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    15 September 2019, Volume 36 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    2019, 36 (5):  0-0. 
    Abstract ( 303 )   PDF (3370KB) ( 130 )  
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    2019, 36 (5):  0-0. 
    Abstract ( 123 )   PDF (313KB) ( 112 )  
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    Spatiotemporal Changes and Driving Factors of Cultural Relicts on the Tibetan Plateau Since the Holocene

    JIN Sun-mei, HOU Guang-liang, XU Chang-jun, Lancuo Zhuoma, LI Sheng-mei
    2019, 36 (5):  1049-1059.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2019.05.01
    Abstract ( 699 )   PDF (3801KB) ( 579 )  

     Based on the ArcGIS spatial analysis, in this paper the geostatistical methods including the kernel density estimation, average nearest neighbor index and global spatial autocorrelation were used to study the spatiotemporal evolution of 14 339 ancient cultural relics and the affecting factors on the Tibetan Plateau since the Holocene. The results showed that the nearest neighbor index of each ancient cultural relic was less than 1. The value of the global Moran’s I was between 0 and 1, there was a positive spatial autocorrelation of the ancient cultural relics, and the ancient cultural relics were distributed in an agglomeration way. The distribution core of the ancient cultural relics experienced a transition from the plateau hinterland (the Paleolithic period) to the southeastern marginal valley (the Neolithic period) and to the eastern region (after the Bronze Age). The morphological characteristics of the ancient cultural relics experienced a uniform distribution (the Paleolithic period), the marginal valley type (the Neolithic period), the valley agglomeration type (bronze period), the degraded dispersion type (the Tibetan regime tribe period), and the half-moon widespread type (the Tubo Dynasty period), the plaque-type (the Yuan Dynasty), and the contiguous cluster (the Ming and Qing dynasties) changes. The spatiotemporal distribution of the ancient cultural relics on the Tibetan Plateau was the result jointly affected by the altitude, climate change, changes of vegetation and other natural conditions, and production mode, technology, war, population migration, political policies, etc.

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    Climate Change in the Qinling Mountains in Spring during 1959-2018

    QI Gui-zeng, BAI Hong-ying, MENG Qing, ZHAO Ting, GUO Shao-zhuang
    2019, 36 (5):  1079-1091.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2019.05.04
    Abstract ( 490 )   PDF (3555KB) ( 472 )  
    In this paper, the characteristics of climate change and future climate trend in the Qinling Mountains in spring were studied and predicted by using the linearity estimation, ANUSPLIN spatial interpolation method, Mann-Kendall test and R/S analysis based on the data of daily temperature and precipitation and the calculated SPEI data from 32 meteorological stations in the study area from 1959 to 2018. The results showed that:    There was a significant warming-drying trend in the Qinling Mountains in spring during the period of 1959-2018, and the fluctuation was not synchronized. The temperature increase rate in the study area in spring was 0.33 °C·(10a)-1, and the precipitation descending rate in the same season was 4.90 mm·(10a)-1. The SPEI value in the Qinling area in spring was in a significant downward trend with a decrease rate of 0.14·(10a)-1;    There was a spatial difference of the warming-drying trend in the Qinling Mountains, and the change was fast in the north but slow in the south. The temperature was in a significant increase trend in 99.65% pixels, the precipitation was in a significant decrease trend in 64.46% pixels, and the SPEI value was in a significant downward trend in 75.28% pixels. The areas sensitive to the climate change in spring were located in Baoji, Zhouzhi, Huxian and Chang’an in the north and Taibai, Zhashui and Zhen'an in the sourth;    The occurring frequency of drought was high and its level was serious during the period of 1994-2008, but the situation was alleviated after 2009. The occurring frequency of drought was high in the north and west, and low in the south and east. Such warming-drying climate trend in the Qinling Mountains in spring would continue in the future.
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    Environment Evolution and Its Response to Climate Change in the Dalai Nur Lake Area in the Last 2 400 Years

