of an advantage in predicting light rain (0.1-5.0 mm) and moderate rain (5.1-10.0 mm), and there were the missing forecasts on rainfall by other three schemes of cloud microphysical parameterization. According to the correlation coefficient, the simulation accuracy of Thompson scheme was slightly higher than that of other schemes, this scheme was suitable for Xinjiang, but the four kinds of schemes were not very good in forecasting heavy precipitation, so the schemes need to be improved for Xinjiang.
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    Research Progress on Turbulent Coherent Structure in Atmospheric Boundary Layer
    ZHAO Jian-hua, ZHANG Feng, LIANG Yun, LIU Shi-xiang
    2019, 36 (6):  1419-1430. 
    Abstract ( 685 )   PDF (1392KB) ( 876 )  

    The discovery of turbulent coherent structures is a major turning point in turbulence research. It is of great significance to understand the turbulence and the transport of matter, momentum and energy. In this paper, the discovery process was reviewed at first, and then the morphological characteristics, composition structure, flux contribution and other characteristics of turbulent coherent structure in atmospheric boundary layer were summarized, the causes were expounded, the typical formation mechanisms were explained, the application in practice was discussed, and the detection methods were summarized. Finally, the research trend in the future was prospected.

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    A Simplified Method and Its Application for Estimating Potential Evapotranspiration
    ZHANG Ying, HAO Xing-ming, HUA Ding, SUN Hai-tao, LI Yu-peng
    2019, 36 (6):  1431-1439. 
    Abstract ( 905 )   PDF (1577KB) ( 714 )  

     Potential evapotranspiration plays an important role in estimating the regional water balance and crop water demand and also assessing drought. However, the spatial interpolation of potential evapotranspiration is always a challenge for relevant researches. In this study, a simple parametric model was used to achieve the spatialization of the potential evapotranspiration (ET0) in Xinjiang based on the observed data from 66 meteorological stations in Xinjiang from 1960 to 2017. The results indicated that: ① There was a certain regularity of spatial distribution of the two important parameters a and c of the simplified parametric model. The parameter a was spatially high in the southeast but low in the northwest of Xinjiang. The parameter c, however, was increased with the increase of altitude; ②Compared with the Penman-Monteith method, the R2 values of the simplified parametric model at the daily, monthly and seasonal scales were all higher than 0.9, and they were increased with the increase of time scale; ③The compared results between the fitting results of the simplified parametric model and the CRU data and MOD16A2 data revealed that the R2 values of the simplified parametric model and of the Penman-Monteith method were high, the fitting results and errors were better, but the R2 values fitted with CRU and MOD16A2 were low. Moreover, the accuracy of potential evapotranspiration and the spatial resolution (500 m×500 m) obtained by the simplified parametric model were high. Therefore, the simplified parametric model is a convenient and effective model for calculating the ET0 at regional scale, and can be applied to estimate the potential evapotranspiration in Xinjiang.

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    Characteristics of Short-duration Heavy Rainfall in Warm Season in Xinjiang
    QIN He, CHEN Chun-yan, Ablimitijan Ablikim, LI Na
    2019, 36 (6):  1440-1449. 
    Abstract ( 568 )   PDF (2540KB) ( 329 )  
    Based on the hourly precipitation data from the 105 meteorological stations in Xinjiang from May to September during the period of 2005-2015, the spatiotemporal characteristics of precipitation and the contribution rates of short-duration heavy rainfall (hereinafter referred to as SDHR) in Xinjiang were investigated. The results indicated that the frequency of SDHR in north Xinjiang was higher than that in south Xinjiang and higher on mountain slope than that in valleys and deserts. However, the contribution rate of SDHR in south Xinjiang was higher than that in north Xinjiang. The seasonal north-south shift of high frequency zone of SDHR was closely related to the north-south passage of solar radiation and subtropical zone from spring to autumn. The curves of monthly and ten-day average frequencies of SDHR in north Xinjiang and south Xinjiang were unimodal, but their variation was different. The monthly frequency of SDHR was increased at first and then decreased rapidly, while the ten-day one was increase rapidly but decreased slowly. There were 3 peak values of the daily variation of SDHR average frequency, the highest value occurred at 18:00-19:00 BT, the second and third ones at 22:00 BT and 08:00 BT respectively Compared with the whole Xinjiang and north Xinjiang, the occurring time and intensity of the three peak values were significantly different from those in south Xinjiang.
