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    15 January 2012, Volume 29 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Analysis on Quasiperiodic Characteristics of Precipitation in Recent 50 Years and Trend in Next 20 Years in China
    WANG Cheng-hai,LI Jian,LI Xiao-lan,XU Xiao-guang
    2012, 29 (1):  1-10. 
    Abstract ( 2821 )   PDF (5650KB) ( 1740 )  
    In this paper, the periodic characteristics of annual precipitation in 8 climate regions in recent about 50 years from 1961 to 2006 were analyzed, and the annual precipitation in next 20 years from 2006 to 2026 was predicted. The results show that, at annual scale, there was a periodicity of the change of annual precipitation in most of the 8 climate regions, the highfrequency change (3-4 years) was dominant, and its stability was high. In the past 50 years, annual precipitation was in a decrease trend in most of the 8 climate regions except that in arid and semiarid regions in west China. In next 20 years, annual precipitation will be in a slight decrease trend in most of the 8 climate regions except in a slight increase trend in arid and semiarid regions in west China.
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    Analysis on Characteristics and Formation Causes of Low Temperature in Inner Mongolia in Winter of 2009/2010
    CHEN Ting-zhi,GU Yue,YOU Li,DING Xiao-hua
    2012, 29 (1):  11-16. 
    Abstract ( 1572 )   PDF (1432KB) ( 1074 )  
    In this paper, the duration, range, intensity and influence of low temperature in Inner Mongolia in winter of 2009/2010 were analyzed. The formation causes of low temperature were also analyzed from the aspects of circulation over East Asia, cold air activity over Inner Mongolia, Arctic Oscillation and El Nino. The results show that Inner Mongolia suffered from the most serious low temperature which lasted for the longest period and affected the widest area in winter of 2009/2010 since 1986. Heavy snowfall, strong wind and serious sandstorm occurred when temperature dropped strongly. The low temperature was caused by the stronger Siberian High at surface, stronger northerly flow at 850 hPa over north Inner Mongolia, lower geopotential height at 500 hPa over Inner Mongolia, westward and stronger East Asian Trough at 500 hPa, and more frequent activity of strong cold air current than those in normal years. A statistic result shows that there was a significant positive correlation between Arctic Oscillation Index in winter and winter temperature in Inner Mongolia. A composite analysis reveals that the low temperature occurred in most area of Inner Mongolia in El Nino winter, and this conclusion was different from the achievements in previous studies.
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    Analysis on Differences of Perceptions and Adaptation Measure Choices about Climate Change in the Aksu River Basin
    DENG Mao-zhi,WANG Ying-wei,MAO Wei-yi,LIU Shou-dong
    2012, 29 (1):  17-26. 
    Abstract ( 2168 )   PDF (2152KB) ( 1107 )  
    In this paper, the public perceptions on climate change and the choices of measures for adapting climate change were analyzed based on the questionnaires in the Aksu River Basin, and the differences of the perceptions and the choices of the measures for adapting such situation are compared. The conclusions are as follows: (1) Most respondents living in the Aksu River Basin consider that local climate has changed since the 1980s, and the difference about climate change perception from the respondents in different living areas is obvious. (2) From the viewpoints of most respondents in the Aksu River Basin, “the glacier melting rate is higher”,“the natural disasters are in an increase trend”, and “the crop sowing time becomes earlier” compared with those before, and the difference of perception on these aspects are unobvious. The judgment of local residents about the question of the “change of river water quantity” is vague, and the perception of the local residents is quite different from different regions. (3) The selfadjusting measures of agricultural system, infrastructure constructing measures and watersaving measures in farming are much more acceptable than the measures for avoiding the disadvantages and drawing the advantages. (4) The measures taken for adapting climate change are different from different regions, the local residents in the middle reaches, unfarmers and people with middle and high education levels are more positive than others.
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    Analysis on the Change Trend of Temperature and Precipitation in Xi’an during the Period of 1961-2009
    ZHOU Zheng-chao, HU Na-na, ZHOU Hua
    2012, 29 (1):  27-34. 
    Abstract ( 2302 )   PDF (3109KB) ( 1434 )  
    Based on the average annual and monthly temperature and precipitation data observed in Xi’an during the period from 1961 to 2009, in this paper climate change in Xi’an in recent 49 years was analyzed. The conclusions are as follows: annual temperature was increased with an increase rate of 0.3 ℃/10 a; the change of seasonal temperature was different: the seasonal temperature was increased with increase rates of 0.54 ℃/10 a, 0.42 ℃/10 a and 0.23 ℃/10 a in spring, winter and autumn respectively. Monthly temperature in January was also increased with an increase rate of 0.23 ℃/10 a, and that in July was significantly increased since the 1980s. Annual precipitation was in a decrease trend; seasonal precipitation was significantly decreased in spring and autumn, it was decreased with a decrease rate of 14.8 mm/10 a in spring, but it was significantly increased with an increase rate of 21.8 mm/10 a in summer, and it was slightly increased in winter; precipitation in flood season was also increased significantly in the 1980s and during the period from 2001 to 2009. There was a good correlation between seasonal temperature and precipitation in spring, summer and autumn, but the correlations between annual temperature and precipitation and between seasonal temperature and precipitation in winter were not significant.
