›› 2011, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (6): 1020-1024.

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Analysis on Plant Species Composition and Structure in the Testudo horsfieldi Nature Reserve in Ili, Xinjiang

 JIA  Feng-Qin1, LI  Zi-Wei1, JIN  Xi-Tang2, ZHANG  Wei1   

    1.  College of Chemistry and Biological Science, Yili Normal University, Yining 835000, Xinjiang, China
    2. Bureau of Science and Technology, Huocheng 835200, Xinjiang, China
  • Received:2010-10-09 Revised:2011-03-02 Online:2011-11-15 Published:2012-01-16

Abstract: In this study, vegetation in 40 sample plots in the Testudo horsfieldi Nature Reserve, Ili, Xinjiang was investigated in April and September 2009. The results reveal that there were 65 plant species in 56 genera and 22 families in the nature reserve. In which the proportion of Brassicaceae species was the highest and for 16.9%, than that of Compositae species and for 15.4%, and the proportions of Leguminosae and Chenopodiaceae species were all 10.8%. There were 5 plant growth forms, 4 root growth forms, 5 life forms and 3 water ecological forms in the nature reserve, and there were also 4 food forms of T. horsfieldi. In the plant growth form spectrum, the proportion of erect species was the highest and for 52.3%, the proportions of branch species and the tuft species were 24.6% and 9.2% respectively. In the root growth form spectrum, the proportion of taproot species was the highest and for 76.9%, and that of rhizome species was 13.9%. In the life form spectrum, the proportion of therophytes was the highest and for 50.8%, and that of hemicryptophytes was 26.1%. In the water ecological form structure, the proportion of mesophytes was the highest and for 55.4% of total. The food structure types were consisted of 21.5% faworite food. Climate in the Testudo horsfieldi Nature Reserve is the temperatedesert therophytes, and there are a few favorite food plants for T. horsfieldi.

Key words: Testudo horsfieldi, nature reserve, plant composition, spectrum of structure type, Ili, Xinjiang

CLC Number: 

  • Q948.2