›› 2013, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (3): 385-390.

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Characteristics of the Eco-geographical Pattern in Arid Land of Central Asia

 CHEN  Xi, JIANG  Feng-Qing, WANG  Ya-Jun, LI  Yao-Ming, HU  Ru-Ji   

  1. Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830011
  • Received:2013-02-20 Revised:2013-03-15 Online:2013-05-15 Published:2013-05-16

Abstract: The arid land in central Asia is the largest dry area located in the temperate and warm temperate zone of northern hemispheric earth.It is also the region characterized by very fragile ecology and environment and with plentiful natural and energy resources.It is necessarily that to reveal deeply the regional regulatory of eco-geographical pattern in order to meet the demands of ecological safety, rational utilization of natural and energy resources and social sustainable development.Thus, in this paper the evolution process of eco-geographical system in arid land of the central Asia is discussed in view of genetics and by using method of systemic theory.The main features of eco-geographical system is analyzed and the eco-geographical pattern is outlined according to regional geological geomorphologic, and climatic conditions and hydrological circulation process in arid land of the central Asia We recognize that the mountainous forest grassland-plain oasis in basins which is co-existed with desert constitutes a complex and complete eco-geographical system.This system is one of the most obvious and basic natural eco-geographical essence and characterizes the eco-geographical pattern in arid land of the central Asia.Obviously, to thoroughly understand this eco-geographical pattern will be of vital theoretic and practical importance to action on regional ecological restoration and reconstruction.The results of this paper can play an important role in formulating the strategy on sustainable social and economical development in arid land of central Asia.

Key words: eco-geographical pattern, eco-geographical system, oasis and desert, Central Asia, arid land