Arid Zone Research ›› 2024, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (10): 1740-1752.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.10.12
• Plant Ecology • Previous Articles Next Articles
QI Ronglian1(), LI Qingbo1(
), REN Jia1, ZOU Miao1, YANG Haopeng1, WEI Yaofeng1, TANG Qiong2
LI Qingbo;
QI Ronglian, LI Qingbo, REN Jia, ZOU Miao, YANG Haopeng, WEI Yaofeng, TANG Qiong. Study on the characteristics of changes in vegetation cover and its driving forces in the Three-North Shelterbelt program regions: Taking Ningxia as example[J].Arid Zone Research, 2024, 41(10): 1740-1752.
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Tab. 2
Types of the future trend of changes in vegetation cover in Ningxia"
变化趋势 | Hurst指数 | 叠加变化类型 | 像元数/个 | 面积占比/% |
>0 | 0.35≤H<0.50 | 弱反持续性&改善 | 28249 | 54.39 |
<0 | 0.35≤H<0.50 | 弱反持续性&退化 | 1205 | 2.32 |
>0 | 0.50≤H<0.65 | 弱持续性&改善 | 15653 | 30.14 |
<0 | 0.50≤H<0.65 | 弱持续性&退化 | 1048 | 2.02 |
>0 | 0.00≤H<0.35 | 强反持续性&改善 | 4355 | 8.38 |
<0 | 0.00≤H<0.35 | 强反持续性&退化 | 148 | 0.28 |
>0 | 0.65≤H<1.00 | 强持续性&改善 | 1056 | 2.03 |
<0 | 0.65≤H<1.00 | 强持续性&退化 | 227 | 0.44 |
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