Arid Zone Research ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (3): 708-722.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.03.05
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WANG Chenghai(),YANG Jintao,YANG Kai,ZHANG Feimin,ZHANG Shengning,LI Kechen,YANG Yi
WANG Chenghai,YANG Jintao,YANG Kai,ZHANG Feimin,ZHANG Shengning,LI Kechen,YANG Yi. Changing precipitation characteristics in the Yellow River Basin in the last 60 years and tendency prediction for next 30 years[J].Arid Zone Research, 2022, 39(3): 708-722.
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Tab. 2
Variance contribution of the first 3 modes of the EOF decomposition for annual and seasonal precipitation in the Yellow River Basin from 1961 to 2016"
全年 | 春季 | 夏季 | 秋季 | 冬季 | |
LV1/% | 24.96 | 45.17 | 21.47 | 36.78 | 69.13 |
LV2/% | 13.65 | 10.31 | 12.73 | 13.41 | 9.92 |
LV3/% | 9.90 | 7.41 | 11.80 | 7.47 | 4.87 |
合计/% | 48.51 | 62.89 | 46.00 | 57.66 | 83.92 |
Tab. 3
Main characteristics of oscillation period in precipitation variation in the Yellow River Basin from 1961 to 2016"
黄河源区 | 河套地区 | 黄河下游地区 | |
全年/a | 2~4*,4~6*,14 | 2~4*,6* | 2~6*,12 |
春季/a | 2~5*,3~6*,8 | 2~6*,8* | 2~6*,8* |
夏季/a | 2~5*,14 | 2~4*,6*,8* | 2~4*,6*,15 |
秋季/a | 2~5*,8* | 2~4*,11 | 2~4*,8*,10 |
冬季/a | 3~5*,12 | 3*,4*,16 | 2~5*,15 |
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