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    Variation of Comfort index of Human Body and Its Response to Meteorological Factors in Shaanxi Province
    HU Lin, HU Shu-lan, SU Jing, ZHANG Xia, WANG Qi, HE Xiao-ai
    2019, 36 (6):  1450-1456. 
    Abstract ( 408 )   PDF (1541KB) ( 285 )  
     In this paper, the daily meteorological data (such as temperature, relative humidity and wind speed) from the meteorological stations in Shaanxi Province from 1981 to 2016 were used. The purposes of the study were to analyze the comfort index of human body (CIHB), divide the meteorological comfort level, discuss the influence of various environmental factors on the CIHB, and provide the evidences for evaluating the people's living environment and also the technical support for government decision-making. The results show that: ①From 1981 to 2016, the variation trends of the CIHB and comfort days in Shaanxi Province were consistent. The CIHB and comfort days were all less in the north but more in the south, and they decreased with the increase of elevation. They were the highest in the Hanzhong Basin, the average annual comfort days at Hanzhong and other 8 stations were more than 200 days; they were the lowest in north Shaanxi, and the average annual comfort days at Yulin and other 6 stations were less than 120 days; ②The curves of comfort frequency in all the regions were unimodal. The highest frequency of comfort days (84%) in south Shaanxi occurred in June, and that (80%) in north Shaanxi and Guanzhong in July. The frequency of comfort level was high in north Shaanxi from July to August, in Guanzhong from June to August, and in south Shaanxi from June to September. These revealed that the time span and occurrence frequency of comfort level in Shaanxi Province decreased gradually from the south to the north; ③In the past years, the average CIHB of whole Shaanxi Province was 45.7, the average comfort level days was 92.4, and the average frequency was 44.1%. The average CIHB and comfort level days were in an increase trend in the past years, and there were the obvious periodic changes. Two peak values of CHIB and comfort level days occurred during the periods of 1998-1999 and 2008-2009 respectively; ④There was a significant correlation between the temperature and the CIHB, and the correlation coefficient was as high as 0.960 5. There was a significantly negative correlation between the relative humidity and the CIHB, but a significantly positive one when the temperature was high. Average wind speed was negatively correlated with CIHB. Generally speaking, the change of CIHB was mainly caused by the change of climatic factors.
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    Sandstorm and Its Affecting Meteorological Factors in East Hexi Corridor
    LI Ling-ping, LI Yan-ying, SUN Zhan-feng, WANG Rong-zhe
    2019, 36 (6):  1457-1465. 
    Abstract ( 513 )   PDF (1903KB) ( 326 )  

    Change characteristics and mechanism of sandstorm frequency in east Hexi Corridor during the period of 1961-2015 were analyzed using the meteorological and sandstorm data from Minqin, Liangzhou and Yongchang. The meteorological data, including the monthly air and ground temperature, precipitation, maximum frozen soil depth, snow cover duration and depth, wind speed and gale days, were from representative Minqin Meteorological Station. The results showed that there were the obvious daily, monthly and seasonal variations in sandstorm frequency and occurrence time. Sandstorm occurred mainly in April and spring and was the least in September and autumn, and its occurring frequency was the highest in the afternoon and evening but the lowest in the early morning. The spring sandstorm frequency began to increase in the morning, the autumn and winter one began to increase at noon, and the summer one began to increase in the afternoon. The sandstorm frequency with 60-180-min duration was the highest in east Hexi Corridor, and it with 1~30-min duration was the highest in summer. The long-duration sandstorm began to increase in the morning, and the short-time one occurred mainly in the afternoon and evening. The monthly and seasonal variation of sandstorm frequency was the most significant in April and spring, and it was the lowest in September and autumn. In recent 55 years from 1961 to 2015, the sandstorm frequency was in a decrease trend due to the reduction of gale days and wind speed, increase of ground temperature, air temperature and precipitation, and improvement of ecological environment of underlying surface.

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    Spatiotemporal Change of Extreme Temperature in the Hedong Region in Recent 30 Years
    JIAO Wen-hui, ZHANG Bo, HUANG Tao, MA Shang-qian, HOU Qi
    2019, 36 (6):  1466-1477. 