    LIU Jing-jing, ZHANG Sheng, LI Wen-bao, SHI Xiao-hong, XU Qiong, ZHEN Zhi-lei
    2019, 36 (5):  1092-1101.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2019.05.05
    Abstract ( 512 )   PDF (1818KB) ( 352 )  

    In this paper, the Dalai Nur Lake (named DL-1) located in the northern marginal zone of the East Asian summer monsoon was taken as the research object. Through collecting, testing and analyzing the sediment core samples, the environmental evolution and its response to climate change in the Dalai Nur Lake area in the last 2400 years were discussed using n-alkanes and related indicators. The results showed that the carbon number distribution of n-alkanes in the sediment of Dalai Nur Lake varied in a range of C17~C33. In which the curve of C25 distribution was unimodal and its proportion accounted for 57% of the total samples; the curves of C19 and C25 distribution were bimodal and their proportion accounted for 30 %; the curves of C25 and C27 distribution were bimodal and their proportion accounted for 13 %. The change of the index parameters of n-alkanes revealed that the environmental evolution in the Dalai Nur Lake region was not only consistent with the global climate events, but also affected by the changes of precipitation in East Asian summer monsoon and of cold-warm events in the lake region over the past 2400 years. The climate change could be divided into six stages. Stages 1, 3 and 5 (75 a BP-present, 985-600 a BP and 2180-1550 a BP) were the warm-humid climatic stages. At these stages, the effective humidity in the lake area was high, woody plants were dominant, aquatic plants grew vigorously, and the nutrient status of the lake was fine. Stages 2, 4 and 6 (600-75 a BP, 1550-985 a BP and 2355-2180 a BP) were the cold-dry climatic stages. At these stages, bacterial algal reproduction was fast, the proportion of herbaceous plants increased, and the primary productivity of the lake was lower. Overall, climate change in the Dalai Nur Lake area changed from warm-humid pattern to cold-dry pattern over the past 2400 years.

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    Diversity of Mycorrhizal Fungi of Picea schrenkiana Forest and Its Affecting Factors in the Tianshan Mountains

    DU Hai-yan, CHANG Shun-li, SONG Cheng-cheng, ZHANG Yu-tao
    2019, 36 (5):  1194-1201.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2019.05.17
    Abstract ( 470 )   PDF (1156KB) ( 413 )  

    Picea schrenkiana is an edificator on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains and plays an important role in the coniferous forests in north China. In this study, the mycorrhizal and topsoil samples were collected from the northern slope according to the altitude gradient in the Tianshan Mountains. The mycorrhizal fungi were identified by molecular biology techniques, and the contents of soil organic carbon, total N, effective P and total K were measured. Phylogenetic tree and typical correspondence analysis (CCA) were used to investigate the diversity of mycorrhizal fungi and their affecting factors. The results showed that:    There were 21 mycorrhizal fungi symbiotic with P. schrenkiana forest, belonging to 2 genus, 6 classes, 10 orders, 12 families and 14 genera;   GB3 Basidiomycota fungi were distributed in various elevation and altitude zones, while Ascomycota fungi were mainly distributed in the low-altitude zone. With the increase of altitude, the mycorrhizal infection rate (13%-36%) and the Shannon-Weiner index (1.14-2.03) were increased at first and then decreased. The Simpson's index was in a gradual decrease trend in a range of 0.49-0.63; the uniformity index varied from 0.47 to 0.63, and it was decreased at first and then increased with altitude; The distribution, infection rate and diversity index of mycorrhizal fungi were mainly affected by altitude and soil organic carbon content. The total N content affected significantly only the Shannon-Werner index and the uniformity index. This study could provide a basis for the recognition and utilization of mycorrhizal fungus resources of P. schrenkiana.