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    Analysis on Variation of Precipitation in Flood Season in North Xinjiang
    ZHAO Yong,HUANG Dan-qing,YANG Qing
    2012, 29 (1):  35-40. 
    Abstract ( 1838 )   PDF (2799KB) ( 1170 )  
    It was pointed out by IPCC’s fourth assessment report in 2007 that precipitation in many regions between 30° N and 80° N was in an obvious increase trend. With global warming, the extreme climate events occurred frequently in recent 20 years. Xinjiang is famous by its arid and semiarid regions, and precipitation occurs mainly in rainy season. Many research achievements showed that it had become warmer and wetter since 1987, but it needs to be further studied. In this paper, the variation of precipitation in flood season was analyzed based on the daily precipitation data from 43 meteorological stations in north Xinjiang during the period of 1961-2007. The results showed that the occurring days and intensity of slight, moderate and heavy precipitation in north Xinjiang were all in an increase trend, especially that of heavy precipitation after 2000. The analyzed results indicated that the total precipitation in flood season in north Xinjiang increased during the rainy period (1987-2007) compared with that during the dry period (1961-1986), and the precipitation increase was mainly caused by the increase of slight and moderate precipitation in northwest Xinjiang, but by heavy precipitation in the Tianshan Mountain and its northern piedmont as well as the Yili Valley. The long dry events were in a decreasing trend, especially in recent 10 years, but the long rainy ones were in an increasing trend.
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    Analysis on Distribution and Variation of Drought in Hebei Province
    ZHANG Jin-long,LIU Xue-feng,YU Chang-wen
    2012, 29 (1):  41-46. 
    Abstract ( 1952 )   PDF (2440KB) ( 1202 )  
    In this paper, the daily drought indexes in Hebei Province during the period of 1970-2009 were calculated using the compound drought index(Ci) based on the daily precipitation and air temperature data from 72 meteorological stations in the province. Ci was used to monitor and recognize the drought processes occurred in Hebei Province, and the spatiotemporal variation of climate drought was analyzed. The results are as follows: (1) Drought occurred everywhere in Hebei Province in recent 40 years, especially in the central-southern part; (2) Drought frequency was the highest in April and May in all the regions of the province, and autumn drought also occurred frequently; (3) In the mass, there was no obvious increasing or decreasing trend of both annual and seasonal drought days in recent 40 years; (4) Seasonally, drought days were in an obvious decrease trend in spring, an increase trend in summer and autumn, and a slight variation in winter.
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    Temperature Change Recorded by Tree Ring in Jiuquan during the Period from June to September in Recent 240 Years
    CHEN Feng, YUAN Yu-jiang,WEI Wen-shou,FAN Zi-ang,YU Shu-long,ZHANG Rui-bo,ZHANG Tong-wen,SHANG Hua-ming
    2012, 29 (1):  47-54. 
    Abstract ( 1597 )   PDF (2017KB) ( 963 )  
    Some tree-ring samples were collected with increment borers (5 mm and 15 mm) from 4 sites to study the historical temperature variation in the Qilian Mountains, China. Six different tree-ring parameters (earlywood width, latewood width, maximum latewood density, minimum earlywood density, mean earlywood density and mean latewood density) were obtained from Picea crassifolia tree-ring samples from the west Qilian Mountains. The relationships between different tree-ring parameters and temperature were analyzed in this paper. It was found that there was a closest relationship between summer temperature (from June to September) and tree growth. The correlation analysis revealed that there was a significant relationship between precipitation and earlywood width during the period from June to July. The maximum density and average latewood density were not sensitive to climate change. This study demonstrated that the climatic information can be increased and the paleoclimate reconstruction can be improved by using both the tree ring width and tree ring density data. The results also indicated that it is important to understand the physiological properties of tree species and the local climatic conditions in reconstructing paleoclimate. The latewood width (LWW) and the earlywood width (EWW) were used to reconstruct the mean maximum temperature in Jiuquan from June to September during the period AD 1768-2007, and it can be used to explain the 46.6% of the total temperature variance. The estimated temperature revealed that there were 5 warm periods (1786-1836, 1851-1885,  1924-1933, 1959-1967 and 1988-2007) and 5 cold periods (1768-1785, 1837-1850, 1886-1923, 1934-1958 and 1968-1987), 1893 (25.47 ℃) and 1961 (27.47 ℃) were the most extreme years, and the 1810s and 1890s were the most extreme decades. The estimated temperature values in northwest China were compared with the historical data. Climate warning during the period of 1988-2007 was a negative impact to tree radial growth. The multitaper method (MTM) spectral analysis indicated that there were some interannual cycles for 36.6, 11.3, 6.1, 4.8, 3.4, 3.0, 2.6 and 2.4 years in Jiuquan. Wavelet analysis indicated that there were the 20-40-year climatic cycles in the 20th century. The abrupt change of temperature occurred in 1804, 1824, 1852, 1886, 1906, 1934, 1971 and 1985 respectively.
