干旱区研究 ›› 2025, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (1): 84-96.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2025.01.08 cstr: 32277.14.AZR.20250108

• 水土资源 • 上一篇    下一篇


李双媛1,2,3,4(), 徐柱5, 王玉刚2,3,4(), 孙金金2,3,6   

  1. 1.自然资源要素耦合过程与效应重点实验室,北京 100055
    2.中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所,干旱区生态安全与可持续发展重点实验室,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830011
    3.中国科学院大学,北京 100049
    4.中国科学院阜康荒漠生态系统国家站,新疆 阜康 831505
    5.新疆天池管理委员会博格达生态环境监测站,新疆 阜康 831500
    6.自然资源部塔里木河流域下游水资源与生态效应野外科学观测研究站,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830057
  • 收稿日期:2024-08-09 修回日期:2024-11-09 出版日期:2025-01-15 发布日期:2025-01-17
  • 通讯作者: 王玉刚. E-mail: wangyg@ms.xjb.ac.cn
  • 作者简介:李双媛(2000-),女,硕士研究生,研究方向为景观尺度土地资源. E-mail: lsy000615@126.com
  • 基金资助:

Construction of a refined classification system and survey depth of underground for natural resource ground substrates in arid zones

LI Shuangyuan1,2,3,4(), XU Zhu5, WANG Yugang2,3,4(), SUN Jinjin2,3,6   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Coupling Process and Effect of Natural Resources Elements, Beijing 100055, China
    2. Key Laboratory of Ecological Safety and Sustainable Development in Arid Land; Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, Xinjiang, China
    3. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
    4. Fukang Station of Desert Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fukang 831505, Xinjiang, China
    5. Bogda Eco-environmental Station in Tianchi Management Committee, Fukang 831500, Xinjiang, China
    6. Field Observation and Research Station of Water Resources and Ecological Effect in Lower Reaches of Tarim River Basin, Urumqi 830057, Xinjiang, China
  • Received:2024-08-09 Revised:2024-11-09 Published:2025-01-15 Online:2025-01-17


地表基质分类是开展地表基质调查监测的基础,同时也是揭示地表基质与地表覆盖层的协同耦合关系的关键,有助于从地表覆被和地下空间要素两个层次认识地表基质与生态环境的作用机制。本研究以干旱区典型的内陆河流域——新疆三工河流域为靶区,依据干旱区山地-绿洲-荒漠景观异质性分布特征,在地表基质的分布区域、海拔范围及主要地表覆被的基础上,构建了一套地表基质三级分类分区体系。整体划分为4个地表基质一级类、17个二级类及28个三级类。根据土壤理化性质及植被根系分布特征,地表基质调查深度在南部山区以50 cm;中部平原区以3 m;北部沙漠区小于10 m为宜。此外,基于垂直带生态系统NPP的分异性特征,验证了分类体系的合理性,体现了地表基质层孕育支撑土地覆被的作用关系。研究成果为未来干旱区自然资源调查监测和科学管理决策提供理论与技术支撑。

关键词: 地表基质, 地表基质分类, 调查深度, 干旱区, 三工河流域


The classification of the ground substrate is a fundamental basis for conducting ground substrate surveys and monitoring. It reveals the synergistic coupling relationship between the ground substrate and the surface cover layer, which aids in understanding the mechanisms of interaction between the ground substrate and the ecological environment from both the surface cover and subsurface spatial elements. This study targeted the Sangong River Basin in Xinjiang, a typical inland river basin in an arid region. Based on the heterogenous distribution of the mountain-oasis-desert landscape in arid regions, a three-tier classification and zoning system for ground substrates was developed, considering the distribution area, elevation range, and main surface cover of the surface substrates. The overall classification was divided into four primary categories, 17 secondary categories, and 28 tertiary categories. Considering the physical and chemical properties of the soil and the distribution characteristics of vegetation root systems, the suitable survey depth for ground substrates in the southern mountainous area was 50 cm; in the central plain area, it was 3 m; and in the northern desert area, it was less than 10 m. Additionally, based on the differentiation characteristics of Net Primary Productivity in vertical zonal ecosystems, the rationality of the classification system was validated, reflecting the role of ground substrate layers in nurturing and supporting land cover. These results provide theoretical and technical support for future natural resource surveys, monitoring, and scientific management decisions in arid regions.

Key words: ground substrate, classification of ground substrate, survey depth of underground, arid area, Sangong River Basin