干旱区研究 ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (2): 173-181.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2023.02.02 cstr: 32277.14.AZR.20230202

• 天气与气候 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.青海省气象科学研究所,青海 西宁 810001
    2.青海省防灾减灾重点实验室,青海 西宁 810001
    3.青海省气候中心,青海 西宁 810001
  • 收稿日期:2022-03-25 修回日期:2022-11-03 出版日期:2023-02-15 发布日期:2023-03-08
  • 通讯作者: 祁栋林. E-mail:qidl007@163.com
  • 作者简介:李素雲(1992-),女,工程师,主要从事生态气象应用研究. E-mail: lisuyun_qh @163.com
  • 基金资助:

The variation characteristics and influencing factors of vapor pressure deficit in Qinghai Province from 1961 to 2020

LI Suyun1,2(),QI Donglin1,2(),WEN Tingting3,SHI Feifei1,2,QIAO Bin1,2,XIAO Jianshe1,2   

  1. 1. Qinghai Institute of Meteorological Science, Xining 810001, Qinghai, China
    2. Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation in Qinghai Province, Xining 810001, Qinghai, China
    3. Qinghai Climate Centre, Xining 810001, Qinghai, China
  • Received:2022-03-25 Revised:2022-11-03 Published:2023-02-15 Online:2023-03-08


饱和水汽压差(Vapor Pressure Deficit, VPD)作为蒸散的主要驱动因子之一,能够反映大气从地表获取水分的能力,厘清VPD时空变化特征有助于理解青藏高原地区大气干湿程度对气候变化的响应。利用Mann-Kendall检验、多元线性回归等方法分析了青海省1961—2020年VPD时空变化特征以及影响因子。结果表明:1961—2020年青海省平均VPD呈上升趋势,且在1998年发生突变;其季节平均值和对应的气候倾向率均表现为:夏季>春 季>秋季>冬季;不同的功能区,VPD平均值表现为:柴达木盆地>东部农业区>青海湖地区>青南牧区,对应的气候倾向率表现为:东部农业区>柴达木盆地>青南牧区>青海湖地区。多年平均VPD在空间上呈“鞍形场”分布格局,且除了青南牧区东北部的贵南站呈减少趋势,其余地区均为增加趋势。VPD突变前后的气象主导因子有所差异,但总体主要为最高温度和相对湿度。春、夏、秋3个季节以及多年VPD变化过程中,海拔贡献率最高,其次为经度;冬季海拔贡献率依旧最高,其次为纬度。

关键词: 饱和水汽压差, 变化特征, 影响因子, 青海省


The vapor pressure deficit can reflect the ability of the atmosphere to obtain water from the surface,which is one of the main driving factors of evapotranspiration. Clarifying the spatial and temporal variation of vapor pressure deficit (VPD) can help to investigate the response of air dryness to climate change in Tibetan Plateau. Mann-Kendall test, multiple linear regression were used to analyze temporal and spatial variation characteristics and the influencing factors of VPD before and after the breakpoint from 1961 to 2020 in Qinghai Province. The results showed that VPD had an increasing trend in Qinghai Province from 1961 to 2020 and a mutation in 1998. The seasonal averages and corresponding climatic trend rates of VPD were the same as summer>spring>autumn>winter. In different functional areas, average VPDs showed as Qaidam Basin>Eastern Agricultural Area>Qinghai Lake Area>Qingnan Pastoral Area, the corresponding climatic trend rates were the Eastern Agricultural Area>Qaidam Basin>Qingnan Pastoral Area>Qinghai Lake Area. The multi-year average VPD showed a “saddle field” distribution in space, and had an increasing trend except the Guinan Station in the northeastern of Qingnan pastoral area, which had a decreasing trend. The predominant meteorological factors of VPD were different before and after mutation in Qinghai Province. However, the highest temperature and relative humidity in general were the main factors. During the variation of VPD in the spring, summer, autumn and multi-year, the contribution rate of altitude was the highest, followed by longitude; while in winter, the contribution rate of altitude is still the highest, followed by latitude.

Key words: vapor pressure deficit, variation characteristics, influencing factors, Qinghai Province