›› 2013, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (2): 378-384.

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Variation of Glacier Terminuses in the Tianshan Mountains, China,during the Period of 1960-2009

LI Shan-shan1 ,ZHANG Ming-jun1,2 ,LI Zhong-qin1,2 ,LI Hui-lin2 ,LUO Shu-fei1   

  1. 1. College of Geography and Environment Sciences, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070,Gansu,China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Cryospheric Sciences & Tianshan Glaciological Station, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental  and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu,China
  • Received:2012-03-29 Revised:2012-05-15 Online:2013-03-15 Published:2013-03-29

Abstract: The terminus variation of eight glaciers in the Tianshan Mountains, China,during the period of 1960-2009 was studied based on the located observation, field survey, aerial photography, remote sensing and topography analysis. Results showed that the eight glaciers kept retreat during the period of 1960-2009 under the background of the increase of both temperature and precipitation in the Tianshan Mountains, China, and the retreat rate reduced gradually from west to east. There were the regional and periodical changes of the glacier terminuses owing to climate change and the differences of geographical locations and glacier scales and types. Thereinto, the retreating rate of Glacier No.1 at headwaters of the Urumqi River was 5.96 m•a-1 during the period of 1962-1973, it was decreased to 3.28 m•a-1 during the period of 1973-1980, increased slightly (3.93 m•a-1) during the period of 1980-1993, and the glacier was divided into two independent ones in 1993. The retreating rate of Glacier No.4 in the Sigong River Basin in the Bogda Peak region was 6 m•a-1 during the period from 1962 to 1981, increased to 8.9 m•a-1 during the period of 1981-2006 and to 13.3 m•a-1 during the period of 2006-2009. Furthermore, Qingbingtan Glacier No.72 and No.74 covered by superglacial moraine retreated with rates of 41 m•a-1 and 30 m•a-1 during the period of 1964-2009, these rates were much higher than that (2.32 m•a-1) of the Miaoergou Flattopped Glacier without superglacial moraine during the period of 1972-2007. The surface morphology (superglacial moraine) is another cause resulting in the difference of glacier change in the Tianshan Mountains.

Key words: glacier variation, glacier terminus, climate change, superglacial moraine, Tianshan Mountains, China