›› 2011, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (6): 974-979.

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Experimental Study on Effect of Urbanization on Service Functions of Ecosystems — A Case Study in Southern Suburbs of Xi’an City

 ZHOU  Zhong-Xue1, CHOU  Li-Hui2   

    1. College of Tourism and Environmental Sciences, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710062, China
    2. Department of Tourism and Environmental Sciences, X[JP8]i’[JP]an University of Arts and Sciences, Xi’an 710065, China
  • Received:2010-11-15 Revised:2010-12-24 Online:2011-11-15 Published:2012-01-16

Abstract: The spatial pattern of urbanization controls the dynamic process of ecosystems. In this paper, the GIS and RS methods were used to carry out an experimental study on the effect of urbanization on the service functions of ecosystems after analyzing the spatial patterns of urbanization, service functions of ecosystems and interrelations among them in southern suburbs of  Xi’an  City. The conclusions are as follows: ① There was an obvious circular spatial pattern of urbanization in southern suburbs of  Xi’an City, that is the farther the regions away from the builtup area of the city were, the lower the urbanization level was; ② The farther the ecosystems away from the builtup area were, the stronger the service functions of ecosystems were, and the service value of ecosystem per hm2 was the lowest in the builtup area; ③ There was a strong negative correlation between the comprehensive urbanization level and the total value of service functions of ecosystems. There were also the quite remarkable negative impacts of urbanization on the service functions of ecosystems, but the impacts were different from different service functions of ecosystems. There were the significant negative impacts on waste treatment, food production, soil formation and conservation and climate regulation in the study area, but the impacts on biodiversity conservation, raw material production and entertainment were not remarkable.

Key words: urbanization, ecosystem, service function, spatial pattern, Xi’an City

CLC Number: 

  • X21