干旱区研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (2): 196-202.

• 水土资源 • 上一篇    下一篇


王勇辉, 马蓓, 海米提•依米提   

  1. 新疆师范大学地理科学与旅游学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830054
  • 收稿日期:2012-04-16 修回日期:2012-08-02 出版日期:2013-03-15 发布日期:2013-03-29
  • 作者简介:王勇辉(1977-),男,讲师,博士研究生,主要从事干旱区资源利用与环境演变方面的研究. E-mail:wyhsd_3011@163.com
  • 基金资助:


Soil Salinity in the Riparian Zone in Lower Reaches of the Main Feeding Rivers of the Ebinur Lake

WANG Yong-hui,MA Bei,HAMID Yimit   

  1. College of Geography and Tourism, Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi 830054,Xinjiang, China
  • Received:2012-04-16 Revised:2012-08-02 Published:2013-03-15 Online:2013-03-29

摘要: 博尔塔拉河、精河下游河岸带不同植被覆盖下的土壤为研究对象,测定土壤中总盐与8大离子含量。结果表明: 两河下游河岸带土壤表层 、20 cm土层的总盐以及各盐分离子含量均高于中下土层,土壤盐分垂直分布呈现出较强的表聚性;博尔塔拉河下游河岸带土壤总盐与K+、Na+、Cl、HCO-3 离子具有显著相关性,精河下游河岸带土壤总盐与K+、Na+、Cl、Mg 2+离子具有显著相关性;经盐渍化类型判定,两河下游河岸带土壤以氯化物型为主。

关键词: 土壤盐分, 离子含量, 垂直分布, 相关性, 博尔塔拉河, 精河, 新疆

Abstract: Soil samples were collected and analyzed from the riparian zone in the lower reaches of the Bortala and Jinghe rivers, the main feeding rivers of the Ebinur Lake. The pH values and the contents of total salt and 8 ions in soil under the different conditions of vegetation coverage were measured. The correlation analysis and statistical analysis were used in the study. The results showed that, under the different conditions of vegetation coverage, the total salt and ion contents in topsoil and soil at 20 cm depth were higher than those at other soil layers in riparian zone in the lower reaches of the two rivers, and salt accumulation in topsoil was significant. The results showed that there was a significant correlation between total salt and K+、Na+、Cl、HCO-3 contents in different soil layers in the riparian zone in lower reaches of the Bortala River, and also between total salt content and K+、Na+、Cl、Mg 2+ in soil in the riparian zone in lower reaches of the Jinghe River. Soil salinization in the riparian zone in lower reaches of the two rivers was mainly caused by accumulation of chlorides.

Key words: soil salinity, ion content, vertical distribution, correlation analysis, Bortala River, Jinghe River, Xinjiang