Arid Zone Research ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (4): 615-622.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2023.04.10
• Plant Ecology • Previous Articles Next Articles
QIU Xunxun1,2(),CAO Guangchao2,3(
),ZHANG Jinhu1,2,ZHANG Zhuo4,LIU Menglin1,2
QIU Xunxun, CAO Guangchao, ZHANG Jinhu, ZHANG Zhuo, LIU Menglin. Distribution characteristics of carbon density in the arbor and soil layers of Qinghai spruce forest on the southern slope of Qilian Mountains with altitude[J].Arid Zone Research, 2023, 40(4): 615-622.
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Tab. 3
Biomass distribution pattern and arbor layer carbon density in Qinghai spruce forest at different altitudes"
海拔/m | 生物量/kg | 总生物量 /(t·hm-2) | 乔木层碳密度 /(t·hm-2) | |||
干 | 叶 | 枝 | 根 | |||
2900 | 279.62±14.42A | 56.77±5.63A | 74.72±5.92A | 166.71±10.03A | 208.14±2.71A | 108.23±1.41A |
3000 | 147.46±11.86AB | 16.59±2.56B | 27.96±3.45B | 78.99±7.41AB | 177.5±15.76AB | 92.3±10.27AB |
3100 | 191.53±22.12AB | 30.24±8.21AB | 43.78±12.11AB | 108.42±13.21AB | 104.11±12.06BC | 54.14±6.69BC |
3200 | 116.48±1.36B | 10.47±0.24B | 19.4±0.35B | 59.94±0.82B | 52.6±3.46C | 27.35±1.8C |
平均值 | 183.76±26.62 | 28.52±7.65 | 41.47±9.09 | 103.52±17.47 | 135.59±24.15 | 70.51±12.56 |
Tab. 4
Distribution characteristics of soil organic carbon density in different soil layers at different altitudes layers"
海拔/m | 不同土层/cm | 合计/(t·hm-2) | ||||
0~10 | 10~20 | 20~30 | 30~40 | 40~50 | ||
2900 | 34.55±3.85Aa | 27.8±5.44Ba | 35.37±5.63Aa | 27.02±6.43Aa | 19.71±1.08Aa | 144.49±3.07A |
3000 | 33.82±5.2Aa | 27.82±1.65Ba | 22.54±0.69Aa | 25.86±3.27Aa | 24.28±0.59Aa | 134.33±2.42A |
3100 | 47.55±2.94Aab | 53.51±1.12Aa | 42.84±2.64Ab | 16.46±1.11Ac | 9±4.42Ac | 169.36±5.98A |
3200 | 32.18±0.18Aa | 44.39±9.91ABa | 27.12±1.04Aa | 36.88±1.13Aa | 27.27±5.96Aa | 167.84±3.17A |
平均值 | 37.03±3.27 | 38.38±4.7 | 31.97±3.76 | 26.55±3.49 | 20.07±3.57 | 154.01±9.57 |
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