干旱区研究 ›› 2012, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (2): 218-221.

• 植物生态 • 上一篇    下一篇


买买提明·苏来曼 ,艾尼瓦尔•阿布都热衣木   

  1. 新疆大学 生命科学与技术学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830046
  • 收稿日期:2011-01-26 修回日期:2011-05-30 出版日期:2012-03-15 发布日期:2012-04-10
  • 作者简介:买买提明·苏来曼(1964-),男,维吾尔族,教授,硕导,主要从事植物系统分类学和苔藓植物学研究.E-mail: mamtimin@xju.edu.cn; msulayman64@sina.com
  • 基金资助:

    国家自然科学基金项目(31160040,30960026);自治区高校科研计划项目(XJEDU 2011103)

Preliminary Study on Leskeaceae (Musci) in Xinjiang, China

Mamtimin Sulayman, Anwar Abdurehim   

  1. College of Life Science and Technology, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China
  • Received:2011-01-26 Revised:2011-05-30 Published:2012-03-15 Online:2012-04-10

摘要: 通过对产自新疆的薄罗藓科5属8种的分类学研究,包括多毛藓属Lescuraea Bruch & Schimp. in B.S.G. 的弯叶多毛藓L. incurvata (Hedw.) Lawton,密根多毛藓 L. radicosa  (Mitt.) Moeck.,石生多毛藓L. saxicola (Schimp. in B.S.G.) Mol. in Lor.;薄罗藓属Leskea Hedw. 的薄罗藓L. polycarpa Hedw. ;细罗藓属Leskeella (Brid.) Loeske 的细罗藓L. nervosa (Brid.)Loeske ;细枝藓属Lindbergia (C. Müll) Broth. 的中华细枝藓L. sinensis (C. Müll) Broth. ,以及假细罗藓属 Pseudoleskeella Kindb. 的假细罗藓P. catenulata (Brid. ex Schrad.) Kindb.和瓦叶假细罗藓P. tectorum (Brid. )Kindb.。其中,薄罗藓属Leskea Hedw.为新疆新记录属;薄罗藓Leskea polycarpa Hedw. 和密根多毛藓Lescuraea radicosa (Mitt.) Moeck. 是新疆新记录种。根据标本形态特征,编制了新疆薄罗藓科植物分属、分种检索表,简要讨论了其生境和地理分布特点。

关键词: 薄罗藓科(Leskeaceae)植物, 分类, 地理分布, 新记录种, 检索表, 新疆

Abstract: This paper is based on 105 specimens collected from Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The classification results show that there are 8 species of Leskeaceae in Xinjiang. They are Lescuraea Bruch & Schimp. in B. S. G. [3 species: L. incurvata (Hedw.) Lawton, L. radicosa (Mitt.) Moeck. and L. saxicola (Schimp. in B. S. G.) Mol. in Lor.], Leskea Hedw. (1 species: L. polycarpa Hedw.), Leskeella (Brid.) Loeske (1 species: L. nervosa (Brid.) Loeske), Lindbergia (C. Müll) Broth. [1 species: L. sinensis (C. Müll) Broth.],  Pseudoleskeella Kindb. [2 species: P. catenulata (Brid. ex Schrad.) Kindb. and P. tectorum (Brid. )Kindb.]. Among them, the genus Leskea Hedw., Leskea polycarpa Hedw. and L. radicosa (Mitt.) Moeck. are newly reported in this region. According to the studied specimens, the habitat and the geographic distribution of these species are discussed. The studied specimens are stored in the herbarium of College of Life Science, Xinjiang University.

Key words: Leskeaceae, classification, geographical distribution, newlyrecorded species, Xinjiang