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    Application of Monte-carlo and NNBR Combination in Predicting Annual Precipitation
    QU Wu, LU Wen-Xi, WANG Xi-Hua, CHEN Ji-Hong
    2012, 29 (1):  55-58. 
    Abstract ( 1694 )   PDF (777KB) ( 928 )  
    In this paper, the Monte-carlo method and the Nearest Neighbor Bootstrap Regressive model was combined to predict annual precipitation in Inner Mongolia based on the 40-year meteorological data observed by Wuyuan Meteorological Station in the study area. The results predicted with the Monte-carlo method can reflect well the randomicity and regularity of precipitation in the study area, but the order of precipitation series cannot be reflected exactly, and there may be a misunderstanding about the predicted series of precipitation. In this paper, the Monte-carlo prediction series was used to resort the predicted series based on the most similar theory, ]thus the statistical regularity and similarity of precipitation series can be reflected by the predicted series, and the randomicity of individual precipitation series can also be reflected. The test verified that the model is quite rational and applicable.
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    Analysis on the Change of NDVI in the Guanzhong Region, Shaanxi Province
    2012, 29 (1):  59-63. 
    Abstract ( 1834 )   PDF (1738KB) ( 1021 )  
    Based on remote sensing images, digital elevation model (DEM) and other information of the Guanzhong region, in this paper the spatiotemporal change of NDVI at different scales (such as the grid units, terrain units, slope units and administrative units) in the Guanzhong region during the period from 1986 to 2007 was analyzed using the theory of geographic information images and RS and GIS means. The results show that the NDVI in the Guanzhong region was increased by 20.91% during the period of 1986-2007, and its increase rate was about 2.31 times of that during the period of 1986-2000. The NDVI in all the geomorphologic units was increased in an order of loess tableland > loess ridge > mountain > plain > loess plateau. The NDVI in all the slope zones was also increased, and its increase rate was increased with the increase of slope. The increase rate of NDVI in all the prefectures and cities was in an order of Weinan City > Tongchuan City > Baoji City > Xi’an City > Xianyang City. The spatiotemporal change of NDVI in the Guanzhong region was caused by land use/cover change, and the improvement of vegetation coverage in the study area was brought about by implementing the project of returning land for farming to forest and grassplot.
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    Species Composition and Windproof Effect of Natural Vegetation at an Oasisdesert Ecotone in Early Spring
    XU Man-hou,LIU Tong
    2012, 29 (1):  64-72. 
    Abstract ( 1697 )   PDF (1749KB) ( 1202 )  
    The structure and function of natural vegetation in special habitat of transition zone is different, so an oasis-desert ecotone in southern marginal zone of the Junggar Basin in Xinjiang was selected as our study area. The species composition and distribution of natural vegetation and its windproof effect in this area in early spring were studied. The results are as follows: (1) After analyzing the species composition and distribution of natural vegetation in all the sample plots, it was found that the natural vegetation in the ecotone is dominated by shrubs no matter from the species number or coverage, and Haloxylon ammodendron acts as its construction species. In addition, the indexes of species richness, species diversity and species evenness are quite different from the different regions. (2) After carrying out the linear correlation analysis among the average height and coverage of natural vegetation and its relief amplitude and average wind speed at two heights (0.5 m and 1.5 m) from the ground, it was found that there is only an extremely significant correlation between relief amplitude and average wind speed at two heights, and the average wind speed at two heights is decreased with the increase of average height and coverage of natural vegetation. (3) Based on the Wasson and Nanninga’s first modeling idea, a mathematical model between natural vegetation coverage and relative wind speed was developed using Matlab software, it was found that there is a negative exponential function between them. It was predicted that the windproof effect of natural vegetation can be up to 60% when the coverage of effective vegetation higher than 0.5 m reaches 23.16%; The windproof effect of natural vegetation can reach 50% when the coverage of effective vegetation higher than 1.5 m is 36.33%.
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    A Preliminary Report about Vegetation Investigated along the China-Pakistan Karakoram Highway
    ZENG Ya-juan,HAI Ying,CHEN Ji-ding,WANG Yun,YE Cheng-yin,PANG Ming,TAO Shuang-cheng,WANG Meng-meng
    2012, 29 (1):  73-80. 
