Arid Zone Research ›› 2021, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 1429-1435.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.05.25
• Plant and Plant Physiology • Previous Articles Next Articles
SONG Jingwei1(),XU Ziran1,CHEN Jiaxin1,XU Qinghua1,2(
Qinghua XU;
SONG Jingwei,XU Ziran,CHEN Jiaxin,XU Qinghua. Nutrient content of five natural poplar forests in the Irtysh River Basin in Xinjiang[J].Arid Zone Research, 2021, 38(5): 1429-1435.
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Tab. 1
Content of C, N, P, K in leaves of different tree species"
树种 | C/(g·kg-1) | N/(g·kg-1) | P/(g·kg-1) | K/(g·kg-1) | 叶片N∶P |
欧洲黑杨(P. nigra) | 429.60±6.32c | 20.01±1.92 | 2.96±0.57 | 18.54±0.42ab | 6.76 |
苦杨(P. laurifolia) | 432.75±10.31bc | 16.53±1.06 | 1.98±0.79 | 17.65±1.33bc | 8.35 |
额尔齐斯河杂交杨(P. jrtyschensis) | 421.29±11.20c | 20.14±1.75 | 3.25±0.55 | 19.83±0.50a | 6.19 |
银白杨(P. alba) | 466.45±11.43ab | 19.76±1.10 | 3.31±0.53 | 15.45±0.95c | 6.87 |
银灰杨(P. canescens) | 469.10±5.12a | 20.36±1.83 | 2.96±0.62 | 16.41±0.88bc | 5.97 |
Tab. 2
Contents of C, N, P and K in stems of different tree species"
树种 | C/(g·kg-1) | N/(g·kg-1) | P/(g·kg-1) | K/(g·kg-1) | 茎干N∶P |
欧洲黑杨(P. nigra) | 465.84±16.07 | 6.28±0.85 | 1.48±0.09 | 8.62±1.18ab | 4.24 |
苦杨(P. laurifolia) | 480.28±6.95 | 3.35±0.76 | 1.21±0.25 | 10.13±0.92a | 2.76 |
额尔齐斯河杂交杨(P. jrtyschensis) | 475.59±35.82 | 4.47±1.45 | 0.98±0.17 | 9.38±0.31a | 4.56 |
银白杨(P. alba) | 450.59±11.85 | 4.54±0.91 | 1.30±0.11 | 7.52±0.51b | 3.49 |
银灰杨(P. canescens) | 460.97±10.63 | 3.69±0.78 | 1.05±0.16 | 6.57±0.56b | 3.51 |
Tab. 3
Root nutrients C, N, P and K content of different tree species"
树种 | C/(g·kg-1) | N/(g·kg-1) | P/(g·kg-1) | K/(g·kg-1) | 根系N∶P |
欧洲黑杨(P. nigra) | 511.73±7.82 | 2.82±0.99 | 2.18±0.56 | 3.83±0.55bc | 1.29 |
苦杨(P. laurifolia) | 515.38±6.05 | 1.79±0.52 | 2.45±0.51 | 4.89±0.60ab | 0.76 |
额尔齐斯河杂交杨(P. jrtyschensis) | 517.62±11.27 | 3.17±0.79 | 1.44±0.22 | 5.53±0.60ab | 2.20 |
银白杨(P. alba) | 500.87±13.05 | 4.41±0.97 | 3.18±0.69 | 7.75±1.13a | 1.38 |
银灰杨(P. canescens) | 488.02±5.52 | 2.10±0.83 | 1.22±0.28 | 2.90±0.32c | 1.72 |
Tab. 4
Average biomass of roots, stems and leaves of individual standard trees /kg"
树种 | 叶片 | 茎干 | 根系 | 总计 |
欧洲黑杨(P. nigra) | 12.28±0.52 | 405.92±17.42 | 76.57±3.29 | 494.78±21.24 |
苦杨(P. laurifolia) | 8.25±0.41 | 469.11±23.96 | 126.90±6.48 | 604.27±30.85 |
额尔齐斯河杂交杨(P. jrtyschensis) | 12.68±0.33 | 352.83±9.11 | 148.71±3.84 | 514.21±13.29 |
银白杨(P. alba) | 16.64±0.48 | 470.54±13.59 | 35.57±1.02 | 522.74±15.11 |
银灰杨(P. canescens) | 7.11±0.21 | 158.12±4.86 | 36.12±1.10 | 201.36±6.18 |
Tab. 5
Average biomass distribution of live poplar standing trees per unit area /(t·hm-2)"
树种 | 叶片 | 茎干 | 根系 | 总计 |
欧洲黑杨(P. nigra) | 5.46±0.23 | 118.32±5.07 | 40.09±1.71 | 163.77±7.14 |
苦杨(P. laurifolia) | 1.88±0.09 | 107.06±5.46 | 24.18±1.23 | 133.13±6.79 |
额尔齐斯河杂交杨(P. jrtyschensis) | 3.09±0.09 | 86.18±2.22 | 48.20±1.25 | 137.48±3.56 |
银白杨(P. alba) | 5.81±0.16 | 164.38±4.75 | 12.06±0.35 | 182.25±5.26 |
银灰杨(P. canescens) | 5.17±0.17 | 115.03±3.53 | 32.58±1.00 | 152.80±4.71 |
Tab. 6
Distribution of average nutrient reserves of standing trees in different poplar forests /(t·hm-2)"
树种 | C | N | P | K |
欧洲黑杨(P. nigra) | 77.98±3.34 | 0.97±0.04 | 0.28±0.01 | 1.27±0.05 |
苦杨(P. laurifolia) | 64.69±3.30 | 0.43±0.02 | 0.19±0.01 | 1.24±0.06 |
额尔齐斯河杂交杨(P. jrtyschensis) | 67.24±1.74 | 0.60±0.02 | 0.16±0.00 | 1.14±0.03 |
银白杨(P. alba) | 82.82±2.39 | 0.91±0.03 | 0.27±0.01 | 1.42±0.04 |
银灰杨(P. canescens) | 71.35±2.19 | 0.60±0.02 | 0.18±0.01 | 0.94±0.03 |
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