    Abstract ( 316 )   PDF (3769KB) ( 242 )  
    The methods of linear regression, Mann-Kendal test, sliding T-test and correlation analysis were used to analyze the spatiotemporal variation of extreme temperature events in the Hedong region based on the daily temperature (maximum, minimum and average) data from 61 meteorological stations in the study area during the period of 1988-2017. The results showed that: ①In recent 30 years, the daily maximum and minimum temperature values, annual mean maximum and minimum temperature values, summer duration, tropical nights, warm days, warm nights, daily temperature range, warm-day duration and growing season were in an increase trend. Whereas the frost days, ice days, cold days, cold nights and cold-day duration were in a decrease trend; ② The change ranges of warming indices were obviously higher than those of cold ones. The warming ranges of diurnal indices were higher than those of nocturnal ones. The warming range was the highest in the Loess Plateau in east Gansu Province but the lowest in the Gannan Plateau; ③ Abrupt change of the most temperature indices occurred in the mid-1990s and early 21st century; ④ Most extreme temperature indices were closely related to the longitude and altitude. The variation of extreme temperature indices in the Hedong region was closely related to the regional warming.
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    Risk and Regionalization of Drought for Winter Wheat in Gansu Province
    JIA Jian-ying, HAN Lan-ying, WAN Xin, LIU Wen-jing
    2019, 36 (6):  1478-1486. 
    Abstract ( 432 )   PDF (2317KB) ( 377 )  
     Winter wheat is the major grain crop in Gansu Province, where precipitation is the most important factor affecting the dry-farming winter wheat production. The uneven spatiotemporal distribution of precipitation results in the drought occurrence for winter wheat in the province. Therefore, it is of great significance to improve drought risk management level for dry-farming winter wheat in northwest China. In this paper, the daily meteorological data from 41 stations and the data related to winter wheat production in Gansu Province during the period of 1971-2016 were used. Based on the natural disaster risk theory, the drought risk for winter wheat was assessed. The results showed that the zones with high drought risk for winter wheat in Gansu Province were mainly located in north Qingyang City and south Longnan City, the drought hazards for winter wheat in whole growth period were high or sub-high, especially in south Longnan City, and winter wheat yield per unit area in north Qingyang City was lower and more unstable than the average in Gansu Province. The zones with sub-high and moderate drought risk were mainly located in the most regions of Longdong, north Longzhong and north Tianshui City, the drought hazards for winter wheat in whole growth period were moderate or sub-low, the area ratios of winter wheat were higher than the average in Gansu Province, and the productivity level and stability of winter wheat was different from different regions in Gansu Province. The study results could provide a theoretical basis for the prevention and mitigation of drought for winter wheat and for the sustainable development in Gansu Province.
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    Spatiotemporal Variation of Precipitation in Tomur Peak Nature Reserve from 1967 to 2018
    ZHAO Jing-qi, Mansur Sabit, Mailikai Aimaiti, Nijiati Yimier
    2019, 36 (6):  1487-1493. 
    Abstract ( 364 )   PDF (1259KB) ( 209 )  
    In this paper, the precipitation data from 6 meteorological stations around Tomur Peak Nature Reserve from 1967 to 2018 were selected for linear regression analysis and reliability test of precipitation, precipitation days and precipitation intensity. The results showed that: ①The annual precipitation, precipitation days and precipitation intensity in Tomur Peak Nature Reserve were all in a fluctuating trend, and they all passed the significance level (α=0.05) test; ②The seasonal difference of precipitation in Tomur Peak Nature Reserve was obvious. Precipitation was mainly concentrated in summer, and the humidification was mainly concentrated in summer and autumn. Seasonal precipitation was in an increase trend in a fluctuation way. The credibility test of the increase trend of precipitation and precipitation intensity in each season revealed that the increase trend of precipitation in spring, summer and autumn was obvious at the level of 0.05, and the increase trend of precipitation intensity in winter was obvious; ③An annual precipitation mutation occurred in 1997, and the significance level (α=0.05) was tested. 
