›› 2013, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (6): 1106-1112.

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Precipitation in the Weihe River Basin in Recent 60 Years

LAI Wen-li1,2,SONG Jin-xi1,ZHANG Jie1,2,REN Chao-liang1,DU Jia1   

  1. (1. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Northwest University, Xi’an 710127,Shaanxi,China; 2. College of Water Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)
  • Received:2012-10-11 Revised:2013-03-08 Online:2013-11-15 Published:2013-12-12

Abstract: Based on the daily, monthly and annual precipitation data from the meteorological stations of Tianshui, Baoji, Wugong and Xi‘an during the period of 1951-2011, the change trend of precipitation was analyzed using the linear regression, MannKendall test and fiveyear moving average method. It could be concluded that the seasonal distribution of precipitation was quite different in the Wei River Basin, precipitation occurred mainly in summer and autumn, it was in an obvious decrease trend in spring and autumn, and its variation trend was not obvious in summer and winter. However, the seasonal distribution of precipitation was quite different from different years. There was a sharp change of seasonal precipitation except in summer, and also of annual precipitation. There was a 28-32year fluctuation period of precipitation. The precipitation days in the drainage basin were in a reduction trend, but the intensity of light rain was in an increase trend. During the period of 1976-1990, the rainstorm days were the most at the meteorological stations of Tianshui, Baoji and Wugong except at Xi[JP8]’a[JP]n Meteorological Station, and they were quite different from different years

Key words: precipitation, precipitation intensity, MannKendall test, wavelet analysis, the Weihe River Basin