    Abstract ( 1946 )   PDF (1046KB) ( 1050 )  
    This paper reports the preliminary results of vegetation surveyed along the China-Pakistan Karakoram Highway. A field vegetation investigation was carried out in 74 sample plots along the selected and randomly-selected 14 typical sample lines in September 2009 and September 2010. Length of the sample lines was designed for about 200 m based on the local topographical conditions, the plot size for grasslands was 1 m×1 m or 5 m×5 m, and that for shrubberies was 5 m×5 m or 10 m×10 m, respectively. In the paper, the vegetation types along the highway were determined using the PhytocoenologyEcology principles, and the properties and distribution of each vegetation type were described in detail. The results show that vegetation along the highway can be classified into 5 types, 11 subtypes and 19 formations. Among these vegetation types, desert vegetation is distributed most widely, distribution of grassland vegetation is the lowest, and mountain deciduous broadleaf forest is the smallest vegetation type in this area. Vertical vegetation belts are very clear. According to the elevation, vegetation there can be divided into mountain desert belt (below 4 000 m a. s. l.), alpine Hungriness belt (4 000-4 550 m), alpine steppe belt (4 550~4 650 m) and mountain meadow belt (above 4 650 m). The results of this study are significant for conserving and regenerating vegetation along the China-Pakistan Karakoram Highway.
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    Study on Spatial Distribution Pattern of Arbors and Diversity of Herbaceous Species in the Usytu Nature Reserve
    WANG Yong-sheng,LI Gang-tie,YUE Yong-jie,LI Qing-xue,ZOU Shou-yi
    2012, 29 (1):  81-85. 
    Abstract ( 2149 )   PDF (614KB) ( 983 )  
    In this paper, the spatial distribution pattern of arbors in 5 plots in the Usytu Nature Reserve was studied using the method of point pattern analysis. The results showed that the contagious distribution was the main spatial distribution pattern in the study area. A significant cluster distribution occurred in plot a and e under all the spatial scales; a random distribution occurred in plot b and d under small scale (r<8 m), but a cluster distribution occurred under large scale; a random distribution occurred in plot c under all scales. Diversity of herbaceous species under forest was analyzed using six different diversity indexes, the results revealed that there was a significant correlation between the diversity of herbaceous species and the spatial distribution pattern of arbors, that is the diversity of herbaceous species in the plots where a cluster distribution of arbors occurred was higher than that in the plots where a random distribution of arbors occurred.
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    Study on Eco-geographical Characteristics of Lichens in Bayi Forest Center in South Mountain of Urumqi, Xinjiang, China
    Mamat Sattar,Mayira Muhamat,Abdulla Abbas,Anwar Tumur
    2012, 29 (1):  86-92. 
    Abstract ( 2833 )   PDF (712KB) ( 1284 )  
    The earliest lichen records from the Xinjiang were given by Elenkin in 1901. In the last decades, many studies on lichen floras in Xinjiang were increased significantly, and about 6 000 specimens were collected from 40 sites in the Altay, Tianshan, and Kunlun mountains. About 400 species in 100 genera and more than 30 families have been identified. Although the lichen floras in the northern phytogeographical region of Xinjiang have attracted more attention than those in other regions of Xinjiang, some additional research is needed in this area. It is necessary to study the lichen flora characteristics in small areas (such as Bayi Forest Center in the South Mountain of Urumqi). In this study, the composition and eco-geographical characteristics of lichen species in Bayi Forest Center, Urumqi, Xinjiang were preliminarily studied according to field investigation and literatures. The color test (CT), microcrystal test (MCT) and thin layer chromatography (TLC) methods were used to classify the lichen species. The results show that there are 114 species (including 9 varieties and 9 forms) in 51 genera of 23 families. The family, genus and species numbers are relatively abundant in the study area. There are seven major families which have more than 4 species, accounting for 68.42% of the species and 50.98% of the genera of the total taxa in this area. The species composition is complex, 12 types of lichen flora in this region are identified, among them Eurasian-North American element (39.47%), North Hemisphere element (13.16%), Chinese endemic element (12.28%) and cosmopolitan element (10.58%) are predominant. In order to assess the lichen floristic diversity in this area, the lichens floristic data were collected from different references, the lichen flora diversity in more than 10 different areas was compared, and the results show that the lichen diversity in Bayi Forest Center is higher than that in other areas.
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    Allocation and Estimation of Organ Biomass of Eremurus inderiensis, an Ephemeroid Plant
    TAO Ye1, 2,〓 ZHANG Yuanming1, 〓ZHOU Xiaobing1, 2,〓 CHENG Junhui2, 3
    2012, 29 (1):  93-100. 
