水资源, 农业灌溉, 生态用水, 地下水, 合理利用,车尔臣河, 新疆," /> 水资源, 农业灌溉, 生态用水, 地下水, 合理利用,车尔臣河, 新疆,"/> The Qarqan River in Xinjiang and Its Water Resources Utilization

›› 2014, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (1): 20-26.

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The Qarqan River in Xinjiang and Its Water Resources Utilization

FAN Zi-li,XU Hai-liang,ZHANG Peng,ZHAO Xin-feng,Abudu Limijit,FU Jin-yi   

  1. Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, China
  • Received:2013-01-14 Revised:2013-02-01 Online:2014-01-15 Published:2014-02-28

Abstract: The Qarqin River is the largest river in the southeast Tarim Basin, and it is mainly fed by glaciersnow melt water and groundwater. Because of the regulation of the Kumukuli Basin and Tula Basin to runoff from the mountainous region in the upper reaches of the Qarqin River, the change of seasonal runoff volume was stable, the proportion of runoff volume of the Qarqin River in spring was as high as 29% of the total annual runoff volume, and the Qarqan River was one of the rivers with the highest proportion of spring runoff volume in Xinjiang. Such situation reveals that there is basically no shortage of farming irrigation water in the study area in spring. The proportions of farming irrigation water and water consumption for ecology were almost 50% of the total volume of water resources. There were no the large water conservancy projects along the Qarqan River yet. Groundwater level in the study area was still high and an obvious vegetation degeneration had not occurred yet although the oases were continuously expended in the past. Oasis expansion consumed large volume of water, and a certain volume of water had to be transferred from the Qarqan River to the Taitema Lake in recent few years. Therefore, large water conservancy projects should not be built along the Qarqan River so as to keep the original utilization pattern of water resources. Moreover, the 50% proportions of farming irrigation water and water consumption for the ecology should be continuously maintained. The study area is an ideal natural groundwater reservoir, because there was a huge pluvialalluvial fan in the debouchure area of the Qarqan River, and the leakage accounted for 30% of the runoff volume. Therefore, the water consumption for the economic development in the future should be dominated by groundwater.  

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