›› 2011, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (6): 1011-1019.

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Study on Types and Features of Urban Vegetation in Urumqi

 YIN  Lin-Ke1, NAN Wei-Jiang2 , YAN  Cheng1, WANG  Lei2, JIANG  Feng-Qing1, ZAN  Qin3   

    1.  Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, China
    2. College of Agriculture and Gardening, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, China
    3. Earthasia Limited,Hong Kong
  • Received:2010-11-19 Revised:2011-03-10 Online:2011-11-15 Published:2012-01-16

Abstract: According to the degree of human disturbance, community functions and advantages of the dominant and constructive species, in this paper, urban vegetation in Urumqi was divided into three parts, i.e. the natural vegetation, seminatural vegetation and artificial vegetation, including 3 vegetation races, 13 vegetation groups and 125 vegetation types. Natural vegetation race is classified into 7 vegetation groups, i.e. the coniferous forest vegetation group, broadleaf forest vegetation group, shrub vegetation group, desert vegetation group, meadow vegetation group, steppe vegetation group and alpine vegetation group with 82 vegetation types; semi-natural vegetation race is divided into 4 vegetation groups, i.e. the broadleaf forest vegetation group, shrub vegetation group, herbaceous vegetation group and partner person vegetation group with 33 vegetation types; artificial vegetation race is classified into 2 vegetation groups, i.e. the green space and agricultural vegetation group with 10 vegetation types. Urumqi has a full spectrum of natural vegetation race and rich type diversity. Affected by inland desert climate, the zonal desert vegetation types develop well, and there are the obvious advantages in xerophyte shrubs, superxerophyte shrubs, semi-shrubs and perennial herbaceous vegetation. The number of plant community species of semi-natural vegetation race is increased significantly due to human disturbance, and the proportions of trees and shrubs are increased compared with those of natural vegetation. In the community, the majorities of the upper species of trees and shrubs are the cultivated species, while the most endemic herb groups are composed of the wild and exotic species. All these make the species diversity index of the semi-natural vegetation be relatively high. Green space of artificial vegetation race has a high fragmentation, showing a spatial distribution of points, blocks, slabs and other forms with a low vegetation coverage and low correlation between communities and populations in the central area of the city. Among them, the protection green space is dominated by a high proportion of the introduced exotic species and naturalized species. Affected by market economy, agricultural vegetation group is composed of three main vegetation types, i.e. the food, vegetable and oilseed plants.

Key words: urban, vegetation type, natural vegetation, semi-natural vegetation, artificial vegetation, Urumqi

CLC Number: 

  • TU985