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    Biochar Yield and Physicochemical Properties of Five Halophyte Species
    MAO Ming-yue, ZHAO Zhen-yong, WANG Shou-le, TIAN Chang-yan, ZHANG Ke, GONG Jiang-ping, ZHANG Zheng, JING Wei-min
    2019, 36 (6):  1494-1501. 
    Abstract ( 937 )   PDF (1181KB) ( 396 )  
    The purposes of this research was to figure out the difference of biochar yield and physicochemical properties among five halophyte species, i.e. the Suaeda salsa, Salicornia europaea, Suaeda altissima, Atriplex aucheri and Halostachys caspica under 500 ℃ carbonization condition. The results showed that the biochar yield was positively correlated with the ash content of raw material, but negatively correlated with the lignin content of raw material (P<0.01). There was a significant correlation between the raw material and the biochar in ash content and total carbon content (P<0.01). In addition, the contents of elements in the raw materials determined the amount of elemental content in biochar. Noticeably, carbonization increased effectively the ash content in five halophyte species, it was increased by 132.45% in S. salsa, 91.62% in S. europaea, 121.79% in S. altissima, 169.24% in A. aucheri and 67.22% in H. caspica, respectively. Besides,the amount of sodium and potassium ions abstracted by distilled water was increased with the increase of ash content. Moreover, carbonization could effectively increase the pH (70.76%-82.33%) and EC (68.19%-144.96%) values of halophyte species. This study could be referred in researching the biochar yield and improving acidic soil by the biochar of halophytes.
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    Effects of Environmental Factors on Radial Growth of Populus euphratica at Different Time Scales in the Lower Reaches of the Heihe River
    MA Yu-xiang, ZHANG Yong-li, LI Yu-ling, YOSHIKAWA Ken, LI Xiao-gang
    2019, 36 (6):  1502-1511. 
    Abstract ( 333 )   PDF (1681KB) ( 151 )  
    In this study, a mature riparian Populus euphratica forest in Ejina Banner in the lower reaches of the Heihe River was selected to analyze the relationship between the annual tree ring width series of P. euphratica with different ages and the environmental factors on different time scales. The results showed that: ①On the annual scale, temperature was the main factor affecting the radial growth of P. euphratica, but the response of P. euphratica with different ages to temperature was different; ②On the seasonal scale, the higher the temperature during the dormancy was, the better the radial growth of adult P. euphratica would be, however, the higher the temperature in growing season was, the worse the radial growth of old P. euphratica would be; ③On the monthly scale, the higher the average temperature in March of previous year and in September every year was, the more favorable the conditions to the radial growth of adult P. euphratica would be; the higher the average temperature in October every year, the more disadvantageous the conditions to the radial growth of old P. euphratica would be. The increase of runoff volume in February every year was beneficial to the radial growth of adult P. euphratica, while that in July of previous year was beneficial to the radial growth of old P. euphratica. In summary, on relatively long time scales, such as seasonal and annual scales, temperature was the main factor affecting the radial growth of P. euphratica. With the contraction of time scale, the response of P. euphratica to environmental factors became more detailed, and a certain hysteresis occurred. As an important environmental factor, runoff volume was prominent just on the monthly scale, the runoff recharge in July of previous year and February every year was very important for the radial growth of P. euphratica. Therefore, In the process of unified dispatching and management of the Heihe River, an appropriate flood discharge in February and July could meet the water demand of the radial growth of P. euphratica.
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    Spatiotemporal Change of EVI in the Gurbantunggut Desert from 2000 to 2018
    YANG Yi, WU Shi-xin, ZHUANG Qing-wei, NIU Ya-xuan
    2019, 36 (6):  1512-1520. 
    Abstract ( 370 )   PDF (2017KB) ( 292 )  
    Based on the MODIS EVI data, the spatiotemporal change of EVI in the Gurbantunggut Desert was studied using the one-dimensional linear regression analysis, empirical orthogonal function (EOF) and variable coefficient. The results showed that the interannual variation of EVI in the Gurbantunggut Desert from 2000 to 2018 was in a significant increase trend with an increase rate of 0.016 0·(10a)-1 (P<0.01), and it on fixed dunes, semi-fixed dunes and mobile dunes was also in a significant increase trend. The variation trend of EVI in the whole desert and different types of the deserts was similar in growth season. From March, EVI increased gradually and reached the highest value during the period from June to July. The EVI was in an increase in most areas of the Gurbantunggut Desert, especially in the southern and western marginal zones, the increase trend was low in the hinterland of the desert, and the areas with a decrease of EVI were mainly distributed in the northern part of the desert. The areas with high EVI fluctuation were mainly distributed in the southern and western marginal zones of the Gurbantunggut Desert, the fluctuation of EVI was the most significant in the western marginal zone, and it was low in the hinterland. EVI can used to reflect the change of vegetation coverage in the desert with fixed and semi-fixed dunes, and these results have important reference significance for spatial division of regional desert types.
