vertical zonality,overlying deposit,environmental change; Shiyang River Basin ,"/> Vertical Zonality of Overlying Deposits in the Shiyang River Basin: Based on Granularity and Mineral Indicators

Arid Zone Research ›› 2019, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (6): 1550-1558.

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Vertical Zonality of Overlying Deposits in the Shiyang River Basin: Based on Granularity and Mineral Indicators

HAN Qin, LI Yu, LI Peng-cheng   

  1. College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000,Gansu China
  • Received:2019-01-05 Revised:2019-06-01 Online:2019-11-15 Published:2019-11-22

Abstract: Regional differentiation is an important and basic theory of physical geography. A big mistake may be made in reconstructing paleoclimate if the latitudinal zonality is considered only. In this study, the Shiyang River Basin in Gansu Province was selected as the study area to reveal the environmental change and its driving factors by analyzing the grain size data and mineral data of overlying deposits in the drainage basin. Lithology, grain size and mineral indicators were included in this study. In addition to the overlying deposits, the grain size and mineral data along the Holocene sedimentary profiles in the Shiyang River Basin were collected for comparing with those of overlying deposits. The results showed that: ① Driving forces of both Holocene and modern overlying deposits in the Shiyang River Basin were similar, and the piedmont Aeolian deposit was formed under the Asian winter wind and west wind in the upper reaches; ②Alluvial and proluvial deposits were formed under the fluvial and eulimnetic joint effect in the middle reaches; ③ Lacustrine deposit formed in the terminal-lake areas, and drought is currently more serious than that in the Holocene.

Key words: vertical zonality')">

vertical zonality, overlying deposit, environmental change; Shiyang River Basin ')">environmental change; Shiyang River Basin