Arid Zone Research ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (2): 194-202.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2023.02.04
• Land and Water Resources • Previous Articles Next Articles
ZHANG Tong1,2(),LIU Jing1,2,HAN Xu1,2,TONG Yuqiang1,2,WEI Yawei1,2(
ZHANG Tong, LIU Jing, HAN Xu, TONG Yuqiang, WEI Yawei. Effects of grazing on soil nutrients and microbial community of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica forest in sandy land[J].Arid Zone Research, 2023, 40(2): 194-202.
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Tab. 3
Statistical of microbial groups at different taxonomic levels"
土壤微生物 | 处理 | 界 | 门 | 纲 | 目 | 科 | 属 | 种 |
真菌 | CK | 1 | 7.6±0.89a | 20.6±3.97a | 47.4±7.77a | 78.8±13.18a | 116.4±26.88a | 101.2±26.24a |
G | 1 | 7.2±0.84a | 18.8±2.17a | 40.6±3.51a | 64.2±5.45a | 88.8±10.38a | 74.6±10.41a | |
细菌 | CK | 1 | 26.8±2.59a | 76.0±5.24a | 159.4±10.06a | 250.0±11.92a | 371.6±25.14a | 99.8±18.78a |
G | 1 | 25.8±2.17a | 74.0±2.92a | 151.8±9.83a | 233.2±12.89a | 332.6±20.39b | 83.0±11.16a |
Tab. 4
Effects of grazing on soil microbial diversity of Pinus sylvestris var. Mongolica in sandy land"
土壤微生物 | 指数 | 处理 | |
CK | G | ||
真菌 | Chao1 | 562.92±57.90a | 408.99±112.45a |
Shannon | 5.59±1.37a | 5.54±0.50a | |
Simpson | 0.91±0.08a | 0.93±0.03a | |
细菌 | Chao1 | 4865.30±235.67A | 3825.13±84.13B |
Shannon | 10.80±0.08A | 10.48±0.05B | |
Simpson | 1.00±0.00a | 1.00±0.00a |
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