干旱区研究 ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (2): 522-540.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.02.20 cstr: 32277.14.AZR.20220220

• 植物与植物生理 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所荒漠与绿洲生态国家重点实验室,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830011
    2.中国科学院大学,北京 101408
    3.中国科学院吐鲁番沙漠植物园,新疆 吐鲁番 838000
    4.中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所伊犁植物园,新疆 新源 835815
  • 收稿日期:2021-10-15 修回日期:2022-01-12 出版日期:2022-03-15 发布日期:2022-03-30
  • 作者简介:张巧关(1994-),男,硕士研究生,研究方向为干旱区生物多样性保护与植物资源保育. E-mail: gmqggg@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Floristic characteristics of the genus Allium Linnaeus in Xinjiang, China

ZHANG Qiaoguan1,2(),ZHANG Daoyuan1,3(),LIU Huiliang1,4   

  1. 1. State Key Laboratory of Desert and Oasis Ecology, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, Xinjiang, China
    2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 101408, China
    3. Turpan Eremophytes Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Turpan 838000, Xinjiang, China
    4. Ili Botanical Garden, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xinyuan 835815, Xinjiang, China
  • Received:2021-10-15 Revised:2022-01-12 Published:2022-03-15 Online:2022-03-30


葱属(Allium Linnaeus)植物是具有重要价值的植物资源。中国新疆地区位于亚欧大陆腹地,地处亚洲中部,且具有丰富的葱属植物多样性。查证葱属植物相关书著、文献资料及标本信息记录,探讨新疆葱属植物资源及其区系地理特征,为该属植物的系统分类、生物多样性保育以及资源合理开发利用等方面提供参考。依据已有的葱属相关记录和资料,新疆葱属植物有58种、1亚种、2变种、6栽培种。新疆分布的葱属植物的区系地理特征:(1) 新疆葱属植物的分布地域主要集中在天山、伊犁塔城、阿勒泰、喀什地区,新疆葱属植物多生长于荒漠、草原、干旱坡地、砾石地、山地、高山、林下(森林)生境;(2) 在地理成分的分布区类型中,新疆葱属植物主要分布在II C5b准噶尔亚地区,II C5b的区系属于温带荒漠性质;ⅠA2 阿尔泰地区、ⅡC5a 塔城伊犁亚地区、ⅠA3 天山地区、ⅡC6c 喀什亚地区也相对较多;(3) 在新疆植被区划的系统单位类型中,新疆葱属植物分布在ⅠB1(阿尔泰山-北塔山草原省)、ⅡA2(东天山北坡草原云杉林及高山草甸植被省)、ⅡA1(准噶尔盆地半灌木荒漠植被省)、ⅡB3(天山南坡荒漠及山地草原植被省)植被省的种类较多,其次是ⅡB1(东疆砾质戈壁灌木荒漠植被省)、ⅠA1(准噶尔盆地西部山地草原省)、ⅡB2(塔里木盆地灌木荒漠植被省)植被省,分布在ⅡB4(帕米尔-昆仑-阿尔金山地荒漠与高山草原植被省)、ⅠC1(新疆南部高寒草原省)植被省的种类相对较少;(4) 新疆葱属植物的水平分布和垂直分布均存在分异;(5) 新疆葱属植物与哈萨克斯坦、俄罗斯的共有种较多,中国新疆地区与哈萨克斯坦、俄罗斯之间的葱属植物共有种数无太大差异且共有种的相似度较高。今后还应综合分子系统发育(植物系统发育区系地理学)、演化历史(历史植物地理学)、分子生物地理学等方面进行纵深研究。

关键词: 葱属(Allium Linnaeus), 物种多样性, 植物区系, 区系地理特征, 区系联系, 新疆


The Allium Linnaeus is an important plant resource of great value with many species. It is situated in Central Asia and the hinterland of the Eurasian continent. Xinjiang of China harbors a wide plant diversity of Allium Linnaeus. To probe into the plant resources and the floristic characteristics of Allium Linnaeus in Xinjiang Province, combining and verifying monographs, literature, bibliographies with specimens from this genus can provide some profound support and outline for taxonomy, classification, biodiversity conservation as well as proper and sound utilization of Allium plants. We hope this study can help further research into this genus (Allium Linnaeus). Based on previous and present references, studies, records, and information about Allium Linnaeus, Allium plants from Xinjiang Province comprise about 58 species, 1 subspecies, 2 varieties, and 6 cultivated species. The floristic characteristics of Allium Linnaeus in Xinjiang Province are summarized as follows: (1) Allium plants of Xinjiang Province are mainly distributed in the Tianshan Mountains, Ili, Tacheng, Altay, and Kashgar, with most of them inhabiting the deserts, steppes, the dry slopes, gravel grounds, mountains, alps, and forest floor (or forests). (2) In terms of the areal-types of geographical elements, the II C5b elements (the Junggar subregion, of the temperate desert) has the largest percentage composition, followed by the I A2 (the Altay region), II C5a (the Tacheng-Ili subregion), I A3 (the Tianshan region), II C6c (the Kashgar subregion). (3) From the perspective of the vegetation regionalization of Xinjiang, the Allium plant species in the vegetation provinces with the IB1, IIA2, IIA1, IIB3 make up most vegetation regionalization types in Xinjiang; the IIB1, IA1, IIB2 follow this; and with a relatively few occurrences in the vegetation province II B4, I C1. (4) Both horizontal distribution and vertical distribution of Allium Linnaeus in Xinjiang are differentiated. (5) The common Allium species in Xinjiang and the adjacent countries (especially in Kazakhstan and Russia) were significantly more than other neighbouring regions. Also, the number of the common Allium species presented a slight distinction. It indicated a higher similarity in the common Allium species among Kazakhstan, Russia, and Xinjiang of China, reflecting the distinctive connection, exchange, interrelation, and affinity with other neighboring floristic components. Henceforth, holistic, comprehensive, multidisciplinary, and sufficient research integrating with molecular phylogeny (phylofloristics), phylogenetic, evolutionary processes, history, and information (historical floristic phytogeography), phylogenetics, and molecular biogeography are proposed.

Key words: Allium Linnaeus, species biodiversity, flora, floristic characteristics, floristic affinity, Xinjiang of China