Arid Zone Research ›› 2021, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 1436-1441.doi: 10.13866/j.azr.2021.05.26
• Plant and Plant Physiology • Previous Articles Next Articles
LEI Chunying1,2(),JI Xiaomin1,2,PENG Muzhi1,2,JIANG Li3(
LEI Chunying,JI Xiaomin,PENG Muzhi,JIANG Li. Effects of sodium salinity stress types on the germination of Kalidium foliatum seeds and its young seedling growth[J].Arid Zone Research, 2021, 38(5): 1436-1441.
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Tab. 2
Effects of NaCl、Na2SO4、NaHCO3、Na2CO3 on final germination percentage and germination index of Kalidium foliatum"
盐浓度 /(mmol·L-1) | 最终萌发率/% | 萌发指数 | ||||||
NaCl | Na2SO4 | NaHCO3 | Na2CO3 | NaCl | Na2SO4 | NaHCO3 | Na2CO3 | |
0 | 86.0±1.2a | 87.0±1.0a | 87.0±1.0a | 87.0±1.0a | 72.4±1.1a | 73.6±0.9a | 72.9±0.7a | 72.7±0.6a |
100 | 84.0±1.0a | 85.0±1.9a | 76.0±2.3a | 66.0±2.0b | 70.5±0.3a | 69.4±1.6a | 59.3±1.3b | 48.7±0.9b |
200 | 81.0±0.0a | 63.0±3.0b | 59.0±1.0b | 43.0±5.0c | 57.6±0.9a | 47.1±2.0b | 42.6±0.6c | 25.6±2.4c |
300 | 60.0±3.2b | 43.0±6.0c | 39.0±2.5c | 16.0±2.8d | 39.6±2.1b | 24.1±3.7c | 26.1±1.8d | 8.7.0±1.4d |
400 | 36.0±5.9c | 22.0±1.2d | 19.0±1.9d | - | 21.4±4.3c | 13.9±0.4d | 12.0±1.4e | - |
600 | 5.0±3.0d | - | - | - | 3.4±2.0d | - | - | - |
800 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
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