干旱区研究 ›› 2024, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (8): 1423-1433.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.08.16

• 生态与环境 • 上一篇    


王怡雯1,2,3(), 马瑶瑶1,2,3, 史培军1,2,3, 张钢锋1,2,3()   

  1. 1.北京师范大学环境演变与自然灾害教育部重点实验室,北京 100875
    2.应急管理部-教育部减灾与应急管理研究院,北京 100875
    3.北京师范大学地理科学学部,北京 100875
  • 收稿日期:2024-02-09 修回日期:2024-04-15 出版日期:2024-08-15 发布日期:2024-08-22
  • 通讯作者: 张钢锋. E-mail: gangfeng@bnu.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:王怡雯(2000-),女,硕士研究生,主要从事新能源建设对生态环境影响研究. E-mail: 202321051181@mail.bnu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

The impact of photovoltaic power plant operation on local ecological environments in arid areas

WANG Yiwen1,2,3(), MA Yaoyao1,2,3, SHI Peijun1,2,3, ZHANG Gangfeng1,2,3()   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Environmental Change and Natural Disaster, MOE, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
    2. Academy of Disaster Reduction and Emergency Management Ministry of Emergency Management & Ministry of Education, Beijing 100875, China
    3. Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
  • Received:2024-02-09 Revised:2024-04-15 Published:2024-08-15 Online:2024-08-22


光伏发电符合能源产业发展方向,我国光伏电站在西北干旱地区建设最为广泛,但西北干旱地区生态环境较为脆弱,目前,对于干旱区光伏电站运营过程中可能产生的环境影响尚不清楚。以青海省海南州共和塔拉滩光伏发电园为研究区,基于2023年3月—2024年2月光伏电站内光伏区和自然空地区生态环境指标的观测数据,并结合2000—2020年研究区域的遥感监测数据,综合分析了光伏电站的运营对局地大气、土壤、植被等生态环境要素的影响。结果表明:光伏电站的运营对局部大气起到增湿、增大温度极端值、减缓风速的作用,平均增湿3.87%、减少风速0.25 m·s-1,温度极端值变化1.72 ℃;对局部土壤起到增温、减湿、降低土壤CO2含量的作用,平均升温1.83 ℃、湿度减少4.81%,土壤CO2降低156.94 ppm。光伏电站运营能够促进电站所在区域植被覆盖度增加和植被生长,对生态系统固碳能力起到正向促进作用,光伏电站及其周围区域NDVI均值增速比海南州地区快0.001 kg C·m-2·a-1。光伏电站的运营可明显改善周边生态环境,起到空气增湿、土壤增温、防风固沙、促进植被生长的作用,促使局地生态环境不断向好。

关键词: 干旱区, 光伏电站, 野外观测, 遥感监测, 生态环境


The emerging use of photovoltaic power is aligned with the progression of the energy industry. In China, photovoltaic power plants are widely constructed in the arid areas of the northwest. The ecological environment in the arid areas of the northwest is relatively fragile, and the potential environmental impacts of photovoltaic power plants during operation are not yet fully revealed. In this research, a comprehensive analysis of the impact of photovoltaic power plant construction on the local atmosphere, soil, vegetation factors, and other elements of the ecological environment was performed on the research area of Tala photovoltaic power station in Gonghe County, Qinghai Province (the world’s largest photovoltaic industrial park). The analysis combined observational data on ecological indicators of the areas adjacent to photovoltaic panels and the open space for photovoltaic power plants from March 2023 to February 2024 with remote sensing data from 2000 to 2020. The results show that the construction of photovoltaic panels has the effects of warming, humidifying, increasing temperature extremes, and wind speed reducing on the local atmosphere. The average humidification was 3.87%, the wind speed was reduced by 0.25 m·s-1, and the temperature extreme value changed by 1.72 ℃. The construction of photovoltaic panels also caused the effects of warming, reducing moisture, and reducing soil CO2 content in the local soil, with an average temperature increase of 1.83 ℃, a decrease in humidity of 4.81%, and a reduction in soil CO2 by 156.94 ppm. Finally, the construction of photovoltaic power plants promoted an increase in vegetation coverage and growth in the area, and had a positive promoting effect on the carbon fixation capacity of the ecosystem. The average growth rate of NDVI in the study area was faster than that in Hainan Prefecture; the difference was 0.001 kg C·m-2·a-1. The study shows that the operation of photovoltaic power plants can improve the environment in arid areas, by altering air humidification, soil warming, wind prevention, and sand fixation, promoting vegetation growth, and continuing to promote the local ecological environment.

Key words: arid areas, photovoltaic power plants, field observation, remote sensing monitoring, ecological environment