Arid Zone Research ›› 2021, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 1327-1334.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.05.14
• Applied Climate • Previous Articles Next Articles
YUCHI Wensi1,2(),MIAO Henglu1,2(
),WANG Xingtian1,2,GAO Tianming1,2,WU Jiabin1,2
Henglu MIAO;
YUCHI Wensi,MIAO Henglu,WANG Xingtian,GAO Tianming,WU Jiabin. Analysis of meteorological factors affecting drought in a desert steppe of the northern foot of Yinshan Mountain[J].Arid Zone Research, 2021, 38(5): 1327-1334.
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Tab. 1
Standard for classification of drought grades corresponding to average precipitation percentage"
等级 | 类型 | 降水量距平百分率/% | ||
月尺度 | 季尺度 | 年尺度 | ||
1 | 无旱 | -40<PA | -25<PA | -15<PA |
2 | 轻旱 | -60<PA≤-40 | -50<PA≤-25 | -30<PA≤-15 |
3 | 中旱 | -80<PA≤-60 | -70<PA≤-50 | -40<PA≤-30 |
4 | 重旱 | -95<PA≤-80 | -80<PA≤-70 | -45<PA≤-40 |
5 | 特旱 | PA≤-95 | PA≤-80 | PA≤-45 |
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