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    Diversity of Bacterium Communities in Saline or Alkaline Soil in Arid Area

    WANG Wei-qi, Li Bian-bian, ZHANG Jun, YANG Lei, ZHANG Feng-hua
    2019, 36 (5):  1202-1211.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2019.05.18
    Abstract ( 543 )   PDF (1495KB) ( 309 )  
    The high throughput sequencing was used to sequence the bacterium communities in four types of saline or alkaline soil including the sulfate-chloride, chloride-sulfate, carbonate and sulfate types. The 137 822 gene sequences were obtained from the soil samples. The results revealed that the Shannon and Chao1 indexes were in an order of carbonate > sulfate > sulfate-chloride > chloride-sulfate, which indicated that the diversity and abundance of soil bacterial communities in carbonate soil samples were significantly higher than those in the other soil samples. In this study, the saline or alkaline soil was mainly comprised of ten phyla. The dominant bacterial phyla were the Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Actinobacteria in sulfuric acid-chloride, chlorinated-sulfate and sulfate soils separately. The Firmicutes, Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria were the dominant populations in carbonate soil. At the genus level, the composition of soil bacterial communities was different from each other. As shown in the cluster analysis, the bacterial communities of all soils were divided into three groups. One was made up of sulfuric acid-chloride salt and chlorinated-sulfate soils, and the others were composed of sulfate and carbonate soils. Effects of the contents of total salt, chlorine, sulfate and nitrates on the bacterial communities were significant (P< 0.05). There were the significant differences in bacterial communities within several types of saline or alkaline soil in the Manas River Basin, and also many types of bacterial communities, especially in carbonate-type soils. The results revealed the composition of bacterial communities in different types of saline or alkaline soil and the main environmental factors affecting the community composition, which provided a scientific basis for developing the microbial resources in saline or alkaline soil and improving it.
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    Spatiotemporal Variation of NDVI and Its Affecting Factors in Ulanqab City in Growing Season from 2000 to 2015

    LI Jian-fei, LI Xiao-bing, ZHOU Yi
    2019, 36 (5):  1238-1249.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2019.05.22
    Abstract ( 505 )   PDF (2660KB) ( 435 )  

    In this paper, the spatiotemporal change of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and its affecting factors in Ulanchab City in recent 16 years were analyzed. The study was based on the monthly synthetic product data of MODIS China 500M NDVI from 2000 to 2015 and the precipitation and temperature data in the same period. The trend line analysis, differential method, complex linear regression analysis and residual method were used. The results showed that:   The vegetation NDVI in Ulanqab City varied in a range of 0.354-0.555 during the period of 2000-2015, and the overall trend fluctuated and its spatial distribution was obvious. It was high in the southeast but low in the northwest;    The vegetation types in Ulanqab City were in a trend of improvement → degeneration → improvement during the periods of 2000-2004, 2005-2009 and 2010-2015, and the degenerated vegetation was regenerated slowly;    Vegetation growth in Ulanqab City was affected by both precipitation and temperature. There was a significantly positive correlation between the NDVI and the annual precipitation (r = 0.730, P = 0.001), which passed the significance test at 0.01 level, but a negative one between the NDVI and the temperature (r=-0.351, P=0.182), and the correlation between the two climatic factors was not significant. Without considering the influence of human activities, the contribution of precipitation and temperature to vegetation NDVI was gradually increased from 0.213 to 0.805 from the northwest to the southeast;    The areas where human activities played a role in reducing vegetation index and increasing it accounted for 55.92% and 44.08% of the total study area respectively.

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    Spatiotemporal Variation of Vegetation NDVI and Its Relationship with Climatic Factors on the Northern Slope of the Tianshan Mountains

    Nijiati Yimier, Mansur Shabiti, Yusufu Maimaiti
    2019, 36 (5):  1250-1260.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2019.05.23
    Abstract ( 428 )   PDF (2534KB) ( 318 )  