    Abstract ( 1848 )   PDF (943KB) ( 972 )  
    Eremurus inderiensis is a unique ephemeroid species in the Gurbantunggut Desert in China. In this paper, the aboveground biological characteristics, biomass allocation and biomass estimation were studied using the wholeplant excavation. The results show that there were the significant positive correlations between the aboveground morphological indicators and organ biomasses of E. inderiensis, showing an evidently collaborative growth relationship. The mean belowground biomass of E. inderiensis was (12.00±5.85) g per individual, which occupied 58.23%±6.07% of the total biomass; while the mean aboveground biomass was (9.15±5.75) g per individual, 41.77%±6.07% of the total biomass, and the root-shoot ratio (R/S) was 1.44 ± 0.34. The root (51.61%±5.93% of the total biomass) occupied the most of the total biomass, the next two were sexual reproduction organ (25.14%±5.02%) and photosynthetic organ (16.63%±3.75%), and this allocation pattern reflected the life-form characters of ephemeroid plant. The R/S and the aboveground morphological indicators were negatively correlated. The allometric analysis between leaf biomass, inflorescence biomass, above- and belowground biomass revealed that there were the isometric relationships only between leaves and aboveground biomass and between leaves and inflorescence biomass, but the allometric ones between others. Based on D and HD2, the accuracy of above and belowground biomasses and total biomass estimated with the direct estimation models was high, and that of belowground biomass estimated with the direct and indirect (based on allometric relationship) estimation models was also high.  
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    Comparative Study on the Stem-sap Flow Flux of Holoxylon ammodendronin Southern Marginal Zone of the Junggar Basin
    LI Miao-ling,ZHOU Hong-fei,SUN Peng-fei
    2012, 29 (1):  101-108. 
    Abstract ( 1723 )   PDF (2911KB) ( 970 )  
    The trunk sap flow and soil moisture content of artificiallyplanted and natural Holoxylon ammodendron growing in the southern marginal zone of the Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, China were measured with the SF-300 heatpulse technique, and the data were analyzed and compared. An optimum regression equation between trunk sap flow velocity of artificially-planted Holoxylon ammodendron and meteorological factors was developed. The results show that the curve of daily cumulative trunk sap flow flux of artificially-planted Holoxylon ammodendron was S-shaped, and the correlation between daily cumulative trunk sap flow flux and soil moisture content was very remarkable; the curves of daily change of trunk sap flow velocity were mostly bimodal, the change of circadian rhythm was obvious, and the time lag to air temperature was for about one hour; water consumption of natural Holoxylon ammodendron was relatively stable, the curve of daily cumulative trunk sap flow flux of natural Holoxylon ammodendron was approximatively beelineshaped, there was no correlation with soil moisture content, and the curves of daily change of trunk sap flow velocity were mostly in a multipeak shape without obvious daily process. The average value of trunk sap flow flux of artificially-planted Holoxylon ammodendron was 0.240 L/(cm2.d) during the observation period, it was 1.5 times of that of natural Holoxylon ammodendron After rainfall, the peak value of sap flow velocity of artificiallyplanted and natural Holoxylon ammodendron was moved up for 3 hours and 30 minutes respectively compared with that before rainfall.
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    Response of Phenological Change of Woody Plants to Climate Change in the East Hexi Corridor
    2012, 29 (1):  109-114. 
    Abstract ( 1872 )   PDF (756KB) ( 1175 )  
    In this paper, the phenological change of woody plants (Salix mantsudana and Sophora japonica)in the east Hexi Corridor during the period from 1980 to 2004 was analyzed after carrying out the step regression and variance analysis using the expansion correlation and SPSS software. The effects of meteorological factors on phenological change and their correlations were investigated. The correlations between phenologcal stages and temperature, precipitation and sunshine were significant. The results are as follows: (1) The phenological change trends were that bud opening and leaf expansion stages became earlier, the linear trend rate varied in a range of -0.110 8--0.356 2; the stages of bloom, leafcolor change and defoliation were postponed, and the linear trend rate varied in a range of 0.479 2-0.710 8; (2) The analyzed results of phenological plastochrones revealed that the greenleaf stage, growth stage, dry matter cumulative stage and autumn growth stage of woody plants were prolonged for 1.046-7.738 d/10 a, 0.877-8.454 d/10 a, 4.392-7.738 d/10 a and 0.477-3.015 d/10 a respectively; (3) There was the negative correlations between the phenological stages of woody plants and spring temperate, the phenological stages became earlier when spring temperate was increased; there was a positive correlation between the phenological stages and autumn temperature, the phenological stages were postponed when autumn temperate was increased. There was a significant positive correlation between precipitation and bloom and defoliation. But the correlation between sunshine and biological properties was different from different growth stage. The effects of environmental factors and biological mechanism were coupling. Change of phenological stages of woody plants brought a series of chain reactions in local ecological environment.
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    Prospect of Development and Utilization of Toxic Plant Resources and Their Botanical Pesticides in Xinjiang
    HE Hai, LIU Xiao-ning
    2012, 29 (1):  115-121. 
