Arid Zone Research ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (5): 840-848.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2023.05.16
• Ecology and Environment • Previous Articles
TA Fuyuan1(),ZHANG Hongyang1,GOU Wenshan1,MA Weixin2,HU Guixin1(
TA Fuyuan, ZHANG Hongyang, GOU Wenshan, MA Weixin, HU Guixin. Survey of species diversity of darkling beetles in the Minqin temperate desert steppe[J].Arid Zone Research, 2023, 40(5): 840-848.
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Tab. 1
The darking beetles species and quantities in three subclasses of temperate desert grassland"
种类 | 砾质荒漠草地 | 沙质荒漠草地 | 盐土荒漠草地 | 总计 | |||||||
数量/头 | 占比/% | 数量/头 | 占比/% | 数量/头 | 占比/% | 数量/头 | 占比/% | ||||
姬小胸鳖甲(Microdera elegans) | 1037 | 29.77 | 788 | 22.19 | 457 | 31.36 | 2282 | 26.88 | |||
多毛宽漠甲(Sternoplax setosa setosa) | 820 | 23.54 | 954 | 26.86 | 355 | 24.37 | 2129 | 25.07 | |||
中华砚甲(Cyphogenia chinensis) | 363 | 10.42 | 723 | 20.35 | 195 | 13.38 | 1281 | 15.08 | |||
宽腹东鳖甲(Anatolica gravidula) | 536 | 15.39 | 594 | 16.72 | 187 | 12.83 | 1317 | 15.51 | |||
泥脊漠甲(Pterocoma vittata) | 337 | 9.68 | 168 | 4.73 | 47 | 3.23 | 552 | 6.50 | |||
扁胸漠甲(Sternoplax impressicollis) | 184 | 5.28 | 152 | 4.28 | 98 | 6.73 | 434 | 5.11 | |||
戈壁琵甲(Blaps gobiensis) | 104 | 2.99 | 161 | 4.53 | 111 | 7.62 | 376 | 4.43 | |||
维氏漠王(Platyoope victori) | 73 | 2.10 | 10 | 0.28 | 3 | 0.21 | 86 | 1.01 | |||
波氏真土甲(Eumylada potanini) | 22 | 0.63 | - | - | - | - | 22 | 0.26 | |||
波氏东鳖甲(Anatolica potanini) | 7 | 0.20 | 2 | 0.06 | 4 | 0.27 | 13 | 0.15 | |||
总计 | 3483 | 100.00 | 3552 | 100.00 | 1457 | 100.00 | 8492 | 100.00 |
Tab. 2
Characteristics of plant communities and soil properties in three subclasses of temperate desert grassland"
样地 | 植被香农多样性指数 | 植被丰富度 | 植被群落高度/cm | 植被盖度/% | 土壤含水量/% |
沙质荒漠草地 | 0.85±0.03b | 2.33±0.33b | 42.31±6.27a | 28.2±1.01b | 6.18±0.01b |
砾质荒漠草地 | 1.13±0.13a | 4.33±0.33a | 17.87±1.26b | 23.19±0.99c | 3.32±0.01b |
盐土荒漠草地 | 0.39±0.05c | 1.33±0.33b | 47.33±3.9a | 32.9±1.09a | 11.94±0.02a |
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