    In this paper, the monadic regressive analysis was employed to investigate the annual and monthly as well as spatial variations of vegetation NDVI on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains from 2000 to 2015 based on the MODIS NDVI data and the corresponding climate data. The results are as follows:   In recent 16 years, the average annual NDVI on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains fluctuated between 0.27 and 0.31 and in a significant increase trend. The average monthly NDVI value began to increase rapidly in April, reached its maximum in July, and then began to decrease in August. The curve of average monthly NDVI was unimodal. The increase of vegetation index on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains was different from different seasons. Spatially, the vegetation coverage was high in the west and south but low in the east and north. There was a significant spatial difference of average annual vegetation NDVI and NDVI in growing season, and the vegetation coverage was increased in the central area but decreased in the northeast, west and south;   The average temperature and precipitation on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains in the past years were gradually increased and in an increase-decrease-increase fluctuation trend. Spatially, the temperature was low but the precipitation was high in the southern mountainous region, the situation in the northern plain, however, was opposite;   There was a certain correlation between the vegetation NDVI and the temperature and precipitation, especially in growing season. The vegetation NDVI in spring was more closely related to the temperature, but in summer was more closely related to the precipitation. Comprehensively, and the effect of precipitation on the vegetation coverage was higher than that of temperature;    There was a hysteresis of vegetation NDVI than the temperature and precipitation in growing season from May to September.

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    Spatiotemporal Evolution of the Oasis and Change of Landscape Pattern in the Manas River Basin

    HUANG Li, XU Li-ping
    2019, 36 (5):  1261-1269.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2019.05.24
    Abstract ( 450 )   PDF (2004KB) ( 394 )  

    Based on the Landsat MSS/TM/OLI remote sensing images in 1976, 1989, 1998, 2006 and 2016, the information of oasis distribution in the Manas River Basin in recent 40 years was extracted, and the methods of mathematical statistics model and landscape index were used to analyze the spatiotemporal evolution of the oasis and the change of landscape patterns in the study area. The results showed that, in recent 40 years, the oasis in the middle and lower reaches of the Manas River Basin was in a trend of reduction-expansion-sharp expansion, except the oasis was retreated from 1976 to 1989, the oasis was expanded after 1989, especially during the period from 2006 to 2016, area of the oasis was expanded by 3 266 km2, and the net change rate was as high as 4.43%. The change trend of the oasis was imbalanced and even extremely imbalanced. From 1989 to 2006, the contribution of grassland to the oasis reduction was the highest. After 2006, the reduction of waters was the main contributor to the oasis retreat. After 1989, the contribution of cultivated land to the oasis expansion was the most significant. The main part of the oasis was holistically shifted northwestward, and it was shifted northeastward, southwestward, northwestward and southwestward during different periods. The geometric shapes of the landscapes in the oasis were trended to simplification, and the fragmentation of the landscapes in the oasis became more serious, which was related to the increasing fragmentation of the grassland landscape. The oasis was trended to centralization, which was closely related to the continuous centralization of cultivated land.

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    Estimation of Future Land Use Change in the Tianshan Mountainous Based on FLUS Model

    QIN Qi-rui, LI Xue-mei, CHEN Qing-wei, TIAN Ya-lin
    2019, 36 (5):  1270-1279.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2019.05.25
    Abstract ( 531 )   PDF (1808KB) ( 287 )  

    In this paper, the 31 global climate models were integrated from the Phase 5 of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) to study the overall prediction of land use change in the Tianshan Mountains under three emission scenarios, i.e., the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) 2.6, 4.5 and 8.5. In the study, the observed climatic data from 53 meteorological stations, socioeconomic data and natural geomorphological conditions in the Tianshan Mountains were used. The results showed that:   FLUS model could be used to simulate the historical land use change in the study area with high accuracy;   Compared with the base period from 1970 to 1999, the average annual temperature would be increased by 1.67-2.16 ℃ during 2021-2050, and its increase would be low in spring and summer but high in autumn and winter. It was revealed that the average annual precipitation would be increased by 22-25 mm under RCPs 2.6, 4.5 and 8.5. Under the three scenarios, precipitation reduction would occur in some years compared to the base period, but there would be holistically an increase trend;    Compared with the situation of land use change in 2017, it was estimated that, under the RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios, the glacier and snow areas in the Tianshan Mountainous in 2050 would be reduced by 29.2%, 34.6% and 38.4% respectively. The enlargement of urban land area in 2050 would not be significant under RCP2.6 and RCP4.5. Some of the cultivated land would be converted into urban land and grassland, and the area of woodland would be slightly enlarged. The urban land area under the RCP8.5 scenario would be nearly three times of that in 2017. Part of woodland would be converted into grassland. The total area of waters would be slightly enlarged, and the area of unused land will be in a reduction trend.