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    Evaluation of Ecological Environment in the Xilin Gol Steppe based on Modified Remote Sensing Ecological Index Model
    SONG Mei-jie, LUO Yan-yun, DUAN Li-min
    2019, 36 (6):  1521-1527. 
    Abstract ( 718 )   PDF (1585KB) ( 547 )  
    Climate change and human activities continue to intensify and cause some ecological and environment quality problems. It is important to the sustainable and coordinated development of human and nature to quickly and accurately evaluate the historical and current situation of regional ecological environment. In this paper, four indicators including greenness, wetness, dryness and heat were retrieved using the RS means. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to construct the modified remote sensing ecological index (MRSEI), and the representativeness of MRSEI was analyzed by correlation analysis. Based on MRSEI, the ecological environment evaluation model was developed for the Xilin Gol Steppe, and the overall evaluation of the ecological environment in the Xilin Gol Steppe in recent 26 years was conducted. The results showed that MRSEI could be used to collect the information of various ecological factors and evaluate the ecological environment accurately. From 1991 to 2017, the ecological environment quality in the Xilin Gol Steppe was improved at first and then degenerated. In 1991, the environmental quality in the upstream was better than that in the downstream, and it was better in the eastern part than that in the western part. In 2004, the spatial difference of the overall ecological environmental quality in the study area was obviously changed compared with that in 1991. The ecological environment quality in the upstream was improved but obviously decreased in the downstream. By 2017, the ecological environment quality in the whole study area was roundly reduced, and a good ecological environment was remained only along the upper banks of the Xilin River and the southern and the southeast parts of the drainage basin.
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    Response of short-term grazing exclusion to individual functional traits of Seriphidium transiliense
    JIANG Sha-sha, SUN Zong-jiu, CUI Yu-xuan, DONG Yi-qiang
    2019, 36 (6):  1528-1536. 
    Abstract ( 381 )   PDF (1324KB) ( 175 )  
    In this study, the phenotypic traits, biomass and allocation ratio of Seriphidium transiliense in the sagebrush deserts in Manas County, Hutubi County and Ashili Township of Changji City in Xinjiang were measured so as to understand the response mechanism of grazing exclusion. The response of individual functional traits of S. transiliense to short-term grazing exclusion was different from the different experiment plots, most of the traits, such as the plant height, aboveground biomass, leaf number and leaf biomass in Hutubi and Manas plots, were increased significantly (P<0.05), yet most of the functional traits in Changji plot were increased but not significantly. Compared with the control, the plant height, aboveground biomass, leaf number, stem biomass and leaf biomass of S. transiliense were significantly increased by 21.32%, 48.97%, 104.50%, 50.18% and 100.00% respectively (P<0.05), while the taproot diameter, first-grade branch number and third-grade branch number were decreased significantly, but there were no significant changes in the second-grade branch number, reproductive biomass and biomass allocation ratio (P<0.05). There was a significant linkage effect between the phenotypic traits and biomass allocation of S. transiliense, and the short-term grazing exclusion could significantly change the correlation of individual functional traits. In short, the short-term grazing exclusion could promote the recovery of individual functional traits of S. transiliense and facilitate the regeneration of degenerated sagebrush desert grassland.
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    Research progress on life history types and overwintering hosts of Aphis gossypii
    CHAO Wen-di, LV Zhao-zhi, ZHAO Li, ZHANG Xin, GAO Gui-gen, WANG Pei-ling
    2019, 36 (6):  1537-1549. 
