0 ℃积温,持续日数,时空变化,突变特征,新疆," /> 0 ℃积温,持续日数,时空变化,突变特征,新疆,"/> 近50 a新疆≥0 ℃持续日数和积温时空变化

干旱区研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (5): 781-788.

• 气候与气候变化 • 上一篇    下一篇

近50 a新疆≥0 ℃持续日数和积温时空变化

普宗朝1, 张山清2, 李景林2, 王命全2   

  1. 1. 新疆乌鲁木齐市气象局,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830002; 2. 新疆农业气象台,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830002
  • 收稿日期:2012-08-26 修回日期:2012-10-18 出版日期:2013-09-15 发布日期:2013-09-22
  • 作者简介:普宗朝(1965-),男,高级工程师,主要从事气候变化与农业气象研究.E-mail: puzongchao@163.com
  • 基金资助:


Spatiotemporal Change of Duration and Accumulated Temperature  of Temperature ≥ 0 ℃ in Xinjiang in Recent 50 Years

 PU  Zong-Chao1, ZHANG  Shan-Qing2, LI  Jing-Lin2, WANG  Ming-Quan2   

  1. 1. Urumqi Meteorological Bureau, Urumqi 830002,China; 2.  Xinjiang Agrometeorological Observatory, Urumqi 830002, China
  • Received:2012-08-26 Revised:2012-10-18 Published:2013-09-15 Online:2013-09-22

摘要: 利用新疆95个气象站1961—2010年的逐日平均气温资料,使用线性趋势分析、累积距平和[WTBX]t[WTBZ]检验以及基于ArcGIS的混合插值法,对新疆近50 a日平均气温稳定≥0 ℃的初日、终日、持续日数和活动积温的时空变化进行分析。结果表明:≥0 ℃的初日在空间分布上南疆早,北疆晚;平原和盆地早,山区晚的格局。≥0 ℃终日的空间分布与≥0 ℃初日大体相反。≥0 ℃持续日数和≥0 ℃积温的空间分布表现为南疆多,北疆少;盆地多,山区少的格局。在全球变暖背景下,1961—2010年新疆≥0 ℃初日总体呈显著提早趋势,≥0 ℃终日呈极显著推迟趋势,≥0 ℃的持续日数和积温分别以2.58 d·(10a)-1和66.26 ℃·d·(10a)-1的倾向率呈极显著的增多趋势,并且分别于1997年或1994年发生了突变。但突变后较突变前各要素的变化量具有明显的区域性差异,总体来说,≥0 ℃初日提前幅度的空间分布呈南疆大,北疆小的格局。≥0 ℃终日的推迟幅度呈北疆大,南疆小;山区大,平原和盆地小的特点,≥0 ℃持续日数的延长幅度表现为山区大,平原和盆地小的格局,≥0 ℃积温的增加幅度呈平原和盆地多,山区少的空间分布格局。

关键词: font-family: 宋体, mso-bidi-font-family: 宋体, mso-font-kerning: 1.0pt, mso-ansi-language: EN-US, mso-fareast-language: ZH-CN, 0 ℃积温')">mso-bidi-language: AR-SA">≥0 ℃积温, 持续日数, 时空变化, 突变特征, 新疆

Abstract: Global warming has become as an indisputable fact, under its impact, the agroclimatic resources, especially the heat resources, will be significantly changed in most parts of the world. The duration and accumulated temperature of temperature ≥0 ℃ were the important indices of evaluating heat resources. Xinjiang is an important area of agricultural and animal husbandry production in China, but heat shortage is one of the main factors restricting agricultural and animal husbandry production. Therefore, it is of an important practical significance to research the spatiotemporal changes of the first date, final date, duration and accumulated temperature of temperature ≥0 ℃under the background of global warming. In this paper, the methods of linear regression, accumulative anomaly, Ttest and ArcGISbased mixed interpolation were used to analyze the spatiotemporal changes of the first date, final date, duration and accumulated temperature of temperature ≥0 ℃ based on the daily temperature data observed by 95 meteorological stations in Xinjiang during the period of 1961-2010. The main results are as follows: the spatial distribution of the first date, final date, duration and accumulated temperature of temperature ≥0 ℃ was obviously different from different regions in Xinjiang. Generally, the first date of temperature ≥0 ℃came earlier in south Xinjiang than in north Xinjiang, and it also came earlier in the plains and basins than in the mountainous regions. The final date of temperature ≥0 ℃ was just opposite to the first date. The duration and accumulated temperature of temperature ≥0 ℃ were longer and higher in south Xinjiang than in north Xinjiang, and they were also longer and higher in the plains and basins than in the mountainous regions. Under the background of global warming, the mean first date of temperature ≥0 ℃ at 95 meteorological stations came earlier with a rate of -0.86 d·(10a)-1, and its abrupt change occurred in 1997. The mean final date of temperature ≥0 ℃ came later with a rate of 1.72 d·(10a)-1, and its abrupt change occurred in 1994. The duration and accumulated temperature of temperature ≥0 ℃ were in an increase trend with rates of 2.58 d·(10a)-1and 66.26 ℃·d·(10a)-1 respectively, and their abrupt change occurred in 1997. The change ranges before and after the abrupt change were quite different from different regions, generally, the first date of temperature ≥0 ℃ came earlier in south Xinjiang than in north Xinjiang, the final date of temperature ≥0 ℃ came later in the northern and mountainous areas than in the plains, basins and southern areas, the duration of temperature ≥0 ℃ was prolonged longer in the mountainous areas than in the plains and basins, and the increment of accumulated temperature of temperature ≥0 ℃ was higher in the plains and basins than in the mountainous areas.

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