    Abstract ( 2214 )   PDF (891KB) ( 1404 )  
    Many cash crops, such as cotton, melons and fruits, are planted in large areas in Xinjiang. However, these cash crops are often affected by plant diseases and insect pests. The cost of controlling insect pests with traditional insecticides is high, and insecticides are harmful for people, animals and environment. Control of insect pests with extractives of toxic plants is cheap and can reduce environment pollution. Botanical pesticides are a kind of pesticides by taking some parts of plants or their extractives. There are many species of toxic plants in Xinjiang. In this paper, the resources of toxic plants growing in Xinjiang are introduced, the present application of the toxic plants as pesticides and the existing problems in developing botanical pesticides are discussed, and the prospect of developing botanical pesticides is prospected.
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    Study on Land Ecological Risk in Oasis City Based on LUCC—A Case Study in the Ganzhou District
    WU Wenjie, SHI Pei-ji,HU Wei
    2012, 29 (1):  122-128. 
    Abstract ( 1553 )   PDF (1205KB) ( 1738 )  
    LUCC affects the safety and health level of ecosystem by changing land ecosystem structure and functions. Based on the data of land use change in the Ganzhou district during the period from 2001 to 2008, in this paper an ecological risk assessment of land use was developed, and a comprehensive evaluation on ecological benefit risk of LUCC and social effect was carried out based on Markov probability transition matrix. Moreover, a spatial quantitative analysis on the ecological risk of land use/cover change in 2008 was carried out so as to provide a reference to achieve a coordinated development between ecological environment and socialeconomic construction. The results are as follows: (1) The ecological risk of land use/cover change in the Ganzhou district occurred mainly in cultivated land and unused land, and its proportion was as high as 87.32% in 2008. (2) A complex conversion of land use types occurred during the study period. Ecological risk was extremely high in the ecotone. (3) Increase of land use degree index reflected the increasing extent and deepness of land use in the Ganzhou district. (4) Composite risk index of land use was increased to some extent during the period from 2001 to 2008, and the regional potential ecological risk will be affected by human activities to some extent.
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    Research on Land Use/cover Change and Urban Expansion in Xining City in Recent 30 Years
    FENG Shi-chao,GAO Xiao-hong,KANG Jian,WU Guo-liang,ZOU Chan,YANG Jun-jun
    2012, 29 (1):  129-136. 
    Abstract ( 1755 )   PDF (1718KB) ( 997 )  
    In this paper, the land use/cover change in Xining City and urban expansion as well as their driving mechanisms were analyzed using the dynamic degree, transition matrix and urban expansion intensity index based on the data of Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+ satellite remote sensing images, topographical maps, population, society and economy. The results show that cultivated land and forestland were dominant in land use types in Xining City during the period from 1977 to 2007, and the annual change rates of forestland and land for constructing urban and rural residential areas were the highest in all land use types. In recent 30 years from 1977 to 2007, the urban expansion of Xining City could be divided into two stages, i.e. the slow expansion stage during the period from 1977 to 2000 and the rapid expansion stage during the period from 2000 to 2007. The eastern, western and northern parts of the city were the main areas of urban expansion. Topographic factors were basic for urban expansion of Xining City, population growth and economic development were the main driving factors of land use/cover change and urban expansion, and policy factors play an important role in the promotion and guidance of land uses/cover change and urban expansion.
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    Study on Land Use Change and Ecological Risk in Xianyang City
    MENG Xiao,REN Zhi-yuan,ZHANG Chong
    2012, 29 (1):  137-142. 
    Abstract ( 1860 )   PDF (1978KB) ( 1106 )  
    In this paper, the LUCC in Xianyang City during the period from 1990 to 2007 was analyzed using the RS and GIS means and statistical analysis based on the remote sensing data of land use in the city in 1990 and 2007. On which the ecological risk caused by LUCC in the city was researched. The results are as follows: (1) Area of farmland and unused land was holistically reduced in recent 17 years, but that of woodland, grassland and land for construction was enlarged; (2) Ecological risk index was in an increase trend with land use change during the period from 1990 to 2007, and it was increased from 0.130 8 in 1990 to 0.131 9 in 2007. It is predicted that land fragmentation will become more serious with rapid economic development and urbanization, and the ecological risk in the city will be continuously increased in the future.
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    Study on Deposition Characteristics of Insoluble Microparticles and Mg2+ Concentration in Snow Cover and Their Correlation
    YOU Xiao-ni,LI Zhong-qin
    2012, 29 (1):  143-147. 
