干旱区研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (1): 182-187.

• 生态与环境 • 上一篇    


王江丽, 赖先齐, 帕尼古丽•阿汗别克 , 李鲁华   

  1. 石河子大学,新疆 石河子 832003
  • 收稿日期:2012-03-06 修回日期:2012-07-20 出版日期:2013-01-15 发布日期:2013-01-16
  • 作者简介:王江丽(1978-),女,博士,主要从事绿洲农业可持续发展理论与实践研究.E-mail: wjl200207@163.com
  • 基金资助:


Comparison Oasis Agriculture in Central Asia and Xinjiang

 WANG  Jiang-Li, LAI  Xian-Qi, PA  Ni-Gu-Li-•A-Han-Bie-Ke- , LI  Lu-Hua   

  1. Shihezi University, Shihezi 832003, Xinjiang, China
  • Received:2012-03-06 Revised:2012-07-20 Published:2013-01-15 Online:2013-01-16

摘要: 基于实地考查和调研,应用“水热做图分析及干燥度法(KK′值)]综合研究体系”,对中亚与新疆绿洲农区的形成条件、水热配合、分布类型及其对绿洲农业的影响进行比较研究,初步将研究区分为2大类4小类,即山前冲-洪积扇及冲积平原绿洲农区和沙漠内河湖沿岸绿洲农区;4小类包括:① 中亚山前冲-洪积扇及冲积平原绿洲农区;② 新疆山前冲-洪积扇及冲积平原绿洲农区;③ 中亚沙漠内河湖沿岸绿洲农区;④ 新疆沙漠内河湖沿岸绿洲农区。不同类型绿洲农区的气候资源、土地资源以及环境和社会资源等的差异,给绿洲农业带来多方面的影响,突出表现在:① 灌溉模式。在加强水利建设、实施合理灌溉的基础上,中亚山前冲-洪积扇及冲积平原绿洲农区应充分利用雨季降水,实施节水灌溉;而新疆山前冲-洪积扇及冲积平原绿洲农区、中亚与新疆沙漠内河湖沿岸绿洲农区则更需强调节水灌溉。② 棉花生产。沙漠内河湖沿岸绿洲农区适合植棉;山前冲-洪积扇及冲积平原绿洲农区气温较高,也适合植棉,但需要配套的栽培技术,海拔较高、纬度偏北区域则不能植棉。

关键词: 绿洲农业, 气候, 干燥度, 棉花, 新疆, 中亚

Abstract: Based on the field investigation and research, a comparative study on oasis forming conditions, coordination of water and heat, distribution patterns and affecting factors of oasis agriculture in Central Asia and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region was carried using the comprehensive research system of graphic analysis related to precipitation, temperature and unscrambled dryness (K and K′value). The results showed that the study area could be divided into four types. The first type was the oasis agricultural area in alluvialproluvial fan and alluvial plain in piedmont in Central Asia; the second one was the oasis agricultural area in alluvialproluvial fan and alluvial plain in piedmont in Xinjiang; the third one was the oasis agricultural area along the banks of rivers and lakes in deserts in Central Asia; and the last one was the oasis agricultural area along the banks of rivers and lakes in deserts in Xinjiang. It was found that the different types of oasis agricultural area affected the oasis agriculture mainly in two aspects. One was irrigation mode. Based on strengthening the water conservancy construction and implementing the rational irrigation in alluvialproluvial fan in piedmont, rainfall in rainy season should be fully used, and watersaving irrigation should be carried out in the oasis agricultural area in alluvialproluvial fan and alluvial plain in piedmont. Moreover, watersaving irrigation was more important in the oasis agricultural area along the banks of rivers and lakes in deserts of Central Asia and Xinjiang. The other aspect was cotton planting. The oasis agricultural area along the banks of rivers and lakes in desert was very suitable to plant cotton, the oasis agricultural areas in alluvialproluvial fan and alluvial plain in piedmont were also suitable to grow cotton because of high temperature, and the rational cultivation techniques were needed. It, however, was not suitable to grow cotton in the regions with high altitude and high latitude.

Key words: oasis agriculture, climate, dryness, cotton, Xinjiang, Central Asia