Arid Zone Research ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (12): 2043-2052.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2023.12.16
• Ecology and Environment • Previous Articles
ZHANG Jianhua1(),ZHANG Kun1,LIU Yong2,ZHANG Hong2,ZHANG Kaiquan1,ZHOU Xiaoyang3,XU Longchao3(
ZHANG Jianhua, ZHANG Kun, LIU Yong, ZHANG Hong, ZHANG Kaiquan, ZHOU Xiaoyang, XU Longchao. Study on water-holding capacity of litters from typical artificial forests in reclaimed regions of the opencast coal mine in Shanxi Province[J].Arid Zone Research, 2023, 40(12): 2043-2052.
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Tab. 1
General information of different artificial forests"
林型 | 纬度 | 经度 | 海拔 /m | 人工林类型 | 林龄 /a | 林下优势种 | 平均胸径/cm | 平均树高/m | 密度 /(株·hm-2) | 郁闭度 /% |
小叶杨 | 39°29′26.15″N | 112°18′55.30″E | 1469 | 纯林 | 25 | 赖草、早熟禾、阿尔泰狗娃花 | 10.90 | 5.50 | 2133 | 40 |
榆树 | 39°29′28.64″N | 112°18′44.41″E | 1474 | 纯林 | 25 | 兴安胡枝子、早熟禾、阿尔泰狗娃花 | 12.90 | 5.50 | 1100 | 56 |
油松 | 39°29′29.80″N | 112°18′46.49″E | 1471 | 纯林 | 25 | 兴安胡枝子、早熟禾、阿尔泰狗娃花 | 10.70 | 4.70 | 1500 | 75 |
刺槐 | 39°29′33.35″N | 112°18′44.08″E | 1474 | 纯林 | 25 | 角蒿、铁杆蒿、早熟禾 | 9.80 | 4.80 | 2033 | 70 |
Tab. 2
Depth and cumulated mass of litter in different artificial forests"
林型 | 总厚度 /cm | 总蓄积量/(t·hm-2) | 未分解层(U) | 半分解层(S) | |||
蓄积量/(t·hm-2) | 比例/% | 蓄积量/(t·hm-2) | 比例/% | ||||
小叶杨 | 2.33±0.44b | 3.53±0.72a | 1.78±0.23a | 53.25±8.13ab | 1.76±0.58ab | 46.75±8.13ab | |
榆树 | 2.60±0.31b | 1.38±0.02b | 0.93±0.03b | 67.26±2.79a | 0.45±0.05b | 32.74±2.79a | |
油松 | 3.60±0.06a | 3.14±0.81ab | 1.07±0.11b | 36.53±4.88b | 2.07±0.09a | 63.47±4.88b | |
刺槐 | 2.70±0.15ab | 1.73±0.24ab | 0.90±0.03b | 53.35±5.63ab | 0.83±0.21ab | 46.65±5.63ab |
Tab. 3
Equations between water holding of litter and the immersion time"
人工林类型 | 凋落物层 | 方程 | R2 |
小叶杨 | 半分解层 | W=3.5359+0.2899lnt | 0.9507** |
未分解层 | W=1.3222+0.1070lnt | 0.9564** | |
榆树 | 半分解层 | W=3.6787+0.3759lnt | 0.9739** |
未分解层 | W=2.5010+0.1179lnt | 0.9955** | |
油松 | 半分解层 | W=3.0141+0.4581lnt | 0.9229** |
未分解层 | W=1.8658+0.1959lnt | 0.9691** | |
刺槐 | 半分解层 | W=1.1334+0.2441lnt | 0.9814** |
未分解层 | W=2.0821+0.1668lnt | 0.9650** |
Tab. 4
Equations between water-holding rate and the immersion time"
人工林类型 | 凋落物层 | 方程 | R2 |
小叶杨 | 半分解层 | R=210.21+16.506lnt | 0.9760** |
未分解层 | R=290.25+24.142lnt | 0.9959** | |
榆树 | 半分解层 | R=181.71+18.376lnt | 0.9845** |
未分解层 | R=301.38+13.745lnt | 0.9933** | |
油松 | 半分解层 | R=169.70+25.719lnt | 0.9199** |
未分解层 | R=200.68+21.030lnt | 0.9693** | |
刺槐 | 半分解层 | R=106.10+23.170lnt | 0.9812** |
未分解层 | R=231.85+18.470lnt | 0.9689** |
Tab. 5
Equations between water-absorption rate and the immersion time"
人工林类型 | 凋落物层 | 方程 | R2 |
小叶杨 | 半分解层 | V=2.0981t-0.927 | 0.9998** |
未分解层 | V=1.7015t-0.875 | 0.9986** | |
榆树 | 半分解层 | V=2.8951t-0.923 | 0.9995** |
未分解层 | V=2.0062t-0.907 | 0.9997** | |
油松 | 半分解层 | V=1.8133t-0.909 | 0.9998** |
未分解层 | V=1.058t-0825 | 0.9994** | |
刺槐 | 半分解层 | V=3.013t-0.957 | 0.9999** |
未分解层 | V=2.3135t-0.926 | 0.9997** |
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[1] | ZHANG Jianhua, ZHOU Xiaoyang, GUO Xuting, DU Xinxin, AN Li, QIN Hao, LIU Yong, ZHANG Hong, XU Longchao. Carbon density distribution pattern and its factors of the artificial forest vegetation in opencast coal mine [J]. Arid Zone Research, 2024, 41(6): 974-983. |
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[4] | WANG Siqi, ZHANG Jianjun, ZHANG Yanqin, ZHAO Jiongchang, HU Yawei, LI Yang, TANG Peng, WEI Zhaoyang. Understory plant community diversity of Robinia pseudoacacia plantation with different densities in the loess plateau of western Shanxi Province [J]. Arid Zone Research, 2023, 40(7): 1141-1151. |
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[15] | YU De-liang, LEI Ze-yong, ZHANG Yan-song, YU Dong-wei, ZHOU Yan-ping, JIANG Ji-wen. Soil Enzyme Activity and Its Affecting Factors under Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Plantation in Sandy Land [J]. Arid Zone Research, 2019, 36(3): 621-629. |