干旱区研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (6): 951-957.

• 亚洲中部生态与环境 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (1.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101; 2.中国科学院大学,北京 100049)
  • 收稿日期:2013-04-27 修回日期:2013-05-15 出版日期:2013-11-15 发布日期:2013-12-12
  • 作者简介:张雪芹(1971-),女,博士,主要从事气候变化及其影响研究. E-mail: zhangxq@igsnrr.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:


Spatiotemporal Variation of Water Vapor in Upper Troposphere over Central Asia Based on AIRS Satellite Retrieval

ZHANG Xue-qin1,LI Min-jiao1,2,SUN Tong1   

  1. (1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China; 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China)
  • Received:2013-04-27 Revised:2013-05-15 Published:2013-11-15 Online:2013-12-12

摘要: 水资源纠纷已成为当前威胁中亚地区国家安全与稳定的主要因素,而上对流层水汽作为全球水循环的重要组成部分,其空间分布和变化过程对中亚地区水资源分配具有重要科学价值。利用最新的AIRS水汽质量混合比数据,分析了中亚地区2003—2011年上对流层水汽的时空变化及其异常特征,揭示了其与青藏高原、热带季风区等受亚洲夏季风影响区域的显著差异。研究表明:就整个亚洲中低纬地区而言,中亚地区全年上对流层水汽偏少,且年内变化相对稳定,逐月波动不大。与夏季青藏高原南部及热带季风区北部的水汽大值区相比,在黑海—里海以东至我国新疆西部之间的中亚地区上对流层为显著的水汽含量低值区。近9 a中亚地区上对流层水汽整体呈微弱的增加趋势,且具有较强的波动性:水汽最小、最大值分别出现在2009年、2010年,这一显著振荡对近9 a水汽的线性变化趋势影响较大。就季节变化而言,春、夏季分别呈微弱的下降、上升趋势,秋季上升趋势显著,冬季在2~3 a波动变化特征明显。

关键词: 上对流层水汽, AIRS, 水资源, 青藏高原, 热带季风区, 中亚地区

Abstract: Water resources dispute has become as one of the highlight factors that threaten the national security in Central Asia. As an important component of global water cycle, the distribution and variation of water vapor in upper tropospheric is significative for water resources allocation in Central Asia. This paper discusses the spatiotemporal variation and anomaly of water vapor in upper troposphere over Central Asia during the period of 2003-2011 based on water vapor mass mixing ratio data from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) satellite instrument, and the obvious differences between Central Asia and the Asian monsoon region (such as the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau) and tropical monsoon area were revealed. The results revealed that water vapor in upper troposphere over the lowand midlatitude regions in Central Asia maintained a low value, and the monthly variation was relatively stable. Compared with the high water vapor concentration over the south Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and the northern tropical monsoon area, the Central Asia from the Black Sea-Caspian Sea to west Xinjiang was detected as an area with low water vapor concentration. Water vapor in upper troposphere over Central Asia was slightly increased with a remarkable fluctuation in recent 9 years. The minimum and maximum values of water vapor occurred in 2009 and 2010 respectively, and this significant fluctuation between these two years affected significantly the linear trend of water vapor during the period of 2003-2011. Seasonally, the water vapor concentration was in a slight decrease trend in spring, a slight increase trend in summer, a significant increase trend in autumn, and there was a significant 2-3year fluctuation in winter.

Key words: water vapor in upper troposphere, AIRS, water resources, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, tropical monsoon area, Central Asia