干旱区研究 ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (2): 541-550.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2022.02.21 cstr: 32277.14.AZR.20220221

• 植物与植物生理 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.安庆师范大学生命科学学院,皖西南生物多样性研究与生态保护安徽省重点实验室,安徽 安庆 246133
    2.中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所,荒漠与绿洲生态国家重点实验室,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830011
  • 收稿日期:2021-08-15 修回日期:2021-11-13 出版日期:2022-03-15 发布日期:2022-03-30
  • 作者简介:张媛媛(1998-),女,硕士研究生,主要从事植物群落多样性研究. E-mail: 3501327801@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Biomass allocation patterns of an ephemeral species (Erodium oxyrhinchum) in different habitats and germination types in the Gurbantunggut Desert, China

ZHANG Yuanyuan1,2(),MENG Huanhuan1,2,ZHOU Xiaobing2,YIN Benfeng2,ZHOU Duoqi1,TAO Ye2()   

  1. 1. Anhui Province Key Laboratory of the Biodiversity Study and Ecology Conservation in Southwest Anhui, College of Life Sciences, Anqing Normal University, Anqing 246133, Anhui, China
    2. State Key Laboratory of Desert and Oasis Ecology, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, Xinjiang, China
  • Received:2021-08-15 Revised:2021-11-13 Published:2022-03-15 Online:2022-03-30


短命植物是荒漠生态系统重要的植物类群,其具有多样化的生境,且很多种类还具有异时萌发特性。植物生物量积累和分配能体现其对环境的响应与适应性特征,因此,研究不同环境条件下短命植物生物量分配格局有助于进一步了解短命植物的生存策略。以裸沙春萌(Bare Sand-Spring Germination,BS)、藻结皮春萌(Algal-Spring Germination,AS)、地衣结皮春萌(Lichen-Spring Germination,LS)3种自然结皮生境中萌发的尖喙牻牛儿苗春萌株及裸沙区夏季萌发(Summer Germination in Bare Sand,SG)的尖喙牻牛儿苗夏萌株为研究对象,采用全株挖掘法获取地上和地下生物量,系统对比分析了4个类型间植株生物量分配及异速生长关系的差异性,以探究其资源分配策略的变异性和保守型。结果表明:(1) 尖喙牻牛儿苗单株地上、地下及总生物量总体表现为BS>AS>LS=SG的格局,其根冠比则呈SG=LS=AS>BS的特征。(2) BS和SG类型植株地上与地下生物量间为等速生长关系,而AS和LS生境为异速生长关系,但4个类型具有共同的异速生长指数(0.8843)。(3) AS和LS生境尖喙牻牛儿苗根冠比随个体增大均呈异速减小趋势,而BS和SG类型植株根冠比则保持相对恒定。可见,尖喙牻牛儿苗生物量分配会受到外界环境及个体发育的影响,并呈现明显的可塑性,在一定程度上反映了其资源分配的保守性与可塑性的权衡。

关键词: 短命植物, 尖喙牻牛儿苗, 生物量分配, 异速生长, 生物结皮, 夏萌株


Ephemeral plants are an important plant group in desert ecosystems; they have diverse habitats, and many species also have isochronous germination characteristics. The accumulation and distribution of plant biomass can reflect its response and adaptability to the environment; therefore, studying the biomass allocation pattern of ephemeral plants under different environmental conditions is helpful to further understand the survival strategies of these plants. This study investigated Erodium oxyrhinchum samples germinated in the summer in bare sand and in the spring in three natural habitats (i.e., bare sand, algal crust, and lichen crust). The aboveground and underground biomass were obtained by the whole-plant excavation method. Differences in the plant biomass distribution and allometric growth among the four types [i.e., Bare Sand-Spring Germination (BS), Algal-Spring Germination (AS), Lichen-Spring Germination (LS), Summer Germination in Bare Sand (SG)] were systematically compared and analyzed to explore the variability and conservatism of their resource allocation strategy. The aboveground, underground, and total biomass of individual plants was highest for BS, followed by AS, then followed by LS and SG, who were equal. The root to shoot ratio (R/S) of SG was similar to that of LS and AS, all of which were higher than BS. The aboveground and underground biomass of BS and SG plants both showed an isometric relationship, whereas that of AS and LS represented allometric relationships; nonetheless, a common allometric scaling exponent (0.8843) existed in all four types. The R/S for AS and LS decreased allometrically as individual plant size increased, while the R/S for BS and SG remained relatively constant. In short, the biomass allocation of Erodium oxyrhinchum may be affected by the external environment and individual development, and showed obvious plasticity, which reflected a trade-off between the conservatism and plasticity of resource allocation.

Key words: ephemeral plants, Erodium oxyrhinchum, biomass allocation, allometry, biological soil crust, summer sprout