Arid Zone Research ›› 2024, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (12): 2027-2034.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2024.12.05
• Land and Water Resources • Previous Articles Next Articles
WEN Miao1(), MAO Xinping1,2,3, YANG Jiejun1, SUN Jiayi1, WU Xudong4, HAN Fengpeng1,5(
HAN Fengpeng;
WEN Miao, MAO Xinping, YANG Jiejun, SUN Jiayi, WU Xudong, HAN Fengpeng. Abundance characteristics of soil nutrients and nitrogen cycle functional genes in the natural and artificial vegetation of desert grasslands[J].Arid Zone Research, 2024, 41(12): 2027-2034.
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Tab. 1
Brief information on suitable vegetation"
物种 | 科属 | 株高 | 基径 | 冠幅 |
猪毛菜Salsola collina | 苋科猪毛菜属 | 35 cm | 7 mm | 28 cm |
芒草Miscanthus sinensis | 禾本科芒属 | 60 cm | 8 mm | 45 cm |
芨芨草Achnatherum splendens | 禾本科芨芨草属 | 1.5 m | 5 mm | 55 cm |
柠条Caragana korshinskii | 豆科锦鸡儿属 | 0.6 m | 6 mm | 75 cm |
枣树Ziziphus jujuba | 鼠李科枣属 | 2.5 m | 10 cm | 2 m |
旱柳Salix matsudana | 杨柳科柳属 | 5 m | 20 cm | 4 m |
胡枝子Lespedeza bicolor | 豆科胡枝子属 | 55 cm | 3 cm | 40 cm |
Tab. 2
Person correlation between soil physicochemical properties and functional genes"
环境因子 | 功能基因 | ||||||
AOA | nosZ | AOB | bac | nifH | nirK | nirS | |
根际土壤 | |||||||
有机碳 | 0.449* | 0.341 | -0.248 | 0.480* | 0.555** | 0.312 | 0.333 |
速效磷 | 0.064 | 0.067 | -0.135 | 0.180 | 0.478* | 0.081 | 0.107 |
硝态氮 | 0.186 | 0.194 | -0.091 | 0.27 | 0.483* | 0.222 | 0.222 |
铵态氮 | 0.232 | 0.227 | -0.061 | 0.334 | 0.484* | 0.255 | 0.269 |
非根际土壤 | |||||||
有机碳 | 0.200 | 0.137 | 0.122 | 0.448* | -0.468* | 0.045 | 0.136 |
速效磷 | -0.094 | -0.257 | -0.242 | 0.198 | -0.411 | -0.229 | -0.205 |
硝态氮 | -0.298 | -0.431* | -0.386 | -0.043 | -0.500* | -0.409* | -0.411* |
铵态氮 | -0.181 | -0.307 | -0.252 | -0.089 | -0.599** | -0.353 | -0.288 |
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