Arid Zone Research ›› 2021, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 1335-1345.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.05.15
• Soil Resources • Previous Articles Next Articles
ZHAO Peng1,2(),ZHU Shujuan1(
),DUAN Xiaofeng2,CHANG Zhaofeng2,KANG Caizhou1,WANG Fanglin2,WANG Yuqi2,GAO Decai3
Shujuan ZHU;
ZHAO Peng,ZHU Shujuan,DUAN Xiaofeng,CHANG Zhaofeng,KANG Caizhou,WANG Fanglin,WANG Yuqi,GAO Decai. Spatial distribution characteristics of grain size of surface soil in the sand-resitant belt of Minqin Oasis marginal[J].Arid Zone Research, 2021, 38(5): 1335-1345.
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Tab. 1
The general situation of sand barrier zone on the edge of Minqin Oasis"
区域 | 样带名称 | 群丛类型 | 土壤类型 | 微地貌 |
坝区 | 龙王庙 | 沙拐枣-沙蒿-沙米 | 风沙土 | 半固定沙丘 |
宋和 | 梭梭+沙拐枣-五星蒿 | 风沙土 | 半固定沙丘 | |
沙井子 | 白刺+梭梭-沙米 | 风沙土 | 半固定沙丘 | |
泉山区 | 勤锋滩 | 梭梭+白刺-沙蒿 | 风沙土 | 灌丛沙堆 |
刘家地 | 柽柳+白刺+红砂 | 风沙土 | 灌丛沙堆 | |
三角城 | 白刺+红砂-猪毛菜 | 风沙土 | 灌丛沙堆 | |
湖区 | 扶拱 | 梭梭+白刺-黄花矶松 | 风沙土 | 半固定沙丘 |
青土湖1 | 白刺+黑果枸杞-芦苇 | 湖相沉积物 | 灌丛沙堆 | |
青土湖2 | 白刺+盐爪爪-盐生草 | 湖相沉积物 | 灌丛沙堆 |
Tab. 2
Grain-size composition of surface soil in the marginal sand barrier zone of Minqin oasis /%"
区域 | 黏粒 <0.002 mm | 粉粒 0.002~0.05 mm | 极细砂 0.05~0.1 mm | 细砂 0.1~0.25 mm | 中砂 0.25~0.5 mm | 粗砂 0.5~1.0 mm | 极粗砂 1.0~2.0 mm |
坝区 | 2.16±1.6 | 12.46±12.54 | 18.18±8.42 | 33.47±9.86 | 26.08±12.73 | 7.42±7.00 | 0.23±0.72 |
泉山区 | 4.25±3.39 | 21.17±18.76 | 18.87±9.97 | 29.62±14.49 | 17.51±10.00 | 7.56±10.18 | 1.02±2.76 |
湖区 | 4.16±3.89 | 27.98±25.08 | 22.83±8.93 | 36.66±21.01 | 8.30±7.33 | 0.07±0.22 | 0±0 |
Tab. 3
Discriminating results of different Spatial sand barriers sedimentary environments on the edge of Minqin Oasis"
区域 | 参数 | 沉积环境 | |||
Y1 | Y2 | Y3 | Y4 | ||
龙王庙 | 3.302961 | 208.8232 | -18.1516 | 11.30424 | 河流沉积 |
宋和 | 3.243269 | 206.9248 | -18.3915 | 11.75447 | 河流沉积 |
治沙站 | 3.038087 | 244.6358 | -22.7737 | 11.05928 | 河流沉积 |
勤锋滩 | 11.27018 | 458.5144 | -50.0603 | 10.0111 | 河流沉积 |
刘家地 | 2.346301 | 245.7138 | -21.5277 | 12.59295 | 河流沉积 |
三角城 | 4.086655 | 254.084 | -22.8754 | 13.29691 | 河流沉积 |
扶拱 | 1.710394 | 350.2823 | -33.6047 | 11.38533 | 河流沉积 |
青土湖1 | 1.645367 | 295.3614 | -26.7169 | 12.95729 | 河流沉积 |
青土湖2 | -1.27886 | 185.949 | -13.8453 | 12.04726 | 河流沉积 |
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