    Abstract ( 1181 )   PDF (1394KB) ( 458 )  
    Aphis gossypii Glover is a polyphagous insect species that is considered as one of the most important agricultural pest. Its life cycle type and overwinter host range were determined by the geographical and meteorological factors as well as variations vegetation. The global literatures on the life history and the different types of life cycle across the world distribution of cotton aphid were analyzed in the perspective of the possibility of overwintering in egg stage. Additionally, the primary host range of heteroecious holocyclic population of cotton aphid was analyzed and discussed. By analyzing the life cycle strategies of cotton aphid in different regions and their overwintering hosts, it is helpful to further study the crop protection strategies and lay a theoretical foundation for systematic management of cotton aphid.
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    Vertical Zonality of Overlying Deposits in the Shiyang River Basin: Based on Granularity and Mineral Indicators
    HAN Qin, LI Yu, LI Peng-cheng
    2019, 36 (6):  1550-1558. 
    Abstract ( 292 )   PDF (3139KB) ( 195 )  
    Regional differentiation is an important and basic theory of physical geography. A big mistake may be made in reconstructing paleoclimate if the latitudinal zonality is considered only. In this study, the Shiyang River Basin in Gansu Province was selected as the study area to reveal the environmental change and its driving factors by analyzing the grain size data and mineral data of overlying deposits in the drainage basin. Lithology, grain size and mineral indicators were included in this study. In addition to the overlying deposits, the grain size and mineral data along the Holocene sedimentary profiles in the Shiyang River Basin were collected for comparing with those of overlying deposits. The results showed that: ① Driving forces of both Holocene and modern overlying deposits in the Shiyang River Basin were similar, and the piedmont Aeolian deposit was formed under the Asian winter wind and west wind in the upper reaches; ②Alluvial and proluvial deposits were formed under the fluvial and eulimnetic joint effect in the middle reaches; ③ Lacustrine deposit formed in the terminal-lake areas, and drought is currently more serious than that in the Holocene.
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    Multi-fractal Features and Their Significances of Surface Sediments along both Banks of the Yellow River Reach in the Ulanbuh Desert
    CHANG Hong, ZUO He-jun, WANG Hai-bing, YAN Min
    2019, 36 (6):  1559-1567. 
    Abstract ( 1469 )   PDF (1668KB) ( 447 )  
     In this study, the multi-fractal theory was used to analyze the sand particle size of land surface sediment so as to demonstrate the variation of wind-induced sand sedimentary environment along both banks of the Ulanbuh Desert reach of the Yellow River and the sand source region on the east bank. Results showed that the sand particle size ranged from 189.13 to 212.20 μm on the west bank and from 133.89 to 168.56 μm on the east bank, which indicated that the surface particle size was finer and the wind energy was weaker on the west bank than those on the east bank. Multi-fractal spectrum parameters D0, D1, D2,?α, and?f for the east bank were higher than those on the west bank, the particle size range on the east bank was wider than that on the west bank, and the local sediment particles on the east bank were more overlapped than those on the west bank, which further demonstrated the significant differences of the particle properties of sediment, wide range of particle sources, complex sedimentary process and diverse sedimentary environments on the east bank. There were the significant correlations among the parameters mentioned above and the contents of particle sizes ranging from 2 to 50 μm and 100 to 250 μm. According to the wind-induced sand migration law and the landforms on both banks, it was preliminarily revealed that the upwind Ulanbuh Desert was one of the main source regions of 2-50-μm suspended sand particles over the east bank of the Yellow River. 
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    Freezing-thawing Process of Seasonal Frozen Soil and Its Response to Moisture and Temperature
    WU Yi-heng, ZHAO Peng-wu, ZHOU Mei, WEI Jiang-sheng, FENG Qian-qian
    2019, 36 (6):  1568-1575. 
    Abstract ( 569 )   PDF (1427KB) ( 398 )  
    The data of air temperature, precipitation and soil temperature and moisture content during the soil freezing-thawing period from 2015 to 2016 were obtained from the forest microclimate observation tower of Saihanwula National Forest Ecosystem Research Station in Inner Mongolia. The freezing-thawing process and characteristics of seasonal frozen soil in this area were analyzed. The vertical changes of soil temperature and moisture content and their responses to temperature and precipitation were studied. The results showed: ①The temperature of the seasonal frozen soil at different stages changed, the shallow soil began to freeze or thaw at first, and the lag time of freezing-thawing process increased gradually with the increase of soil depth. Moreover, the correlation between the air temperature and soil temperature decreased gradually; ②The thawing speed of frozen soil was higher than that of freezing: ③Before thawing (roughly from mid-March to mid-May), soil temperature at different depths maintained in a range of -1-1℃ and did not fluctuate with air temperature; ④The unfrozen water content in soil increased rapidly during the thawing period when the precipitation was not high, which indicated that the freezing and thawing processes could hold soil moisture and benefit the vegetation growth against spring drought.