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    Soil Moisture Content under Artificial Robinnia pseudoacacia Forest at Different Slope Positions in the Zhonggou Minor Basin, Jingchuan County, Gansu Province

    ZHANG Xiao-mei, DI Li, SHI Zai-jun, FEI Jun-e, WANG Zheng-an
    2019, 36 (5):  1300-1308.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2019.05.28
    Abstract ( 517 )   PDF (1121KB) ( 380 )  

    The soil hydrophysical properties under the artificial Robinia pseudoacacia forests in different landforms in a minor drainage basin in Jingchuan County, Gansu Province were measured using the “ring knife” method, and the soil moisture content was also measured using the oven drying method. The soil bulk density in 0-100 cm soil layer under the R. pseudoacacia plantations at different slope positions was in an order of the R. pseudoacacia forest on the hill top (1.24 g·cm3) > R. pseudoacacia forest at the gully bottom (1.20 g·cm3) > R. pseudoacacia forest (1.18 g·cm3) > R. pseudoacacia forest on the hill slope (1.16 g·cm3). The total soil porosity was in an order of the R. pseudoacacia forest on the hill slope (51.99%) > R. pseudoacacia forest in the gully (51.31%) > R. pseudoacacia forest at the tableland bottom (50.52%) > R. pseudoacacia forest at the tableland top (49.33%). The saturation moisture capacity and non-capillary moisture capacity of soil under the R. pseudoacacia forest on the hill slope were both the highest, then those under the R. pseudoacacia forests in gully and at the tableland bottom, and they were the lowest under the R. pseudoacacia forest on the hill top. The seasonal variation of soil moisture content under the forest was obvious, which could be divided into the soil moisture consumption period (from May to June), soil moisture supply period (July) and soil moisture reduction period (from August to September). The variable coefficient of soil moisture content under the forests in different landforms was increased at first and then decreased with the increase of soil depth, and it reached the highest value (Cv>0.3) in 40-80 cm soil layer. The results revealed that the soil moisture content was the highest under the R. pseudoacacia forest on the hill top, and then under the forests at the gully bottom and the on the gully tableland, and it was the lowest on the hill slope.

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    Delimitation of Urban Growth Boundary in Arid Oasis Based on Evaluating the Suitability of Construction and Development: A Case Study in Urumqi City

    ZHU Tian-zhu, DU Hong-ru, ZHANG Xiao-lei, WANG Bo-li
    2019, 36 (5):  1318-1324.  doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2019.05.30
    Abstract ( 379 )   PDF (1348KB) ( 797 )  

    It is an effective way to scientifically and rationally delimit the urban growth boundary for controlling the disorderly urban expansion and reducing the inefficient urban land use. It is also one of the important contents of space planning exploration in China. The urban growth boundary demarcation should be based on the regional resources conditions and construction and development level of different regions, and the appropriate indicators and methods should be selected according to the local conditions so as to more accurately reflect the actuality and demand of urban development. The urban development in arid areas is significantly affected by the oasis-desert ecosystem. The contradiction between people and land is more prominent in the process of urban expansion. The delimitation of urban growth boundary must reflect the coordination of resources, environment and economic and social development. In this paper, it was attempted to carry out the delimitation of urban growth boundary in Urumqi so as to explore the feasible methods for delimiting the urban growth boundary in arid regions based on the research ideas of resources environment background and construction and development level. The results showed that:    The combination of restrictive evaluation and suitability evaluation could be used to well delimit the urban growth boundary in arid area; Oasis could be regarded as an evaluation unit of land potential so as to make the delimitation of urban growth boundary in arid area more reasonable and applicable;   Delimitation of urban growth boundary was divided into the permanent boundary and periodic boundary, which could be used to guide the development of urban land.

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