Arid Zone Research ›› 2024, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (6): 974-983.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.06.07
• Plant Ecology • Previous Articles Next Articles
ZHANG Jianhua1(), ZHOU Xiaoyang2, GUO Xuting1, DU Xinxin1, AN Li1, QIN Hao3, LIU Yong4, ZHANG Hong4, XU Longchao2()
ZHANG Jianhua, ZHOU Xiaoyang, GUO Xuting, DU Xinxin, AN Li, QIN Hao, LIU Yong, ZHANG Hong, XU Longchao. Carbon density distribution pattern and its factors of the artificial forest vegetation in opencast coal mine[J].Arid Zone Research, 2024, 41(6): 974-983.
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Tab. 1
Basic characteristics of the stands"
林型 | 采样点 | 纬度(N) | 经度(E) | 海拔/m | 林分密度/(株·hm-2) | 林龄/a | 胸径/cm | 树高/m |
小叶杨林PM | 西排 | 39°29′26.15″ | 112°18′55.30″ | 1469.00 | 2.13×103 | 20 | 10.90 | 5.50 |
榆树林UP | 西排 | 39°29′28.64″ | 112°18′44.41″ | 1474.00 | 1.03×103 | 20 | 12.90 | 5.50 |
油松林SPT | 西排 | 39°29′29.80″ | 112°18′46.49″ | 1471.00 | 1.47×103 | 20 | 10.70 | 4.70 |
刺槐林RP | 西排 | 39°29′33.35″ | 112°18′44.08″ | 1474.00 | 2.03×103 | 20 | 9.80 | 4.80 |
刺槐-榆树混交林RP-UP | 南排 | 39°27′41.45″ | 112°20′04.13″ | 1391.00 | 3.40×103 | 30 | 7.20 | 4.60 |
油松林DPT | 南排 | 39°27′41.54″ | 112°20′05.26″ | 1384.00 | 3.43×103 | 30 | 8.80 | 5.60 |
加拿大杨PC | 南排 | 39°27′59.82″ | 112°19′39.85″ | 1348.00 | 3.23×103 | 30 | 7.20 | 5.90 |
Tab. 2
Relative growth equation of tree biomass"
树种 | 器官 | 回归方程 | 回归系数(R2) | 备注 |
刺槐RP | 根 | Y=0.1145 (D2H)0.6328 [ | - | 胸径范围:2.7~20.6 cm 树高范围:2.2~7.0 m |
枝 | Y=0.02425(D2H)0.7908 [ | - | ||
叶 | Y=0.0545(D2H)0.4574 [ | - | ||
干 | Y=0.05527(D2H)0.8576 [ | - | ||
油松PT | 根 | Y=0.340D0.839e0.082D[ | 0.947 | 胸径范围:3.4~20.6 cm 树高范围:2.7~9.0 m |
枝 | Y=0.483D0.870e0.060D[ | 0.944 | ||
叶 | Y=0.320D0.810e0.058D[ | 0.959 | ||
干 | Y=1.373D0.465e0.113D[ | 0.978 | ||
总 | Y=2.905D0.549e0.097D[ | 0.971 | ||
榆树UP | 根 | Y=0.0146D2.893[ | - | 胸径范围:4.7~20.7 cm 树高范围:2.5~9.0 m |
枝 | Y=0.0303D2.3445[ | - | ||
叶 | Y=0.033D1.7241[ | - | ||
干 | Y=0.0146D2.5837[ | - | ||
小叶杨PM | 根 | Y=10.5723+0.0044(D2H)[ | 0.6691 | 胸径范围:3.8~18.3 cm 树高范围:3.0~7.5 m |
枝 | Y=12.5405+0.0091(D2H)[ | 0.5595 | ||
叶 | Y=6.5542+0.0014(D2H)[ | 0.1971 | ||
干 | Y=0.4644(D2H)0.6455[ | 0.7517 | ||
总 | Y=1.9729(D2H)0.5608[ | 0.8064 | ||
加拿大杨PC | 根 | Y=10-0.8268(D2H)0.5798[ | - | 胸径范围:2.2~10.8 cm 树高范围:2.5~10.0 m |
枝 | Y=10-0.7804(D2H)0.5321[ | - | ||
叶 | Y=10-0.4701(D2H)0.3778[ | - | ||
干 | Y=10-0.7143(D2H)0.6811[ | - |
Tab. 3
Carbon density and distribution proportion of plantations in Antaibao coal mine reclamation area"
组分 | 项目 | SPT | DPT | RP | UP | RP-UP | PM | PC |
乔木层 | 碳密度/(t·hm-2) | 18.24±1.56c | 30.08±3.27ab | 19.23±1.35c | 20.93±1.50bc | 21.61±3.19bc | 18.09±4.12c | 33.84±4.09a |
比例/% | 80.54 | 93.60 | 84.40 | 80.80 | 83.32 | 78.34 | 91.59 | |
灌木层 | 碳密度/(t·hm-2) | 0.03±0.01b | 0.06±0.03b | 0.13±0.002a | 0.001±0.001b | 0.13±0.04a | 0.01±0.01b | - |
比例/% | 0.12 | 0.01 | 0.06 | 0.56 | 0.51 | 0.15 | - | |
草本层 | 碳密度/(t·hm-2) | 0.09±0.02de | 0.03±0.003e | 0.29±0.01a | 0.23±0.02ab | 0.15±0.02cd | 0.18±0.03bc | 0.11±0.04cde |
比例/% | 0.39 | 1.04 | 0.82 | 1.23 | 0.57 | 0.09 | 0.29 | |
凋落物层 | 碳密度/(t·hm-2) | 4.29±0.11b | 8.22±0.16a | 4.14±0.33b | 1.20±0.14d | 4.05±0.24b | 3.15±0.20c | 3.00±0.03c |
比例/% | 18.95 | 5.36 | 14.71 | 17.41 | 15.60 | 21.42 | 8.13 | |
总计 | 碳密度/(t·hm-2) | 22.65±1.60b | 38.39±3.43a | 23.80±1.64b | 22.36±1.61b | 25.94±3.14b | 21.43±3.96b | 36.95±4.05a |
比例/% | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
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