Arid Zone Research ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (2): 257-267.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2023.02.10
• Plant Ecology • Previous Articles Next Articles
XU Mengqi1,2,3,4(),GAO Yanju1,2,3,4,ZHANG Zhihao1,2,3,HUANG Caibian1,2,3,ZENG Fanjiang1,2,3,4(
XU Mengqi, GAO Yanju, ZHANG Zhihao, HUANG Caibian, ZENG Fanjiang. Effects of drought stress on growth and physiology of Alhagi sparsifolia seedlings[J].Arid Zone Research, 2023, 40(2): 257-267.
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Tab. 1
Biomass allocation of A. sparsifolia under drought stress"
生长时期 | 水分处理 | 叶生物量 | 地上生物量 | 地下生物量 | 根冠比 |
生长前期 | CK | 8.34±1.31a | 17.71±3.81a | 7.21±1.23a | 0.43±0.14b |
W1 | 4.23±0.76b | 9.05±1.41b | 5.23±0.13ab | 0.59±0.10ab | |
W2 | 1.57±0.01c | 4.59±0.88b | 3.90±1.63b | 0.83±0.24a | |
生长后期 | CK | 4.30±1.16a | 10.45±2.62a | 24.74±8.24a | 2.33±0.32b |
W1 | 2.70±0.15b | 6.65±0.69b | 15.82±1.12a | 2.39±0.12b | |
W2 | 0.67±0.30c | 1.76±0.43c | 5.44±0.99b | 3.12±0.32a |
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