干旱区研究 ›› 2011, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (5): 871-878.

• 气候及预报方法 • 上一篇    下一篇



    1. 山西省气象台,山西 太原 030006
    2. 重庆市气象局 气象服务中心,重庆 401147
    3. 山西省气象科学研究所,山西 太原 030002
    4. 西安工程大学 环境与化学工程学院,陕西 西安 710048
    5. 山西省气象信息中心,山西 太原 030006
  • 收稿日期:2010-06-04 修回日期:2011-03-30 出版日期:2011-09-15 发布日期:2011-10-16
  • 作者简介:赵桂香(1965-),女,山西平遥人,硕士,正研级高工,主要从事天气气候分析与预报技术研究.E-mail: liyun0123@126.com
  • 基金资助:


Comprehensive Analysis on a Durative Regional Haze and Fog

 ZHAO  Gui-Xiang1, DU  Li2, WEI  Li-Ping3, HE  Yao-Wu1, LI  Ying4, ZHU  Yu5   

    1. Shanxi Meteorological Observatory, Taiyuan 030006, China
    2. Chongqing Meteorological Bureau, Chongqing 401147, China
    3. Shanxi Institute of Meteorological Research, Taiyuan 030002, China
    4. College of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Xi’an Engineering University, Xi’an 710048, China
    5. Shanxi Meteorological Information Center, Taiyuan 030006, China
  • Received:2010-06-04 Revised:2011-03-30 Published:2011-09-15 Online:2011-10-16

摘要: 利用1994年11月发生在山西省的持续性雾霾天气过程实况资料,计算了多种物理量,并从环流形势、形成条件和维持机制等方面进行综合分析。结果表明:① 500 hPa锋区偏北,中纬度环流较平,低空850 hPa持续有暖平流向山西地区输送,是大范围霾天气持续的重要天气背景;而500 hPa阻塞形势的稳定维持,地面回流稳定,是导致大范围雾天气持续出现的主要背景。② 850 hPa以下相对湿度的变化,是判断雾霾天气形成的基本条件;而逆温层的持续存在,是雾霾天气持续的重要原因;湿度差异和逆温强度差异可作为判断大范围雾霾天气的指标。③ 涡度平流整层为负,但在1 000~925 hPa出现弱的逆转,是大范围霾天气持续的动力因子;近地层为负的涡度平流,而925 hPa以上为正的涡度平流,或整层为正的涡度平流,是大范围雾持续的动力结构。④ 总温度平流诊断表明,霾出现前,有暖干空气向山西地区输送;而雾出现前,有暖湿平流或弱冷湿平流向山西地区输送,且霾的总温度平流较雾大,但各分量的贡献不同。⑤ 雾霾出现时间和持续时间均有较大差异,出现前后气象要素特征差异明显,可为雾霾天气的预报提供重要参考。

关键词: 雾霾天气, 环流形势, 动力结构, 相对湿度, 涡度平流, 山西

Abstract: A durative regional haze and fog weather occurred in Shanxi Province in November 1994 was comprehensively analyzed based on the observed data. The results are as follows: (1) Front area at 500 hPa was located by north, circulation at midlatitude was straight, and there was a warm advection at 850 hPa to convey continually towards Shanxi. These were the important weather background to form a largescale haze. While blocking situation at 500 hPa maintained stably and the surface refluence was stable to form the largescale fog; (2) Change of relative humidity at 850 hPa was the basic criterion of judging the formation of haze and fog; sustained existence of temperature inversion layer was the important reason for haze and fog; differences of humidity and intensity of temperature inversion layer were the criteria of judging the largescale haze and fog; (3) There was a wholelayer negative vorticity advection, but a weak reversion occurred at 1 000-925 hPa, and it was a dynamic factor for haze; there was a negative vorticity advection near ground surface but a positive one above 925 hPa, or there was a wholelayer positive one, which was the dynamic structure for fog; (4) The total temperature advection diagnosis reveals that there was a warmdry advection conveying to Shanxi before haze but a warmmoisture advection or a coldmoisture conveying to Shanxi before fog. The total temperature advection of haze was larger than that of fog, but the contribution of each component to the total temperature advection was different; (5) The occurring time and duration of haze and fog were quite different, and the meteorological factors were quite different before and after haze and fog occurred. All these could provide the references for forecasting haze and fog weather.

Key words: haze and fog, circulation situation, dynamic structure, relative humidity, vorticity advection, Shanxi Province