›› 2013, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (4): 640-645.

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Growth of Leaves of Main Landscaping Tree Species in Northwest Liaoning Province

WANG Kai ,WANG Dao-han ,WEI Jun ,ZOU De-jun ,LU Hui   

  1. (College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin 123000, Liaoning, China)
  • Received:2012-06-09 Revised:2012-07-11 Online:2013-07-15 Published:2013-07-29

Abstract: In this paper, the specific leaf area and allometry of the main landscaping tree species in northwest Liaoning Province were estimated using the standardized major axis estimation and cluster analysis. The results showed that the common slope between leaf area and biomass of the tree species was 1.052. Among all 55 tree species, the slope of 46 tree species was less than 1.0, of 1 equaled to 1.0, and of 8 was large than 1.0. The common slope between leaf water content and biomass was 1.052, in all the 55 tree species, the slope of 42 tree species was less than 1.0, and of 13 was larger than 1.0. Specific leaf area ranged from 48.83 to 276.52 cm2•g-1. The tree species could be divided into 3 groups when the euclidean distance was 15. These results indicated that there were the isometric relationships among leaf biomass and leaf area and water content in all the 55 tree species in northwest Liaoning Province. However, allometry index was different among the tree species. Specific leaf area of the tree species in northwest Liaoning Province was low since the tree species adapted the severe environment. It was suggested to select the tree species with low specific leaf area as the landscaping tree species in arid and semiarid area.

Key words: garden greenbelt, tree species, specific leaf area, allometry, leaf water content, biomass, Liaoning Province