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    Framework and Function of Aeolian Sand Parallel Prevention and Control: Application of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Sand Prevention and Control
    CHANG Fang-le, KANG Meng-zhen, WANG Xiu-juan, WANG Yong-dong, LEI Jia-qiang, WANG Fei-yue
    2019, 36 (6):  1576-1583. 
    Abstract ( 385 )   PDF (1542KB) ( 201 )  
    Aeolian sand is complex, changeable and hard to predict and assess, and its prevention and control is time-consuming. Currently, the simulation system of aeolian sand prevention and control is mainly based on the physical-process modeling. The model prediction results are generally far away from the real results due to the low-accurate measured result of aeolian sand activities. In this paper, a new system based on the ACP (Artificial Societies + Computational experiments + Parallel systems) approach was introduced. Based on the physical principle of sand movement, the system could be used to predict the different windproof effects of aeolian sand by applying the artificial intelligence for different managements (such as vegetation planting). The system could provide the decision support for the prevention and control projects of aeolian sand hazards through developing the model driven by the knowledge and data to simulate and predict the performance of windproof of aeolian sand and building the three-dimensional sense visualization.
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    Compound Rules of Windproof Effect of Nylon Grid Sand Barrier
    WEI Xiang-hong, ZUO He-jun, YAN Min, JIA Guang-pu
    2019, 36 (6):  1584-1591. 
    Abstract ( 349 )   PDF (2036KB) ( 216 )  
    Nine kinds of nylon grid barriers with different heights and sizes were laid in the wind-blown sand observation filed in the Ulanbuh Desert. The characteristics of wind-flow field under different wind speeds and the compound rule of windproof effect of sand barriers were revealed. The results showed that the compound change of windproof effect of grid sand barriers was affected by the height and size of sand barrier under different wind speeds. The wind speed at 0.1-m height near the sand barrier was decreased logarithmically with the increase of windproof width, which indicated that the attenuation rate of wind speed near the sand barrier was increased by 0.07 times when the wind speed increased by 1 m·s-1; it was increased by 0.2 times when the height of sand barrier was increased by 0.1 m; and it was decreased by 0.07 times when the length of grid side was increased by 1 m. Among the nine kinds of grid sand barriers observed, compound effect of 1 m×1 m sand barrier with 30-cm height was the highest, but that of 2 m×2 m sand barrier with 15-cm height was the lowest. The results could provide the basic data and theoretical support for determining the reasonable windproof width of sand barrier, saving the layout cost of sand barrier, and optimizing the technology of sand barrier layout.
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    Classification of Typical Loess Landforms in Subcatchments
    WANG Le, ZHOU Yi, LI Yang
    2019, 36 (6):  1592-1598. 
    Abstract ( 402 )   PDF (2034KB) ( 203 )  
    In this paper, the analysis units were upgraded to the minor drainage basin level, and the subcatchments of the micro-scale oriented to the “cell” level were proposed as the classification idea of analysis object. The GIS spatial analysis was used to construct the geographic attribute database for subcatchments based on the available geomorphic data of the study area. Four key classification indicators including the elevation, relief degree of land surface, average slope and slope skewness were selected. The hierarchical classification method was used to set the thresholds of the corresponding topographic factors, and 8 types of landforms, i.e. the flood plains, residual loess tableland, loess platform, steep-slope gully, girder-like hilly gully, small rocky undulating temperate mid-mountain, small stone undulating steep-mountain and waters in Yaozhou District of Tongchuan City, Shaanxi Province were divided. The relative integrity of the landforms was maintained in the classification as much as possible. Compared with the field sampling observations performed by GPS, the classification accuracy of the study was as high as 88.19%, which is expected to be a digital geomorphological classification based on subcatchment.
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