Arid Zone Research ›› 2021, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6): 1750-1759.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.06.27
• Soil Resources • Previous Articles Next Articles
ZHANG Juan1(),LI Guang1(
),YUAN Jianyu1,YAN Lijuan2,WEI Xingxing1,LIU Shuainan1
Guang LI;
ZHANG Juan,LI Guang,YUAN Jianyu,YAN Lijuan,WEI Xingxing,LIU Shuainan. Effects of water and nitrogen regulation on soil and leaf stoichiometric characteristics of spring wheat in dry farming[J].Arid Zone Research, 2021, 38(6): 1750-1759.
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Tab. 1
The stoichiometric characteristics of spring wheat leaves OC, TN and TP under different water and nitrogen treatments"
处理 | 有机碳 | 全氮 | 全磷 | C:N | C:P | N:P | ||||
W1N1 | 160.48±7.95a | 11.62±1.09fg | 1.06±0.08a | 14.04±1.49ab | 153.23±13.40a | 10.96±0.22f | ||||
W1N2 | 169.23±14.57a | 18.36±0.90abc | 1.02±0.07a | 8.78±0.44de | 169.49±25.23a | 17.43±1.29abc | ||||
W1N3 | 160.56±2.66a | 15.07±0.46de | 1.07±0.12a | 11.23±0.92bcde | 153.74±16.39a | 14.96±1.38bcd | ||||
W2N1 | 166.28±3.58a | 13.25±1.60efg | 1.15±0.05a | 13.05±2.08abc | 144.84±4.40a | 11.61±1.68ef | ||||
W2N2 | 175.59±1.48a | 19.90±1.23ab | 1.11±0.10a | 8.24±0.47e | 160.29±14.73a | 17.99±0.58ab | ||||
W2N3 | 162.75±0.76a | 16.30±0.62cde | 1.11±0.05a | 10.81±0.46bcde | 147.77±6.04a | 14.80±0.98cd | ||||
W3N1 | 171.65±2.15a | 15.70±0.98cde | 1.12±0.08a | 11.02±0.70bcde | 155.45±10.68a | 14.12±0.59de | ||||
W3N2 | 179.83±5.40a | 20.81±0.48a | 1.12±0.10a | 8.20±0.73e | 163.97±17.58a | 18.65±0.94a | ||||
W3N3 | 170.53±14.78a | 17.10±0.43bcd | 1.12±0.07a | 10.53±0.45cde | 154.29±21.05a | 15.48±1.06bcd | ||||
W4N1 | 165.48±1.77a | 10.98±0.94g | 1.02±0.03a | 15.25±1.07a | 162.70±4.09a | 10.75±0.59f | ||||
W4N2 | 170.26±2.26a | 14.75±1.37de | 0.96±0.05a | 11.49±1.11bcde | 178.42±12.20a | 14.54±0.30cde | ||||
W4N3 | 166.47±1.83a | 14.24±0.55def | 1.02±0.12a | 11.99±0.51bcd | 167.71±19.58a | 14.89±0.84bcd |
Tab. 2
Effect of water and nitrogen treatments on yield and its components of spring wheat"
处理 | 穗数 | 穗粒数 | 千粒重 | 产量 |
W1N1 | 84.33±2.91d | 32.33±0.33d | 44.34±0.05hi | 968.25±0.75j |
W1N2 | 84.33±2.91d | 32.67±0.33cd | 45.29±0.02d | 1227.51±14.48e |
W1N3 | 98.00±1.16bc | 33.33±0.33bc | 45.14±0.01e | 1055.89±5.34h |
W2N1 | 89.00±2.31cd | 32.67±0.33cd | 44.38±0.01h | 980.10±0.80ij |
W2N2 | 93.00±1.16bcd | 33.33±0.33bc | 45.59±0.00c | 1326.05±4.75c |
W2N3 | 100.00±3.61ab | 33.67±0.33bc | 45.33±0.04d | 1119.24±2.88g |
W3N1 | 101.00±4.04ab | 34.00±0.00ab | 44.83±0.10g | 1246.84±3.33d |
W3N2 | 102.00±4.58ab | 34.33±0.33ab | 46.61±0.03a | 1466.18±1.65a |
W3N3 | 109.00±3.46a | 34.67±0.33a | 46.45±0.01b | 1313.86±5.62c |
W4N1 | 95.00±1.73bc | 33.33±0.33bc | 44.27±0.01i | 993.10±0.92i |
W4N2 | 96.33±2.33bc | 33.67±0.33bc | 44.95±0.02f | 1366.52±6.03b |
W4N3 | 101.33±2.40ab | 34.00±0.00ab | 44.85±0.00fg | 1142.15±2.33f |
Tab. 3
Correlation analysis between soil and wheat leaf C, N, P content and yield"
指标 | 土壤OC | 土壤TN | 土壤TP | 叶片OC | 叶片TN | 叶片TP | 产量 |
土壤OC | 1 | 0.749** | 0.337* | 0.438** | 0.546** | 0.347* | 0.591** |
土壤TN | 1 | 0.318 | 0.338* | 0.594** | 0.244 | 0.602** | |
土壤TP | 1 | 0.090 | 0.514** | 0.203 | 0.352* | ||
叶片OC | 1 | 0.2 90 | -0.195 | 0.417* | |||
叶片TN | 1 | 0.166 | 0.743** | ||||
叶片TP | 1 | 0.028 | |||||
产量 | 1 |
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