    Abstract ( 1830 )   PDF (859KB) ( 974 )  
    It is a part of the PGPI (Program for Processe Investigation) to study the relationship between insoluble microparticles and magnesium, and it was initiated at the Tianshan Glaciological Station in July 2002. In this paper, the vertical distribution and evolution process of insoluble microparticle and magnesium concentration along vertical profiles of snow pits as well as their seasonal variation were studied by weekly sampling from a snow pit (4 130 m a. s. l., in the percolation zone) on Glacier No.1 in the east Tianshan Mountains from September 2003 to September 2004. The analyzed results of insoluble microparticles and magnesium concentration reveal that their change trends were similar in both surface snow and along vertical snow profiles. [JP2]In winter, insoluble microparticles and magnesium concentrations in surface snow layer were altered slightly by sublimation and wind erosion. In early summer, as snow melting occurred in the upper part of snowfirn pack, snow meltwater carried microparticles and magnesium to different depths of the underlying snowfirn layers, all the surface elements might be leached out from the upper layers at the end of the ablation season. Correlation coefficient between concentration of insoluble microparticles and magnesium along vertical profiles of snow layer showed a significant negative correlation with temperature.
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    Effect of Oligotrophic Bacteria on Soil Environment in the Gurbantunggut Desert, Xinjiang, China
    QIU Dong,CHENG Zheng-ming, ZHANG Yuanming,WU Nan, MOU Shuyong, QI Xiaoling, PAN Hui-xia
    2012, 29 (1):  148-154. 
    Abstract ( 1673 )   PDF (1341KB) ( 1033 )  
    The oligotrophic bacteria isolated from the biotic crust in the Gurbantunggut Desert were made into solvent, and two spraying levels were set to compare the effects of oligotrophic bacteria on soil microorganisms, enzyme activities, soil nutrients and formation and regeneration of biotic soil crust. The results are as follows: (1) It could improve the numbers of bacteria, actinomycetes and oligotrophic bacteria at two soil layers (0-2 cm and 2-5 cm in depth) to spray the oligotrophic bacteria, and the numbers of bacteria and actinomycetes at 0-2 cm layer and of oligotrophic bacteria at 2-5 cm layer were more than that without spraying oligotrophic bacteria; (2) The effects of spraying the oligotrophic bacteria on soil nutrients were different, the contents of total P, total K, available N and available P were effectively improved, but the contents of soil organic matter and total N were decreased; (3) There were also the difference in the effects on soil enzyme activities, the catalase and polyphenol oxidase activities were increased, but the sucrase and alkaline phosphatase activities were reduced. The correlation analysis revealed that there was a significant positive correlation between oligotrophic bacteria and actinobacteria, and the correlations between oligotrophic bacteria and other factors were not so significant. Holistically, the original patterns of microorganisms and soil nutrients were changed by spraying the oligotrophic bacteria, and the oligotrophic bacteria were helpful to promote the existence and development of microorganisms and algae crust. Thus, the study results could open a new way for regenerating biotic soil crust and improving the conditions over sand land.  
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    Human Health Risk Related to Pollution Level of Lead in Dust around a Leadzinc Plant in Changqing Town, Baoji City
    REN Chun-hui,LU Xin-wei,WANG Li-jun,CHEN Can-can,YANG Guang,LI Nan,YANG Lin-na
    2012, 29 (1):  155-160. 
    Abstract ( 1611 )   PDF (964KB) ( 1015 )  
    The concentration of Pb in dust samples collected from surrounding environment of a lead-zinc plant in Changqing Town, Baoji City was measured by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, and the pollution index and human health risk assessment were used to assess the pollution of Pb in dust. The results show that the average concentration of Pb in dust was 2 631.13 mg/kg, it was higher than that reported in other references about urban street dust. The assessment results of lead pollution index show that the Pb pollution level in dust was different from different sites around the lead-zinc plant. Pollution of most samples was very serious. The human health risk assessment shows that contact was the main ingestion behavior. Both the exposure risk through contact ingestion and the total harmful index of children were higher than 1, which reveals that pollution of lead in dust is very harmful to children's health.
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    Effects of Nitrogenous Fertilizer Application on Biological Properties and Water Use Efficiency of Rice under Different Water Regimes
    PAN Sheng-gang,HUANG Sheng-qi,WANG Jin-ping,ZHAN Ming,CAI Ming-li, CAO Cou-gui,TANG Xiang-ru,GuoXi
    2012, 29 (1):  161-166. 
    Abstract ( 1664 )   PDF (1413KB) ( 1320 )  
    Effects of nitrogenous fertilizer management on the biological properties and water use efficiency of rice under different water regimes were studied using a rice cultivar in a field study. The cultivar was grown under traditional flooding irrigation (W1), wetting-drying alternative irrigation (W2) and bed-raised irrigation (W3) at four nitrogenous fertilizer application levels (0, 90, 180 and 270 kg/hm2, i.e. F0, F1, F2 and F3, respectively). Compare with W1, the MDA content in flag leaves at grain filling stage under W2 and W3 was decreased by 8.7% and 9.4%, rice yield was increased by 2.5% and 9.15, water consumption was decreased by 17.8% and 17.6%, and water use efficiency was increased by 25.0% and 32.5%, respectively. Under the same water regime, rice yield under F2 was significantly higher than that under other nitrogenous fertilizer application levels. Compared with the cultivation situation without applying nitrogenous fertilizer, root sap under F2 was increased by 28.4%, and the MDA content in flag leaves was decreased by 12.4%. Rice yield and water use efficiency under different treatments were also concerned.
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    Leaching through Spring Drip Irrigation under Film in Cotton Field
    LI Qiao,ZHOU Jin-long,LI Xian-wen,GUO Xiao-jing,ZHAO Yu-jie
    2012, 29 (1):  167-172. 
    Abstract ( 1462 )   PDF (810KB) ( 1168 )  
    Irrigation with brackish water is of great significance in plain irrigation districts in the Tarim Basin where it is in shortage of water resources. The most serious problem in brackish water irrigation is salt accumulation in soil. The focus is that whether it is necessary to leach salt in soil with winter irrigation or spring irrigation before sowing next year after brackish water irrigation is applied for one year. In this paper, the data of easily dissolvable salts in soil 0-60 cm in depth, monitored in 3 monitoring areas (S1, S2 and S3) before and after spring irrigation in Tarim Township, Yuli County, Xinjiang in 2010 were analyzed, and the indexes of salt tolerance of cotton plant at germination, seedling-budding, flowering-boll and boll-opening stages (7.1, 6.9, 8.2 and 9.2 g/kg respectively) were compared. The results show that soil in cotton field could be desalted to the soil salt content level of satisfying cotton seed germination and cotton plant growth by spring irrigation leaching once every other year in monitoring area S1 and S2 but every year in monitoring area S3. The soil desalting ratios of spring irrigation leaching in the 3 monitoring areas varied in ranges of 11.9%-84.2%, 20.7%-71.1% and 32.9%-78.8% respectively. These results reveal that the desalinization of spring irrigation leaching in these 3 monitoring areas was obvious.
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    Study on Soil Humidity and Its Affecting Factors on Northern Slope of the Tianshan Mountains in Snow Melting Season
    YANG Yu-guang,LIU Zhi-hui,QIAO Peng
    2012, 29 (1):  173-178. 
    Abstract ( 1615 )   PDF (1578KB) ( 1154 )  
    In this paper, soil humidity values were measured in the Juntang River Basin in northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains in 2009 and 2010 to study the change trend of soil humidity and compare soil humidity in snow melting season. The results show that the change trend of soil humidity was similar at soil depth from 0 cm to 40 cm in the study area, but its difference at soil depths of 20 cm and 30 cm was quite different. Correlation analysis was used to analyze the relationships between the soil humidity and the soil temperature at depth of 0-40 cm, air temperature at 2 m height and snow cover depth. The results reveal that soil humidity at different depths is jointly affected by air temperature, snow cover depth and soil temperature, but the main factor affecting soil humidity is difference from different soil layers. Moreover, the relationship between soil humidity and snow-melting flood peak in 2009 and 2010 was also analyzed, and the results revel that a flood may occur if the change of soil humidity below 20 cm was low, on the contrary, there was no flood if the change of soil humidity was high. The study results can be referred in the further study on developing snow melting runoff models and predicting snowmelting flood.
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    Anzina, a Lichen Genus New to China
    WANG Yu-liang,Adilijiang Abdulla,Abdulla Abbas
    2012, 29 (1):  179-181. 
    Abstract ( 1640 )   PDF (1271KB) ( 848 )  
    A lichen genus Anzina Scheid. and a species new to China collected from Mt. Dabie range in Anhui Province are reported. The specimen was examined and identified by light microscope (LM), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and  thin layer chromatography (TLC). The distribution range, chemical component, structure and identification character are also simply summarized.
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    New Records of Mallomonas (Chrysophyta) from Shanxi Province, China
    FENG Jia,XIE Shu-lian
    2012, 29 (1):  182-185. 
    Abstract ( 1969 )   PDF (448KB) ( 1038 )  
    The genus Mallomonas belongs to Synurales, Synurophyceae, Chrysophyta, it was created by Perty in 1852 and reported as one of the largest genera in Chrysophyta. Algae of the genus including solotary colored monads with the cells covered with silica scales were regularly arranged as imbricate or armor shape, or freely. Some scales bear bristles and some do not. They were considered as the most important taxonomic characters for species determination and species taxonomy. Because of their narrow ecological optimum, the species of  Mallomonas were considered as the valuable bioindicators of both recent and historical environments, especially in paleolimnology. Based on the study of specimens and literatures, 9 species of  Mallomonas  in Shanxi Province are reported in this paper for the first time, and they are M. caudata, M. oviformis, M. insignis, M. striata, M. areolata, M. elongata, M. tonsurata, M. costata and M. acaroides. These new records make the materials about algae in Shanxi Province be abundant.
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